Pray to God – He will Heal You | Powerful Morning Prayer | God Message Today | Daily Prayer and Message - Free AI Voice Generator

Pray to God – He will Heal You | Powerful Morning Prayer | God Message Today | Daily Prayer and Message

hello and welcome in the words of


the Lord declares you are healed

for I will restore Health to you and

your wounds I will heal as Believers we

serve a God who heals and it’s crucial

that we firmly believe in the healing

power of Jesus this script tells the

story of personal healing a testament to

the faithfulness of God in restoring

health it’s a reminder that amidst

sickness and affliction we can turn to

God and prayer trusting in his

willingness and ability to bring forth

restoration and wholeness let’s delve

into the Journey of Faith understanding

that the healing power of Jesus is

already available to us we serve a God

who heals and as Believers it’s

important that we know and believe that

he wants us to be healed because he is

The God Who heals we must make sure we

believe in the healing power of Jesus

about months ago I got very sick I had

eaten something which made me EX

extremely sick the pain was so much that

I couldn’t sleep for days I went to the

doctor and they couldn’t find the exact

problem so they gave me medicine which

they said would help in all that time I

tried to pray but I struggled when I had

gone to the doctor I was excited at the

prospect of getting better but when the

medicine they gave me didn’t work I was

so discouraged I went back to God I

declared healing scriptures over myself

and I also asked a person that I trusted

to pray for me it didn’t take long but a

few hours later I was completely healed

after almost a week of not being able to

sleep I slept right through the night

without any pain and the next day the

pain I had was gone and stayed gone I

was healed I shared that story with you

to encourage you that we have access to

Jesus’s healing power the doctors may

have told you one thing but go to God In

Prayer believe that he can heal you

maybe someone close to you is really

sick pray for them and know that God

wants to heal them the devil doesn’t

want us to walk in health his plan is to

bring sickness and death the thief comes

only to steal and kill and destroy I

came that they may have life and have it

abundantly John but Jesus is

stronger than the devil and he defeated

him at the cross the devil’s plan has

been demolished and has no power you

don’t have to accept death if you are on

your sick bed right now you don’t have

to accept a life of pain because Jesus

paid for your healing he destroyed

sickness and disease on the cross surely

he has borne our griefs and carried our

sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken

Smitten by God and Afflicted but he was

pierced for our transgressions he was

crushed for our iniquities upon him was

the chastisement that brought us peace

and with his wounds we are healed Isaiah

Jesus did not have to suffer

physical torture to save us from from

our sins he just had to die on a cross

to redeem us from the curse however he

also suffered extreme physical torment

he went above and beyond what was needed

so that we can have access to all he has

purchased it’s so important that we

change our way of thinking and believe

fully that God wants to heal us because

that provides us with a sense of Freedom

it does not mean that sickness will not

come sickness is part of a broken world

but we can fight the battles of sickness

that come knowing that the heal ing

power of Jesus is already ours in the

Book of Luke we read a story of Jesus

healing a woman who was sick as Jesus

went the people pressed around him and

there was a woman who had a discharge of

blood for years and though she had

spent all her living on Physicians she

could not be healed by anyone she came

up behind him and immediately her

discharge of blood ceased and Jesus said

who is it that touched me Luke

the woman with the issue of blood had

spent all her living on doctors but

nothing changed she then heard about

Jesus and went to him she had heard the

stories and she believed that he would

heal her of her sickness and when she

went to him and touched the Hem of His

Garment she did receive her healing

Jesus is our healer don’t let anyone

tell you otherwise don’t believe that

the sickness you have is too strong for

Jesus to heal and don’t believe that he

does care that you are sick he cares for

you and he is more than willing to heal

you there was a man in the Bible who had

leprosy and who went before Jesus in one

of the villages Jesus met a man with an

advanced case of leprosy when the man

saw Jesus he bowed with his face to the

ground begging to be healed Lord he said

if you are willing you can heal me and

make me clean Jesus reached out and

touched him I am willing he said be

healed and instantly the leprosy

disappeared Luke

the man asked Jesus if he was

willing to heal him but Jesus was and is

more than willing to heal go to him with

your sickness and expect him to heal you

and make sure you are careful who you

spend your time talking to about what

you are facing if you are believing in

healing for yourself stop talking to

anyone who doesn’t have a firm

foundation that healing is already

accomplished if you were trying to

follow a recipe for goulash for example

you wouldn’t ask people who have never

made goulash before what to do when you

are trusting God to manifest a promise

in your life naysayers and critics are

not needed find people who will speak

the truth for you and to you we need to

know that Jesus is our healer he wants

to heal us so let’s believe in his

healing power in our lives heavenly

father I come before your throne of

grace today seeking your healing power

in my life Lord God from the abundance

of your your glorious riches please

strengthen me with your healing power in

my physical body my heart is full of

faith in you I know father Lord that

your healing will exceed anything I can

comprehend I invoke your healing power

into my life and body right now to

uproot any sickness diseases or un

wholeness let your power begin to touch

me from head to toe destroying every

evil implantation of the enemy you said

in your word that you wish above all

things that I will prosper in be in good

health as my soul prospers bless me with

health and strength to overcome whatever

pain I face I seek your healing power

whenever I feel sick or depressed

Comfort my mind body and soul I invoke

your healing power into my life to cast

out every Spirit of depression and

oppression in my life Lord I know that

your ultimate plan for my life is to be

healthy mend every broken bone and break

every mental health problem let your

healing power flow from your heavenly

Throne into the depths of my my soul

beautify my life with your power I rely

on your healing power to bring Comfort

to my heart and soul give me confidence

in your healing power that I will be

able to stand strong and overcome every

sickness Malachi tells me that but

the son of righteousness will rise on

those revering my name healing will be

