Indicators You're Chosen Without Knowing: Discover God's Message for You Today - Free AI Voice Generator

Indicators You’re Chosen Without Knowing: Discover God’s Message for You Today

did you know there’s a place in the Bible where God said I will proclaim the Lord’s decree he said to me you are my

son today I have become your father Psalm while this verse primarily

refers to Jesus Christ it extends its significance to you as well how do I

know this because God’s word confirms it Romans

for those God forne he also predestined to be conformed to the image

of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters and those he predestined he also

called those he called he also Justified those he justified he also

glorified this means that God is not just the father of Jesus Christ he’s

also the father of anyone who comes to him through Jesus Jus your faith was the

means through which God brought you into his family making you his own consider

this dear child of God what’s your self-perception who do you believe you

are has anyone ever asked you that question leaving you thinking perhaps

because I’m not wealthy with abundant possessions don’t hobnob with celebrities or lack a prestigious degree

I am insignificant that’s not the truth if you perceive yourself this way you

haven’t discovered your true identity you’re not ordinary you’re not

just a face in the crowd you are significant chosen by God plucked out of

Darkness to exhibit his Splendor and glory to a world steeped in darkness Peter perfectly

encapsulates this truth truth but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a

holy nation God’s special possession that you may declare the Praises of him

who called you out of Darkness into his wonderful light when these words

resonate within you they evoke a profound sense of wonder and gratitude to God for his mercy and Grace towards

you friend God didn’t save you to blend into the background or to merely exist

among the m multitude his desire is to Fashion you into a notable figure in this world I

love how a man of God once put it you are not an accident you are a deliberate

creation of a great God those words stuck with me since I first read them

serving as a constant reminder I am not an accident I am a deliberate creation

of a great God these words Echo Peter’s words affirming that despite the

circumstances surrounding our birth upbringing or social standing in Christ

we are marvelously and wonderfully chosen by God to Showcase his Splendor

you are beautiful you are remarkable yes I’m speaking directly to

you the person listening right now despite feeling out of place or

inadequate as you look at yourself your faith defines you it’s your identity

confirming you as God’s treasured possession destined for a splendid life

you must reach the point of fully embracing who you are in Christ there

are several aspects to understanding what it means to be chosen and I’ll share signs that you’re chosen even if

you haven’t realized it yet as I mentioned earlier your relationship with

Jesus places you in God’s family set apart by God himself as Peter wrote to

Proclaim his praise therefore as God’s chosen son or daughter when he looks upon the world he

sees and acknowledges you he views you as beautiful and unique as his

instrument on Earth designated to fulfill a Divine Purpose and plan on

this Earth You are God’s chosen child when he surveys the Earth he spots

someone dependable and that someone is you furthermore the Bible states that as

God’s chosen you are a holy and distinct individual to be holy means that God has

set you apart not just for his work but also for himself in ancient times God

instructed Moses and the priests to sanctify items made of gold and other

precious materials consecrating them to him once dedicated to God no no one else

could use those items they were labeled as God’s vessels

sacred materials yes they consisted of the same elements as the materials you’d find at

a store but because they belonged to God they were holy and off limits for any

other purpose there’s much more I could delve into about this matter but I’ll

share something unique with you now through Christ God chose you to be his V

vessel where his presence resides not only do you have access to

God’s presence but he also resides in you accompanying you wherever you go

your past is irrelevant your sins are forgiven and you belong to God Jesus

Paid For You hence no one neither man nor demon can claim ownership of you

this is one of the greatest joys of being God’s chosen You Are Holy despite

appearances because your life belongs to Christ and you live in and for him you are his possession marked by his seal

the Holy Spirit Ephesians and you also were included in Christ when you

heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were

marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit your p of God’s family and

have been called to fulfill his purpose on Earth with the gifts he has bestowed upon you no one can assert ownership of

you because God has already chosen you isn’t that astonishing perhaps you’re anxious

wishing you could have have such confidence in the fact that you are God’s chosen one how can I know I am

God’s chosen you might ask well I promised reveal signs that indicate your

God’s chosen even if you’ve never realized it the first sign is that you

find it challenging to fit in have you ever wondered why you’ve always struggled to conform to the norm why

everything about you seems to counter the status quo why you simply can’t be

content with the world’s ways feeling detached from transient

things there’s nothing wrong with you it’s a sign that God is choosing you for

something more significant if you peruse the Bible you’ll notice that God has always picked

Misfits and transformed them into impactful figures on Earth consider

Jacob Moses jeffa David the disciples

Paul and others before you were even conceived before your parents

contemplated coming together God had already planned your life nothing you’ve

done or will do will catch him by surprise he knows all your flaws habits

mistakes strengths and weaknesses yet he still chose you you might have been told

that God would never choose someone like you because you don’t fit in because you

don’t check all the boxes but that’s not true does God

desire you to live carelessly and embrace and unacceptable lifestyle no he

doesn’t rather he wants you to realize that he desires you and he has a better

life for you to channel your energy towards consider Saul’s further before

he became Paul he was intent on destroying Christians and everyone

serving Jesus but when he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus the man

who later called himself the chief of Sinners was saved and God redirected

that unwavering commitment toward preaching the gospel today we still

study the life of one of the greatest Misfits ever why because he embraced his

true identity in Christ when you feel like you don’t belong don’t consider

something wrong with you it’s a sign that you’re chosen so instead of evading it answer

the call and embrace who you are and the one who made and selected you the second

sign is that you always emerge unharmed I recollect many years ago

before I embraced Faith between my adolescence and teenage years I noticed

a pull towards danger outwardly quiet inside me resided a child yearning for

adventure even if it meant risking harm of course I recognized realze now that

it was the devil attempting to destroy me because as I look at the things I escaped and survived unscathed I can

only attributed to God preserving me even post my conversion I became

increasingly conscious of multiple assaults by the devil in my life unbeknownst to me yet God has been

defending and preserving me until this very moment dear child of God this

stands as a sign that you are chosen there have been trials that could have

shattered others yet here you stand today being chosen by God does not imply

superiority or greater intellect compared to those ens snared In Harm’s Way it does not mean God loves them any

less it signifies being chosen according to the wisdom and Excellence of his

counsel God perceives and comprehends all whereas the devil does not possess

such omniscience we may conjecture but we cannot definitively ascertain what God

has in store for you thus When You observe persistent attacks from Satan

pushing you into situations meant to wreck you do not be afraid in fact this is a sign that God

is orchestrating something in your life unbeknownst to you while the devil

Endeavors to lure you out of God’s will you see the the Bible doesn’t promise

immunity from attacks to God’s chosen people no it does not state that instead

it fors that weapons will be fashioned against us enemies will emerge from

various quarters and diverse challenges will surface to bring us down

nevertheless amid all this not one will Triumph in completely annihilating us

this stands as God’s assurance no weapon formed to harm you will

prevail the devil employs various tactics including fear from his Arsenal

however as a child of God you need not succumb to fear God has pledged that

Satan’s weapons will not conquer you they may persist But ultimately you will

emerge Victorious there’s nothing more comforting than knowing that God

perpetually stands by our side supporting us despite the trials we encounter or the hardships we

endure there exists a radiant light at the end brought forth by the Lord

regardless of how imposing or terrifying the obstacles may seem they will not

overpower us Victory is guaranteed for those who place their trust in the Lord

and make him their refuge in times of adversity on retrospection you will will

discern the hand of the Lord upon you looking back you will acknowledge that

without the Lord you wouldn’t have conquered the trials you faced God has chosen you my friend it’s

time to embrace your identity who are God’s chosen

ones what does it entail to be labeled God’s chosen one the Bible States in

Peter – but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God’s

special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light

once you were not a people but now you are the people of God once you had not

received Mercy but now you have received Mercy this scripture delineates who

God’s chosen ones are in a straightforward manner they are those who who have responded to his call to

depart from Darkness into His Marvelous Light those who have received his mercy

and become his people all these occurrences are not of the flesh do they

emanate from your physical body or emotions no do they exhibit

signs yes but they are the fruits of Faith tapping into God’s Redemptive

Grace that transforms you Jesus made mentioned that many are called but few

are chosen the call extends to everyone but only those who have responded come

out of Darkness into his light out of the grip of sinfulness to receive his mercy and out of the multitude to

fulfill his distinct purpose in their lives these are the ones labeled as

God’s chosen have you accepted Jesus as your lord and surrendered to his principles

and word as the Supreme Authority in your life by doing so you may not

witness a tangible transformation to prove that a change has occurred or that you have been shifted from under Satan’s

