God Says: Don’t Make Me Sad By Skipping My Message | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my beloved child
you are a magnificent creation a
masterpiece crafted with love and
purpose Your Existence is not accidental
nor is it insignificant you’re here with
a Divine calling a unique mission that
only you can fulfill as you journey
through life you may encounter
challenges and obstacles these trials
are not meant to break you but to shape
you just as a diamond is formed under
immense pressure you two are being
refined and Polished by the
circumstances you face type Amen in the
comments if you believe
Embrace these challenges as
opportunities for growth and
transformation with every obstacle you
overcome you emerge stronger and more
resilient your spirit Like a Phoenix
Rising From the Ashes is renewed with
each trial you conquer know that you are
never alone on this journey I am your
constant companion you’re confident and
your most faithful friend when you
celebrate life’s victories I am there
rejoicing with you
when You Face moments of hardship I am
there offering you my strength in solace
in times of Joy I celebrate alongside
you for your happiness brings me
boundless joy as well your well-being is
close to my heart and your triumphs are
my triumphs in moments of Victory when
you conquer challenges and achieve your
goals I am your biggest cheerleader and
in those difficult moments when the road
seems tough when you’re not sure if you
can take another step remember that I am
holding your hand
with me by your side you are stronger
than you think and you can face any
obstacle type Amen in the comments and
get blessed today

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