on its wings so that you will go forth

and jump about like Calves in the stall

let your healing power restore me to

full health O Lord that I may glorify

your name

forever Lord I believe that you have the

power to do anything you are faithful

and kind to your children let your power

rest upon my life that I may live in

good health for the rest of my days

Isaiah one says that the Lord most

high is the one who gives life to every

heart who gives life to the spirit look

he indeed exchanged my bitterness for

wholeness you yourself have spared my

whole being from the pit of Destruction

because you have cast all my sins behind

your back thank you Lord for your

healing power at work in my life I am

grateful that I have been made whole by

your stripes heavenly father I come

before you today to receive a miracle

you are the God of all possibilities and

there is nothing you cannot do I release

Every Mountain in my life into your care

fight all my battles and make me

Victorious in all that I do Lord I

believe you will not let me face

anything that I can’t overcome grant me

the strength to walk through every

situation your word in John

tells me that we have courage in

God’s presence because we are sure that

he hears us when we ask him for anything

that is according to his will I put my

request before you Lord be by my side

right now and take total control over

the Affairs of my life Deliver Me From

Evil And Lead Me On the Path of

Righteousness I ask for Supernatural

wisdom and understanding to over

overcome every challenge or situation in

my life increase my faith and trust in

you Lord that I will be able to stand

tall amidst the storms in my life I

thank you for the good plans you have

for my life always lead me in the right

direction that I may not go astray

redeem my life from the hands of the

wicked ones and place my feet upon the

rock that is higher than I Lord please

come through for me whenever I call on

you bless my life with unusual Miracles

Lord your word says in Job – that if

I were you I would turn to God and

present my case to him we cannot

understand the great things he does and

to his miracles there is no end beautify

my life with your great Miracles that

have no end no evil shall befall me in

all my ways let me be the evidence of

your awesome Miracles take absolute

control and turn things around for my

good thank you Lord for the great

powerful Miracles I’m about to

experience in my life heavenly father I

come before you today to receive a

miracle you are the God of all

possibilities and there is nothing you

cannot do I release Every Mountain in my

life into your care fight all my battles

and make me Victorious in all that I do

Lord I believe you will not let me face

anything that I can’t overcome grant me

the strength to walk through every

situation your word in John

tells me that we have courage in

God presence because we are sure that he

hears us when we ask him for anything

that is according to his will I put my

request before you Lord be by my side

right now and take total control over

the Affairs of my life Deliver Me From

Evil And Lead Me On the Path of

Righteousness I ask for Supernatural

wisdom and understanding to overcome

every challenge or situation in my life

increase my faith and trust in you Lord

that I will be able to stand tall amidst

the storms in my life

I thank you for the good plans you have

for my life always lead me in the right

direction that I may not go astray

redeem my life from the hands of the

wicked ones and place my feet upon the

rock that is higher than I Lord please

come through for me whenever I call on

you bless my life with unusual Miracles

let’s pray dear heavenly father you are

our healer and we bring you this

sickness that we are facing right now

you conquered the devil on the cross and

you purchased our healing so we receive

it today we believe that you are our

healer and by faith we declare that we

are healed we hold on to your word and

not the word of people any word that is

in direct contradiction to your truth we

bring to the Cross we are healed in

Jesus’s name you are The God Who heals

and we acknowledge your sovereignty over

every aspect of Our Lives including our

health your word declares in Jeremiah

for I will restore Health to you

and your wounds I will heal and we hold

fast to This Promise today Lord we

confess that sometimes we falter in our

faith when faced with sickness and

affliction we may turn to Earthly

remedies in human wisdom forgetting that

true healing comes from you alone yet in

your infinite grace you remind us of

your power to heal to restore and to

redeem we lift up those who are

suffering from illness and disease

whether physical emotional or spiritual

we ask for your healing touch to be upon

them Lord may your presence surround

them like a comforting blanket bringing

peace to troubled hearts and strength to

weary bodies we remember the story of

the woman with the issue of blood who

Despite All Odds reached out in faith

and touched the Hem of your garment

receiving instant healing just as you

healed her Lord we believe that you can

heal us and our loved ones we come to

you with expectant hearts trusting in

your willingness and ability to bring

forth restoration and wholeness forgive

us Lord for the times we have allowed

doubt and fear to overshadow our faith

when the enemy seeks to steal kill and

destroy help us to silence his voice and

stand firm on the truth of your word

knowing that you have already conquered

sickness and death through the sacrifice

of your son Jesus Christ we pray for

wisdom for those in the medical

profession that you would guide their

hands and illuminate their minds as they

seek to bring healing to others bless

their efforts Lord and Grant them

discernment in diagnosing and treating

illnesses finally Lord we ask for a

spirit of unity and encouragement within

the body of Believers may we be a source

of strength and support for one another

speaking words of Faith and Hope into

each other’s lives help us to be

diligent in prayer lifting up those who

are in need of healing and standing

together in agreement for their

restoration in Jesus’s name we pray Amen

Let Us hold fast to the truth that we

serve a God who heals as Believers it’s

vital that we anchor our faith in the

healing power of Jesus remembering

stories of miraculous healings such as

the woman with the issue of blood and

the leper who sought Jesus strengthens

our resolve to trust in his ability to

bring restoration and wholeness to our

lives despite the challenges and doubts

we may face let us continually Turn To

God In Prayer knowing that he is more

than willing to heal and restore as we

journey forward may we find

encouragement in the promises of

scripture and the testimonies of those

who have experienced his healing touch

let us stand firm in faith believing

that our God is indeed the ultimate

healer amen I declare that I will be in

good health and live in peace all the

days of my life in Jesus name I pray

amen thanks for watching

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