Today I Will Touch Your Life , God Message Today ,God Message For You Today , God Message Now - Free AI Voice Generator

Today I Will Touch Your Life , God Message Today ,God Message For You Today , God Message Now

as you hear my words and let my message become a part of you trying times are fading and

better days lie ahead the challenging moments are nearing their end and you

can trust that your heavenly father will always Stand By Your Side life may bring trials challenges

and situations that dim the once bright flame of faith in your heart my desire is for your faith to

shine with fervor and compassion remember that your spirit motivation and

desire to live are gifts from my love it’s time to return to the path of Hope

nourishing your spirit with my promises and truths even as you walk through dark

valleys fear no evil for I will always be with you guiding urging you to

overcome obstacles protecting your aspirations and helping you achieve your

dreams this world is filled with hardships but trust in me for I have

overcome pain I hold the keys to life and I want you to live it with great joy your

Victory one after another is my will may your future be filled with success and

blessings and may you never face defeat do not forget these words for as you

become happier and more blessed Envy may try to witness your

downfall it’s a law of the supernatural life I am here to up lift those I love

but adversaries may arise to hate them because of their happiness and Faith fear not for no harm will befall you as

long as you walk in my will it’s neither difficult nor impossible I don’t demand Perfection

from you I understand you are human and you may falter sooner or later I only

ask for your heart and that your eyes remain fixed on this sacred word I also desire your loyalty you may

seek and love me when things go well but even in times of adversity when things go arai do not stop your journey and

prayers keep walking and praying with unwavering Faith you may shed many tears

whether it rains or storms but persevere without faltering and I will calm the storms and silence the Seas I will

command your conflicts to cease and I will address your problems however I wish to see an

unwove ding attitude of loving and seeking me always giving me the first place in all you do you will find that

this faith will become a sword that conquers evil overcomes your weaknesses and provides spiritual and

Supernatural strength to help you conquer Temptations fears problems and

any challenges that come your way before leaving your home bow your

head for a few minutes dedicate your plans and all your Affairs to me and

pray for your family speak words of faith and peace Rejoice for I am your

Shepherd and you shall not want you are my sons and daughters my beautiful

little sheep I will lead you to Lush pastures and Still Waters there will be no more shouting or

confusion in your home and the conflicts that burden your heart will cease I will

remove Wicked individuals those who steal love and Destroy peace from your

household I will uproot all sin and wrongdoing hiding in the corners seeking

to corrupt your faith and happiness I will take away your sorrow and you will see no misery or poverty at your table

you will have bread in its due season I will open the windows of heaven and

blessings will R upon you more employment education and new growth

opportunities I will remove bad habits and vices from your home that threaten your integrity and faith we will walk

together and I will hold your hand firmly focus on the good pure and

marvelous things I want to bring into your life do not seek out negative

friendships and do not return to those who never rise from the ground I am your

provider and I can also bring you happiness therefore you do not need to

seek acceptance or approval from others just as I do not seek permission from

anyone to bless you you should not seek anyone else’s approval to love and serve

me the answer is clear you can only find pure and indestructible love in me it

Comforts and heals you I’m the only one in this universe who died and rose again

for you so you may have salvation and eternal happiness ask me now beloved for this

love to be granted to you forever the miracle you await will come the matter

that troubles you will be resolved your prayer has been heard in my Celestial throne and your answer will arrive

soon but when you receive it do not do as others do receiving what they ask for

and forgetting who gave it to them I urge you to use these situations

that you have suffered to bring wisdom to your heart now that you see everything

resolved prepare yourself for a life of gratitude and prayer every day it cost you nothing to

open your eyes and simply say thank you God it is not a difficult task I am not

asking for your material possessions I do not want your offerings unless they come from your sincere and

grateful spirit that is how blessings truly multiply in your life when you

receive an answer to your prayer how however if you forget the God who saved you and believe that you have

achieved everything through your own strength then I must warn you that your

blessings will gradually wither away like a flower without water water your prayers with praise

bring Thanksgiving to my altar value and appreciate everything you receive even if it is something

small although I may not give you exactly what you ask for you must

understand that I always provide something much better I am your father and

Creator I know what is best for your future your family your spiritual life

and your heart if you ask me for Prosperity I will cancel your debts be

thankful now you are living in Freedom perhaps at this moment you have

no money in your accounts but no one will come to your door to collect if you ask ask me for abundance