Dominion into God’s family nonetheless through faith God has spiritually

included you and you have become his chosen additionally God can single you

out from among his people to serve a unique purpose in this world

consequently you become God’s chosen for that specific purpose for instance he

spoke of Jesus in Isaiah here is my servant whom I uphold My

Chosen One in whom I Delight I will put my spirit on him and he will bring

Justice to the Nations each of us as God’s children has been selected from the world yet beyond

that God may still handpick you for me for special tasks to glorify him

throughout history God has consistently chosen men and women to serve his

purposes in their respective eras Abraham and Sarah were chosen to

lay the foundation of a new people Sanctified to God in a corrupt World

Joseph was chosen to be the rescuer of his family and numerous

lives Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt eypt Aaron was

chosen to be the patriarch of priests for Generations Joshua was chosen to lead

the Israelites into the promised land David was chosen to govern the nation of

Israel after God’s heart John the Baptist was chosen to pave the way for

the Messiah Jesus when you were chosen from the world of sin or among God’s

people in the light certain changes will begin begin to manifest within you these

occurrences will serve as signs that you are no longer who you used to be and that now you are God’s chosen one the

primary indication that you are chosen by God is that you will be set apart in

Corinthians to the Bible States

what agreement is there between the temple of God and Idols for we are the Temple of the

Living God God as God has said I will live with them and walk among them and I

will be their God and they will be my people therefore come out from them and

be separate says the Lord touch no unclean thing and I will receive you and

I will be a father to you and you will be my sons and daughters says the Lord

Almighty this verse wasn’t directed at unbelievers instead said it was

addressed to Believers those saved by faith in Jesus however it revealed to them that

they would need to live a distinct life wholly devoted to God what does it mean

to be set apart it means to be enveloped by the Lord it signifies surrendering

ownership of your life to God when you are chosen by God you will gradually

sense a stronger inclination to honor God with who you are and what you do than ever before you will feel that

whatever you possess isn’t truly yours but belongs to God and should be employed solely for his

purposes you will regard yourself as God’s vessel and will asue anything that

could invite sin or dishonor God within your being this also applies to those

chosen to fulfill a Divine task you will no longer blend in as you did previously

instead you’ll sense a distinctiveness and a stronger pull towards God’s calling than towards conforming with the

crowd for instance Moses perhaps wasn’t aware that God had chosen him to deliver

the Israelites but he felt an internal urge to act and assist them naturally he

ended up killing an Egyptian resulting in his Exile from Egypt affording God

the opportunity to prepare him over the ensuing years likewise a sign that you are God’s

chosen is feeling out of place and a desire to solely adhere to God’s will for your life this implies that you no

longer find comfort in indulging in your past way of life regardless of whether

it was sinful or not even if you stumble back into it you swiftly realign

yourself and distance yourself from whatever led to your fall prior

prioritizing God above all else in your life serves as a clear sign that you are

chosen the second indication that you are among God’s chosen is the guiding

presence and work of his Spirit within you when God selects you he bestows his

Spirit upon you for instance your rebirth was the result of God’s spirit

entering your human Spirit bringing forth the very life of God himself within you you from that moment you

became a child of God through the Same Spirit John to affirms yet to

all who did receive him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God children born

not of natural descent nor of human decision or a husband’s will but born of

God furthermore Romans adds for

those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God the working of

God’s spirit within or through you signifies that you are chosen by God as

you grow in faith by obeying God’s word you will gradually become acquainted

with the Holy Spirit he will utilize God’s word in your spirit and his

personal convictions within your heart to steer your life this is what it means

to be led by the spirit he will prick your conscience when necessary he will

grant you Visions when needed he will work miracles through you when you permit him anyone God chooses he anoints

with his spirit for the particular life or work he has called them to therefore

if God has singled you out for a specific assignment expect to witness the holy spirit’s Supernatural

manifestations in those areas if you simp simply obey you need not fret about

guidance or empowerment as you proceed you’ll witness him working through you

the third sign is that when chosen by God you become a target of the enemy my

pastor often said that if Satan doesn’t directly or indirectly oppose you or your endeavors it means you’re heading

in the same direction as him the Bible informs us that we are in continual

conflict with the adversary this is to uphold the victory of Christ

not because we lack Victory this is the fight of Faith although the enemy was

defeated by Christ he Endeavors to convince us that we do not have victory over him and that we are not who God

claims us to be hence he battles you with sickness lack and various trials

despite the Bible stating that Christ bore your sicknesses and God provides for all your needs according to his

riches and Glory when you are under Satan’s Dominion he doesn’t need to

assail you because you are his captive however when you align with God

especially when he selects you for a special work the devil will attack you

when you encounter challenges especially while attempting an active obedience to

God recognize that it’s because you’ve been chosen by God the devil attempted

to divert Jesus from the cross he tried to hinder the Israelites from departing

Egypt and reaching the promised land he endeavored to corrupt Peter but Jesus

interceded for him the devil could discern that Peter had a significant

Destiny and had been chosen by God for remarkable Deeds consider Joseph David Moses and

numerous others sometimes what you face may not be a direct challenge but a consistent

barrage of Temptations and burdens that keep you struggling addictions unhealthy

relationships ungodly influences and more initially appearing harmless these

things reveal themselves as the enemy’s snares to obstruct you from fulfilling God’s intended purpose for you this

stands as a clear sign that you are chosen by God and destined for greatness

by his hand lastly the fourth sign that you are chosen by God is receiving

Angelic assistance the Bible refers to angels in Hebrews as ministering Spirits sent

to serve those who will inherit salvation Psalm – ands for

he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways

they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On The

Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the serpent Angelic Aid is the legacy of a

child of God especially for the one chosen by God for his assignment I often tell people never to

underestimate someone chosen by God God can intervene in their life at any

moment though they may seem helpless they will never be stranded because they

are chosen by God God will always position angels to assist them these

angels may appear in human form or even as Spirits if

necessary their duty is to safeguard and provide everything needed for the person

to become who God intends them to be if demons come against you as God’s chosen

you need not fear Victory is assured it may appear otherwise but you

will eventually witness the truth while we are not directed by God to seek signs

these signs affirm that irrespective of the circumstances in our lives we have

been chosen by God as Peter wrote we are encouraged and inspired to go and

manifest God’s Praises through our Lives Many Things commence in your life when

the Holy Spirit is upon you since the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit has

dwelled in the hearts of everyone born again filling those who seek Him by

faith in ancient times the children of Israel the only ones qualified to be

called God’s people did not house the spirit of God within them instead the

Bible indicates that the spirit of the Lord Came Upon them

his presence was temporary an anointing for specific assignments and departed

after the task was accomplished however as the Old Testament era neared its conclusion God

pledged to pour out his Spirit on everyone this time not for a task or a period but eternally Joel

and afterward I will pour out my spirit on all people your sons and

daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men will

see Visions when Jesus arrived he confirmed this promise vowing to send the helper

Advocate and companion to his followers John but when the helper comes whom I

shall send to you from the Father the spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of me the holy

Holy Spirit has been bestowed upon every child of God as his representative his

abiding presence accompanying you everywhere guiding teaching and

empowering you to become all that the father envisioned when the Holy Spirit comes

upon you certain things will start happening in your life I cannot

enumerate everything since there is no limit to what the Holy Spirit can accomplish in your life however you will

begin to observe changes signs that the spirit of God dwells within you they

symbolize his work within you to perfect God’s righteousness and counsel in your

life firstly one noticeable change when the Holy Spirit is upon you is a fresh

sense of empowerment that you realize is not from within yourself Jesus told his disciples about

this in Acts but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you

and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria

and to the ends of the Earth consequently when the spirit is upon you

a surge of power will commence within you you may sense a stirring or growth

within your heart however please understand that this sensation varies depending on how

the spirit chooses to move within his vessel nevertheless it manifests in

numerous ways you may experience new found courage to boldly speak about your

faith or confront ungodliness you were previously hesitant to address you may

feel a heightened ability to pray with greater intensity and Authority than

before this is the Holy Spirit imparting to your spirit the consciousness of

God’s Authority now bestowed upon you through Christ this was why Paul wrote

to Timothy that God had given us the spirit of love power and a sound mind

the initial effect of the holy spirit’s presence is to dispel your fears and instill in you a fresh sense of power

and authority in Christ Jesus for his purpose two another transformation that

may commence in your life when the Holy Spirit is upon you is A New Perspective and deeper comprehension of the word of

God the spirit of God is acknowledged as the spirit of wisdom and understanding

wherever he resides he radiates as light and when you perceive that light it

illuminates your heart and dispels all forms of spiritual

blindness in his letter to the Ephesian Church Paul offered a potent prayer for

them Ephesians to I keep asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ

The Glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation so that

you may know him better I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in

order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy

people when the Holy Spirit rests upon you you will grasp the word of God more

profoundly you will notice heightened insights into spiritual truths that were

previously elusive you know many Believers currently dispute and reject certain portions of

scripture they do this due to two reasons either they have not yet

received the Holy Spirit or they have received him but have resisted his

illumination the Holy Spirit embodies light and wherever he goes Darkness

dissipates ignorance and lack of understanding are forms of Darkness however however when the Holy

