God Say : 2 minutes is all god wants to heal you today | God message jesus | jesus love |

GOD MESSAGE My beloved child, listen to the voice of the Lord, for I have blessings and

healings prepared for you.

Since the beginning of time, I have wanted to pour out My love and My grace on all those

who seek Me with all their heart.

God says You who are weary and burdened, draw near to Me and you will find rest for

your souls.

I am the Lord who heals, and My hands are outstretched to bring relief and restoration

to each one of you.

god’s message today says that no matter what you are facing – illness, emotional wounds,

financial problems or broken relationships – i have the power to transform your lives.

Trust in Me and allow Me to be the center of your existence, for I have plans to give

you a future and a hope.

Declare Lord, I trust in Your power to heal and bless my life.

Through faith in my child, Jesus Christ, I can free you from all the burdens that oppress


He bore your infirmities and pains in His own flesh, so that you could experience the

fullness of My restoration.

Approach Me with confidence, for I am a loving Father who wants to see My children flourishing

and living in abundance.

No matter how difficult your current situation, I have the power to transform it into something


Comment Glory to God, for He is the Lord who heals!

god says My children, pay attention to my words, for they contain the power to transform

your lives.

I want to pour out on you a rain of blessings and healings, but for that to happen, you

need to open your hearts and surrender to me.

Look around and see the wonders I have created.

Every flower, every star in the sky, every creature that walks the earth is a manifestation

of my love and power.

In the same way, I want your lives to be a reflection of this beauty and abundance.

I want you to experience the fullness that comes from me.

Declare Lord, I receive your blessings and your healing with gratitude and faith.

Many of you carry wounds, illnesses and problems that prevent you from enjoying this abundant


But I say to you don’t give up, because I have the power to heal and restore you.

Bring me all your burdens, all your illnesses, and I will relieve you.

Trust in me, for I am the Lord who heals, the God who removes all pain and suffering.

Through faith in my child, Jesus Christ, you have access to all the blessings and cures

I have in store for you.

He bore all your sicknesses and sins in his own body so that you could be set free and


Believe in this truth and receive the liberation that is offered to you.

Don’t let fear, doubt or disbelief stop you from receiving all that I have prepared for


Open your hearts and let my love and grace flood you.

For I am the Lord, the God who heals and blesses abundantly those who trust in me.

My brothers and sisters, listen to the powerful message of love and healing that God has for

each of you today.

Enjoy this video as an act of faith, share it to spread His word and subscribe to the

channel to receive constant encouragement and divine inspiration!

My beloveds, let My blessings and My healing overflow upon you at this time.

I am the Lord who makes all things new, and I desire to see each one of you walking in

victory and freedom.

Don’t let circumstances discourage you or make you lose hope, because I am working in

your lives, even when you can’t see it.

Trust in Me and wait patiently, for I have the perfect time to act.

Write it down God is faithful and His promises never fail.

I bring healing for your emotional wounds, restoration for your relationships and provision

for your needs.

Let My love and grace flow freely over you, for I want you to experience the fullness

of My blessing.

No matter how great the challenge you are facing, I am greater.

Allow My Holy Spirit to strengthen you and guide you towards victory.

You are My beloved children, and I have a wonderful purpose in store for each one of


My dear children, let My words penetrate deeply into your hearts and fill you with hope and


I am the Lord who blesses and heals, and My desire is to see each of you flourishing and

living in abundance.

No matter how difficult your current situation, I have the power to transform it.

Allow My Holy Spirit to surround you with His strength and His comfort, enabling you

to overcome all obstacles.

Write it down God is the source of every blessing and healing.

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I bring healing for your illnesses, restoration for your relationships and provision for your

financial needs.

Trust in Me and allow Me to be the center of your lives, for I have plans to give you

a future and a hope.

You are My beloved children, and I carry you in My heart.

Do not allow fear or doubt to prevent you from receiving My blessings and My healing.

Approach Me with trust, for I am a loving Father who wants to see you flourish.

Affirm I believe in the power of God, who works miracles in my life.

My child, listen carefully to the words I have for you today.

I am the Lord who wants to pour out My blessings and My healing on each one of you.

No matter what you are facing, I have the power to transform your lives.

Approach Me with trust, for I am a loving Father who wants to see My children flourishing

and living in abundance.