I will provide employment and dignified work for everyone in your household do

not complain I am providing you with the means and the way to earn your bread do

not be afraid I will open doors for you go to the place I send you for there you

shall prosper with your dedication and honor I desire to pour Abundant

Blessings into your life because I want you to learn how to manage them combine your grateful heart with

the wisdom you have received and you will receive many great and marvelous things I also want peace in your home

let the Miracles you witness serve to promote your spiritual growth however do not lose sight of my

word do not focus solely on material things above all maintain a sincere

attitude of gratitude within you this is the first step toward a supernatural

life these are the keys that unlock the door to a time of

abundance your devotion worship Thanksgiving faith and your commitment

to bless those around you and your desire to receive my word your persistence in prayer your eagerness to

be an instrument of my grace to Build a Better World all of these things please me listen once more to the words I’ve

just spoken to you let them be etched into your soul for you will need to remember them when the tongues that seek

to discourage you attack you know that I am the one who heals you

prospers you and rescues your life from the pit I cover you with love and

mercy I open the door to a supernatural world it is my will that you receive the

Miracles you ask of me but I also command you to cherish them you please

me I appreciate your way of seeking me and I love hearing your prayers and

words of gratitude it makes me happy to see your courageous attitude listen to these words once more

for they shall remain inscribed in your soul later when tongues that seek to

dishearten you assail you you will need to recall them know that I am the one

who heals you prospers you and rescues your life from the pit I have covered

you with love and mercy drawing the very air you breathe from your heart your

life and your family are a Divine Testament to my love take a moment to

reflect on the places and times the pains and sufferings from which I have saved you you were not born surrounded

by luxury but from the day you first saw the light you became one of my

messengers one who would bring healing to this world however I come to reveal something

to you the enemy sought to snatch away your calling my heavenly Angelic armies

flew to defend you and it was a cruel battle you were struck by the Relentless

lashes of hatred attacking your very being but I arrived with love your true

father the only one who supports and lifts you up so that you may fulfill your purpose and Mission I myself came

and with the sword of my word I rebuked the enemy and his armies I poured out a holy anointing of

healing over you and set you on the path to your destiny I guided you traced a map with

countless dreams in your heart and opened up paths for you I bestowed upon you gifts and

talents and molded you into my warrior I breathed my breath into your spirit

igniting a flame within you that never fades I equipped you to bring Solace to

Nations offering Soul capsules to those in distress take my hand and never

forget that I will walk beside you offering you the assurance that you can achieve all your dreams my deepest

desire is to see you happy and that’s why I am here to watch over you protect

you and provide you with peace my love for you is genuine and true therefore do

not fear for I shall never leave you alone I am your counselor your friend

and your protector I have moved the heavens and the Earth to ensure that you emerge

Victorious I do not desire to witness your failure for I have paid the price for all your sins now is the moment to

open your heart to my grace and embrace my forgiveness despite individuals

fervently Desiring your downfall they will soon witness how I can assist you in trying triumphing and achieving

success despite their ill intentions come with me now and we shall

walk together place your unwavering trust in me let my love Empower and

transform you there is no room for sorrow or fear when you are held in the palm of my hand for I forever watch over

you do not fear your adversaries I am your protector when you face those who

rise against you as a brave Warrior I shall extend my hand to you and raise you High granting you

Victory the time has come to entrust your future to me and Stand Tall today I

offer you an irrefutable plan surrender your life into my hands give me your

entire being whether there are mountains to climb or deep valleys to Traverse I

will guide you and clear your paths but I require you to exert effort and

display courage to take firm steps even as you tread through the valley of

Shadows walk in darkness or cross turbulent Waters do not fear do not seek

excuses to abandon your dreams you shall not falter you shall

persist and even when you feel weary exert yourself further for I have

bestowed upon you the power and capability to overcome despondency and rid your mind of the habit of blaming

others for everything you have a purpose a mission and a commitment to me no one

else is responsible do not wait for others to come and Aid you when problems arise when difficulties emerge do not