Spirit dwells within you light envelops you and Revelations begin to flood your

spirit three when the Holy Spirit is upon you you’ll derive more pleasure

from fellowship particularly in communion with him a lack of the holy

spirit is one of the reasons for weariness in prayer studying the word or

enjoying time with fellow Believers at church as the Holy Spirit comes comes

upon you you will discover a growing desire and joy in God’s presence and in

Fellowship second Corinthians States May the grace of the Lord Jesus

Christ and the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all True Fellowship is only

delightful when experienced in the company of the Holy Spirit and by his

empowerment when the Holy Spirit becomes the Cornerstone of of our fellowship a

gathering of Believers transcends mere assembly it becomes God’s Dwelling Place

his Temple even if it occurs within the confines of a prison nobody would want

to leave and everyone eagerly anticipates the next meeting thus when

the Holy Spirit touches everyone there’s no need to coax them to attend church

because they love being there they’ll relish spending quality time with God in

the word and prayer they yearn to be with God consistently praying even in

public spaces and at times simply relishing his presence unnoticed by

others for with the Holy Spirit upon you a hunger and Zeal for the unsaved will

begin to burgeon within you the presence of the Holy Spirit Kindles compassion

for the ignorant selfish or any unconverted individual you encounter by

the flesh or your frail human nature you might naturally avoid association with

them however because the Holy Spirit mirrors God’s heart you may start to

feel that same compassion when an unsaved individual is in your vicinity

or even when they offend you rather than getting upset and retaliating you might

even find yourself pardoning them this compassion is what drove Jesus Jesus and

Steven to pray Lord forgive them because they don’t know what they’re doing it’s

called compassion for the lost it motivates you to take action to see the

unsaved person finds salvation hence you might find yourself

eager to share your faith with them or participate in local or International Outreach programs to bring people to

Christ this isn’t born out of a general obligation or Pur personal ambition but

is solely your response to the spirit’s influence upon you presently many

Believers disregard the plight of the Lost instead of revealing where they

might end up we believe that this fear should lead them to turn to Jesus but that isn’t our mission our

mission is to be his voice calling out to a Dying World to come to the one who can save it five when the the holy

spirit is upon you love begins to flourish in your heart similarly to the

previous point in the presence of the spirit you’ll experience heightened love

and compassion within you forgiveness becomes more accessible you’ll want to

Aid nearly everyone you encounter you might start contemplating

someone else’s predicament that you wouldn’t have cared about previously it’s the spirit’s doing when

he rests upon you he diffuses his love within your heart and begins to erode

any hardness animosity division or desire to harm others Romans States

and hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit

who has been given to us six as the Holy Spirit rests upon you you’ll gain better

control control over the impulses of your flesh that previously governed you

your speech and language will begin to change you will exercise more restraint

over your tongue and emotions this transformation extends Beyond behavior and penetrates into your

heart when the Holy Spirit comes upon you he stirs your heart against those

things you previously tolerated that never glorified God but rather polluted you from from within when the spirit

rests upon you you may start to sense that you and your former corrupt friends

with whom you once Associated are no longer in harmony you may struggle to

fit in with their group or conversations every ungodly word becomes

like a thorn piercing your soul ultimately leading you to distance yourself from their company in line with

the Bible’s advice not to be unequally yoke with unbelievers you’ll begin to feel like a

transformed person this is what Paul refers to as the newness of life through

the spirit’s baptism in Romans these six points I’ve outlined here are not a

display of Pride or the Flesh and they are not listed in a sequential order

nonetheless they are significant occurrences that you should notice as they start to unfold when the Holy

Spirit rests upon you are you wrestling with fear and

timidity struggling with apathy towards life or spiritual

matters the Holy Spirit can transform that if you invite him and accept him by

faith into your heart upon his arrival he’ll commence his work in your life in

such a manner that when others meet you they’ll indeed recognize that something about you has

changed in the Revelation a captivating portrayal of the cosmic battle

unfolds the devil’s deceit ultimately leads to his downfall consigned to the

Lake of Fire alongside the Beast and the false prophet their torment is

unyielding a dire fate indeed this vividly underscores the

enemy’s coming his desire to ens snare us in a Web of Lies dragging us into

Eternal suffering but but let us not be misled for the word warns us do not be

deceived God is Not mocked for whatever one SWS that will he also

reap planting seeds in fertile soil yields a Bountiful

Harvest however what we SE holds immense significance so seeds of honesty

kindness and authenticity cultivate genuine connections grounded in shared value

values and Faith just as Christ bore his cross we too bear the cross of

discernment our actions intentions and choices are the seeds we seow let us

nurture them with prayer and wisdom Embrace this journey with hope for the

Lord’s promises stand firm remember delight yourself in the

Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart embrace the sense of mystery in your

journey similar to an artist withholding their Masterpiece until completion

certain chapters of Our Lives unfold in due course our heavenly father Delights

in surprises unveiling His blessings at the perfect time envision your heart as

a garden just as you wouldn’t plant weeds among pried flowers Safeguard your

heart against the influence of sinic while it’s our Christian duty to love

all and share the gospel it’s equally vital to be vigilant about the company we keep being around scoffers is akin to

inviting pests into your garden they can hinder your growth and suffocate your

spiritual Roots recall Noah’s tale he spent years

constructing an arc obedient to God’s instructions despite others scoffing

eventually his obedience rescued his family ushering them into a new

beginning similarly when we focus on delighting in God’s word and following

his guidance we can weather like storms and find ourselves on the shores of blessings first Thessalonians

Whispers of a future Beyond beckon us beyond our wildest

dreams those alive will Ascend together into the cloud meeting the Lord in the air thus we

shall be forever with the Lord imagine this a moment when Believers Ascend

together Rising on the wings of Faith to meet the Lord in the sky it’s a

breathtaking vision of unity and eternal fellowship and Revelation resounds

with a promise of protection since you have kept my command and endured Patiently I will also keep you from the

hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth a shield against impending

trials an assurance of safeguarding through your steadfastness the cynics may attempt to

seow seeds of doubt about these verses to make you question God’s word instead

of wrestling with doubt stand firm Safeguard your faith like a

precious treasure shielded from Doubt’s corrosive touch

how by intentionally surrounding yourself with those who uplift your spirit who fuel the Flames of Faith

within you envision yourself on a grand Expedition ascending a mountain leading

to God’s presence as you ascend distractions Loom like Boulders skepticism appears as

crevices the scoffers like treacherous Stones Under Foot threaten to trip you

but remember you hold the power to choose your companions on this climb

seek fellow climbers who encourage you extending a hand when the path gets

tough continuing your Ascent recall the wisdom in Peter – so then dear

friends since you are looking forward to this make every effort to be found spotless blameless and at peace with him

bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation just as our dear brother

Paul also wrote you it’s a guide book for this journey offering a road map to

Readiness diligently pursue a life reflecting the Peace of Christ let your

actions mirror our Lord’s patience serving as a beacon of Salvation to all

who witness clasp onto The God Who holds you together weaving the threads of your

existence into a tapestry of purpose in the intricate threads of our existence

we navigate the complex world of relationships here we are called to a

higher standard a Divine code setting us apart from worldly Norms our character and conduct leave a

new pattern when we surrender to Jesus Christ as The Sovereign Lord Of Our

Lives we’re urged to relinquish Desir for Retribution releasing burdens of

retaliation instead we’re challenged to respond to adversity with Godly Spirit

radical and countercultural responding to hatred with love lifting prayers for

those against us this path isn’t for the fainthearted yet it’s emboldened by our

savior’s teachings in the tapestry of human potential limitations often arise the

the mountain of righteous living seems insurmountable but take strength from

Matthew with man this is impossible but With God all things are

possible on our own we stumble falter our efforts threads Fray and break yet

amidst our inadequacies the Divine thread of the holy spirit interweaves

with our being it’s this wondrous part partnership enabling us to live our

faith daily embody righteousness Embrace forgiveness and extend immeasurable love

just as a skilled Weaver Blends colors and textures to create intricate designs

God skillfully weaves our lives in this Grand tapestry cling to

the God holding us together we’re not alone in navigating relationship

challenges instead we’re embraced by our creator Loving Hands orchestrating a

symphony of Grace forgiveness and transformation during moments shrouded

in Shadows when the world’s weight Bears down find solace in reaching out to the

almighty much like David traversing despair we find Refuge pouring our

hearts out to The Sovereign one reflect on Timeless Psalms resonating with

phrases like in anguish I raise my voice to the heavens My Cries ascended like

incense to my savior or perhaps oh Sovereign one listen as I utter my pleas

in your mercy answer my prayer today dear friends Forge a

connection with the Divine if he can choreograph the cosmic dance of stars

and galaxies surely he orchestrates every detail of your life just as he PR

cradles the Stars he tenderly holds you guiding you through the Labyrinth of

emotions when the looming clouds of Despair obscure the sky it’s comforting

to remember that even the moon adheres to his command gracefully tracing its ordained path amidst the tumultuous

storms of financial uncertainty let Faith serve as your anchor for the same

celestial force that holds the moon in its orbit can steer you through the tempestuous waves of economic

