God Says: I Always Want To Be With You, Don't Ignore | Jesus Message | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: I Always Want To Be With You, Don’t Ignore | Jesus Message | God Message Today

my beloved child I will bless your

Dwelling Place I will send a reign of

blessings so that you and your family

can reap the fruit of your efforts and

in my perfect time receive an answer to

your prayers if you’re hearing these

words you will understand them bend your

knees with reverence because the place

and time you are in Are Holy I want to

work Supernatural Mir miracles in your

life but I also want your faith

commitment and loyalty this is a token

of my love and because you asked for it

these two words are my sign to you I

love you everything will be fine every

situation no matter how difficult it

seems is in my hands and I will grant

you Victory don’t be afraid I send you

these words to strengthen your faith to

give you love salvation thanks and

forgiveness but I also take care of your


I have already answered your prayers but

the forces of Darkness have risen to

steal from you you’ve done your part and

that’s great you didn’t give up and you

continued to pray with faith now you

can’t stop keep plowing this field get

up early and so wipe the sweat from your

brow don’t let it discourage you to see

others faint and give up their faith

keep working and in my perfect time you

will see a great harvest receive this

message and keep it well when you feel

down listen to it again open your Bibble

feed your sa with Psalms and Proverbs

search the lives of my servants The

Heroes of Faith who although imperfect

shut the mouths of lions defeated armies

and nothing and no one could overcome

them to others I gave the grace to

endure pain and suffering they were

persecuted by the world fought day and

night but never denied me until their

last Earthly moment they remained

faithful to my call you too will not

give your enemies the privilege of

defeating you those who seek to take

away your family’s Harmony you will

confront them in my Holy Name you will

fight to the end they dare to challenge

you but they will pay a high price do

not submit to emotional suffering run

from those who hurt you with their

shouts and their way of speaking you

committed to supporting them in good

times and bad but they have no right to

take away your future and trample your

integrity stand up you have great worth

and precious dignity protect your little

ones flee from violence and wickedness

don’t worry about what people will say

none of those who criticize you are

extending their hand to help you in this

time of conflict so take these words

into account and fight for your freedom

don’t put your hopes in people and don’t

seek support from those those who can

let you down this is the truth many

promise you eternal love but run away

when the storm approaches they take your

joy with them and steal the little hope

you have left do you want me to speak

more clearly listen now to this escape

from violence for the sake of your

children don’t be afraid I will provide

everything you need but don’t follow

people who want to clip your wings so

you can never fly I rescued you so that

your future would be bright I healed

your soul to fill it with my love I will

pour peace into your heart and anoint

you with Supernatural joy in times of

pain The Winds of the world bring

pessimism and Whisper negative thoughts

in your ears but no matter what happens

how you feel cling to the security my

words provide Don’t Be Afraid don’t lose

heart be strong and courageous I am with

you wait for me at dawn come into my

presence when you receive the first rays

of the new day share this video with

your contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the @GodMessageToday-su2er

channel to stay connected with my voice

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