God Says: Don't Make Me Unhappy By Ignoring | Jesus Message | God Message Today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Don’t Make Me Unhappy By Ignoring | Jesus Message | God Message Today



my beloved child you are not on trial

dear one no matter how you may feel

there is no condemnation for those who

belong to me for you have been declared

not guilty in the Heavenly courts I came

to set you free from the bondage of sin

and I long to see you living in the joy

of that freedom you carry the weight of

yesterday’s Mistakes burdened by regret

you long to undo decisions that haunt

you but the past is

unchangeable even I existing Beyond Time

honor the boundaries of your temporal

world so do not waste your energy

lamenting past choices instead come to

me seeking forgiveness and wisdom I do

not want to see you weighed down by your

past as if Shackled by heavy chains

picture me cutting those chains that

bind you for I came to set you free you

are free indeed rejoice in the knowledge

that I redeem your failures forgiving

and guiding you toward a path of

transformation while the world may be

filled with sin and evil remember that I

have overcome the world rejoice in your

guilt-free position in my kingdom and

refuse to be weighed down by chains of

guilt or

shame the best response to the grace I

have lavished upon you is gratitude a

gratitude that leads you to live in

alignment with my will the closer you

draw to me me the better you will

discern my will experience my peace and

know my joy even in the midst of Trials

you can trust me enough to find peace

overflowing with thankfulness as the

delightful effect of increasing your joy

live freely and joyfully in my presence

beloved when life presents you with

insurmountable difficulties consider it

pure joy for I am here to catch you when

you stumble you can Rejoice even in the

face of seemingly impossible possible

challenges because I have overcome the

world while you will unduly encounter

trials in this world remember that I

have already secured the ultimate

Victory lean on me for I am greater than

any adversity let your pessimism give

way to courage for your soul shares in

my eternal Triumph I possess infinite

power and impossibilities are my

specialy I Delight in these moments for

they showcase my glory and demonstrate

the miracul ulous your life is meant to

be lived in joyful trusting dependence

on me when you face what seems

impossible turn to me with a hopeful

heart acknowledge your own inadequacy

and cling to my infinite sufficiency in

me all things are possible my face

shines upon you beloved take time to

bask in my radiant light and seek to

know me as I truly am I am always near

closer to you than your very breath even

when your circum ances seem dark

remember that I Am with You unwavering

in my presence I am both imminent and

Transcendent present within the universe

and Beyond it as your Eternal King I

transcend the limitations of time and

space and my ways are beyond your

comprehension when life’s challenges

arise trust in my infinite wisdom and

knowledge for my judgments are

inscrutable and my paths are filled with

goodness rest in the knowledge that I I

am ever with you transcending all your

troubles I’m molding you into an

overcomer teaching you to find Joy

amidst life’s trials as you face

challenges that once seemed

insurmountable remember that I have

already conquered the world though

trouble may abound be unafraid for the

one who is in you is greater than he who

is in the world in this truth you find

reason to rejoice when you encounter

life’s trials continue to place your

trust in me whisper I trust you Jesus as

often as needed for I am always near

seek to learn the lessons I have for you

in each trial and discover the flowers

of joy that bloom amidst adversity the

warmth of my presence is always shining

upon you beloved share this video with

your contacts if you love me and also

subscribe to the @GodMessageToday-su2er

channel to stay connected with my voice

1 thought on “God Says: Don’t Make Me Unhappy By Ignoring | Jesus Message | God Message Today”

  1. Almighty god im trying to brighten my day with the messages you sent to me father I’m in healthy as I’m typing to you lord I will always give praise to you also to Jesus Christ my lord and saviour without you I’m nothing so I’m giving thanks for all I have and what is to come amen


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