unpredictability consider the Exquisite intricacies of Creation The Very atoms

intricately composing your being pause and Ponder The Staggering wisdom

required to harmonize these minuscule particles into a symphony of

existence in the same vein trust in this Divine wisdom to orchestrate a

harmonious Rhythm within your family family Dynamics when Rifts appear and Harmony

falters lean into the one who expertly aligns atoms and have faith that he can

restore Concord to your household the expansive and boundless

oceans sprawling across the Horizon gracefully submit to his unwavering

Authority in the same manner surrender your marital challenges into his capable

hands just as he commands the surging Tides believe that he can mend the es

and flows of your relationship ushering in healing and renewal as the sun gracefully sets upon

this Earthly life casting poignant Shadows of grief and loss remember that

he who commands The Sun Also brings comfort and serenity in the face of

death in the Grandeur of orchestrating celestial bodies he Embraces you

tenderly guiding your journey from this life into the Transcendent

next those fleeting moments of Doubt fear and despair they don’t Define Your

Existence they merely stand as transient chapters in a story that is still being

penned a narrative authored by the same hands that sculpted towering mountains

and painted the canvas of the sky let the Timeless Echoes of John

resonate in the depths of your heart for God so loved the world that he gave his

only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal

life this profound love this unparalleled sacrifice serves as the

ultimate Testament to the immeasurable lengths God will Traverse to ensure your unwavering

resilience as Galatians urges we are beckon to Bear ye one another’s burdens

and so fulfill the law of Christ Envision a community where compassion

flows freely where love is the language spoken and every act of kindness brings

us closer to the Divine Purpose of our existence here is a revelatory Insight

when we cling to God it’s not merely a matter of us holding on rather it’s an

act of allowing him to hold us together it’s akin to an intricate dance of trust

and surrender where our steps align with his Divine choreography rhy the chaotic

tumult might whirl around us but we remain steadfast infolded by the one who

breathed life into our very beings indeed our journey May sometimes steer

us through the valleys of hate and Discord but it’s crucial to remember

that Darkness merely serves as a backdrop to accentuate the Brilliance of

light instead of casting judgment on others let us turn the spotlight inward

introspecting to ensure that every recess of our hearts is illuminated by the radiant love of God therefore as you

Traverse the intricate tapestry of Life cling not merely to the fraying edges of

circumstance but to the unwavering and unchanging hand of the Creator dive into

the depths of the Bible’s wisdom uncovering the deliberate creation of humankind by God for his own pleasure

and Divine Purpose in the Timeless scriptures of Genesis

– we witness the deliberate crafting of hum kind in the very image of God

granting them the authority to govern over the Earth remarkably God spoke

directly to himself the father Son and Holy Spirit while creating Humanity

displaying an undeniable connection between the creation and its Divine Source God stands as man man’s natural

habitat and devoid of his presence life dwindles into

insignificance when we stray from God’s path we embody lifelessness yet through the Redemptive

work of Christ we are restored to Unity with God allowing the Holy Spirit to

dwell within us this unmistakable love story is woven throughout the Bible

where ordinary individuals transcended into the extraordinary when enveloped by

God’s presence the stories of the Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob demonstrate this

Transcendent connection as they thrived even in the most dire circumstances

showcasing an extraordinary communion with God these Tales of transformation

from ordinary to extraordinary underline God’s profound affection for

humankind when God’s presence of adorned these individuals they became emissaries

of his extraordinary Essence drawing attention wherever their paths LED

absolutely here is an extended rewrite when Joseph’s own Brothers

envious of his dreams of greatness sold him into slavery the Bible highlights

that despite his adversities God’s favor remained upon him even in the most

daunting of circumstances I could delve further into the details but I trust you understand

the essence my intent is to utilize the message in this video to inspire you to

pursue God’s presence until you two become a bearer of it recognize that

upon becoming a child of God his Spirit takes residence within you nevertheless

possessing the spirit within is not the culmination rather it’s about receiving

an overflow of his presence allowing it to touch and affect those around you

transforming you into a carrier of his Divine Essence consider this the Bible affirms

that the spirit of God acts as a guarantee a seal marking our inheritance Ephesians – elucidates

that upon hearing the gospel and believing we were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit a deposit securing

our inheritance until God redeemed his possession all to glorify his name while

this occurs at the point of New Birth there’s another profound outpouring an

overflow of the same spirit that extends beyond our individual selves making our

lives strikingly noticeable to others think back to the day of Pentecost when

the disciples assembled in the upper room and the spirit descended like a mighty rushing wind as he settled upon

the them they began speaking in tongues glorifying god consider Peter who once

denied Jesus then boldly proclaimed the gospel before thousands leading , to

Christ this transformation is evidence of the overflowing spirit of God within

you subsequently in acts as they gathered to Pray Again the place

trembled they were filled with the spirit once more and they preached the gospel with unwavering boldness despite

threats from religious leaders these are irrefutable signs that

you have become a carrier of God’s presence when overwhelmed by someone

greater than any opposition nothing can impede your journey remember first John

you dear children are from God and have overcome them because the one who

is in you is greater than the one one who is in the world let me outline some indicators

that will accompany you when you carry the overflowing Spirit of God’s presence in your

life firstly when enveloped by God’s presence a profound sense of confidence

in him emerges leading to boldness in the face of daunting

situations this boldness was apparent in the lives of Abraham David Joseph Moses

and the discip IES when people witnessed the disciples boldness and wisdom

despite their ordinary nature they recognized it as the influence of Jesus

they concluded that these individuals had spent time with Jesus the spirit

within us supernaturally quickens our natural bodies seek the grace to spend more time

with the Lord until the extraordinary becomes evident in you you the multitude

of distractions in the world may seem enticing but they rob you of a wonderfilled life as God’s vessel to the

world the cost is clear invest more time with Jesus secondly carrying God’s presence

brings about supernatural manifestations in your life referred to in the Bible as

the gifts of the Spirit these gifts represent the Overflow of God’s presence

through some one impacting the lives of those around them have you noticed how

someone was healed by touching Jesus’s garment without him laying hands on her

or how Peter’s Shadow healed people as he passed by them or handkerchiefs taken

from Paul’s body healed people David slayed the Giant Goliath with a single

Stone Joseph effortlessly interpreted Pharaoh’s dream or Daniel revealed King

Nebuchadnezzar dream and its interpretation without prior knowledge

none of these were human Deeds they were outcomes of individuals who became

vessels for the spirit of God they were ordinary men who became great because

wherever they went They Carried God’s presence where everything is possible I

pray that these words Kindle a yearning in your heart for more of God’s presence in your life frankly our world today

needs more than mere professions of faith in Christ they need to tangibly

sense God in our lives but how can we give what we don’t possess

ourselves moreover when you bear God’s presence people find comfort in

confiding their personal matters to you and testify that they feel secure conversing with you in my younger years

I admired people of Faith who garnered such praise consequently I sought to evoke a similar

effect until I heard similar words spoken about me it wasn’t a practiced

art it was simply God flowing through me recall the woman at the well and Jesus

she may not have been so forthcoming with strangers yet she was open with the

Savior why his presence exuded a soothing loving and peaceful or aor if

you ever receive such feedback remember it’s not your doing but the presence of

God within you Joseph is a testament that when you bear God’s presence favor

follows the Bible states that when a person’s ways please God even their

enemies will live peacefully with them Joseph despite being a slave was

promoted to Chief Stewart in his master’s household when falsely accused

and imprisoned he found favor with the prison keeper and his fellow

inmates this favor would ultimately lead him to interpret Pharaoh’s dream thereby

saving countless lives people will assist you when you bear God’s

presence another indication of God’s presence in your life is being sensitive

to sin and feeling discomfort in its presence whether in your life or around

you those who relish sin or its practices lack God’s

presence regardless of its Allure you will discover an incessant

restlessness even when you sin you won’t find peace until you seek forgiveness

and repentance this serves as a sign that you carry God’s presence the last

significant aspect of these signs is the Perpetual swell of compassion in your

heart especially towards unbelievers or those in need your disposition becomes

less judgmental more truthful consistently pondering ways to contribute to their

transformation witnessing people on a path away from Jesus and towards Eternal

separation weighs heavily on your heart God’s word unmistakably outlines how to

cultivate it and accommodate more of his presence in our lives dedicate ample

time to prayer and fasting immerse yourself in the study and meditation of his word share your

faith openly engaging in these practices opens you up as a conduit for God’s

presence to touch the world around you these aren’t one-off actions they must

become integral to your lifestyle pray earnestly for God’s assistance in genuinely loving and

seeking him until you you become a vessel worthy of his use avoid asking

God to mold you into his vessel simply for power seeking as this desire is

selfish and not honored by God however with a sincere Pursuit Of God as you

open yourself more to his presence you’ll discover that demonstrating his presence to others is just one benefit

