Jesus my beloved
child always remember that my presence
can turn even the most challenging
climbs into enjoyable
Journeys be attentive to the pleasures
I’ve prepared for you and take moments
to savor my company while you might
associate Heights solely with mountain
peaks consider how far you’ve already
ascended you’re standing on a high spot
pause calm your heart and gaze lovingly
at me my presence surrounds you with
beauty embrace the hope I offer and
you’ll find
Solace as a Christian you were born with
the hope of Heaven A promise that brings
Abundant Blessings into your life
however nurturing this hope requires
participation follow Paul’s teachings
persist until you reach your goal and
live up to what you’ve accomplished
cling to the Heavenly hope and receive
the gift of encouragement bestowed
freely when you reflect on what I have
done am doing and will do for you
beloved I am Emmanuel God With You and I
enough trusting in my sufficiency
becomes more challenging during
difficult times when your mind races for
Solutions combat mental exhaustion by
reminding yourself that I am always with
you even in adversity choose to find joy
in me declaring that I am enough this
Supernatural work facilitated by my
spirit within you is a daily Choice opt
for happiness in me your savior as I am
truly enough temporarily set aside your
problems Envision standing on a beach
and see your worries as Pebbles each
Pebble represents concerns about
yourself family friends and the world
delve into my presence and experience
unwavering love say Jesus I Choose You
Drawing Near to me through prayer during
times of trouble cultivate this habit
repeatedly to stay close to me on life’s
journey finding Joy even in moments of
pain recognize that problems endured
with perseverance and trust in me can
build character and Foster hope in a
world seeking quick fixes your
steadfastness will make you more
Christlike while facing hardships in
today’s World follow my spirit
Faithfully anticipate a future where
problems no longer exist and your
transformed character becomes a blessing
to yourself and others share this video
with your contacts if you love me and
subscribe to the Jesus talk channel to
stay connected with my
I need your protection oh lord jesus.