complain that no one calls to uplift you I am with you and that shall

suffice there are those who criticize and reject you seeking ways to bring you

down however you need not seek love and acceptance from those who have forged alliances with your

adversaries my love is sufficient for you and my grace shall Propel you

forward I shall bless and prosper your Abode you have a calling and a mission

my promise remains steadfast I shall surround you with prosperity peace health and

provision be upright in your dealings with me fulfill your part of our

covenant and witness the windows of Heaven opening with with abundance and provision for your life and home I love

you and each day you shall love me more tell me that you shall for today

your storm ends and your tribulation concludes my Divine breath sweeps across

your Sky dispersing the clouds that concealed you my light Heralds a new day

for you henceforth you shall tread only on firm ground leading to my blessings so

you may experience experience great peace and profound happiness my ears listen to you

affectionately and I remain silent out of love preferring to hear you for your

prayer is to me like a song of worship your tears shall be transformed into joy and moments of pain shall give

way to happiness nothing shall Cloud your mind for I shall always be there amidst your

thoughts filling you with beautiful and eternal Joy do not doubt my word when I make a

promise it is written and shall be fulfilled you cannot fathom the extent

to which I am willing to go for you my love transcends the limits of the

Universe I shall embrace you with tenderness bless your dwelling and send

my Divine Reign to nourish your Fields you shall reap the fruits with gratitude

daily I shall make it such that when you awaken my birds shall sing for you

filling you with with happiness for you shall recognize my blessings in every step you

take your life and that of your family shall no longer be the same for the time

to reap the rewards of your dedication and Valor has

arrived you have withstood a thousand obstacles and emerged from grave challenges through your faith and

determination you have witnessed many seemingly impossible things becoming possible due to the Persistence of your

faith and your decision to hold fast to my word and my love now answer me who

can stand against you I am the one who determines your destiny and my will is

for you to advance further to receive your spiritual inheritance on this Earth

I am a good and just God you are a cherished member of my flock a tenacious

person whom I am proud to call my beloved child I have sent my angels to go guard you ensuring Your Peace and

Freedom from illness and worry you shall be so happy that you will leap for Joy at the favors you will witness in your

life remember that the blessings that shall shower upon you come from

above do not become prideful remain humble and I shall bless you even

more your confidence shall increase and you shall notice it because you will not hesitate when confronting your

adversaries I shall be by your side helping you to overcome they shall

Retreat upon witnessing my power within you the time has come to lift your face

leaving behind all past offenses and mistreatment you endured without losing faith in me cease lowering your gaze and

losing sight of all that I have to show you raise your face and revel in the

blessings you shall receive for I your God have decided to share my beautiful

promises with you you I am your creator the one who made all that is seen and

unseen therefore I give you my word that I shall always be with you and bestow

upon you my most beautiful blessings I love you for all

eternity you Astound me I instructed you to be strong yet you have exerted

yourself beyond my request you are an example of loyalty and fidelity I am

delighted to see that all the seeds I planted within you have grown and borne such beautiful fruits this is why better

times and New Horizons are coming for you exceeding your desires and dreams

you shall not stop until you conquer that land where blessings and happiness

abound I know that at times you perceive things differently your emotions plummet

when you encounter envy and rejection from people even those who claim to love love you instead of acknowledging your

virtues they seek ways to make you feel bad they delve into the past to bring

forth memories meant to hurt and shatter your spirit but today as you listen to

me make this decision just as you have demonstrated your faith and remained strong amidst

pain you shall now adopt a Victorious attitude do not allow anyone to

undermine your determination you shall place your trust solely in my word and be guided by the

promises I speak to you you know that you belong to me I

shall surround you with my love and I shall personally confront any enemy daring to oppose

you discard those thoughts that come when problems surround you if conflicts

pile up if you feel weary if you face numerous decisions and your spirit is

exhausted come and rest you can be certain that in my presence you shall find Solace and hope the sum of your

problems shall not diminish your protection by my love understand that I did not send

those situations to you I assure you that from where you stand you shall

emerge with my powerful hand I shall rescue you for I have never desired for

you to suffer beyond your capabilities I shall lift off your

shoulders all those heavy burdens it is not my will for you to dwell in solitude and

sadness your future is so wondrous that your enemies seek ways to hinder your

blessing but in this battle you hold the key and your faith is a sword that

shatters the obstacles in your path you shall only sink if you open the door to

negative thoughts and emotions that your enemies send your way however you shall Triumph if my Holy Spirit holds the

foremost place in your life and your heart I have done my part I

have provided salvation for you I have an inheritance of Victory and

blessing now you must remain steadfast as you have done I come to

tell you this just in time you are on the verge of reaching a spiritual level where Miracles occur in your daily

