inspirational message from god today - Free AI Voice Generator

inspirational message from god today

my beloved child I want to tell you

something from my heart I want you to

know that as we begin this week a

wonderful transition is about to take

place in your life Miracles and several

benefits are headed your way

additionally they will provide you and

your family unlimited joy happiness and

peace believe with all your heart that

God’s favor will be upon you and that

you will will not have to struggle or

work hard to enjoy wealth in your life

whatever you’re stressing about put it

in God’s hands he cares for you and will

never leave you nor forsake you he will

make a way where there seems to be no

way he will turn your mourning into

dancing and your sorrow into Joy

the rest of this week will be

amazing for you according to God’s

promise prepare prep yourself for

amazing healing surprising possibilities

and blessings you never imagined

possible your financial condition will

significantly improve in the days to

come blessings that you never even

imagined were possible are coming from

God money will come into your life

naturally and you will experience

Financial comfort and prosperity type

for prosperity we often Define

ourselves by our accomplishments

possessions or what others say about us

but there is something far greater that

defines your deepest identity and worth

you are not what you do what you have or

what people say about you you are God’s

beloved child and he is well pleased

with you you are precious and honored in

his sight and he loves you with an

everlasting love love nothing can

separate you from his love and nothing

can stop his plans for your life so

Rejoice my beloved child and be glad for

the Lord your God is with you and he

will do great things for you he will

give you the desires of your heart and

he will fulfill his purpose for you he

will Crown you with Grace and glory and

he will make you a blessing to many he

will do EX exceedingly abundantly above

all that you ask or think according to

the power that works in you but keep in

mind my dear child that God’s benefits

extend beyond worldly Prosperity he is

the source of all goodness and he will

provide your past and present

significance and your future with hope

God will be your source of peace

strength and guidance even when faced

with difficult ulties Embrace God’s

promises with Thanksgiving and

confidence as you journey through the

year it’s easy to box God in to put

limits on what he can do and how far his

love can reach but our tiny imaginations

do not Define his mighty power God

Specializes in doing more than we could

ever ask or think God is bigger than

your past God is bigger than your pain

God is bigger than your anger God is

bigger than your fears God is bigger

than your scars God is bigger than your

insecurities God is bigger than your

sins God is bigger than your doubt he is

able to do immeasurably more than all we

ask or imagine according to his power

that is at work within us prepare

yourself for the unbelievable you will

get his blessings in ways that are are

unbelievable to you be ready to receive

the Wonders he has in store for you and

be certain of the depth of his love for

you never give up hope even when things

are challenging every negative

circumstance will be resolved because

God is at work on your behalf a stunning

turnaround in your life is just around

the corner trust in him and know that he

will fight your battle on your behalf

and this difficult Journey called life

is easy to feel isolated and

misunderstood but God wants you to know

this You are not alone my beloved child

you have a heavenly father who loves you

unconditionally and a spiritual family

who supports you Faithfully you have a

purpose and a destiny that God has

prepared for you before the foundation

of the world you have a future and a

hope that God has promised to you

through his word you have a joy and a

peace that God has given to you through

his spirit it’s easy to lose heart when

our best efforts fail or slam with

criticism but take comfort one thing

about God when he sees you trying he

will handle the rest he knows your heart

and your intentions and he will reward

you according to your faithfulness he

will not let you down nor will he

forsake you he will be your help and

your hope in times of trouble he will be

your joy and your Delight in times of

Celebration he will be your friend and

your father in all seasons of Life do

you ever wonder what’s in store for your

life down the road if you put your full

trust in God he has incredible blessings

waiting just around the corner know that

God is preparing countless benefits and

improvements for you as you proceed

through the days weeks and months ahead

in ways you never expected your life is

going to change for the better keep your

connection with him trust in his plan

and welcome the amazing things he has in

store for you if you believe in God

please like this video put your faith in

God’s love and the amazing things he has

planned for you in the future if you put

your trust in him his peace and wealth

will abound in your life type by trust

if you believe in God it’s easy to doubt

sometimes if God can really come through

for us God’s timing might be sooner than

you think be ready he is working behind

the scenes to bring you the best that he

has for you he is orchestrating

everything in your favor and he will

surprise you with his goodness and Grace

he is faithful and true and he will not

delay his promises he is able to do more

than you can ask or imagine and he will

exceed your expectations please join me

