How to Receive God’s Restoration, Freedom, and Abundance this year🙏God Bless You - Free AI Voice Generator

How to Receive God’s Restoration, Freedom, and Abundance this year🙏God Bless You

God is saying to you I know your life

has been hard lately and I have come to

comfort you and bless you are you

willing to spend the next couple minutes

to let me encourage you and bestow you

gifts if you answered yes I would be

happy open your heart now the blessings

that you are about to receive will be

far greater than you can imagine Divine

Healing is being sent from heaven to men

your body heart mind and family the Lord

is orchestrating a profound

transformation in your life bringing

forth positive changes in every aspect

you are not a victim of your

circumstances you are a Victor in Christ

you are not defined by your past you are

destined for your future you are not

broken you are whole declare boldly

today I am deserving of the overflowing

love of healing and abundance that is

coming my way Embrace this with

unwavering confidence God is Not only

able to heal you he is willing to heal

you he loves you so much that he sent

his son to die for you so that you can

have life and have it more abundantly

receive your healing today by faith and

walk in Divine health and wholeness type

I am healed to affirm

God will make you laugh harder than you

cried he will turn your mourning into

dancing your sorrow into joy and your

pain into praise he will restore to you

the years that the locusts have eaten

the cankerworm and the caterpillar and

the pommer worm he will give you Beauty

for Ashes the oil of Jo for mourning and

the Garment of Praise for the spirit of

heaviness he will do exceedingly

abundant abundantly above all that you

ask or think according to the power that

works in you he will make all things

work together for your good because you

love him and are called according to his

purpose he will fill your mouth with

laughter and your lips with shouts of

Joy he will make you glad with the joy

of his presence he will make you laugh

harder than you cry to Lov child as you

go through the next hours prepare

yourself for unexpected Financial

blessings that will completely transform

the trajectory of your family’s life God

has a plan for you and he is about to

surprise you with his favor and Grace if

you have faith in God I invite you to

watch this video and witness the Wonders

that await you you will see testimonies

of people who received miraculous

provision debt cancellation and

unexpected income you will learn how to

activate the Law of Attraction and

manifest abundance in your life you will

discover the secrets of living in God’s

economy where there is no lack No Limit

and no shortage don’t miss this

opportunity to receive your financial

breakthrough watch this video now and

get ready to be blessed Jesus declared

that an extraordinary week lies ahead

for you filled with amazing Miracles

significant breakthroughs and Abundant

Blessings your job income health and

relationships are about to take an

unexpected turn this weekend and through

it all place your trust in God for he

has the power to turn your challenges

into lessons your trials into triumphs

and your tasks into testimonies God Is

Lifting your burdens and guiding you

towards healing ease and abundance he is

opening doors that no man can shut and

shutting doors that no man can open he

is making a way where there seems to be

no way and doing a new thing in your

life he is giving you favor with people

favor with circumstances and favor with

yourself he is blessing you in the city

blessing you in the country blessing you

in the field and blessing you in the

storehouse he is blessing you coming in

and blessing you going out he is

blessing you in every area of your life

don’t be surprised when life starts to

get good God says you deserve it you are

his beloved child and he Delights in

blessing you he wants you to enjoy the

Abundant Life that he has prepared for

you he wants you to have peace that

surpasses all understanding joy that is

unspeakable and love that is

unconditional he wants you to have

wisdom that is from above power that is

from on high and Grace that is

sufficient he wants you to have

everything that pertains to life and

godliness through the knowledge of him

who called you by his own glory and

virtue he wants you to have all things

that are good acceptable and perfect

according to his will don’t be surprised

when life starts to get good God says

you deserve it the Lord promises health

and healing to his people ushering in an

abundance of peace and security he is

The God Who heals all your diseases who

forgives all your iniquities who redeems

your life from destruction who crowns

you with loving kindness and Tender

Mercies believe that with God’s mercy

all things are possible nothing is too

hard for him nothing is too big for him

nothing is too small for him your season