the primary advantage is enjoying continuous fellowship with him where he protects instructs fortifies you in

times of weakness and consoles you in moments of distress did you know there’s

a place in the Bible where God said I will proclaim the Lord’s decree he said

to me you are my son today I have become your father Psalm while this verse

primarily refers to Jesus Christ it extends its significance to you as well

how do I know this because God’s word confirms it Romans for those God

for you he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that

he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters and those he

predestined he also called those he called he also Justified those he

justified he also glorified this means that God is not

just the father of Jesus Christ he’s also the father of anyone who comes to

him through Jesus your faith was the means through which God brought you into

his family making you his own consider this dear child of God what’s your

self-perception who do you believe you are has anyone ever asked you that

question leaving you thinking perhaps because I’m not wealthy with abundant

possessions don’t hobnob with celebrities or lack a prestigious degree

I am insignificant that’s not the truth if you perceive yourself this way you

haven’t discovered your true identity you’re not ordinary you’re not

just a face in the crowd you are significant chosen by God plucked out of

Darkness to exhibit his Splendor Andor glory to a world steeped in darkness Peter perfectly

encapsulates this truth but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy

nation God’s special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who

called you out of Darkness into his wonderful light when these words

resonate within you they evoke a profound sense of wonder and gratitude to God for his mercy and Grace toward

towards you friend God didn’t save you to blend into the background or to

merely exist among the multitude his desire is to Fashion you

into a notable figure in this world I love how a man of God once put it you

are not an accident you are a deliberate creation of a great God those words

stuck with me since I first read them serving as a constant reminder I am not

an accident I am a deliberate creation of a great God these words Echo Peter’s

words affirming that despite the circumstances surrounding our birth

upbringing or social standing in Christ we are marvelously and wonderfully

chosen by God to Showcase his Splendor you are beautiful you are

remarkable yes I’m speaking directly to you the person listening right now do

despite feeling out of place or inadequate as you look at yourself your faith defines you it’s your identity

confirming you as God’s treasured possession destined for a splendid life

you must reach the point of fully embracing who you are in Christ there

are several aspects to understanding what it means to be chosen and I’ll share signs that you’re chosen even if

you haven’t realized it yet as I mentioned earlier your relationship with Jesus places you

in God’s family set apart by God himself as Peter wrote to Proclaim his

praise therefore as God’s chosen son or daughter when he looks upon the world he

sees and acknowledges you he views you as beautiful and unique as his

instrument on Earth designated to fulfill a Divine Purpose and plan on

this Earth You are God’s chosen child when he surveys the Earth he spots

someone dependable and that someone is you furthermore the Bible states that as

God’s chosen you are a holy and distinct individual to be holy means that God has

set you apart not just for his work but also for himself in ancient times God

instructed Moses and the priests to sanctify items made of good gold and other precious materials consecrating

them to him once dedicated to God no one else could use those

items they were labeled as God’s vessels sacred

materials yes they consisted of the same elements as the materials you’d find at

a store but because they belonged to God they were holy and off limits for any

other purpose there’s much more I could delve into about about this matter but

I’ll share something unique with you now through Christ God chose you to be his

vessel where his presence resides not only do you have access to

God’s presence but he also resides in you accompanying you wherever you go

your past is irrelevant your sins are forgiven and you belong to God Jesus

Paid For You hence no one neither man nor demon can claim ownership of you

this is one of the greatest joys of being God’s chosen You Are Holy despite

appearances because your life belongs to Christ and you live in and for him you are his possession marked by his seal

the Holy Spirit Ephesians and you also were included in Christ when you

heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you

were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit you’re part of

God’s family and have been called to fulfill his purpose on Earth with the gifts he has bestowed upon you no one

can assert ownership of you because God has already chosen you isn’t that

astonishing perhaps you’re anxious wishing you could have have such confidence in the fact that you are

God’s chosen one how can I know I am God’s chosen you

might ask well I promised I’d reveal signs that indicate your God’s chosen

even if you’ve never realized it the first sign is that you find it challenging to fit in have you ever

wondered why you’ve always struggled to conform to the norm why everything about you seems to counter the status quo why

you simply can’t be content with the world’s way way feeling detached from

transient things there’s nothing wrong with you it’s a sign that God is choosing you for

something more significant if you peruse the Bible you’ll notice that God has always picked

Misfits and transformed them into impactful figures on Earth consider

Jacob Moses jeffa David the disciples

Paul and others before you were even conceived before

your parents contemplated coming together God had already planned your

life nothing you’ve done or will do will catch him by surprise he knows all your

flaws habits mistakes strengths and weaknesses yet he still chose you you

might have been told that God would never choose someone like you because you don’t fit in because you don’t check

all the boxes but that’s not true does God

desire you to live carelessly and embrace an unacceptable lifestyle no he

doesn’t rather he wants you to realize that he desires you and he has a better

life for you to channel your energy towards consider Saul’s further before

he became Paul he was intent on destroying Christians and everyone

serving Jes Jesus but when he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus the man who later called

himself the chief of Sinners was saved and God redirected that unwavering

commitment toward preaching the gospel today we still study the life of one of

the greatest Misfits ever why because he embraced his true identity in Christ

when you feel like you don’t belong don’t consider something wrong with you

it’s a sign that you’re chosen so instead of evading it answer

the call and embrace who you are and the one who made and selected you the second

sign is that you always emerge unharmed I recollect many years ago

before I embraced Faith between my adolescence and teenage years I noticed

the pull towards danger outwardly quiet inside me resided a child yearning for

adventure even if it meant risking harm of course I recognize now that it was

the devil attempting to destroy me because as I look at the things I escaped and survived unscathed I can

only attributed to God preserving me even post my conversion I became

increasingly conscious of multiple assaults by the devil in my life unbeknownst to me yet God has been

defending and preserving me until this very moment dear child of God this

stands as a sign that you are chosen there have been trials that could

have shattered others yet here you stand today being chosen by God does not imply

superiority or greater intellect compared to those ens snared In Harm’s Way it does not mean God loves them any

less it signifies being chosen according to the wisdom and excellence of his

counsel God perceives and comprehends all whereas the devil does not possess

such omniscience we may conjecture but we cannot definitively ascertain what God

has in store for you thus When You observe persistent attacks from Satan

pushing you into situations meant to wreck you do not be afraid in fact this is a sign that God

is orchestrating something in your life life unbeknownst to you while the devil

Endeavors to lure you out of God’s will you see the Bible doesn’t promise

immunity from attacks to God’s chosen people no it does not state that instead

it forarms that weapons will be fashioned against us enemies will emerge from various quarters and diverse

challenges will surface to bring us down nevertheless amid all all this not one

will Triumph in completely annihilating us this stands as God’s Assurance no

weapon formed to harm you will prevail the devil employs various tactics

including fear from his Arsenal however as a child of God you need not succumb

to fear God has pledged that Satan’s weapons will not conquer you they may

persist But ultimately you will emerge merge Victorious there’s nothing more

comforting than knowing that God perpetually stands by our side supporting us despite the trials we

encounter or the hardships we endure there exists a radiant light at

the end brought forth by the Lord regardless of how imposing or terrifying

the obstacles may seem they will not overpower us Victory is guaranteed for

those who place their trust in the Lord and make him their refuge in times of

adversity on retrospection you will discern the hand of the Lord upon you

looking back you will acknowledge that without the Lord you wouldn’t have conquered the trials you

faced God has chosen you my friend it’s

time to embrace your identity who are God’s chosen

ones what does it entail to be we labeled God’s chosen one the Bible

States in Peter – but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy

nation God’s special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who

called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light once you were not a

people but now you are the people of God once you had not received Mercy but now

you have received Mercy this scripture delineates who

God’s chosen ones are in a straightforward manner they are those

who have responded to his call to depart from Darkness Into His Marvelous Light

those who have received his mercy and become his people all these occurrences

are not of the flesh do they emanate from your physical body or

emotions no do they exhibit signs yes but they are the fruits of

Faith tapping into God’s Redemptive Grace that transforms you Jesus

mentioned that many are called but few are chosen the call extends to everyone

but only those who have responded come out of Darkness into his light out of the grip of sinfulness to receive his

mercy and out of the multitude to fulfill his distinct purpose in their

lives these are the ones labeled as God’s chosen have you accepted Jesus as your lord and

surrendered to his principles and word as the supreme authority in your life by

doing so you may not witness a tangible transformation to prove that a change

has occurred or that you have been shifted from under Satan’s Dominion into God’s family nonetheless through faith

