my beloved child I will open the windows of Heaven upon you and pour out blessings until there is no more to be

given you know how deeply I value empathy and respect for others these are

the marks of my children a covenant people upon whom I have bestowed my name

you my child have heard my words they echo in your ears and have been inscribed upon your heart I grant you

the power to Prevail to defeat your adversaries and to resist every temptation it brings me joy to see you

developing a deeper relationship with me growing in spiritual maturity and courage you shall be blessed I will

expand your territory and you shall be a blessing to others there is a spiritual

conflict that surrounds your life my people have witnessed the workings of the enemy but they have not

fully perceived me their lord they have been deceived into believing The Battle Belongs to the

adversary but I say to you he will not be victorious his attempts will fail for

you are protected by my sacrificial blood guard your ways and be mindful of

what you see speak with kindness and respond gently to those who provoke you accept

what is offered whether good or bad and know that you and your family reside in the safety of my hands if evil befalls

you respond with sweetness not anger with calm not agitation

my peace will then dwell in your house Expect Miracles unexpected blessings and

the deepest Joy your faith will grow and your home will be filled with gladness

and I the Lord will embrace you a new I am with you always do not be

afraid only believe trust in my promises and you shall witness this miracle

unfold through your words and even your gaze you know my word to be true in both

meaning and substance you know there is no falsehood in it so believe in its

power and its veracity cling to my words and the burdens that weigh you down will

fall away your pains will flee and no earthly force will stand against

you I am everpresent ready to assist you in all your prayers to me you shall

never face battle trial or hardship alone my presence will go before you and

my right hand will sustain you through through it all dark nights times of dire

distress and even the fiercest storm shall not shake you as long as you abide

by all that I have said and remain steadfast in your trust do not allow life’s troubles to cast doubt upon my

word for I the god of Truth am faithful whatever I have declared to you

I uphold through my faithfulness in my word my love is unconditional a love that can conquer

all simply trust in me with your whole heart depend fully on the power of my word and

I will bring to your remembrance everything we have discussed as your father This I Promise

You The Love of My Heart Belongs to You do not be afraid or dismayed when the

Winds of adversity blow and the waves of Life rise High Fix Your Eyes Upon me and

they will be stilled keep moving forward

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