of restoration and Recovery is at hand

God is restoring what the enemy has

stolen what the world has taken what the

time has eroded express your gratitude

to God for his blessings both B and

small and watch as your blessings

multiply the more you thank him the more

He blesses you the more you praise him

the more he favors you the more you

honor him the more he elevates you the

Lord assures you that something

extraordinary awaits you whether it be

your dream career a life partner or a

breakthrough beyond your imagination he

has plans to prosper you and not to harm

you plans to give you hope and a future

he has prepared things for you that eyes

have not seen ears have not heard and

Minds have not conceived instead of

worrying turn to prayer cast all your

cares upon Him for he cares for you be

anxious for nothing but in everything by

prayer and supplication with

Thanksgiving let your request be made

known to God be brave and courageous

knowing that the same God who created

the universe in six days and rested on

the seventh is with you strengthening

and guiding you he is the Alpha and the

Omega the beginning and the end the

first and the last he is the same

yesterday today and forever divine

intervention life-changing news and

remarkable breakthroughs are on the

horizon Proclaim with confidence the

Lord is watching over me providing all

that I need I shall dwell in his

goodness and love never departing from

his presence he is the Good Shepherd who

lead you beside the Still Waters who

restores your soul who guides you in the

paths of righteousness he is the loving

father who gives good gifts to his

children who knows what you need before

you ask who satisfies your mouth with

good things he is the faithful friend

who sticks closer and a brother who

loves at all times who Bears all things

believes all things hopes all things

endures all things embrace the

anticipation of the incredible plans God

has for your life whether it be a

financial windfall a blissful marriage

or a significant breakthrough every good

thing every blessing and every wound

heal shall be yours God is working to

enhance your health relationships and

finances relieving you of all burdens

you are transitioning from suffering

adversity and scarcity to Healing

Simplicity and abundance prepare

yourself for Extraordinary Miracles I am

shattering the chains of negative

patterns that have held you captive you

are not a prisoner of your past you are

a pioneer of your future you are not a

product of your environment you are a

child of the most high you are not a

victim of your circumstances you are a

Victor in Christ a new season of Freedom

prosperity and boundless abundance is on

the horizon waiting to embrace you are

you prepared for your greatest Triumph

get get ready for I am about to amaze

you beyond your wildest imagination your

path to recovery Liberation and

advancement has already been paved by

the Divine hand of God he is making

crooked places straight rough places

smooth and Dark Places light he is

removing every obstacle every hindrance

and every limitation from your way he is

leading you to your promised

land where milk and honey flow God is

about to open some important doors for

you he is the god who opens doors that

no man can shut and shuts doors that no

man can open he is the god who makes a

way where there seems to be no way and

does a new thing in your life he is the

god who gives you favor with people

favor with

circumstances and favor with with

yourself he is the god who grants you

access to places you never dreamed of

opportunities you never imagined and

resources you never expected he is the

god who goes before you behind you and

beside you he is the god who opens doors

for you typ I love you my lord if you

love him God and His Infinite love

promises to wipe away every tear of

Anguish and sorrow that you have shared

in secret he is The God Who heals the

Brokenhearted who binds up their wounds

who comforts them with his rod and his

staff he is the god who turns your

mourning into dancing your sorrow into

joy and your pain into praise he is The

God Who restores to you the years that

the Locust have eaten the cankerworm and

the caterpillar and the palmerworm he is

the god who give you Beauty for Ashes

the oil of joy for mourning and the

Garment of Praise for the spirit of

heaviness you are now entering a season

of unprecedented peace and prosperity to

leave with every fiber of your being

that God is orchestrating a Divine

turnaround in your life in this season

of restoration everything that has been

lost or taken from you will be returned

a h hundredfold your hopes your

connections your well-being your

finances and your joy will be

rejuvenated and revitalized by the

almighty himself God is blessing you

more than you asked for he is the god

who is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above all that you ask or think

