Jesus Haters Will Skip This Video | God Message For You Today | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

Jesus Haters Will Skip This Video | God Message For You Today | Jesus Affirmations



my beloved

child in a Joyful Way I want you to

depend on me for everything many people

in the world may see dependence as a bad

thing and strive for Independence

instead you were made to need me all the

time though and you can find joy in that

when your actions are in line with my

intentions you reach your full potential

and enjoy life more Paul told Christians

that they should always be happy and

pray all the time you can always be

happy when I’m around I promised I would

never leave you or forsake you so feel

free to talk to me whenever you need to

I will listen and Care constant prayer

shows that you choose to depend on me

the person you pray to one more strong

way to depend on me is to study my word

and ask me to change you completely

through it you can live a happy life

life depending on me if you follow these

lovely disciplines let your joy grow as

you Delight in me more and more this

will bring honor to my name my name is

The Sovereign Lord and I am your

strength your weaknesses are very clear

to you and you know that your strengths

aren’t enough to handle life’s

challenges being aware of this may feel

uncomfortable but it’s actually a good

thing to be aware of realizing how much

you need me can push you to turn to me

who gives you strength when you’re with

me sometimes I give you a lot of energy

and other times I give you just enough

strength for the moment bit by bit to

keep you moving forward

slowly even though the abundance of

provision might be more exciting and

satisfying don’t be upset if I choose to

give you just enough strength for now

it’s how I stay close to you as you go

through life and lean on me you can hear

my Whispers which let you know I love

you because we are so close believe that

I The Sovereign Lord am in charge of

your life and that your path even though

it is hard is full of good things you

are mine because I called your name keep

in mind that you belong to me even if

you feel alone sometimes I bought you

back by paying the full price for your

sins there is nothing that can keep you

from feeling my love in the deepest way

possible I called you to myself touching

on every part of your heart and life I

written your name on the palms of my

hands because I love you so much when

things are going on in the world and

your own life feels unstable don’t think

about the things that are making you

stressed yes this world is full of

trouble but Jesus is with me and he is

in charge you should tell yourself this

but Jesus part changes everything in

your life take your mind off of your

problems and put it on me your eyes

always on me as you whisper but Jesus

many times during the day

I Want You To Worship me in the beauty

of being holy there’s a lot of Beauty in

your world but nothing is completely

holy but even the little you know about

how holy I am can make you worship me

you feel happy and amazed when you think

about how perfect I am not having any

sin at all say out loud with the angels

holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the

Earth is full of his glory real worship

changes you and shapes you into the

person I made you to be to worship me in

a real way you must read the Bible and

try to understand who I really am your

life will change as you learn more about

me and your beautiful worship of me will

bring me glory to my beloved child I

call you to joyfully depend on me and be

happy with the life I’ve given you let

my love that never fails be your

strength your safety and your source of


happiness keep your eyes on me because

I’m always keeping an eye on you I will

lead you along the path I have chosen

for you if you trust me you will find

peace that goes beyond understanding

even when life is

hard share this video with your

contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the Jesus affirmations

channel to stay connected with my


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