Trust in My perfect timing, for I am working in your lives, even when you cannot see it.

I have plans to give you a future and a hope.

Through faith in my child, Jesus Christ, I can free you from every weight that oppresses


He bore your infirmities and pains in His own flesh, so that you could experience the

fullness of My restoration.

Don’t let circumstances discourage you or make you lose hope, for I am here to strengthen


Declare I trust in God’s power to bless and heal me.

I bring healing to your emotional wounds, restoration to your relationships and provision

for your needs.

Let My love and grace flow freely over you, for I want you to experience the fullness

of My blessing.

No matter how great the challenge you are facing, I am greater.

Let God’s words penetrate your hearts, bringing healing to your wounds and renewing your hope.

Show your appreciation for this timeless truth by liking this video, share it with those

you love most so that together you can be blessed, and subscribe so that you never miss

a word of edification!

God, in his infinite wisdom and compassion, extends his hands full of healing and blessings

to all his children.

He knows every heart and every need before we even make our supplications.

When we speak of blessings and healings, we are evoking God’s powerful ability to intervene

in our lives in extraordinary ways, bringing physical, emotional and spiritual restoration.

Comment God, your mercy surrounds me.

I thank you for your compassion.

In times of challenge or illness, many turn to the Lord for relief and renewal.

It is precisely at these times that divine strength can be most evident, offering not

only healing, but also an increase in faith and spiritual resilience.

The healing God provides may not always follow the course we expect or desire, but it certainly

comes in a way that is best for our growth and eternal well-being.

The Bible is full of stories that testify to the wonders of divine healings and the

blessings granted by God.

From the healing of lepers to the restoration of sight to the blind, each miracle serves

as a reminder of God’s power and love.

These narratives are not merely ancient; they are living and current, echoing the constancy

of God’s power throughout the ages.

Write it down Lord, your word guides me to live according to its truths.

Called to be witnesses to these truths, we have a duty to share the stories of the blessings

we have received.

In doing so, we not only strengthen our faith, but also encourage others to seek God on their

own journeys of healing and discovery.

Sharing testimonies is essential, as each account of healing and blessing is a seed

that can blossom into faith in the heart of another.

God blesses us in ways that prepare us for the future, whether in the midst of adversity,

or the inner peace that prevails despite external storms.

God blesses us in ways that prepare our hearts and minds to understand and embrace the divine

plan, which is broader and wiser than we can imagine.

if you trust declare the lord is my shepherd and I shall not want.

God, in his generosity, teaches us that every experience, whether easy or challenging, carries

within it a hidden blessing waiting to be discovered.

In times of illness, for example, we learn about the resilience of the human spirit and

the deep need for community and mutual support.

Healing, whether physical or emotional, often begins on the inside.

God calls us to cultivate a pure heart and to renew our minds daily.

This process of internal renewal is crucial for the complete manifestation of the healings

we desire.

Sometimes, true healing begins not with changing external circumstances, but with the internal

transformation that God works in us.

Comment God, guide me in the daily renewal of my mind and heart.

Furthermore, God’s blessings are infinitely creative.

He can use the most unlikely circumstances to bring blessings into our lives.

It could be a chance encounter, a challenge overcome, or even a moment of failure that

teaches us something vital.

God works in all things for the good of those who love him, an invitation to trust in his

providence in every situation.

It’s important to understand that by asking for God’s healing and blessings, we are also

opening ourselves up to being agents of these graces in other people’s lives.

Being blessed by God also means becoming a blessing.

The healing received is a gift not only for our own benefit, but to be shared in empathy

and service to others.

Declare Lord, use me as a channel for your healing and blessing.

Every request for healing and blessing is also an act of surrender, a recognition that

we are dependent on God, and a testimony of our trust in Him.

As we present our needs to God, we are reminded of our human frailty and His infinite strength.

This humility is fundamental, because it is in recognizing our own limitations that we

find the greatness of God’s mercy.

The Lord extends his hands full of blessings and healing over all of you right now.

Honor this sacred gesture by liking this video, spread this message of hope with everyone

you meet by sharing it, and subscribe to keep being reminded of God’s sublime love!

God’s mercy is all-encompassing and reaches every corner of our existence.

He not only heals our bodies, but also restores our spirits and minds.

The real blessing often lies in the way God transforms us throughout the healing process,

developing in us greater faith, patience, empathy and love.