God has spiritually included you and you have become his chosen addition

additionally God can single you out from among his people to serve a unique purpose in this world consequently you

become God’s chosen for that specific purpose for instance he spoke of Jesus

in Isaiah here is my servant whom I uphold My

Chosen One in whom I Delight I will put my spirit on him and he will bring

Justice to the Nations each of us as God’s children has been selected from the world yet beyond

that God may still handpick you or me for special tasks to glorify him

throughout history God has consistently chosen men and women to serve his

purposes in their respective eras Abraham and Sarah were chosen to

lay the foundation of a new people Sanctified to God in a corrupt World

Joseph was chosen to be the rescuer of his family and numerous

lives Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Aaron was chosen

to be the patriarch of priests for Generations Joshua was chosen to lead

the Israelites into the promised land David was chosen to govern the nation of

Israel after God’s heart John the Baptist was chosen to pave the way for

the Messiah Jesus when you are chosen from the world of sin or among God’s people in the light

certain changes will begin to manifest within you these occurrences will serve

as signs that you are no longer who you used to be and that now you are God’s

chosen one the primary indication that you are chosen by God is that you will

be set apart in Corinthians to

the Bible States what agreement is there between the temple of God and

Idols for we are the Temple of the Living God as God has said I will live

with them and walk among them and I will be their God and they will be my people

therefore come out from them and be separate says the Lord touch no unclean

thing and I will receive you and I will be a father to you and you will be my

son and daughters says the Lord Almighty this verse wasn’t directed at

unbelievers instead it was addressed to Believers those saved by faith in

Jesus however it revealed to them that they would need to live a distinct life

wholly devoted to God what does it mean to be set apart it means to be enveloped

by the Lord it signifies surrendering ownership of your life to God

when you are chosen by God you will gradually sense a stronger inclination

to honor God with who you are and what you do than ever before you will feel

that whatever you possess isn’t truly yours but belongs to God and should be employed solely for his

purposes you will regard yourself as God’s vessel and will asue anything that

could invite sin or dishonor God within your being this also applies to those

chosen to fulfill a Divine task you will no longer blend in as you did previously

instead you’ll sense a distinctiveness and a stronger pull towards God’s

calling than towards conforming with the crowd for instance Moses perhaps wasn’t

aware that God had chosen him to deliver the Israelites but he felt an internal

urge to act and assist them naturally he ended up killing an Egyptian resulting

in his Exile from Egypt affording God the opportunity to prepare him over the

ensuing years likewise a sign that you are God’s chosen is feeling out of place and a

desire to solely adhere to God’s will for your life this implies that you no

longer find comfort in indulging in your past way of life regardless of whether

it was sinful or not even if you stumble back into to it you swiftly realign

yourself and distance yourself from whatever led to your fall prioritizing

God above all else in your life serves as a clear sign that you are

chosen the second indication that you are among God’s chosen is the guiding

presence and work of his Spirit within you when God selects you he bestows his

Spirit upon you for instance your rebirth was the the result of God’s

spirit entering your human Spirit bringing forth the very life of God himself within you from that moment you

became a child of God through the Same Spirit John to affirms yet to all

who did receive him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God children born

not of natural descent nor of human decision or a husband and’s will but

born of God furthermore Romans adds

for those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God the working

of God’s spirit within or through you signifies that you are chosen by God as

you grow in faith by obeying God’s word you will gradually become acquainted

with the Holy Spirit he will utilize God’s word in your spirit spirit and his

personal convictions within your heart to steer your life this is what it means

to be led by the spirit he will prick your conscience when necessary he will

grant you Visions when needed he will work miracles through you when you permit him anyone God chooses he anoints

with his spirit for the particular life or work he has called them to therefore

if God has singled you out for a specific assignment expect to witness the holy spirit’s Supernatural

manifestations in those areas if you simply obey you need not fret about

guidance or empowerment as you proceed you’ll witness him working through you

the third sign is that when chosen by God you become a target of the enemy my

pastor often said that if Satan doesn’t directly or indirectly oppose you or your endeavors it means your heading in

the same direction as him the Bible informs us that we are in continual

conflict with the adversary this is to uphold the victory of Christ not because we lack Victory

this is the fight of Faith although the enemy was defeated by Christ he

Endeavors to convince us that we do not have victory over him and that we are not who God claims us to be hence he

battles you with sickness lack and various trials despite the

Bible stating that Christ bore your sicknesses and God provides for all your needs according to his riches and Glory

when you are under Satan’s Dominion he doesn’t need to assail you because you are his

captive however when you align with God especially when he selects you for a

special work the devil will attack you when you encounter challenges ESP

especially while attempting an act of obedience to God recognize that it’s because you’ve been chosen by God the

devil attempted to divert Jesus from the cross he tried to hinder the Israelites

from departing Egypt and reaching the promised land he endeavored to corrupt

Peter but Jesus interceded for him the devil could discern that Peter had a

significant Destiny and had been chosen by God for remarkable Deeds needs

consider Joseph David Moses and numerous

others sometimes what you face may not be a direct challenge but a consistent

barrage of Temptations and burdens that keep you struggling addictions unhealthy

relationships ungodly influences and more initially appearing harmless these

things reveal themselves as the enemy’s snares to obstruct you from fulfilling

God’s intended purpose for you this stands as a clear sign that you are

chosen by God and destined for greatness by his hand lastly the fourth sign that

you are chosen by God is receiving Angelic assistance the Bible refers to angels in

Hebrews as ministering Spirits sent to serve those who will inherit

salvation Psalm – ANS for he will command his angels

concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their

hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone you will Tread On

The Lion and the Cobra you will trample the great Lion and the

serpent Angelic Aid is the legacy of a child of God especially for the one

chosen by God for his assignment I often tell people never to underestimate

someone chosen by God God can intervene in their life at any moment though they

may seem helpless they will never be stranded because they are chosen by God

God will always position angels to assist them these angels may appear in

human form or even as Spirits if necessary their duty is to safeguard and

provide everything needed for the person to become who God intends them to be if

demons come against you as God’s chosen you need not fear Victory is

assured it may appear otherwise but you will eventually witness the truth while

we are not directed by God to seek signs these signs affirm that irrespective of

the circumstances in our lives we have been chosen by God as Peter wrote we are

encouraged and inspired to go and manifest God’s Praises through our

Lives Many Things commence in your life when the Holy Spirit is upon you since

the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit has dwelt in the hearts of everyone born

again filling those who seek Him by faith in ancient times the children of

Israel the only ones qualified to be called God’s people did not house the

spirit of God within them instead the Bible indicates that the spirit of the

Lord Came Upon them his presence was temporary an anointing for specific

assignments and departed after the task was accomplished however as the Old

Testament era neared its conclusion God pledged to pour out his Spirit on everyone this time not for a task or a

period but eternally Joel and afterward I will pour out my spirit

on all people your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men will dream

dreams your young men will see Visions when Jesus arrive he confirmed

this promise vowing to send the helper Advocate and companion to his followers

John but when the helper comes whom I

shall send to you from the Father the spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of me the Holy

Spirit has been bestowed upon every child of God as his representative his abiding presence accompanying you

everywhere guiding teaching and empowering you to become all that the

father envisioned when the Holy Spirit comes upon you certain things will start

happening in your life I cannot enumerate everything everything since there is no limit to what the Holy

Spirit can accomplish in your life however you will begin to observe

changes signs that the spirit of God dwells within you they symbolize his

work within you to perfect God’s righteousness and counsel in your life

firstly one noticeable change when the Holy Spirit is upon you is a fresh sense

of empowerment that you realize is not from within yourself Jesus told his disciples about this in

Acts but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and

you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the

ends of the Earth consequently when the spirit is upon you a surge of power will

commence within you you may sense a stirring or growth within your

heart however please understand that this sensation varies depending on how

the spirit chooses to move within his vessel nevertheless it manifests in

numerous ways you may experience new found courage to boldly speak about your

faith or confront ungodliness you were previously hesitant to address you may

feel a heightened ability to pray with greater intensity and Authority than

before this is the Holy Spirit imparting to your your spirit the consciousness of God’s Authority now bestowed upon you

through Christ this was why Paul wrote to Timothy that God had given us the

spirit of love power and a sound mind the initial effect of the holy spirit’s

presence is to dispel your fears and instill in you a fresh sense of power and authority in Christ Jesus for his

purpose two another transformation that may commence in your life when the Holy

Spirit is upon you is A New Perspective and deeper comprehension of the word of

God the spirit of God is acknowledged as the spirit of wisdom and understanding

wherever he resides he radiates as light and when you perceive that light it

illuminates your heart and dispels all forms of spiritual

blindness in his letter to the Ephesian Church Paul offered a potent prayer for

them if Ephesians – I keep asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ

The Glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and Revelation so that

you may know him better I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in

order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy

people when the Holy Spirit rests upon you you will grasp the word of God more

profoundly ly you will notice heightened insights into spiritual truths that were

previously elusive you know many Believers currently dispute and reject certain

portions of scripture they do this due to two reasons either they have not yet

received the Holy Spirit or they have received him but have resisted his

illumination the Holy Spirit embodies light and wherever he goes Darkness

dissipates ignorance and lack of understanding are forms of

Darkness however when the Holy Spirit dwells within you light envelops you and

Revelations begin to flood your spirit three when the Holy Spirit is upon you

you’ll derive more pleasure from fellowship particularly in communion with him a lack of the holy spirit is

one of the reasons for weariness in prayer studying the word or enjoying

time with fellow Believers at church as the Holy Spirit comes upon you

you will discover a growing desire and joy in God’s presence and in

Fellowship second Corinthians States May the grace of the Lord Jesus

Christ and the love of God and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all True Fellowship is only

delightful when experienced in the company of the Holy Spirit and by his

empowerment when the Holy Spirit becomes the Cornerstone of our fellowship a

gathering of Believers transcends mere assembly it becomes God’s Dwelling Place

his Temple even if it occurs within the confines of a prison nobody would want

to leave and everyone eagerly anticipates the next meeting thus when

the Holy Spirit touches everyone there’s no need to coax them to attend church

because they’ll love being there they’ll relish spending quality time with God in

the word and prayer they yearn to be with God consistently praying even in

public spaces and at times simply relishing his presence unnoticed by

others for with the Holy Spirit upon you a hunger and Zeal for the unsaved will

begin to burgeon within you the presence of the Holy Spirit Kindles compassion

for the ignorant selfish or any unconverted individual you

encounter by the flesh or your frail human nature you might naturally avoid

association with them however because the Holy Spirit mirrors God’s heart you

may start to feel that same compassion when an unsaved individual is in your

vicinity or even when they offend you rather than getting upset set and

retaliating you might even find yourself pardoning them this compassion is what

drove Jesus and Steven to pray Lord forgive them because they don’t know

what they’re doing it’s called compassion for the lost it motivates you

to take action to see the unsaved person finds salvation hence you might find yourself

eager to share your faith with them or participate in local or International Outreach programs to bring people to

Christ this isn’t born out of a general obligation or personal ambition but is

solely your response to the spirit’s influence upon you presently many

Believers disregard the plight of the Lost instead of revealing where they

might end up we believe that this fear should lead them to turn to Jesus but

that isn’t our mission our mission is to be his voice calling out to a Dying

World to come to the one who can save it five when the Holy Spirit is upon you

love begins to flourish in your heart similarly to the previous point in the

presence of the spirit you’ll experience heightened love and compassion within you forgiveness becomes more

accessible you’ll want to Aid nearly everyone you encounter you might start contemplating

someone else’s predicament that you wouldn’t have cared about previously it’s the spirit’s doing when

he rests upon you he diffuses his love within your heart and begins to erode

any hardness animosity division or desire to harm others Romans States

and hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit

who has been given to us six as the Holy Spirit rests upon you you’ll gain better

control over the impulses of your flesh that previously governed you your speech

and language will begin to change you will exercise more restraint

over your tongue and emotions this transformation extends Beyond behavior and penetrates into your

heart when the Holy Spirit comes upon you he stirs your heart against those

things you previously tolerated that never glorified God but rather polluted you from within when the spirit rests

upon you you may start to sense that you and your former corrupt friends with

whom you once Associated are no longer in harmony you may struggle to fit in

with their group or conversations every ungodly word becomes

like a thorn piercing your soul I’ll ultimately leading you to distance yourself from their company in line with

the Bible’s advice not to be unequally yolked with unbelievers you’ll begin to feel like a

transformed person this is what Paul refers to as the newness of life through

the spirit’s baptism in Romans these six points I’ve outlined here are not a

display of Pride or the Flesh and they are not listed in a sequential order

nonetheless they are significant occurrences that you should notice as they start to unfold when the Holy

Spirit rests upon you are you wrestling with fear and

timidity struggling with apathy towards life or spiritual

matters the Holy Spirit can transform that if you invite him and accept him by

faith into your heart upon his arrival he’ll commence his work in your life in

such a manner that when others meet you they’ll indeed recognize that something about you has

changed in the Revelation a captivating portrayal of the cosmic battle

unfolds the devil’s deceit ultimately leads to his downfall consigned to the

Lake of Fire alongside the Beast and the false prophet their torment is

unyielding a dire fate indeed this vividly underscores the

enemy’s coming his desire to ensnare us in a Web of Lies dragging us into

Eternal suffering but let us not be misled for the word warns us do not be deceived God

is Not mocked for whatever one sews that will he also reap planting seeds in fertile soil

yields a Bountiful Harvest however what we SE holds immense

significance so seeds of Honor honesty kindness and

authenticity cultivate genuine connections grounded in shared values and Faith just as Christ bore his cross

we too bear the cross of discernment our actions intentions and

choices are the seeds we seow let us nurture them with prayer and wisdom

Embrace this journey with hope for the Lord’s promises stand firm

remember delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your

heart embrace the sense of mystery in your journey similar to an artist

withholding their Masterpiece until completion certain chapters of Our Lives unfold in due course our heavenly father

Delights in surprises unveiling His blessings at the perfect time envision

your heart as a garden just as you wouldn’t plant weeds among prized

flowers Safeguard your heart against the influence of cynics while it’s our Christian duty to

love all and share the gospel it’s equally vital to be vigilant about the company we keep being around scoffers is

akin to inviting pests into your garden they can hinder your growth and

suffocate your spiritual Roots recall Noah’s Tale

he spent years constructing an ark obedient to God’s instructions despite

others scoffing eventually his obedience rescued his family ushering them into a

new beginning similarly when we focus on delighting in God’s word and following

his guidance we can weather like storms and find ourselves on the shores of blessings first Thessalonians

Whispers of a future Beyond Beck us beyond our wildest

dreams those alive will Ascend together into the clouds meeting the Lord in the

air thus we shall be forever with the Lord imagine this a moment when

Believers Ascend together Rising on the wings of Faith to meet the Lord in the

sky it’s a breathtaking vision of unity and eternal fellowship and Revelation resigns

with a promise of protection since you have kept my command and endured Patiently I will also keep you from the

hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth a shield against impending

trials and Assurance of safeguarding through your steadfastness the cynics may attempt to

seow seeds of doubt about these verses to make you question God’s word instead

of wrestling with doubt stand firm Safeguard your faith like a

precious treasure shielded from Doubt’s corrosive touch how by intentionally

surrounding yourself with those who uplift your spirit who fuel the Flames of Faith within you envision yourself on

a grand Expedition ascending a mountain leading to God’s presence as you ascend distractions Loom

like Boulders skepticism appears as crevices the scoffers like treacherous

Stones Under Foot threaten to trip you but remember you hold the power to

choose your companions on this climb seek fellow climbers who encourage you

extending a hand when the path gets tough continuing your Ascent recall the

wisdom in second Peter – so then dear friends since you are looking

forward to this make every effort to be found spotless blameless and at peace

with him bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation just as our

dear brother Paul also wrote you it’s a guide book for this journey offering a

road map to Readiness diligently pursue a life reflecting the Peace of Christ let your

actions mirror our Lord’s patience serving as a beacon of salvation to all

who witness clasp onto The God Who holds you together weaving the threads of your

existence into a tapestry of purpose in the intricate threads of our existence

we navigate the complex world of relationships here we are called to a

higher standard a Divine code setting us apart from worldly Norms our character and conduct leave a

new pattern when we surrender to Jesus Christ as The Sovereign Lord Of Our

Lives we’re urged to relinquish desires for Retribution releasing burdens of

retaliation instead we’re challenged to respond to adversity with Godly Spirit

radical and countercultural responding to hatred with love lifting prayers for

those against us this path isn’t for the fainthearted yet it’s emboldened by our

savior teachings in the tapestry of human potential limitations often

arise the mountain of righteous living seems insurmountable but take strength from

Matthew with man this is impossible but With God all things are

possible on our own we stumble falter our efforts threads Fray and break yet

amidst our in inadequacies the Divine thread of the Holy Spirit into weaves

with our being it’s this wondrous partnership enabling us to live our

faith daily embody righteousness Embrace forgiveness and extend immeasurable love

just as a skilled Weaver Blends colors and textures to create intricate designs

God skillfully weaves our lives in this Grand tapestry cling to the God holding

us together together we’re not alone in navigating relationship challenges

instead we’re embraced by our Creator’s Loving Hands orchestrating a symphony of

Grace forgiveness and transformation during moments shrouded

in Shadows when the world’s weight Bears down find solace in reaching out to the

almighty much like David traversing despair we find Refuge pouring our

hearts out to The Sovereign War one reflect on Timeless Psalms resonating

with phrases like in anguish I raise my voice to the heavens My Cries ascended

like incense to my savior or perhaps oh Sovereign one listen as I utter my pleas

in your mercy answer my prayer today dear friends Forge a

connection with the Divine if he can choreograph the cosmic dance of stars

and galaxies surely he orchestrates every detail of your life just as he

cradles the Stars he tenderly holds you guiding you through the Labyrinth of

emotions when the looming clouds of Despair obscure the sky it’s comforting

to remember that even the moon adheres to his command gracefully tracing its ordained path amidst the tumultuous

