Jesus says: I Don't Want To Leave You, My Child | Jesus Talk | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

Jesus says: I Don’t Want To Leave You, My Child | Jesus Talk | God Message



Jesus my beloved child always remember

that you have the power to choose

whether to focus on your flaws or seek

my face and revel in my approval begin

any significant task with a simple

prayer I Seek You

Jesus understand that my love for you

stems from the sacrifice on the cross so

there’s no need to earn it be true to

yourself and let Gra attitude keep you

close to me guiding you willingly

wherever I

lead I rejoice in your happiness and my

eyes are fixed on those who place their

hope in my unchanging love holding on to

hope is crucial for a fulfilling life

but be Discerning in what you hope for

my never-ending love is undoubtedly the

best choice an unwavering source that

nothing can separate you from since the

day you put your faith in me embrace my

peace by following my Divine rules

knowing knowing that my eyes are

especially focused on those who trust in

me I watch over and bless them in both

good and challenging times hold on to

your Hope by relying on my perfect love

always keep your gaze upon me for I am

continually Watching Over You amen dear

one I’ve done many wonderful things for

you and I desire to fill your heart with

such joy that it hurts reflect on all

I’ve done find pleasure in my goodness

and take comfort in the fact that I am

right beside you cradling your soul in

the arms of my Everlasting

Love Take Time on this journey and don’t

rush through life like a child tearing

open presents on Christmas morning each

day is a gift from me and I treasure the

moments we share seek me not only in

good times but also when challenges

arise my happiness is sufficient for any

situation bringing you deep and Lasting

joy that holds on to me for strength

allow time and courage to accept the

happiness I

offer dear one one your restless mind

can find rest in me I am your last hope

providing true happiness and renewal

when your mind races heed my call to

come to me the only safe place for your

mind to find genuine happiness make time

to think about me whisper my name and

wait in my holy

presence you stand on Holy Ground a

place where your mind and spirit can

find Solace I am the source of true hope

distinguish it from false hope that

abounds in the world world as you walk

the paths of Hope many voices will call

out to you each claiming this is the way

be smart and aware focusing on me to

grow true hope within you in my peaceful

presence you’ll find the power to reach

New Heights and embark on a glorious

Journey with me though the path may seem

challenging remember that I am always by

your side offering advice and helping

you navigate the steep hills and cliffs

your journey with me may be difficult at

times but it is not merely a test of

endurance share this video with your ten

contacts if you love me and subscribe to

the Jesus talk channel to stay connected

with my



1 thought on “Jesus says: I Don’t Want To Leave You, My Child | Jesus Talk | God Message”

  1. I’d rather seek you Lord. With gratitude, i thank you for your sacrifice on the cross. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Please fill my heart with joy, peace, courage and your ultimate love. I have an unwavering faith, trust in you, Father. I need you always to guide me especially on my journey.
    Thank you so much for all blessings you bestowed on me, Lord. Amen


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