jesus: I AM Serious My Child - Free AI Voice Generator

jesus: I AM Serious My Child

God says if you hate me then keep

scrolling but if you love me then stick

with this video Until the

End you are a Divine being with

Limitless potential Embrace

self-compassion and love yourself

unconditionally surround yourself with a

supportive community that understands

and uplifts

you as a new day Dawns know that your

help comes from me do not worry or be

afraid for I watch over you every second

of the day and every moment of the

night I am guiding your steps and

protecting you you will not be defeated

you will make it trust in my perfect

timing for waiting though difficult

leads to better things

waiting is not in vain for in the right

time everything will become clear have

faith that things are changing in your

favor typ how man if you need

this dear one understand that waiting is

challenging but it is also an

opportunity for growth and

transformation even when you don’t have

a clear plan or reason for waiting

know that there is a purpose in

it during your waiting focus on the

blessings you anticipate but also trust

that I have something more profound in

mind your waiting is not in vain it is a

time of

preparation trust that in due time

everything will become clear and you

will see the purpose and the greater

glory I have in store for your

life I want you to find comfort in the

knowledge that your journey has not been

wasted your experiences though difficult

have deep meaning they are shaping you

into a person of resilience and

compassion through your struggles you

have gained the strength to inspire

others who are facing similar battles

seek Joy

in the smallest moments and the beauty

of a sunrise the warmth of a loved one’s

touch or the laughter shared with

friends these moments though fleeting

hold immeasurable value in brightening

your path you are worth more than your

illness or pain Embrace

self-compassion and love yourself

unconditionally surround Ed by a

supportive community that understands

and uplifts

you remember that I have equipped you

with the power to overcome every

challenge no weapon formed against you

will succeed I have blessed and

protected you in the past and I will do

so again in the

future trust that things are changing in

your favor and believe that your waiting

will lead to something greater than you

can imagine rest in the knowledge that

your waiting is not in vain type yes if



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