Just Trust in Me | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

Just Trust in Me | God Says

[Music] my beloved child you must trust in me and reach out to me during these tough

times so that threats and difficulties don’t steal your peace and confidence your suffering moves me and

seeing your sincere heart touches me deeply as I have said before I will

bless you because it is my desire to do so tell me now that you will accept my

blessing and hold it dear remember in your moments of sadness

I hold you in the palm of my hand I cover you with my holy

protection I love you with all my heart you are my child I will bless you

because I want to and because I am able to what I promise I will deliver I have

always been with you I have never abandoned you and I will not leave you now during these stormy times

my plans are greater than yours my thoughts are lasting and eternal they will lead you to a future

of peace and prosperity without a doubt things may seem hard if you don’t

look at them with Faith and Hope but if you change your perspective and truly believe in my word your life will

transform seek me in the morning pray throughout the day and before you go to sleep at night kneel before me for it

pleases me when you look to me in your prayers you might not realize it right now but the heavens tremble when you

open your lips in Praise When you pray with faith asking for my protection over

your family when you confidently cry out for their rescue from sickness and disasters when you beg with tears that I

never leave them listen to my answer I tell you once more even if everyone else turns their

back on you I will never abandon you even those who claim to love you might let you down but my love for you

is greater than theirs I never lie I will never fail you

your family your future your health they in my hands value them care for them and

cherish them don’t take your blessings for granted don’t underestimate them if

you are faithful with the little things if you cherish what I provide in times

of need my promise is that your blessings will grow and I will grant you

even more of immense and everlasting value my child you love me get ready for the

magnitude of the opportunity I’m opening for you will astonish you have faith be

committed and be wise in all you do and get ready for everything I have planned

for you and your family will come like a vast downpour of astonishing

blessings you asked for a sign so you could make decisions about what you’ve been pondering these days and here is

your clear answer be bold set aside all the fears that have held you captive for

years in this unbearable situation your dreams are Grand your

desires are wonderful but you’ve been held back by the fear of failure now is the time to take my hand

and soar nothing will be the the same as before do not fear hold tight to me and

pray before making any significant decisions I will be with you day and night ensuring that everything unfolds

according to my divine plan open your Bible and pray sincerely

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