my dear precious child I speak to you now with infinite love and compassion

knowing the pain and turmoil in your heart as you contemplate this final decision you believe will end things I

see your anguish your weariness your feeling that you’ve reached the end of your rope but I want you to listen

closely to my words for I have a message of Hope and Truth to share with you

first know that you are deeply and unconditionally Loved Before you were

formed in the womb I knew you I knit you together with my own hands breathing my

spirit into you and imbuing you with a Divine spark that can never be extinguished you are fearfully and

wonderfully made a masterpiece Beyond Compare there has never been nor will

there ever be another Soul quite like yours you are utterly unique and

irreplaceable in my eyes I understand that right now you you feel broken Beyond repair the burdens you carry seem

too heavy the obstacles too great to overcome you’ve been battling for so

long and you’re exhausted in Body Mind and Spirit the darkness

pressing in around you feels suffocating and you can’t see any light ahead you

think that ending it all is the only way to find peace to escape the pain that

haunts you day and night but my child I implore you to reconsider this final decision you

contemplate is not the answer it is not truly final nor is it a decision that

aligns with my will for your life you see only a fraction of the picture a

mere sliver of the vast tapestry I am weaving your story is far from over in

fact the most beautiful chapters May yet be Unwritten remember that I am the god

of second chances of new beginnings of resurrection and Redemption no matter

how far you’ve Fallen how much you’ve struggled or how hopeless things appear

I can make all things new I specialize in bringing beauty from ashes in

restoring that which was lost in breathing life into Dry Bones there is

no pit so deep that my love cannot reach you no night so dark that my light

cannot penetrate I know you feel alone but you are never truly alone I Am With

You Always even to the end of the age when you walk through the waters I will

be with you when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not

be burned the Flames will not set you Ablaze I am your refuge in strength and

everpresent help in trouble my child your life has immense value and purpose

you may not see it it right now but your presence in this world matters more than you can possibly

imagine the Ripple effects of your existence touch countless lives in ways you’ll never fully comprehend this side

of Eternity there are people who need you lives you are destined to impact a

calling only you can fulfill I have plans for you plans to prosper you and

not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future the enemy woul

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