Money Will Come To You After Doing This Ritual /Cinnamon Manifestation - Free AI Voice Generator

Money Will Come To You After Doing This Ritual /Cinnamon Manifestation

Hi youtubers this is Eyvette from my world of metaphysics and today i want to give you

two simple money techniques money rituals money spells that attract money to you using cinnamon

yes this is something simple something that you can do today if you want to as long as you have

a little bit of cinnamon main thing is i want to let you guys know that you guys need to stop

running behind money and learn how to make money run behind you so today i’m going to give you two

money rituals that you can use to attract that abundance in your life now listen if you’re new

to this channel this is a law of attraction channel metaphysical channel and if you want
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now let’s get started with these two simple techniques that you can use

today i’m back now what is it that i have to tell you about manifesting money or attracting

money using cinnamon this again is something very easy that you can use and probably do it

within a minute or two i’m gonna give you guys two techniques and believe me you guys you guys really

need to stop running behind money and let that money run to you it’s all about how you believe

what you believe about money and what you believe about yourself attracting money so this is a

powerful technique using cinnamon because cinnamon is known to be a powerful attracting herb now

the first thing i’m going to tell you to do which is very simple and takes a couple of minutes

couple of seconds tell you the truth is you’re going to actually sprinkle cinnamon in your wallet
Cinnamon in your wallet near your money

near your money okay i don’t care if it’s credit cards i don’t care if it’s checks

i don’t care if it’s dollars i need you wherever your money is to sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon

now a lot of you guys probably say well event that’s going to make a horrible mess

and you’re possibly correct okay this is where i’m telling you guys to be a little creative

now you can actually place your cinnamon in a green bag but this may not work because the

cinnamon might still spill through you can get yourself a velvet bag okay and put the

cinnamon in something like this and if you don’t have any of those maybe you can put the cinnamon

in a plastic bag now another alternative or alternative to having cinnamon in your bag

you can actually purchase cinnamon chips now i had this for a long time because i’ve been

working with cinnamon for a while but they do have cinnamon chips that you can actually go
Cinnamon Sticks or Chips

and purchase okay now this would be in your herbal department in one of your spiritual stores or you

could probably go on amazon but they do have chips now the thing about the chips it still can make

a mess but it’s better than the powder if you’re worried about um making a mess in your wallet so

again i’m asking you guys if you want to attract abundance in your life you can use cinnamon powder

or cinnamon chips and you’re going to place it in your wallet now you guys know i always talk about

placing things in your wallet that help yourself attract abundance cinnamon powder will make a mess

so i am advising you guys to buy some cinnamon chips or put the cinnamon in something that is

not going to leak out in your bag but keep it near your money now the next technique takes about a
Wait For Cinnamon Technique #

minute or two to do what i’m asking you to do for the next technique is to grab some money okay i

just need a dollar bill it could be a dollar it could be five dollars it could be or . the

higher the bill the better but one dollar would work it would do the job what you’re going to do

okay for the dollar you’re going to wet this dollar you’re going to wet it whatever money

you’re using you’re going to wet it a little bit not soak it we just want a little bit of water

on it and we really just need it on the one side so i have a bowl here with water you might want

to just wet it a little bit just a little bit then you want to take a little bit of cinnamon

and you are going to draw a line

on this from the cinnamon on the dollar towards you again cinnamon is an attractor so you
Draw a cinnamon line on the bill towards you

want to draw the line with the cinnamon towards you so you’re going to take your finger

so you’re going to take your finger with the cinnamon on it and draw a line towards you

now while you’re doing this this is what it’s going to look like

okay now while you’re doing this you’re going to be concentrating on money coming to you you can do

whatever it is you want to visualize the money but while you’re visualizing i need you to say

make an affirmation of thank you god for blessing with the money

as i draw this line of cinnamon towards me money comes to me tenfold money comes to me multiplied

whatever it is you want to say while drawing that line towards you is up to you but the whole thing

is is an affirmation stating you are expecting you are intending money to come towards you

money to come into your life now the next thing you’re going to do you’re going to fold the money

towards you remember everyone when you bring things towards you you fold things towards you
Fold The Money Towards You

you do whatever it is spiritually but you do it towards you when you want things to go away from

you you push you you do things the opposite you do you roll things away from you so if you got

an enemy you roll it away from you if you have something that you want like money abundance

a car or home you roll whatever it is towards you okay so we’re gonna take this dollar bill

and we’re going to fold it in half then we’re going to fold it in a half again towards you

you’re going to turn it fold it again towards you and that’s all it takes okay you can fold it again

because you want to make sure the money stays good okay and you don’t want to mess in your

wallet so this is what it would look like okay you guys again while you’re rolling this towards you

turning it rolling it again towards you rolling it again towards you it should be no bigger than

this okay and you’re going to take this and put it in your wallet now my wallet i have

different little compartments and you can tell you the truth you guys i already have one in here

i don’t know how long it’s been in there oh my god well anyway we’re gonna add this one

to it okay and we’re gonna put this in our wallet i have a separate little area

that i don’t put anything there and that’s where the money is going to go listen wherever you

have your money whatever you’re doing always try to keep something in your wallet that is

going to attract money so again we spoke about sprinkling a little bit of cinnamon in your wallet
Cinnamon Is An Attractor

again that could be very messy so i advise you guys if you’re going to get it get something

with cinnamon like cinnamon sticks cinnamon chips whatever it is but it’s still cinnamon you guys

and you’re going to do the second technique with the dollar bill again the main thing is whatever

you’re doing you’re concentrating on money coming towards you money coming towards you

and staying with you cinnamon is a very powerful attractor and it will bring abundance to you

now just to give you another little tip you can actually combine a little bit of cinnamon with

a little bit of sea salt why i say this is because sea salt is a protector okay so you
Bonus Add a little Sea Salt with Cinnamon

guys getting what i’m talking about right so if you have a little bit of cinnamon and you

have a little bit of sea salt you can take a little bit of sea salt and put it in there and

it will actually not only bring abundance to you but also protect you with whatever you’re doing

okay so listen i just gave you guys two powerful techniques to use with cinnamon

to attract abundance so now listen everyone this is a law of attraction metaphysical channel

if you want more videos like this don’t forget to like subscribe and tap that bell

you can follow me at where you can receive one-on-one coaching for me

you can also go to where you can buy a lot of these things that are

here okay so a lot of the things i speak about is at that store when it comes to candles crystals uh

incense herbs it’s there so again everybody this is Eyvette from my world of metaphysics and namaste

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