I am Healing Your Body Now Powerful Prayers for Healing in your body | God Message Today | Daily Prayer - Free AI Voice Generator

I am Healing Your Body Now Powerful Prayers for Healing in your body | God Message Today | Daily Prayer

hello and welcome in today’s session

we’re diving into powerful prayers for

healing it’s been on my heart for some

time as we’ve received numerous requests

for healing from sickness I’ve been

waiting on God’s guidance and I’m ready

to step into it with faith I’m expectant

believing that Miracles are going to

happen so I encourage you to join me

with expectancy trust in the goodness of

King Jesus who is always in the business

of transforming lives and setting people

people free let’s not delay any further

get ready to pray and believe for your

breakthrough and remember don’t give up

keep believing until you receive your

Miracle let’s begin by lifting up the

name of Jesus together God is a good God

and he wants to bless you he’s amazing

and I am so happy I’m excited because I

know that today someone is going to get

healed someone is going to receive their

breakthrough someone is going to receive

their miracle from the Living God

hallelujah today we’re going to be

praying powerful prayers so that you can

receive your healing this is something

that I’ve wanted to do for a long time

because we’ve received a lot of messages

and prayer requests regarding healing

from sickness and I’ve just been waiting

on God because I believe that whatever

we do as ministers we should follow the

leading of the holy spirit so I’ve been

waiting on God and I feel the power I

feel God giving me the go-ahead to do

this so I’m ready I hope you’re ready

and I just know like I know like I know

that someone’s going to receive a

miracle I am expectant I’m expecting for

miracles and I want to encourage you my

friend be expectant trust and believe

that King Jesus will do something for

you he’s amazing and he’s always doing

amazing things for people he’s in the

business of changing lives he’s in the

business of setting people free all you

have to do is trust and believe in him

and he will do it in your life without

any further delay let’s get into it

let’s begin to pray so that Jesus may do

something in your life and I want to

encourage you feel free to download this

video play it over and over again until

you receive your Miracle play it and

just continue to believe and I tell you

you will receive your miracle if you

don’t testify on the first time you play

this video it will happen on the second

time or the third time or the fourth

time but the key to you receiving is

that you don’t give up you don’t stop

keep going until you receive your

Miracle Hallelujah without any further

delay let’s begin you know how it works

on this channel my friend we always

start by lifting up the name of Jesus

just begin to lift up the name of Jesus

wherever you are begin to lift up the

name of Jesus let us just begin to

praise him take your tablet take your

device go somewhere private where you

can pray freely and let us begin to

praise the name of Jesus let us begin to

to lift up his name in our own words

Hallelujah are you there let’s go father

you are the alpha and the Omega you are

the beginning and the end you are the

all-c consuming fire you are worthy of

all praise you are worthy to be lifted

up you deserve the glory you deserve the

honor you deserve the praise you deserve

to be lifted up you are the one who

supplies for us you are the one who

heals us you are the one who delivers us

you are the one who sets us free you are

the one who comes through for us Lord

when we are in trouble we run to you and

you are the one who comes through and

helps us you help us to get out of our

problems You Deliver Us from all our

problems you set us free and we receive

our breakthrough through you because you

are a good God you are a wonderful God

and Lord I Thank You for Your Presence

that’s in this place right now I thank

you because I feel your presence I feel

your power and I thank you that that

presence is going to overshadow my dear

friend who’s watching this video right

now like a blanket like a comforting

blanket right now in the name of Jesus I

thank you Lord for your presence in

Jesus name Hallelujah I feel the power

my friend I know that God is doing

something I know that God is moving I

know that the spirit of the Living God

is here it is time to pray I want you to

do something if you’re sick in your body

take your hand and put your hand over

wherever you are sick we’ll begin to

pray and God will do something amazing

right now in the name of Jesus Christ I

command every arrow of Witchcraft in

your life to come out with all its roots

in the name of Jesus in the mighty name

of Jesus Christ I command every arrow of

Witchcraft Satanism attack against your

life to come out now with all its roots

in the name of Jesus every load of

infirmity planted by the enemy come out

of my dear friend now my dear friend

who’s watching this video my dear

brother my dear sister come out of them

now in the name of Jesus and enter them

no more in the name of Jesus Christ my

dear friend who’s watching this video do

you think that the enemy has been

attacking you in any way has there been

a load of infirmity that has been

planted by the enemy in your life right

now I command that evil load of

infirmity to come out of your life right

now in the name of Jesus to release you

in the name of Jesus in the mighty name

of Jesus Christ Christ father I pray by

the power in the name of Jesus Lord let

every negative material that has gone

into the blood of my dear friend who’s

watching this video be flushed out now

by fire and by force father I pray this

in the name of Jesus let the blood of

Jesus be injected into your blood right

now and clean up and remove every evil

of infirmity that is causing you to be

