oh heavenly father I come before you now

my heart heavy and my head

bowed life’s challenges sometimes make

me forget to seek your guidance relying

on My Own

Strength yet I know that your might is

boundless and there’s nothing too great

for you to

handle I worship and praise you the

Divine creator of the universe and I

honor the purpose you’ve designed for

me your plans for my life are

magnificent and I believe that you’re

always willing to help me with every

need and

situation but I must remember to

ask I humbly repent and seek your

forgiveness for my sins striving to live

as Jesus did in your

image I recognize that I should pray

more fervently and deeply asking for

your forgiveness for any

transgressions thoughts or words that

have not aligned with your Divine

will please guide me and Grant me the

strength to overcome life’s

trials though I may feel overwhelmed by

the burdens of this world my faith is


I believe that you are the rock I can

lean on in times of trouble the lifter

of my head and you dwell within my

heart with your help I can face any

challenge instead of dwelling in my

problems I lift my gaze to the heavens

and cry out to you for

assistance I lay all my concerns at your

feet dear God and I I implore you to

touch each

situation a single touch from you is all

we need to transform Our

Lives your words and breath breathe life

into our

souls bless my home I pray and Surround

it with your Angel’s protective

Embrace watch over all who reside within

its walls and all who

visit shower your blessings upon my

beloved family and friends for you know

their needs and can envelop them in your

love I seek your presence in my

workplace dear

father may your spirit fill the air

making our labor a tribute to

you let us work diligently as if working

directly for

you and as I strive for excellence in my

professional life I continue to look up

and call out for your

guidance help me live the life you’ve

envisioned for me walking beside me

daily may my life reflect the spirit

that resides Within Me shining your

light for all to

see bless my dreams and

aspirations and Grant me the strength to

resist frustration and

defeat I place all my plans into your

capable hands offering my talents to

further your kingdom and show the way to

others I surrender to your Divine will

seeking your guidance in all

things thank you dear God for guiding me

through every challenge I

face in jesus’ name I pray amen

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Faith type Amen in the comment section

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