you will never have the chance to hug me
in heaven if you miss this message hello
my beloved child I have an important
message for you today and I hope you
will listen carefully this video could
change your life and your Eternal
Destiny you see not everyone who calls
out to me Lord Lord will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven only those who
actually do the will of my father in
heaven will enter on Judgment Day many
will say to me Lord Lord we prophesied
in your name and cast out demons in your
name and performed miracles in your name
but I will reply I never knew you get
away from me you who break God’s laws
these people stood up to the Lord with
confidence and were shocked and they
were rejected they thought they were
doing good things in my name but they
were actually disobey my commands and
living in sin they did not have a
personal relationship with me they did
not have the presence of God within them
my child I don’t want you to be one of
those people I want you to be with me in
heaven where you will experience joy and
peace forever I want you to hug me and
hear me say Well done good and faithful
servant but you can only do that if you
follow me and obey me you can only do
that if you have the presence of God in
your heart how can you have the presence
of God In Your Heart by repenting of
your sins and trusting in me as your
Lord and Savior by inviting me to come
into your life and fill you with my Holy
Spirit by reading my word and praying to
me every day by by loving me and loving
others as yourself by doing the will of
my Father in Heaven my child this is the
most important decision you will ever
make don’t skip this video don’t ignore
this message don’t delay this moment
today is the day of salvation now is the
time to accept my offer of grace and
mercy now is the time to receive my love
and forgiveness now is the time to have
the presence of God in your heart if you
are ready to do that please repeat this
prayer after me Lord Jesus I confess
that I am a sinner and I need your
salvation I believe that you died on the
cross for my sins and rose again from
the dead I ask you to forgive me and
cleanse me from all unrighteousness I
invite you to come into my heart heart
and be my Lord and Savior I Surrender my
life to you and I commit to follow you
and Obey you I thank you for your grace
and mercy I thank you for your love and
forgiveness I thank you for your
presence and power I thank you for your
gift of eternal life amen if you prayed
that prayer sincerely
congratulations you have just made the
best decision of your life you have just
become a child of God you have just
received the presence of God in your
heart you have just secured your place
in heaven but that’s not the end of the
story that’s just the beginning now you
need to grow in your faith and walk with
me every day you need to find a good
church where you can worship me and
learn from my word you need to share
your Tes testimony with others and
invite them to know me too you need to
live a life that honors me and glorifies
me my child I am so proud of you and I
am so happy for you I love you with an
everlasting love and I will never leave
you nor forsake you I will be with you
always even to the end of the age I will
guide you and protect you I will bless
you and use you I will comfort you and
heal you I will fulfill your dreams and
desires I will give you hope and joy I
will make you more than a conqueror I
will make you a masterpiece my child you
are my beloved and I am yours nothing
can separate you from my love nothing
can snatch you from my hand nothing can
stop my plan for your life nothing can
prevent my return for for you I am
coming soon to take you home with me I
am coming soon to hug you in heaven are
you ready for that day my child are you
excited for that day my child are you
longing for that day my child if you are
please type Amen in the comments below
let me know that you have the presence
of God in your heart let me know that
you are looking forward to seeing me
face to face let be know that you are my
beloved child and please share this
video with your friends and family help
me spread the good news of my love and
salvation help me reach more people with
my message of Hope and Grace help me
bring more souls into my kingdom thank
you my child for watching this video
thank you my child
for listening to my voice thank you my
child for responding to my call I love
you my child I bless you my child I am
with you my child until we meet again my
child until we hug in heaven my child
your lord and savior