a message from god to you - Free AI Voice Generator

a message from god to you

my beloved child I speak to you today

from the depths of my heart because you

are precious to me I want you to listen

to these words with your whole being

because they are metant for you alone I

ask for just a moment of your precious

attention to hear my voice above all

distractions what I wish to share with

you is of Greater importance than

anything else that occupies your

thoughts stay with me a little longer

and open your heart let me take away the

pain that burdens your soul and banish

the melancholic thoughts that haunt your

mind I hold you close offering you

Serenity and peace like no other come

trust me with your heart and allow

yourself to be loved I am a keeper of

promises and my words hold a profound

purpose I’m here to lift your spirits to

bring a smile to your face every morning

as you seek me know that I love you

truly and deeply I want you to not only

know it and believe it but to feel this

Sacred Love within you so you can find

happiness once more I have never left

your sigh and I will never forget you

this is an unshakable truth you are

secure in my hands sheltered and

protected place your trust in me

completely my arms are forever open to

you I listen attentively to your cries

and prayers as you welcome each new day

open your eyes take a deep breath and

feel my encompassing presence I Delight

in your morning greetings filled with

confidence and trust you know that I am

here to listen and answer every

benevolent request you bring to me it

warms my heart when you pray for your

family for it holds great significance

do not let your focus drift to trivial

matters when life’s tribulations leave

you feeling loss seek solace in me find

a way when you feel overwhelmed and

surrounded by conflict I am your

solution I do not want anxiety to

enslave you or baseless fears to consume

you you you’ve placed your trust in me

because you know I will not let you down

hold on to my word treasure it within

your soul keep it closed to your heart

and remember the wondrous things I have

done for you in the past I rescued you

from adversaries saved you from the

clutches of death extended my hand and

delivered you from Peril even in the

most dire moments when all see seem lost

I return with my powerful word

performing Miracles Beyond imagination

there are still Many Wonders I can work

for you have confidence in me and let me

continue to assist you I desire to

protect you day and night do not allow

despair to take root in your soul for I

love you deeply and I want you to

receive my peace and F lasting happy us

I see your tears and hear your prayers

for the well-being of those you hold

tear often you kneel and intercede for

others yet you rarely ask for anything

for yourself your attitude of worship

and gratitude is deeply cherished when

you come before me focus on praise and

thanksgiving for all your blessings I

take Delight in your reverent spirit so

even when when you don’t explicitly make

requests no that I will bestow upon you

blessings greater and more marvelous

than you can fathom I want your faith to

remain unwavering I will fulfill every

promise I make to you when obstacles try

to block your path do not be

disheartened I hold your destiny in my

hands you will reach your goals you will

realize the dreams within your heart

nothing and no one can steal your

blessing but your faith loyalty and

sincerity are crucial seek me every

morning and as you open your eyes let

gratitude and praise be the first words

on your lips do not let negativity

overshadow the light that brightens your

days I want you to embrace the

opportunities I bring into your life I

will grant you the supernatural ability

to see beyond and understand the plans

and thoughts of goodness I have for you

I know recent days have brought you pain

and at times confusion clouds may have

darkened your thoughts but I tell you

now no harm will befall you you will not

be put to shame you will conquer the

enemies that surround you and emerge

Victorious against every threat it’s

it’s time for you to recognize your

Worth to see yourself as the Beloved

child of the almighty God no one can

Prevail against you no one can stand in

your way you are already triumphant over

all challenges acknowledge your Victory

do not well on defeat I will move

mountains and you will rise with

unwavering Faith your prayers will be

filled with conviction and the assurance

that I will answer you will walk with

determination and strength in your heart

there is no room for discouragement and

sadness anymore I understand that Family

Matters can bring you dist stress and

hurt sometimes you need moments of

recovery rest and prayer taking a moment

of silence Solitude and communion with

my Holy Spirit to soothing for your soul

you were not created to live in tears

sorrow error or failure you may suffer

and weep but I continue to love you you

may think you can’t carry on but I come

to lift you up you will not live

defeated your heart is beautiful and

pure do not keep it in the darkness step

in the light let your face radiate with

jaw and people will cry out out my name

Jesus with joy in their hearts you are

my beloved child a reflection of my love

I have done much for you and I will

continue to perform Supernatural

Miracles so that you understand how

significant you are to me I have been

telling you that you no longer have time

for discouragement or Retreat you are

like a sharp spearhead that cuts through

the winds opening Pathways to the land

and the blessings I will give you I will

expand your spiritual understanding so

you realize that you are a parent of

generations do not be concerned if no

one notices you today do not be

discouraged by the blows you receive

even if they hurt do not squander the

gifts and blessings I bestow upon you

for everything has a purpose I have

everything under control but your

attitude ude matters your faith and

belief will Elevate you to a higher

level Feast on my word when you feel

weak kneel down and if you feel you

can’t go on look to the sky I am there

and I also dwell in your heart my

blessings are not distant they are right

before you your salvation is at hand

your mountain of problems will crumble

your enemies have been defeated now

answer me me do you believe and do you

love me upon receiving your response I

will perform a great miracle in you here

are three things you must do today to

calm your soul and banish anxiety listen

carefully and let these words resonate

in your soul throughout the day bringing

you peace firstly give me your heart

completely and sincerely without

reservations or fear my purpose is to

Grant you eternal life and happiness I

have never intended to inflict

punishments or trials upon you for your

pain my plans for you are prosperity and

blessings an Abundant Life filled with

love and care Surrender Your Heart To Me

kneeling before my Throne willing to do

my will to nourish the souls that cry

out for food and water secondly forgive

those who have wronged you your heart is

like a garden and I intend to cultivate

it for Prosperity unforgiveness is like

a weed that chokes the flowers when you

keep hatred and bitterness it poisons

your soul forgive those who have wronged

you you will be surprised how light and

free your heart feels when you let go of

grudges lastly release every fear and

anxiety that weighs on your heart my

love for you is unshakable and I will

never abandon you as you face each new

day remember that I am always with you I

am your protector your guy and your

greatest advocate do not let worries and

fears cast Shadows upon your heart I

have already taken care of every

Challenge and concern allow my peace to

permeate your soul filling you with

tranquility and joy dear child I love

you more than words can express my heart

aches for your well-being and my arms

are open wide to embrace you please

listen carefully to these words and know

that you’re never alone I am always here

for you ready to guide protect and

shower you with blessings

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