These refined qualities are great gifts in themselves.

Faith teaches us that, even when physical healing doesn’t take place in the time or

form we desire, we are still sustained and loved by God.

There is a divine purpose that transcends our immediate understanding, and the peace

that comes with this trust is a deep healing for the troubled spirit.

Every moment offers us an opportunity to strengthen our faith and our relationship with the divine.

Write God, I thank you for the peace that transcends all understanding.

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God also calls us to be grateful for every blessing we receive, whether big or small.

Gratitude changes the perspective of our hearts, moving us away from a focus on our own afflictions

to an appreciation of the countless ways in which God is active in our lives.

It is in this shift of focus that we often find the key to a fuller and richer experience

of life.

By focusing on the blessings, we become more aware of God’s constant presence.

This feeds our faith and gives us the strength to face future challenges.

Each testimony of blessing or healing becomes a foundation for an even greater testimony,

creating a continuous cycle of faith and gratitude that generates more blessings.

Affirm Lord, Your constant presence is the greatest of my blessings.

Finally, as we consider the blessings and healings that God offers us, we are reminded

of our role in extending these same graces to others.

We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, bringing healing and hope wherever

there is need.

In doing so, we not only obey Christ’s commands of love and service, but we also become means

through which God’s blessings are multiplied in this world.

This call to be instruments of blessing and healing is essential in living out authentic


It’s not enough just to receive God’s graces; we must also be active in distributing them.

Every act of kindness, every word of comfort, every gesture of compassion are means by which

God’s blessings flow through us to reach hearts and lives in need of healing.

Let’s look at the example of Jesus, who passed through this world performing acts of healing

and pronouncing words of blessing.

He didn’t keep his ability to heal and bless to himself, but shared it generously, thus

showing the loving nature of God the Father.

We are called to follow this model, living a life that reflects the love and generosity

of the Creator.

Comment God, help me to follow Jesus’ example in sharing your blessings.

Beyond the immediate impact that these actions can have, there is a deep and lasting effect

that reverberates through time and space.

When we heal, when we bless, we are building a legacy of love and faith that can transcend


This is the true power of divine blessings they are eternal and transcendental, capable

of shaping the future as much as they affect the present.

It is also through these actions that we realize the breadth of God’s generosity.

He gives us not only enough for ourselves, but a surplus to share.

In this giving, we find a joy that is rare and extraordinarily powerful.

Giving of ourselves is actually a way of receiving even more from God.

Write it down Lord, your word is my guide!

We must therefore be diligent in keeping our hearts open and our hands ready to serve.

God, in his omniscience, knows when and how we need both blessings and opportunities to


Being available and willing to be used by God is a posture that must be cultivated daily

in prayer and reflection.

It’s important to remember that our work and ministry here on Earth are temporary, but

their impact is eternal.

With every act of love and every word of healing spoken in God’s name, we are weaving a spiritual

tapestry that will cover many lives with comfort, hope and direction.

Affirm Lord, I use my life as a manifestation of your will!

So let’s continue on this journey not only as recipients of God’s countless blessings,

but as active agents of His divine will, bringing healing and hope everywhere we go and to everyone

we meet.

It is in this process that we discover the true meaning of being called children of God

to be co-creators of a world of love, healing and blessing.

Let the Father’s words of restoration and renewal echo in your hearts.

Like this video as a seal of acceptance of these truths.

Share this seed of faith so that it can grow in others.

And sign up to abundantly reap the fruits of this spiritual garden!

Understanding that we are co-creators with God brings us a profound responsibility, but

also a wonderful opportunity.

Every action of ours that aligns with God’s will adds light to the world and puts God’s

Kingdom into practice.

This is especially true when we act to bring healing, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.

In these acts, we are directly in tune with God’s highest purposes for humanity.

The Scriptures provide multiple examples of how we should act in this sense.

The apostle James, for example, encourages believers to pray for one another so that

they may be healed.

The sincere prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful effects.

This is a powerful truth that can transform realities and bring renewal and hope.

Declare God, your word is light on my path!

Part of our journey as Christians is learning to recognize and accept God’s blessings in

all their forms.

Often, what we perceive as obstacles are actually disguised opportunities for growth and to

reveal divine grace in operation.

