I Am The Unchanging God of Promises | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

I Am The Unchanging God of Promises | God Message Today

[Music] listen my beloved child for I am the

unchanging God of promises my statements never waver and all my promises are

consistently fulfilled the Privileges you’ve yearned for with endurance are becoming a certainty as I regard you

steadfast in your faith expressing gratitude amidst the world’s woes I

guarantee you that the eagerly anticipated blessing is promptly approaching take my Assurance you will

shortly hold it in your hands waving farewell to all anxiety and distress you

have invested your trust in my word and from the moment I heard your voice and heartfelt appeals I initiated the

reaction your soul so keenly desires some grow disheartened expecting an

immediate answer to their prayers yet my tactics are not always immediate for I

Savor bringing about transformations in your life I sculpt your nature with wisdom

organizing every detail to ensure the anticipated blessing doesn’t become a nuisance at times you ask what you need

but be confident I am the god who grants remarkably more than what is sought I

regard your future and the health of your family wishing that your blessings usher in not sadness or tension but only

peace and unbounded joy our alliance is imprinted in your heart and mind your

sins are pardoned and remembered no further find solace in my presence for at my

altar you shall find mending boundless strength and the realization of your faith as you calmly await the

achievement of my promises eliminate bitter complaints from your heart and eject doubt from your mind do not regard

the tongues that mock your faith if you ever grow exhausted and anxiety revisits

simply call upon me and I will supply you with the fortitude to endure I will

grant you the gift of patience ensuring your sentiments remain undisturbed you shall obtain Prudence to control your

tongue so that No Reckless words spill from your lips to grieve my heart I

confer great blessings upon your life with love and tenderness much like a father or mother cultivating their

precious child I only wish that you be grateful and never dare to claim

anything with pride and arrogance there are many in this world who disregard me

but I may maintain patience and anticipate them with love they may raise their voices and experiment with fire

but it is a Dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a living God I understand you experience frustration because

things don’t always proceed as planned nevertheless this shall constantly be the way you pray I reply you strive

conflicts and adversaries emerge suddenly to challenge you there are barriers and it may appear like my

response is postponed however I will enlighten your spiritual eyes demonstrating that the circumstance is

not as you perceive it your blessing is immediately before you waiting but you

must proceed without looking back abandoning any feelings and thoughts that immobilize you if you aspire to be

blessed you must be examined I aspire to see courage in your heart and scrutinize

your reaction when your expectations are unmet what will you utter will you

continue to wait with joy in your heart without murmuring or will bitterness engulf you wasting your

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