God Says: You Are Chosen To Join My Heaven, Don't ignore | God Message Today | Jesus Message | - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: You Are Chosen To Join My Heaven, Don’t ignore | God Message Today | Jesus Message |

beloved child I’m here ready to offer my

support and rescue you answer me with

your heart who loves you more than I do

your trials have been difficult I see

your struggles efforts and Desperation

remember you have been brave throughout

your life think of the situations that

seemed impossible to resolve yet you

managed to overcome them all since the

day you surrendered control of your life

to me you have not lost a single battle

so rest your heart and continue to trust

I know that it can be difficult to rest

and not lose Faith especially when

everything seems to be going wrong and

conflicts come knocking but in those

moments my child ignore the voices of

the enemy do not accept the threats of

fear and insecurity keep walking and

Trust in my promises

you are deeply loved by me and before

you were even born I had something great

planned for your life I will never

abandon a defenseless child I’ve been

taking care of your life in a very

special way looking after every detail

every second I am always present do not

let sadness dominate te fill your heart

with joy and keep walking with the eyes

of Faith because Victoria is certain and

what I have prepared for you is greater

than you can imagine

I love you amen my beloved child I speak

to you from the depths of my heart for

you are dear to me listen to these words

with your entire being for they are

meant for you alone I ask for just a

moment of your precious attention to

hear my voice above all distractions

what I wish to share with you is of

Greater importance than anything else

that occupies your thoughts stay with me

a little longer and open your heart let

me take away the pain that burdens your

soul and banish the melancholic thoughts

that haunt your mind I hold you close

offering you Serenity and peace like no

other come trust me with your heart

allow yourself to be loved I am a keeper

of promises and my words hold a profound

purpose I’m here to lift your spirits to

bring a smile to your face every morning

as you seek me know that I love you

truly and deeply

I want you to not only know and believe

it but to feel this Sacred Love within

you so you can find happiness once again

I have never left your side and will

never forget you this is an unshakable

truth you are secure in my hands

sheltered and protected place your trust

in me completely my arms are forever

open to you I listen attentively to your

cries and prayers as you welcome each

new day open your eyes take a deep


and feel my encompassing presence I

Delight in your morning greetings filled

with confidence and trust you know that

I am here to listen to answer every

benevolent request you bring to me it

warms my heart when you pray for your

family for it holds great

significance do not let your focus drift

to trivial matters when life’s

tribulations leave you feeling lost seek

Solus in me find a way when you feel

overwhelmed and surrounded by conflict I

am your solution

I do not want anxiety to enslave you or

baseless fears to consume you you’ve

placed your trust in me because you know

I will not let you down hold on to my

word treasure it within your soul keep

it close to your heart and remember the

wondrous things I have done for you in

the past I rescued you from adversaries

saved you from the clutches of death

extended my hand and delivered you from

Peril even in the most dire moment M

when all seemed lost I returned with my

powerful word performing Miracles Beyond

imagination there are still Many Wonders

I can work for you have confidence in me

let me continue to assist you I desire

to protect you day and night do not

allow despair to take root in your soul

for I love you deeply share this video

with your contacts if you love me and

also subscribe to the God Message Today

channel to stay connected with my voice

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