sick in the name of Jesus Christ in the

mighty name of Jesus Christ father I

pray for Holy SP Spirit fire to burn

from the top of my dear friend’s head to

the bottom of my dear friend’s feet and

burn away every evil that is causing the

problem that is causing my dear friend

to be sick I pray this in the name of

Jesus I command every agent of disease

that is lingering in your blood to

release you right now in the name of

Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

father let the blood of my dear friend

watching this video reject every foreign

entity cause the blood of my my friend

who’s watching this video to reject

every evil foreign entity that’s trying

to cause them to be sick let it be

flushed out of this stream right now in

the name of Jesus Christ in the mighty

name of Jesus Christ blood of Jesus

bring deliverance and healing in the

life of my dear friend who’s watching

this video in the mighty name of Jesus

even as I apply the blood of Jesus over

my dear friend who’s watching this video

let the blood of Jesus bring deliverance

and healing in the life of my dear

friend who’s watching this video I apply

the blood of Jesus over you in the name

of Jesus Christ I release creative

Miracles creative healing over you now

in the name of Jesus Christ right now my

friend I want you to do something begin

to apply the blood of Jesus over your

life over your family members over your

property over your pets over your career

and over anything that concerns you let

us begin right now father in the name of

Jesus I apply the blood of Jesus over my

life I apply the blood of Jesus over my

family members I apply the blood of

Jesus over my property I apply the blood

of Jesus over my pets I apply the blood

of Jesus over my career and anything

that concerns me in the name of Jesus

Christ where is it that you need the

blood of Jesus to be applied apply the

blood of Jesus and as the blood of Jesus

is applied over that are area God will

bring Deliverance as the blood of Jesus

is applied over that area God will bring

Deliverance God will bring Divine

Deliverance you will see a change in

your situation in the name of Jesus

Christ oh Lord let your hand of fire be

stretched out upon my dear friend who’s

watching this video right now let your

hand of fire burn away every evil spirit

that is causing sickness that is causing

disease that is causing infirmity I pray

in the name of Jesus

let every evil spirit of infirmity be

roasted now by the fire of the Holy

Spirit In The Name of Jesus in the

mighty name of Jesus Lord release

Miracles Divine Miracles creative

miracles in the life of my dear friend

who’s watching this video in the life of

my brother in the life of my sister Lord

Jesus that they may know that you are

the true Son of God right now in the

name of Jesus Christ be delivered from

every oppression possession and attack

on your Health in the mighty name of

Jesus Christ right now I dismantle every

weapon that has been fashioned against

you and I condemn every word that has

risen against you in judgment in the

name of Jesus Christ I decree and

declare that you are free glory to God I

decree and declare that you are free to

soar on wings like eagles in the name of

Jesus Christ you are going to another

level you’re going to another level now

in the name of Jesus your life life will

never be the same again your life is

changed forever more in the name of

Jesus Christ right now let all the

organs of your body be released from

every evil altar of bewitchment in the

name of Jesus right now in the name of

Jesus let all your organs be released

from every evil altar of bewitchment in

the name of Jesus I command every demon

that is oppressing you to release you

right now in the mighty name of Jesus

Christ in the mighty name of Jesus

Christ and I bind up that demon in the

name of Jesus and I strip it of all its

powers in the name of Jesus I decree and

declare according to job

that demons shall not attack you

again it shall not cause problems for

you again you are delivered permanently

in the name of Jesus you are delivered

permanently in the name of Jesus

hallelujah thank you Jesus thank the

Lord for the complete deliverance thank

the Lord for the finished work of the

Cross begin to thank the Lord say Lord I

Thank you Lord for my healing by the

finished work of the cross that you

finished it all on Calvary and I thank

you Lord that I reive Divine life even

as you Rose again Lord that I receive

life in my body right now in the name of

Jesus Christ Hallelujah my dear friend

now I want to tell you something I’ve

seen some people receive on the first

time they receive it so easily

they take the healing and they come back

with the testimony but what I’ve noticed

is for some people it takes a bit of a

process so if you haven’t yet received

your Miracle just download this video

continue to play it over and over again

even when you sleep play this video

quietly that it’ll be playing in the

background so that you can receive your

deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ

thank you for joining us in this

powerful time of prayer for healing I

believe with all my heart that someone

is is going to receive a miracle today

remember keep believing and don’t give

up if you haven’t received your Miracle

yet continue to play this video and

Trust in the power of Jesus he is always

faithful to his promises until next time

May the peace and blessings of God be

with you always Amen in saying that we

come to the end of this video God bless

you God keep you God make his face shine

upon you and be gracious to you until we

meet again next time goodbye say thanks

to God for everything he gives you type

amen if you love God and must subscribe

this channel for God Message Today

and prayers thank you for watching

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