God Says: You Are Not Seeing This By Accident | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: You Are Not Seeing This By Accident | Jesus Affirmations



my beloved child even though you are

having a hard time and facing many

problems I believe that you have the

power to bring happiness to everyone you

meet people around you can feel Hope and

Faith when you’re there you get closer

to your goals with every prayer you say

the way my hands have worked in your

life will be shown by how much you’ve

grown the breakthroughs you’re having

especially when it comes to money are

proof of my many blessings for you I

love you so much that the peace and

Clarity you feel in your mind and heart

are signs of that believe that every

choice you make brings you closer to my

divine plan find your moral compass

again and let go of any pain that is

holding you back I want your life to be

full of Happiness satisfaction and

meaning to do this you must completely

trust me trust me to lead you and follow

the path I’ve set out for you trust my

big plan because I can help you reach

any goal dear one when you accept this

trust the options are endless the beauty

that awaits you is beyond our

understanding stand together and say

that you believe in me this will show

the world that anything is possible when

I’m here you can expect my help the

almighty to make your life a wonder and

a work of beauty because you always

believe in me great things are going to

happen trust in my guidance and I will

show you the way to a rich life I will

work through you making it possible for

you to do amazing things you look tired

and I can see the hard times and brave

battles you’ve been through it really

has cost a lot I can see how tired you

are in your eyes and feel the weight in

your heart but I can also see the

strength in your character and the

unwavering determination in your

soul even though things look scary don’t

worry you will come out on top Your Big

Break is getting closer your prayers

have been heard and I am now stepping in

to help chances come your way through

open doors the most important thing is

to keep trusting me and doing what I say

I understand your fears the worry about

the future the worry about what other

people will think and the constant

doubting of your worth I promise you

that you don’t need to worry about those

things let go of these weights they are

only only making you feel bad no matter

what happens I will be your guide and

protector don’t worry I’m here to help I

can feel the weight that seems

impossible to lift off of you and your

overwhelming sense of Burden do not be

afraid I am here to help you and bring

peace into your life have faith in me

and lean on me and I will carry you

through this rough time don’t give into

your fear your stress will soon go away

leaving only my many blessings behind

because I see the stress and burdens you

carry I know they are heavy I understand

every worry and care that’s on your mind

I am ready to ease these problems and

take away the pain and worry that are

bothering you these troubles will be

replaced by my love take it easy in the

arms of my love thank you for your

efforts I will give you my peace and

fill your heart with my love no matter

what trouble you’re going through I will

show you the way don’t give into fear or

defeat instead hold on to me there are

blessings coming your way but you have

to have faith to claim them share this

video with your contacts if you love

me and also subscribe to the Jesus

affirmations channel to stay connected

with my voice

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