A change of perspective is fundamental to fully experiencing God’s presence and action

in our lives.

Believing these truths, we are called to be resilient and persistent in our faith.

Perseverance helps us overcome challenges and see beyond the difficulties of the moment.

It strengthens us to receive and recognize the blessings that God has prepared for us.

As written in Romans -, we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, tested

character; and tested character, hope.

Write it down Lord, strengthen my perseverance and nourish my hope in your promise of blessing.

Every step we take on the path of faith is an invitation to delve even deeper into divine

understanding and to align ourselves more closely with God’s designs for our lives.

With every challenge faced, with every tear shed and with every smile shared, we are actively

participating in the great tapestry of divine purpose, interconnected by the supreme love

that God has for each one of us.

This understanding calls us to look beyond our immediate needs and desires and to see

the bigger picture of divine provision.

In doing so, our perspective expands, and we become more aware of the interconnection

between our personal journey and the greater good of the community and the world.

We are therefore encouraged to live in a way that not only seeks personal blessings, but

also aspires to contribute to the well-being and healing of others.

Affirm Lord, help me to see beyond my own path and contribute to the greater good!

In the end, to understand divine blessings and healing is to embrace a life of service,

gratitude and purpose.

It’s allowing every moment of our existence to be a reflection of God’s love and care,

and an opportunity to be instruments of His peace and grace.

On this path, we find not only the healing and blessings we so desperately seek, but

also the true joy of living in full accordance with God’s will.

Here you will find the balm that heals every pain, the spring that quenches every thirst

of the soul.

Like, share and subscribe to this sacred channel, because God’s blessings are being poured out

on you through these words of life!

As we reflect on the nature of divine blessings and healings, we are invited to adopt a perspective

of hope and active expectation.

God is continually at work in the world, and His works are a testimony to His love and


Therefore, every day offers us a new opportunity to witness and participate in God’s wonders.

Declare God, I open my heart to recognize and celebrate your every work in my life!

Recognizing God’s blessings requires an attitude of constant gratitude and vigilance.

This means keeping our hearts and eyes open to see where and how God is working.

Even in difficult situations, there are elements of grace and growth that can be discovered

as we seek God’s presence and lean on His wisdom.

This path is not always easy.

We will encounter obstacles and trials, as is common in human experience.

However, armed with faith and trust in the Lord, we can overcome each challenge.

Let us remember that, through our struggles, we are shaped and strengthened, enabled to

be more complete in our walk with Christ.

Write it down Lord, in my trials, I find strength in you.

Furthermore, being a vehicle for blessings and healings is not a task we do alone.

God has placed us in communities of faith where we can encourage each other, share our

burdens and celebrate our victories.

In these sacred spaces, we are nourished and strengthened to continue our mission in the


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Church, family, friends and even strangers become participants and witnesses in our spiritual


By sharing our lives, our difficulties and our joys, we build a powerful testimony to

God’s love and His faithfulness.

This community of faith is fundamental, as it reminds us that we are part of something

bigger, that we have been called to love, serve and walk together.

Say Lord, I am grateful for growing and serving in your name.

Therefore, as we contemplate the blessings and healings that God offers us, we are called

to a life of active response.

This response is not just one of personal acceptance of God’s gifts, but of active engagement

in sharing these gifts with the world.

Every step we take in faith, every act of love and every word of healing is part of

the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

My child, our challenge is to live daily in a way that honors and glorifies God, and that

brings healing and hope to a broken world.

It is a journey that transforms us as we work to transform.

And it is on this journey that we truly experience God’s blessings and healing.

2 thoughts on “God Say : 2 minutes is all god wants to heal you today | God message jesus | jesus love |”


  2. I never got a reply though this.so what good it is Iam messaging here .if you received I wish you reply.
    PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BE my worries are mine . God you placed me in a way that I started loving you (The real love).But ——
    Let go iam a innocent kind soft hearted person you asked me that you are mine and iam yours.BUT I DON’T FEEL ANY MORE I DON’T BEG BUT I BEGGED NOW IAM ————.I DON’T KNOW WHO IAM FOR YOU ANYMORE

    IF YOU WANT TO SAY ANYTHING PLEASE TELL ME OTHERWISE I WILL SAY BYE TO but trash my heart I don’t want it back because iam not going to give it to anyone which I know myself

    Please reply if possible only


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