storms of financial uncertainty let Faith serve as your anchor for the

same celestial force that holds the moon in its orbit can steer you through the

tempestuous waves of economic unpredictability consider the Exquisite

intricacies of Creation The Very atoms intricately composing your being pause

and Ponder The Staggering wisdom required to harmonize these minuscule particles into a symphony of existence

in the same vein trust in this Divine wisdom to orchestrate a harmonious

Rhythm within your family Dynamics when Rifts appear and Harmony

falters lean into the one who expertly aligns atoms and have faith that he can

restore Concord to your household the expansive and boundless

oceans sprawling across the Horizon gracefully submit to his unwavering

Authority in the the same manner surrender your marital challenges into

his capable hands just as he commands the surging Tides believe that he can mend the es

and flows of your relationship ushering in healing and renewal as the sun gracefully sets upon

this Earthly life casting poignant Shadows of grief and loss remember that

he who commands the son also brings comfort and serenity in the face of

death in the Grandeur of orchestrating celestial bodies he Embraces you

tenderly guiding your journey from this life into the Transcendent

next those fleeting moments of Doubt fear and despair they don’t Define Your

Existence they merely stand as transient chapters in a story that is still being

penned a narrative authored by the same hands that sculpted towering mountains

and painted the canvas of of the sky let the Timeless Echoes of John

resonate in the depths of your heart for God so loved the world that he gave his

only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal

life this profound love this unparalleled sacrifice serves as the

ultimate Testament to the immeasurable lengths God will Traverse to ensure your unwavering

resilience as Galatians urges we are beckoned to Bear ye one another’s

burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ Envision a community where compassion

flows freely where love is the language spoken and every act of kindness brings

us closer to the Divine Purpose of our existence here is a revelatory Insight

when we cling to God it’s not merely a matter of us holding on rather it’s an

act of allowing him to hold us together it’s akin to an intricate dance of trust

and surrender where our steps align with his Divine choreography the chaotic tumult might

whirl around us but we remain steadfast infolded by the one who breathed life

into our very beings indeed our journey May sometimes steer us through the

valleys of hate and Discord but it’s crucial to remember that Darkness merely serves as a

backdrop to accentuate the Brilliance of light instead of casting judgment on

others let us turn the spotlight inward introspecting to ensure that every

recess of our hearts is illuminated by the radiant love of God therefore as you

Traverse the intricate tapestry of Life cling not merely to the fraying edges of

circumstance but to the unwavering and unchanging hand of the Creator dive into

the depths of the B Bible’s wisdom uncovering the deliberate creation of humankind by God for his own pleasure

and Divine Purpose in the Timeless scriptures of Genesis

– we witness the deliberate crafting of humankind in the very image of God

granting them the authority to govern over the Earth remarkably God spoke

directly to himself the father Son and Holy Spirit while creating Humanity

displaying an undeniable connection between the creation and its Divine Source God stands as man’s natural

habitat and devoid of his presence life dwindles into

insignificance when we stray from God’s path we embody lifelessness yet through the Redemptive

work of Christ we are restored to Unity with God allowing the Holy Spirit to

dwell within us this unist stable love story is woven throughout the Bible

where ordinary individuals transcended into the extraordinary when enveloped by

God’s presence the stories of the Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob

demonstrate this Transcendent connection as they thrived even in the most dire

circumstances showcasing an extraordinary communion with God these

Tales of transformation from all ordinary to extraordinary underline

God’s profound affection for humankind when God’s presence adorned

these individuals they became emissaries of his extraordinary Essence drawing

attention wherever their paths LED absolutely here is an extended

rewrite when Joseph’s own Brothers envious of his dreams of greatness sold

him into slavery the Bible highlights that despite his adversities God’s favor

remained upon him even in the most daunting of circumstances I could delve further into

the details but I trust you understand the essence my intent is to utilize the

message in this video to inspire you to pursue God’s presence until you two

become a bearer of it recognize that upon becoming a child of God his Spirit

takes residence within you nevertheless possessing the spirit

within is not the culmination rather it’s about receiving an overflow of his

presence allowing it to touch and affect those around you transforming you into a

carrier of his Divine Essence consider this the Bible affirms

that the spirit of God acts as a guarantee a seal marking our inheritance Ephesians –

elucidates that upon hearing the gospel goel and believing we were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit a deposit

securing our inheritance until God redeems his possession all to glorify

his name while this occurs at the point of New Birth there’s another profound

outpouring an overflow of the same spirit that extends beyond our individual selves making our lives

strikingly noticeable to others think back to the day of Pentecost when the

disciples was assembled in the upper room and the spirit descended like a mighty rushing wind as he settled upon

them they began speaking in tongues glorifying god consider Peter who once

denied Jesus then boldly proclaimed the gospel before thousands leading , to

Christ this transformation is evidence of the overflowing spirit of God within

you subsequently in in acts as they gathered to Pray Again the place

trembled they were filled with the spirit once more and they preached the gospel with unwavering boldness despite

threats from religious leaders these are irrefutable signs that

you have become a carrier of God’s presence when overwhelmed by someone

greater than any opposition nothing can impede your journey remember first John

you dear children are from God and have overcome them because the one who

is in you is greater than the one who is in the world let me outline some indicators

that will accompany you when you carry the overflowing Spirit of God’s presence in your

life firstly when enveloped by God’s presence a profound sense of confidence

in him emerges leading to boldness in the face of daunting situations this boldness was apparent in

the lives of Abraham David Joseph Moses and the

disciples when people witnessed the disciples boldness and wisdom despite

their ordinary nature they recognized it as the influence of Jesus they concluded

that these individuals had spent time with Jesus the spirit within us

supernaturally quickens our natural body seek the grace to spend more time with

the Lord until the extraordinary becomes evident in you the multitude of

distractions in the world may seem enticing but they rob you of a wonderfilled life as God’s vessel to the

world the cost is clear invest more time with Jesus secondly carrying God’s presence

brings about supernatural manifestations in your life referred to as in the Bible

as the gifts of the Spirit these gifts represent the Overflow of God’s presence

through someone impacting the lives of those around them have you noticed how

someone was healed by touching Jesus’s garment without him laying hands on her

or how Peter’s Shadow healed people as he passed by them or handkerchiefs taken

from Paul’s body healed people David slayed the Giant Goliath with the single

Stone Joseph effortlessly interpreted Pharaoh’s dream or Daniel revealed King

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its interpretation without prior knowledge

none of these were human Deeds they were outcomes of individuals who became

vessels for the spirit of God they were ordinary men who became great because

wherever they went They Carried God’s presence where everything is possible I

pray pray that these words Kindle a yearning in your heart for more of God’s presence in your life frankly our world

today needs more than mere professions of faith in Christ they need to tangibly

sense God in our lives but how can we give what we don’t possess

ourselves moreover when you bear God’s presence people find comfort in

confiding their personal matters to you and testify that they feel secure conversing with you in my younger years

I admired people of Faith who garnered such praise consequently I sought to evoke a

similar effect until I heard similar words spoken about me it wasn’t a

practiced art it was simply God flowing through me recall the woman the well and

Jesus she may not have been so forthcoming with strangers yet she was

open with the Savior why his presence exuded a

soothing loving and peaceful aura if you ever receive such feedback remember it’s

not your doing but the presence of God within you Joseph is a testament that

when you bear God’s presence favor follows the Bible states that when a

person’s ways please God even their enemies will live peacefully with them

Joseph despite being a slave was promoted to Chief Stewart in his

master’s household when falsely accused and imprisoned he found favor with the

prison keeper and his fellow inmates this favor would ultimately lead

him to interpret Pharaoh’s dream thereby saving countless lives people will

assist you when you bear God’s presence another indication of God’s

presence in your your life is being sensitive to sin and feeling discomfort in its presence whether in your life or

around you those who relish sin or its practices lack God’s

presence regardless of its Allure you’ll discover an incessant

restlessness even when you sin you won’t find peace until you seek forgiveness

and repentance this serves as a sign that you carry God’s presence the last

significant aspect of these signs is the Perpetual swell of compassion in your

heart especially towards unbelievers or those in need your disposition becomes

less judgmental more truthful consistently pondering ways to contribute to their

transformation witnessing people on a path away from Jesus and towards Eternal

separation weighs heavily on your heart God’s word unmistakably outlines how to

cultivate and accommodate more of his presence in our lives dedicate ample time to prayer and

fasting immerse yourself in the study and meditation of his word share your

faith openly engaging in these practices opens you up as a conduit for God’s

presence to touch the world around you these aren’t one-off actions they must

become integral to your lifestyle pray earnestly for God’s assistance in genuinely loving and

seeking him until you become a vessel worthy of his use avoid asking God to

mold you into his vessel simply for power seeking as this desire is selfish

and not honored by God however with a sincere Pursuit Of God as you open

yourself more to his presence you’ll discover that demonstrating his presence to others is just just one benefit the

primary advantage is enjoying continuous fellowship with him where he protects

instructs fortifies you in times of weakness and consoles you in moments of



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