IT'S SHOCKING - THE HOLY SPIRIT | God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

IT’S SHOCKING – THE HOLY SPIRIT | God message jesus | God Tells |

my beloved

child from the depths of Eternity I have

known you and cherished

you before the foundations of the world

were laid I had already chosen you to be

mine you are not an accident or an

afterthought but a precious and integral

part of my grand

design I have called you to a life of

adventure purpose and impact the desires

I have placed within you the longing to

explore to create

to challenge the status

quo these are not random quirks or

character flaws they are Clues to your

god-given identity and

Destiny embrace them for they are

glimpses of the unique role I have

crafted for you in advancing my

kingdom you may have felt out of place

misunderstood or even ostracized for

your bold spirit and unconventional ways

but know this I have intentionally

fashioned you to be a trailblazer a

Visionary a catalyst for change your

willingness to be different to defy

limitations and to persevere in the face


opposition these are the very qualities

that set you apart as one of my chosen

ones when others see obstacles you see

opportunities when others are content

with the status quo you are restless for

more this holy discontent is a gift a

Divine stirring that propels you to

dream bigger to reach higher to impact

more life lives for my glory do not

suppress or apologize for this god-given

drive but Steward it with humility and

wisdom as an apostle a sent one you are

called to venture into Uncharted

territories both spiritually and

physically your heart comes alive at the

prospect of New Frontiers new challenges

new souls to reach this is no accident

but a sacred calling to be a pioneering

force in My Kingdom embrace the Journey

even when it leads you outside your

comfort zone your Apostolic gifting is

not about personal Glory or ego but

about serving and empowering others you

are called to be a spiritual father or

mother a mentor and equipper of the Next

Generation pour into others with the

same passion and intentionality that I

pour into you raise up others who will

carry the torch of Faith long after you

are gone as you step into your Apostolic

calling expect opposition and spiritual

warfare the enemy fears the impact you

will make for my kingdom and he will

stop at nothing to discourage distract

or derail you but remember my child that

I have armed you with Divine Authority

and Supernatural strength no weapon

formed against you shall prosper and no

foe shall stand against the anointing on


life when you face trials and setbacks

do not lose heart these are are

opportunities for me to shape your

character to deepen your faith and to

demonstrate my

faithfulness lean into me and let my

grace sustain you draw from the

Wellspring of my love and let it

overflow to those around you as an

apostle you are not called to walk alone

but to be part of a

community I will strategically place you

in a Community of Faith alongside other

gifted ones who will complement your

strengths and compensate for your

weaknesses embrace the power of

collaboration for together you will

accomplish far more than you ever could

alone your Apostolic calling is not a

one-time event but a lifelong journey of

growth Discovery and

impact keep your heart tender and your

ears attuned to my voice be willing to

adapt and evolve as I lead you into New


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