You Are Safe From Harm | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

You Are Safe From Harm | God Says

rest easy my child for I am vigilantly watching over you under my protective

Wings you are safe from harm my beloved child do not fear the

Terrors of the night nor the dangers that stalk by day do not Tremble When

troubling news reaches your ears or dread the illnesses that hide in

darkness I am your guardian Around the Clock my love and protection accompany

every step you take through moments of joy and Times of Sorrow from sunrise to sunset my

watchful eyes are fixed on you with love and care you are never alone on this

journey I will shield you from all harm and watch over your family members they

too are covered by my grace protected from accidents and shielded from danger

I promise my unwavering protection and provision at all times enjoy and sorrow

in Triumph and defeat through calm and storm I am at your side holding your

hand my provision for you is endless flowing like a river of blessings over

your life and your families I will prevent the adversaries attacks from reaching you neither Misfortune nor

scarcity will touch your home the schemes of the enemy will fail against you my boundless power will

thwart their plots forever nothing and no no one can snatch you from my

grasp walk by faith and in me you will find everything your soul Desires in

abundance persist in my word for it will illuminate your path in the darkness and

keep your foot from stumbling my word is the lamp that lights your way the compass that guides

you through Uncharted territories revealing profound truths and everlasting principles that lead to

peace and wisdom just trust in me for I will always be

cradling your heart and guiding your steps I will prevent any Misfortune from

befalling you even as you Traverse valleys of Shadows and walk paths shrouded in

darkness I will be your protector so be at peace do not fear the evils that may

lurk near your home or threaten your well-being and do not be intimidated by

unseen ailments remember in every Challenge and hardship

I Am with You providing the strength and security you need to forge ahead believe in me my beloved child

trust in my word I will steady your steps so that you may experience my

peace and Tranquility a blessing that surpasses all

understanding this peace will fill your being bringing calm and serenity even

amidst life storms remember no evil or disease will come

near you for my angels encircle you safeguarding you and your family my

wings of protection will wrap around you with unbreakable strength and my hands will support you

always so do not fear for I am your God

do not dread the Terrors of the night or the dangers that stalk during the day do

not be startled by unsettling news or the illnesses that hide in darkness

I am vigilantly watching over you at all hours Rest in Me My cherished one rely

on me and my promises let my steadfastness be your anchor in tumultuous times and my love The Refuge

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