God Says: Only Fake Christians Will Skip This Video | Jesus Affirmations - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says: Only Fake Christians Will Skip This Video | Jesus Affirmations


my beloved child I will lead you along

this path even though it gets rough

sometimes hold on tight to me even when

things get hard my right hand will hold

you up as long as your soul clings to

mine through the NeverEnding flow of my

love everyone has the power to change

deeply no matter what they’ve done in

the past or how valuable they think they

are do not give up because of the rules

and regulations that come with religion

my love doesn’t depend on Good Deeds

because my compassion goes beyond all

judgment my kind Ness is what is calling

you to come to me my children take a

moment to think about this I say that my

love shines like a Beacon of Hope before

accepting you it doesn’t expect you to

be perfect instead it Embraces you as

you are and helps you change from the

inside out in the same way that a

healing takes care of sick people I

reach out my hand to those who are

broken and lost in the chaos of this

world understand that the answer lies in

my beloved Son Jesus Christ he

represents the answer to the problems

that you’re having understand this

eternal truth my love for you has an

unmatched power that can defeat evil and

heal tired Souls I’m not asking for

Perfection I want your heart to be open

and your willingness to change so don’t

be afraid my love will lead you through

storms and show you the way to

Redemption and Grace remember what my

son said about how Mercy won over

judgment and let your heart be full of

Hope That Never Ends spread your hearts

wide to receive my love and watch as it

does amazing things inside you comfort

doesn’t just come from following the

rules it also comes from the deep

personal connection my son gives me

accept this relationship as it is

because it is what will make my love

stronger let everyone see how my love

changes things as it drives out all the

darkness and brings in a bright new day

of Eternal hope

amen feel free to share your thoughts

and feelings in the space below your

participation not only makes the

conversation better but it also helps

build a community of seekers who can

help each other let’s start this journey

that will change our lives

together remember that my love is always

with you you even when fathers mothers

kin or kin skins leave and abandon you

know that your heavenly father is

watching over you and feel safe I know

that these words are meant to help you

get through your problems get over your

sadness keep going and grow and Thrive

believe that I made you out of love feel

free to talk to me and tell me what you

need I want to be your loyal friend

please know that my ear is always open

and ready to listen when I extend my

hand to you

talking to me will bring you comfort

heal your spirit and calm your mind

sharing your feelings through your voice

strengthens your faith and makes

miracles happen today is your chance to

tell someone you trust everything you’re

feeling and say it out loud now watch me

as I speak I don’t judge scold or

remember the times you sinned in a soft

voice my spirit wants you to know that I

love you every morning when the sun

comes up I wait for your eyes to open

and for your thoughts to come to to me

needing and loving me your words of

worship and praise come up like Dawn and

reach my heavenly realm my presence

caresses your life and encircles your

family and home as a whole don’t forget

about the problems you’re facing I’m

here to help you with gifts I’m not

going to wait since you’re happy for

blessings I’ll answer right away wrapped

in my love because you’ve been honest

about small things I will give you a lot

more you you’ve shown gratitude even

though you want something so I’ll give

you more than what you asked for no one

else in the world or among people can

give you the love and peace I offer I

gave you the strength courage and

fortitude to move mountains and get over

every obstacle so that you can win every

battle you believe in serve and worship

a real powerful and higher than life God

talk about how you feel what you think

and how much you believe in me now get

up enjoy life to the fullest and put the

words you heard today into practice let

their wisdom Lead You

amen type amen if you agree share this

video with your contacts if you love

me and also subscribe to the Jesus

affirmations channel to stay connected

with my


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