God Say : You’ll Make Me Angry If You Skip This! | God message jesus | jesus love |

my cherished one I come to you with

words of promise of hope and of

unwavering Love Today I extend to you an

invitation a covenant of commitment that

transcends time and space open your

heart to me and witness the

transformation that awaits as my

presence envelops your life dispelling

the shadows of emptiness and learning

in the depths of your soul feel the

Resonance of my words resonating with

the power to Usher forth positive change

to navigate through the E and flow of

life’s challenges with Grace and

fortitude cast aside the cloak of fear

for I am your Shield against the arrows

of doubt and despair together we shall

navigate to Labyrinth of existence

emerging Victorious in the face of

adversity know this dear one that you

are not alone on this journey I stand by

your sigh a beacon of light amidst the

darkness guiding your steps with

unwavering love and boundless compassion

let not The Echoes of past hurts weigh

you down for In My Embrace you shall

find Solace and renewal

as you awaken each morning Let My Words

Be a mantra upon your lips a source of

strength and inspiration to fuel your

soul embrace the promise of a future

filled with peace joy and abundance for

I have ordained it

so as you continue along your path

remember that every obstacle is but a

stepping stone to Greater Heights

do not be discouraged by setbacks for

within you lies the power to overcome

any challenge that may arise trust in

the process and know that I am with you

every step of the

way in moments of uncertainty hold fast

to the promise of my love for it is an

unbreakable bond that transcends time

and space no that I Am with You guiding

your steps and illuminating your path

with the light of Truth and

wisdom super thanks your willingness to

embrace the Journey of Faith and

transformation fills me with joy join

our Channel membership to connect with a

community of like-minded souls on the

path to enlightenment

as you navigate the twists and turns of

Life Trust in the divine plan that

unfolds before you Embrace each moment

with gratitude and Grace for within it

lies the seeds of your future abundance


fulfillment super thanks your commitment

to living a life of purpose and meaning

is truly inspiring join our Channel

membership to access exclusive resources

and support on your journey of

self-discovery in times of Doubt

remember that you are a beloved child of

the universe imbued with infinite

potential and Divine Purpose Embrace The

Power Within you and let it guide you

toward your true


destiny super thanks your willingness to

embrace your inner Divinity and Shine

Your Light brightly in the world is a

testament to your strength and courage

join our Channel membership to deepen

your connection to the divine

within as you embark on this journey of

self-discovery and

transformation know that I am with you

always guiding your steps and showering

you with blessings Beyond measure trust

in the power of faith and love for they

are the keys to unlocking the door to

your Highest Potential

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