Journey do not regress you have gained much ground do not not discard the tears

you shed the sacrifices you made regardless of whether your family

appreciates your efforts focus on the goal your faith and your power of

decision are stronger than steel exert yourself and be

courageous many have abandoned their purpose and lament their circumstances but a different future

awaits you my presence surrounds you my spirit Reigns in your home the window of

Heaven shall open over you bestowing blessings and gifts that shall fill your

home with joy repentant Hearts shall return even those who had

left it shall be a time of forgiveness and Harmony fear not for I am with

you do not be disheartened for I am your God I shall fortify you assist you and

uphold you with my Victorious right hand I have showered you with Abundant

Blessings In Heavenly Realms so that my glory May manifest within your family

extending this grace to your friends relatives and neighbors touching their lives and

homes you shall be the instrument through which healing shall flow to many

whom you know this marvelous work commences here

which is why I implore you to come every morning to listen remember all the Mir Miracles I

have already performed in your life and how this word has materialized in those seemingly impossible situations that

once caused you to falter up to this point I have been your

Aid do not regress do not forfeit what you have gained henceforth significant

blessings are forthcoming yet I desire to see you each morning with a grateful heart receiving this word with

warmth there’s no need to fear for crises hold no sweat way the world’s

threats May deceive you portraying a path without an exit but I have come to

breathe life into you strengthening your faith and enlightening your spiritual

vision witness the worth I bestow upon you and the love I Harbor which shall

not Wan due to your shortcomings or the multitude of your troubles I shall rescue you from the pit

into which you have fallen and extend my hand to lift you into a new land of spiritual fortitude

dude you are exceedingly valuable to me I must convey this to you when the

morning sun rises you shall remember me as my Rays peep through your window you

shall discern the freshness of my Mercy feeling my spirit beckoning you to spend

time in prayer share your feelings with me confide your plans and fears and I shall

reaffirm my word responding to your requests most importantly understand

that every moment you offer in sincere Faith you shall Feel My Embrace filled

with love and I shall provide the Assurance you require to navigate your

days I have incinerated the pages where your tears were recorded in Crimson

ink I have forgotten your transgressions and erase the causes of your sorrow from your heart

forever you are free truly free affirm your belief write these

these words on a piece of paper I am free forever because of this

love you have not paid for your freedom nor have you achieved it through Perfection I understand that you cannot

liberate yourself from Eternal punishment your freedom and debts are settled your Victory is secured my

promises are certain sealed with immense profound and beautiful love do not seek

to comprehend live it feel it resonate with it this wondrous love inundates

your heart you would cease to believe in love due to others disappointments yet

here I am the creator of the universe seeking you out to express how deeply I

love you I send these words to you through the most unexpected means you need not

journey to distant lands or Ascend mountains to hear my voice I wish to touch your heart here

and now in this moment you already sense the immense

love meant for you even if you initially resist it I love you so profoundly that

I will never allow you to drift away from me therefore Embrace this new life

without loneliness or fear cradled in my affection sailing in the ocean of

happiness with my love steering your course towards the harbor where you shall receive the crown of victory

there you shall be blessed with eternal joy prosperity and holy

riches if you desire your life to change you must relinquish all

disbelief the enemy assails your mind with doubts as he does not wish for you

to know me better to see how all my promises come to fruition for yourself I seek your simple Faith

humility in your heart a Reliance not on your own prudence but a commitment to

entrust your plans to me at the start of each day allow me to be your Shepherd guiding

you to the Lush Green Pastures you yearn for where your soul can finally witness

the blessings I have spoken of in this place my presence Reigns Supreme

eclipsing your emotions here anxiety finds no refuge

and your heart dwells in Tranquility neither difficult days nor distressing news can disturb you

