I Have Something To Tell You | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

I Have Something To Tell You | God Says

today I have something important to tell you please listen closely and don’t turn

away or stop listening don’t ignore or Overlook these words as they’re meant

for your good I love you very much and always aim to give you plenty of love to provide

you with comfort and protection so that even during tough times you feel safe

guided blessed and valued because you hold a special place

in my heart I need to share this vital message to heal your inner

self I want you to know about the steps I plan to take nothing is too difficult

for me and in this amazing time while you’ve been getting to know me better you’ve started to see understand and

trust that my word is the truth destined to come true and it will

never fail however there’s an issue I need to point out I’m not mentioning this to make you

feel sad or give up nor do I want you to lose hope or stop moving

forward I’m telling you this because if you listen to my advice and follow it

you will receive many blessings listen closely and accept what

I’m about to say if you want the doors and windows of Heaven to open up for you and to connect with the Divine and

miraculous to make this happen you need to clear your heart

of any complaints and negative thoughts I’m happy with your faith but don’t let

complaining poison your genuine belief avoid holding on to negative

feelings or pessimistic thoughts as they can grow and eventually cause your strong faith to

fade stop complaining stay away from friends who

constantly stir up trouble doubt and complaints instead choose why

companions decide now if you’ll trust me or turn away from the good changes and blessings that are coming your way

especially if you leave behind complaints choose Faith hold on

to hope and avoid negative thoughts wonderful things are going to

happen blessings help freedom healing peace in your family joy in your soul

and a Heart full of gladness all these blessings will come to you if you decide

to trust in me I love you so much my child hold on to me

tightly give me your doubts and complaints stop trying to do everything on your own let me have the chance to

bless you and show you the incredible love I have for you tell me you trust in

me I will remove the obstacles in your way Break Down The Walls blocking your great

future I’m cutting off the harsh ties that have hurt you and removing the heavy burden that’s

been dragging you down for too long contrary winds have blown against

your sails steering you into the eye of the hurricane seeking to engulf you in

the abyss of sorrow and despair that has Afflicted you greatly today I come to

offer you Liberation I shall breathe with Divine breath upon the storm of

malevolence the burdens Laden with fear and anxiety are dis ating the words I

speak are alive possessing the power to initiate genuine miracles in your

life the changes you’ve been hoping for the Fresh Start you’ve prayed about are

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