in saying the following prayer dear God

thank you for the blessings that will

change my life I know that you have

Wonder ful things in store for me in the

future and I entirely submit to your

will I need you to lead me give me

strength and open my eyes I’m prepared

to receive the abundance healing and

love that I deserve my family and I ask

for your Abundant Blessings in the form

of riches love and serenity God I

appreciate how much you love me and how

you say set Jesus to die on the cross

for my sins you have shown me unlimited

Grace love and kindness and I am

thankful I wish for Endless abundance to

be in my life amen to to God is making a

way for you stand back and see the

salvation of the Lord he is opening

doors that no one can shut and he is

closing doors that no one can open he is

making making crooked paths straight and

he is making rough places smooth he is

making streams in the dessert and he is

making Springs in the valley he is

making all things new and he is making

all things work together for your good

type to to two if you need God to open

doors for you many of us put our trust

in people who will eventually disappoint

us jobs relationships

and even our own abilities are

unreliable at times the only person I

depend on as God he never fails he is

faithful and reliable and he is always

on time he is my rock and my Fortress

and he is my refuge and my deliverer he

is my shepherd and my guide and he is my

comforter and my counselor he is my

healer and my provider

and he is my savior and my Lord he is my

everything and he is more than enough

Embrace this next season with

excitement and optimism because it is

Rich with numerous benefits and

unwavering love from your heavenly

father allow him to fill you with his

gifts and have faith in the Magnificent

opportunities that lie ahead Fai your

difficulties head on an appeal to God

for guidance he will guide you through

each trying circumstance offering you

wisdom and bringing you peace remember

that he is greater and more powerful

than anything you can conceive and put

your trust in his plan celebrate God’s

promises because he is wonderful plans

for your future accept the wealth

prosperity and healing he is delivering

into your life believe in his love and

know that he is fighting your battles

and giving peace to every storm while he

is constantly at your side type

to claim his promises it’s easy to

feel discouraged by opposition from

people or

circumstances however when God is for

you it doesn’t matter who is against you

he is your Defender and your protector

and he is your shield and your reward he

is your Advocate and your intercessor

and he is your friend and your father he

is your king and your judge and he is

your Alpha and your Omega he is the same

yesterday today and forever and he is

the one who loves you the most let me

pray for you dear heavenly father we

thank you for this opport opportunity to

gather together and hear your words of

blessing and promise for our lives we

thank you for your love that never fails

your grace that never runs out and your

power that never weakens we thank you

for your presence that never leaves your

peace that never ceases and your joy

that never Fades we praise you for who

you are the king of kings and the Lord

of lords the Alpha and the Omega the

beginning and the end you are the

creator of all things the sustainer of

all things and the Redeemer of all

things you are the god of Abraham Isaac

and Jacob the god of Israel and the god

of the whole earth you are our God and

we are your people we confess our sins

to you and we ask for your forgiveness

we repent of our pride our self

selfishness our Disobedience and our

unbelief we renounce the lies of the

enemy the lusts of the Flesh and the

idols of the world we turn from our

Wicked Ways and we turn to you with all

our hearts we ask you to cleanse Us by

the blood of Jesus and to fill us with

the Holy Spirit we declare our faith in

you and we affirm our trust in you we

believe believe that you are the only

true God and that Jesus Christ is your

only begotten son we believe that he

died on the cross for our sins and that

he rose from the dead on the third day

we believe that he ascended into heaven

and that he is coming back again we

believe that he is the way the truth and

the life and that no one comes to you

except through him we receive your BL

blessings for our lives and we claim

your promises for our future we receive

your healing for our bodies your

provision for our needs and your

protection for our families we claim

your wisdom for our decisions your

guidance for our steps and your favor

for our endeavors we receive your

abundance for our finances your Harmony

for our relationships and your purpose

for our calling

we pray for your will to be done and

your kingdom to come we pray for your

glory to be revealed and your name to be

exalted we pray for your gospel to be

preached and your church to be built we

pray for your salvation to be received

and your disciples to be made we pray

for your Justice to be established and

your righteousness to be Appel we thank

you for for hearing our prayer and we

thank you for answering our prayer we

thank you for your faithfulness your

goodness and your mercy we thank you for

your grace your love and your peace we

thank you for your presence your power

and your glory we pray all these things

in the name of Jesus our lord and savior

amen before you go surrender your

worries in the comment below God sees it

and he has a wonderful plan for you

God’s Promises

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