anticipate the day when you come to know me more intim modly when you receive my

forgiving love and accept yourself as you are I love you unconditionally and

this sweet affection will transform you your character shall be refined and you

shall awaken each day without fear of what may transpire you are not feeble you are

strong you are not timid you are courageous you are not enslaved to

despondency for I have endowed you with a spirit of love and

power those unstable emotions which EB and flow shall yield to my

authority in place of anxiety and fear my strength shall fill your heart it is

done today you receive freedom and realize your true self I surround you with Grace and you

shine with my truth peace and blessings wherever you go your soul and heart find Solace and I

whisper words of affection to you strengthening and calming you you need not endure the storms in your mind day

after day there is no reason to suffer when others dictate it when I tell you that there is peace

in your spirit you must believe these powerful words that can heal you I want

to hear only gratitude from your lips forget none of the gifts blessings and

benefits I bestow upon you I forgive your sins and forget them I heal your

ailments and rescue you from the pit of despair I satiate your soul with mercy

and love if you entrust your heart to me today you will never hunger for

affection or attention nor will you seek the Friendship of deceitful companions or the approval of ungrateful traitors I

shall be your friend your companion your bread of life your God your king your

Shepherd your provider your healer I open your spiritual eyes so that you may understand it now enter

through this gate into a new Supernatural life and never return to the house of pain I have Mighty and

wondrous miracles in store for you even if you do not ask for them because of my

unconditional and eternal love I shall envelop you in blessings if you have

surrendered your heart to me and are committed to following me with perseverance and loyalty no one can

snatch you from my hand however the cunning enemy patiently waits for the

moment you become distracted look back or are tempted to revisit the

past doubts may creep into your mind snares and uncertainties that can

enslave you again no one can touch you or your family this is crucial you must not

forget the enemy attacks you to trample your faith and emotional

stability the wicked and envious cannot bear to witness someone as strong as you

they know their demise is certain and their assaults are feeble and futle when you do not exhibit fear or falter in

your spirits when faced with trials you possess Serenity stability

emotional maturity self-control and Supernatural power these are the gifts bestowed upon

your heart by my Holy Spirit there is no room for cowardice or fear your legs do

not tremble with Dread and anxiety does not govern you maintain your Firm Stance do not

make decisions under the sway of your emotions remain calm and

composed remember these words that I speak to you come and listen to me allow

My Embrace to provide you with the love and peace you need in this moment I

bestow upon you my grace and blessings I fervently desire to witness your Triumph

and prosperity alongside eternal life in my Celestial

Kingdom accept it live your life on this Earth as you deserve with enthusiasm and

passion purpose and vision unwavering desires to do good and to carry my word

to the far reaches of the universe for through your hands I shall work miracles offering encouragement and

Solace to seeking souls and spiritual nourishment to the needy walk with confidence do not allow

the Envy of the wicked to enslave your life place all your faith in me and you

shall experience great Tranquility remember my promises when

threats arise and my Holy Spirit shall cloak you in security it is my will for

your family and you to be surrounded by an indestructible Shield defended by my warrior Angels at all

times my protection is ever present lean on me and Temptation shall not Prevail

over you rejoice in the knowledge of my eternal love from which Abundant

Blessings flow you shall never lack my protection regardless of the obstacles

life presents do not forget this it is of utmost

importance the enemy waits for the moment when you become distracted when you look back with temptation in your

heart and doubt these words allow not your mind to be ens

snared by these traps and doubts which can once again enslave you no one can

harm you or your family this is a vital truth to remember

the enemy attacks you to trample your faith and emotional stability I am your

resurrection and your life even if you fall to the dust you shall rise again

for those who believe in me shall never die always stay humble and guard your meekness be patient and do not be

troubled by those who provoke you do not respond with loud outbursts

or submit to violence I grant you courage but I also wish for you to act

wisely if fear returns have faith and seek my presence I will protect you from

evil watch over your life’s journey and be with you from this day

forward remember before you start each day I am your God guiding you and

speaking to you with my Serene voice do not fear I am always with you I

will help you and I love you you should never feel alone or forgotten envious

individuals may remind you of past mistakes attempting to shame you with your sins pay them no heed

