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Devil Wins If You Skip | Urgent Message From God | Jesus Affirmations | God’s Message For You today

Devil Wins If You Skip | Urgent Message From God | Jesus Affirmations | God’s Message For You today

my beloved child I want you to : understand the profound depth of my love : for you it’s a love that transcends the : boundaries of human comprehension a love : so vast so unconditional that it’s hard : to fathom : yet I want you to feel it in every fiber : of … Read more

Jesus Will be Sad If You Skip Him | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | God Helps | God Says

Jesus Will be Sad If You Skip Him | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | God Helps | God Says

my child you have a purpose on this : Earthly Journey Your Existence is not : accidental you are here for a reason as : you navigate through life trust in my : plan for you my plan is like a tapestry : woven with threads of Love purpose and : Destiny every experience you … Read more

God Says: It’s Urgent My Child, Don’t Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | It’s serious

God Says: It’s Urgent My Child, Don’t Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | It’s serious

my child never give up hope even when : things are challenging every negative : circumstance you face will find : resolution because I am at work on your : behalf a stunning turnaround in your : life is just around the corner and I : invite you to believe in it with all : … Read more

God Says: Don’t Skip Jesus Today If You Are A Real Christian | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message

God Says: Don’t Skip Jesus Today If You Are A Real Christian | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message

my dearest child your words of gratitude : touched the very essence of my Divine : heart : There Is No Greater Joy for me than to : witness your acknowledgment of my : profound love for you from the depths of : my boundless love I sent my beloved Son : Jesus to this … Read more

Jesus Wants You To Watch This Video, It’s Urgent | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for you today

Jesus Wants You To Watch This Video, It’s Urgent | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for you today

my child in the face of challenges I : encourage you to boldly declare Victory : speak words of triumph over every : obstacle adversity or challenge that : dares to stand before you for it is : through such declarations that you align : yourself with my Divine will which is : always inclined … Read more

God Says: Devil Wins If You Skip This | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | God Helps For You

God Says: Devil Wins If You Skip This | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today | God Helps For You

your life my beloved child is a sacred : tapestry woven with threads of purpose : Destiny and love each experience each : encounter and each challenge is a threat : that contributes to the Masterpiece of : your existence you are not adrift in : occurrence of life you are Guided by The : … Read more

You Will Regret Tomorrow If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for You today | God Helps

You Will Regret Tomorrow If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for You today | God Helps

my child the love I have for you is : immeasurable and it was so great that I : gave my one and only son for you he came : to bring you salvation to offer you a : path to eternal life this act of Love : illustrates the depth of my commitment : … Read more

God Wants You To Watch This Video, It’s Urgent | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for you today

God Wants You To Watch This Video, It’s Urgent | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message for you today

my beloved child as you embark on this : journey through the tapestry of Life : there will be moments when you find : yourself walking through stretches of : solitude it is during these times that : the weight of aloneness can become an : overwhelming burden and you may question : if you … Read more

God Says: Satan Wins If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message For You today | God Helps

God Says: Satan Wins If You Skip | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message For You today | God Helps

my child in times of uncertainty find : solace in the present moment breathe : deeply and let the Stillness of your : soul guide you embrace the beauty of the : now for it is in this very moment that : you truly come alive the past is but a : fading memory and … Read more