my beloved child do not simply scroll
past this moment for I have a message
tailored just for
you listen closely for in these words
you will find Solace and strength when
life’s burdens weigh heavily upon you
remember I am here I see every tear that
falls and each one is precious to me
collected in my bottle held close to my
heart though the pain May seem
unbearable know that I am with you
through every trial I will not abandon
you I will never
fail you even when you feel surrounded
by Darkness I am the light that guides
your path trust in me for I Am The
Anchor in the storm the Steady Hand that
lifts you up your worship even in the
midst of hardship is a sweet fragrance
to my ears it connects your heart to
mine forging a bond that cannot be
broken today hear my voice speaking
directly to your soul do not cease in
your worship for in it you find strength
the challenges you face are not the end
of your story but the beginning of
something wondrous that I am preparing
for you as you watch and listen let your
heart be open to my presence I speak not
only through these words but through the
quiet whisper in your your spirit
receive my love my child and let it
sustain you through every trial I am
here and I will never leave you my
beloved there are seasons in your life
where the old must give way to the new I
am orchestrating a Divine exchange where
what has been lost or broken will be
restored Beyond Your Wildest Dream
consider to this the bridges that are
burning around you are not signs of
Destruction but of preparation I am
clearing the path before you making room
for the new beginnings I have promised
the Warfare you are encountering is
evidence that you are on the verge of
breakthrough do not be disheartened by
the endings you are witnessing for they
are making space for my miraculous work
in your life what seems like a setback
is actually a set up for a Divine
comeback trust in my timing for I am
preparing to unveil something wonderful
in your midst know this dear one I am in
the business of restoration the promises
I have spoken over your life are not
empty they are bursting forth with life
and vitality watch as I Breathe new life
into dead places resurrecting dreams and
aspirations that you thought were
lost Rejoice for I restoring you
like never before the wounds of the past
are being healed the chains that once
bound you are falling away my grace is
sufficient for you and my power is made
perfect in your
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