God Says: Rise Above Betrayal | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Rise Above Betrayal | God Message Today

my precious child on this day I come to you with a message from the depths of my

being a message overflowing with my unconditional and everlasting love for

you I desire for my voice to pierce through the veil of time and space to resonate within the inner chambers of

your spirit incline your ear to hear and open your heart to receive the outpouring of my unmar favor and

affection that I lavish upon you know this truth that no matter the troubles

you may walk through I will work all things together for your good release

your grip on the regrets and anxieties of the past quiet your soul before me

and listen intently you will hear my gentle whisper speaking Faithfully to

you I sing over you Melodies of joy and peace powerful Ballads of my grace and

mercy even in the darkest night my song of Love rings out calling your name

beckoning you into my comforting arms trust in my affection Rest In My Embrace

abide in the shadow of my wings and you will find shelter from Every Storm I am

your home I am your Haven I am your Good Shepherd and I will lead you to Still

Waters and Green Pastures From This Moment On I take up residence within you infusing the depths

of your spirit with my my unconditional love unending Grace and bountiful blessings my precious one my love for

you transcends human comprehension it is vaster than the heavens and deeper than the sea know

with unwavering certainty that there is absolutely nothing you could do to diminish my devotion or cause me to

forsake you return to me my child for I am calling to your heart though times

come when you feel far from my presence I see you I know you I understand all

that you face in this trying world I am intimately acquainted with every

struggle each Temptation that entices every stumble and misstep along the way

for I too walk the dusty roads of Earth and face the Sinister Allure Of Darkness

but my light now shines undimmed within you an eternal flame no Shadow can

extinguish come find rest for your soul in my presence nourishment for your spirit at my table my arms remain open

wide to welcome you home lay down the burdens you carry release the Sorrows that weigh you down unload your regrets

and disappointments at the foot of my cross exchanging ashes for beauty

mourning for Joy I understand the difficulties you face the seasons of

hardship and heartache I see the wounds and scars left by those who have hurt or failed you turn these pains over to me

and I will transform them into pearls of wisdom and badges of Honor listen closely and you will hear my voice

Whispering Words of Life hope and healing listen deeply and you will feel

my presence stirring within binding up Brokenness releasing you from shackles

of shame or fear I make all things new I make you new reshaping you into my image

though Shadows seek to entice you a radiant way Still Remains awaiting your return no matter how far you wander no

matter how lost you feel I am near beckoning you home my arms are open wide

to welcome you to speak words of Pardon and peace over your life I long to show you a way abounding with Grace a Life of

purpose and fulfillment pause and carefully consider the road you now travel reflect on the

choices before you and Choose Wisely the alluring pleasures of sin ultimately breed only sorrow and

emptiness the enticements of Darkness leave the Soul Barren and wanting but my

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