my dear child I want you to know that my love for you is boundless and eternal no

matter how many times you stumble or how far you may stray I am always here to welcome you back with open arms my love

for you is not based on your performance or achievements but on the simple fact

that you are my beloved creation when life’s challenges weigh

heavily upon you remember that you are not alone I am with you every step of

the way ready to provide strength comfort and guidance I can make a way for you even

when there seems to be no way forward trust in my power to transform your circumstances and lead you to a

place of peace and abundance as you gather here listening with other believers in holy Fellowship

my presence will be made manifest among you in these sacred moments you will

experience my love and grace in profound ways mirac will happen wisdom will be

imparted and prayers will be answered these gatherings are essential for the growth and development of your faith so

make them a priority in your life remember the story of David who faced

the Giant Goliath with nothing but a sling and a few Stones despite the odds stacked against

him David trusted in my power to deliver him from his enemy in the same way when you face

Giants in your own life whether they be Financial struggles health issues or relational conflicts know that I am with

you and will give you the victory as you continue to mature in your faith be aware that the enemy will

try to hinder your progress and keep you from fulfilling your god-given

destiny you will encounter trials and challenges designed to make you stumble but do not be afraid for I have

overcome the world and my power is greater than any scheme of the enemy in

these moments of testing it may be tempting to turn back or give up on your Journey of Faith but I urge you to press

on even when the path ahead seems difficult or uncertain just as the Apostle Paul

endured hardships and sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel you too may be called to lay down certain things in order to

follow me more fully trust that I will give you the grace and strength you need to

persevere my child I have a great plan and purpose for your

life I desire to take you places you’ve never been and show you unimaginable

things I want to see you flourish and Thrive living out the Abundant Life I have in mind for you so cling tightly to

me and do not let go let my love be the anchor for your soul holding you steady

in the midst of life’s storms when you feel weak I will be your strength

when you are confused I will be your wisdom when you are afraid I will be

your courage and when you are alone I will be your everpresent

companion my love for you is fierce and unyielding and nothing can ever separate you from it be encouraged today knowing

that you are cherished beyond measure you are my beloved child and I Delight

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