my precious child I see the weight of the world pressing down on your shoulders as you absorb the constant

barrage of troubling news my heart aches to see you so burdened and distressed by

the endless stream of reports about conflict tragedy and turmoil I know how deeply you care about

this world and all who dwell in it your compassion is beautiful to me but I

don’t want it to crush your spirit remember my child that I hold all of

creation in my hands though the news may make it seem as if everything is spiraling into chaos I remain Sovereign

over all no event takes me by surprise or thwarts my ultimate purposes even in

the midst of what appears to be darkness and despair I am at work bringing light and

redemption in ways you cannot yet see when you feel overwhelmed by distressing

headlines come to me and pour out your heart tell me your fears your sorrows

your anger at Injustice I am here to listen and to comfort you let my peace wash over you

and quiet your anxious thoughts in my presence you can find rest for your

weary soul and renewed strength to face each day don’t let the news consume you

my beloved while it’s good to be informed be careful not to let it become an idol

that steals your joy and hope remember that the media often focuses on The Sensational and the tragic while

overlooking countless acts of kindness courage and Beauty happening every

moment there is still so much good in this world look for it celebrate it and

be part of creating more of it when you see reports of suffering and need let it

move you to compassionate action rather than paralyzing despair ask me how you

can be my hands and feet to bring Comfort Aid or positive

change even small acts of love and service can create ripples of hope that spread far beyond what you can see trust

that I can multiply your efforts and use them in powerful ways don’t forget to nourish your soul with that which is

lovely pure and praiseworthy make time to enjoy the

beauty of nature to laugh with loved ones to create art to worship me fill

your mind with my word and meditate on my promises let these life-giving Pursuits crowd out the anxieties that

the news can stir up remember too my child that much of what you see in the

news has happened throughout human history while modern media makes you more aware of it conflict disaster and

suffering are not new yet through it all I have been faithful I have sustained my

people and continue to unfold my Redemptive plan what you see now is not the end of

the story I am moving all of history toward my perfect conclusion when you see violence and

hatred don’t let it Harden your heart instead let it soften you toward those

who are hurting and lost pray for your enemies and for those who persecute

others ask me to help you see all people as I see them precious souls in need of

my love and truth be a peacemaker and reconciler wherever you can as you hear

of natural disasters and accidents let it remind you of the preciousness and fragility of Life use it as a prompt to

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