dear loved one do you remember times
when you were hesitant and couldn’t do
something the times you hid your wants
because you were afraid to tell your
parents about them or when you had a lot
of questions but were afraid to ask your
teacher because you didn’t want to look
stupid what about when the fear of
failing made you less interested in
trying new things dear one please keep
these fears from getting in the way of
of your relationship with both your
heavenly father and me we want you to
feel better when you’re with us imagine
if your own children didn’t tell you
what they wanted or didn’t ask for
advice because they were afraid it would
hurt their pride imagine that they are
afraid to go into Uncharted Territory
for fear that they will fail and let you
down take a moment to think about this
your dad and I have always shown how
much we love you a lot of good things
are still waiting to happen in your life
because you haven’t been brave enough to
ask a lot of treasures are still hidden
because you haven’t started the journey
to find them yet chances that were full
of Promise have passed you by because
you were afraid of missing out on
something child let yourself break free
from these limits you’ve put on yourself
bring us your wants your dreams your
questions and everything
else sincerely and without delay look
for us we want a close and deep
connection with you just like you want
that with your own children you can find
it by hearing my voice taking in what I
say and letting it lead you to act
always keep in mind that the way to our
love is to ask seek and knock without
fear let go of the doubts that are
holding you back and open yourself up to
the possibilities of our relationship we
want to stay in touch with you just like
you want to stay in touch with your kids
Let My Words sink in and may they give
you the strength to live a life filled
with our Everlasting
Love after seeing the amazing things I
did for the world a loyal scribe once
came up to me and said teacher I’m ready
to walk with you no matter where your
path leads I told him the truth saying
that I didn’t even have a place to rest
my head he understood what I meant by
what I said and knew that for me to
truly embrace my journey I would have to
give up the famili your Comforts and the
false sense of safety to follow me you
had to be brave enough to give up
everything you valued including your
status your possessions and the comfort
you were used to he chose to leave which
was a bad thing he really wanted to come
with me but he had to follow rules he
made up
himself share this video with your
contacts if you love me and also
subscribe to the Jesus affirmations
channel to stay connected with my voice