do not let bitterness and sadness consume you even if everyone else

abandons you I will always be here I will never leave your side no matter

what the world says to me you will forever be The beautiful tender and

sincere person that I cherish do not waste time on idle

gossipers who know nothing about those they talk about seek my presence desire

my word and find refuge in my love love I created all things with care the

oceans the skies the mountains and your soul so that you may dwell in My Kingdom

forever the time of the wicked is limited but your days will never

end I have given everyone the freedom to choose between life and truth I touched

your heart and you responded with gratitude I will bless you abundantly

and we will always be together have faith and do not

fear cowardly people only waste time accusing you of past mistakes and

sins I’ve already forgiven you I do not remember them your sins have been cast

deep into the sea and now I am removing the weight and oppression from your mind

the secret sadness that still lingers in your heart I will change your attitude

give you even more courage and I want you to rise with great enthusiasm to

face life the greatest blessings in this world are reserved for those who truly

believe in me who hold my word with Humble Hearts not letting this power go

to their heads Heaven rejoices at your decision to allow me into your life to follow my

word and obey me I will repay you for everything that has been taken from you

walk confidently your destiny is in my hands all your enemies are

Defeated come now pray to me with faith and all the beautiful things you desire

in your heart I will lovingly Grant you I know how you feel I understand

your heart well and there is nothing you can hide from me you can always come to me with

confidence at any time to share your situation to tell me how you

are I am attentive to your feelings and your needs as I have always been how

could you doubt my care when I rescued you and gave you a new life you cannot expect love or understanding from this

world but here with me you have everything and more to satisfy your need

for peace to cover your life with my love and fill your heart with the

powerful emotion that comes from knowing and feeling deeply loved because I love you and that has

always been the truth even when you doubted in times of adversity my love for you never wavered

I loved you I love you and I continue to love you stop investing your affection in

people who betray you in those who do not value it do not prioritize those who have made

you cry they do not deserve the first place in your heart that place belongs to me

recognize me and respect me hold the reverence you owe me in your life only I should be your God your lord

your king and no one else you have allowed someone else to

take my place and that is one reason why you have felt unwell in recent days you

feel something inside you but you do not know how to explain it I will tell you

what is happening there is a void in your heart that will grow very large if

if you reject my love that is why you feel sad that is why you wake up at

night in tears you want to feel loved but you are searching for it in the wrong

place there is no one in this world who can love you as much as I can come to me

for peace love and rest what are you waiting for do you

prefer to continue giving your life and affection to those who make you suffer

so much and then wait to be hurt again before returning to me in tears I will

still receive you because my love is greater than your mistakes and bad

decisions but you do not have to wait for suffering to come before you approach me you can come to me now I

will embrace you lovingly and show you my love today I am waiting for you your future

your current situation will improve I will will intervene in your life in a

supernatural way soon with your own eyes you will see the clear solution to your

difficulties do not be one of those who place their trust in negativity or the

opinions of those who want to dwell in spiritual misery if you are hearing or reading

these words it is because I have given you intelligence you have grown you are

ready the door will soon open I am not a false god who exists only in

your imagination you know me you know who I am do not doubt my word

anymore every time you have found yourself in trouble I have come to rescue you with my holy hand I have

embraced you with love given you life even though your past was a

disaster after I rescued you your present has always been better let this

fire in your heart burn the dream I have planted is growing and it will become a

tree that provides shade abundant provision and abundance for you and those you

love hold on to the life I have given you fill yourself with even more joy for

there are so many things I will do very soon that will change your perspective you will understand better

what I have planned for you although you have faltered before I have always been

by yourself side I have forgiven you lifted you up not left you defeated or

abandoned new days are coming your sadness will dissipate your heart will

be filled with infinite happiness and a miracle will happen soon through my

power you will see it with your own eyes declare your faith and commitment now

and tell me I believe it and as I always tell you I love you have faith you will

not sink I am testing you with small things to give you great things I know your

suffering your pain in the midst of your despair my spirit is consoling your soul

satisfying your thirsty heart sometimes you may think I am not there that I have distanced myself that

I do not want to speak with you that I am angry but think do you believe that

everything we have walked through together has been in vain do you believe that all the

blessings I have given you are lost everything I have given you is very

valuable my words are like diamonds and your blessings are seeds some will fall to the ground and

seem to

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