DONT SKIP MY CHILD THIS IS FOR YOU #prayer - Free AI Voice Generator


this is a minutes powerful prayer for

deliverance if you believe in the power

of prayer this is for you and pass this

onto someone who needs it heavenly

father I come before you on behalf of

anyone reading this prayer seeking

deliverance and Liberation from any

chains that may bind them your word

declares that where the spirit of the

Lord is there is freedom I pray that

your spirit would move mightily in the

lives of those who seek Deliverance in

the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke any

oppressive forces chains of bondage and

spiritual strongholds that may be

hindering their freedom I declare the

power of the blood of Jesus to break

every chain and the authority of his

name to set the captives free Lord I ask

that you release your healing and

deliverance upon each person whether it

be from addictions fears anxieties past

traumas or any other form of Oppression

I pray for complete Liberation I declare

the truth of your word that whom the sun

sets free is free indeed let your light

shine into the darkest places of their

hearts bringing healing and restoration

fill them with the power of your Holy

Spirit empowering them to walk in the

freedom that Christ has provided

surround them with your angels

protecting them from the schemes of the

enemy grant them discernment to

recognize the tactics of the enemy and

the wisdom to resist I also pray for a

support system for each person seeking

Deliverance friends family and manners

who can walk alongside them in their

journey to Freedom Lord your word

promises that if we confess our sins you

are faithful and just to forgive us and

cleanse us from all unrighteousness I

pray that those seeking Deliverance

would come before you with contrite

Hearts confessing their sins and

receiving your forgiveness may your

grace abound in their lives and may they

experience the true Freedom that comes

from a relationship with you in Jesus

name I pray amen

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