according to the power that works in you

he is The God Who Delights in the

prosperity of his servants who gives

them the desire of their heart who

supplies all their needs according to

his riches and Glory he is The God Who

multiplies your seed sewn who increases

your Harvest of righteousness who

enriches you in every way he is The God

Who blesses you in the city blesses you

in the country blesses you in the field

and blesses you in the storehouse he is

The God Who blesses you coming in and

blesses you going out he is The God Who

blesses you in every area of your life

type thank you God and show your

appreciation God’s love for you run so

deep that he dispatches his angels to

tend to your debts settle your bills and

ensure the safety of your loved ones he

is the god who cancels your debts who

pays your bills who provides for your

household he is The God Who commands his

angels concerning you to guard you in

all your ways to lift you up in their

hands to protect you from harm he is The

God Who Watches Over You Who Never

Slumbers nor sleeps who keeps you from

all evil he is the god who loves you

with an everlasting love who draws you

with loving kindness who covers you with

his wings let us join in prayer seeking

God’s boundless blessings as we enter

this season of abundance Heavenly Father

we humbly beseech Your Divine protection

and guidance we thank you for your love

your grace and your mercy we praise you

for your goodness your faithfulness and

your sovereignty we ask you to bless us

to keep us and to shine your face Upon

Us in jesus’ name amen prepare yourself

for you are about to witness how God

answered your prayers the forthcoming

years of your life will be the most

glorious you have ever experienced even

in the face of illness

unemployment or disappointment God has

extraordinary blessings in store for you

this week including a breakthrough that

will leave you astounded the Bible says

in Jeremiah

– for I know the plans I have for you

declares the Lord plans to prosper you

and not to harm you plans to give you

hope and a future God has not forgotten

you he has not forsaken you he has not

given up on you he is working behind the

scenes ranging things in your favor

preparing a table before you in the

presence of your enemies he is about to

do something that you have never seen

before something that will exceed your

expectation ations something that will

make you say wow God you are amazing you

are going to need a bigger heart to

handle what God is about to bless you he

is the god who is able to do exceedingly

abundantly above all that you ask or

think according to the power that works

in you he is the god who loves you with

an everlasting love who draws you with

loving kindness who covers you with his

wings he is The God Who Delights in the

prosperity of his servants who gives

them the desires of their heart who

supplies all their needs according to

his riches and Glory he is The God Who

multiplies your seed sown who increases

your Harvest of righteousness who

enriches you in every way he is The God

Who blesses you in the city blesses you

in the country blesses you in the field

and blesses you in the storehouse house

he is The God Who blesses you coming in

and blesses you going out he is The God

Who blesses you in every area of your

life the Bible says in Psalm

– delight yourself in the Lord and He

will give you the desires of your heart

I Proclaim that this coming week will be

filled with unexpected blessings

uncontainable Joy Limitless abundance

and the Fulfillment of all your prayers

May every Endeavor you undertake be met

with resounding success God is opening

doors that no man can shut and shutting

doors that no man can open he is making

a way where there seems to be no way and

doing a new thing in your life he is

giving you favor with people favor with

circumstances and favor with yourself he

is granting you access to places you you

never dreamed of opportunities you never

imagined and resources you never

expected he is going before you behind

you and beside you he is the Alpha and

the Omega the beginning and the end the

first and the last he is the same

yesterday today and forever the Bible

says in Isaiah

– behold I am doing a new thing now

it Springs forth do you not perceive it

I will make a way in the wilderness and

rivers in the desert prepare yourself to

receive a NeverEnding overflow of wealth

that will flood into your life until the

week comes to a close each day your

financial resources will multiply

exponentially accompanied by an

outpouring of happiness love and vibrant

Health Envision a moment where blessings

Cascade upon you and your loved ones

alleviating every ounce of suffering you

may have endured picture yourself

marveling at the substantial balance in

your bank account while a brand new car

awaits you outside your doorstep get

ready to embark on a new chapter of your

life where abundance becomes your

constant companion love deepens Faith

Soares and health flourishes the Bible

says in malache bring the whole

tithe into the storehouse that there may

be food in my house test me in this says

the Lord Almighty and see if I will not

throw open the flood gates of heaven and

pour out so much blessing that there

will not be room enough to store it type

I trust too firm God says prepare

yourself I’m about to take you to

another level in life he is The God Who

lifts up the hum humble who exalts the

lowly who honors the faithful he is the

god who promotes you in due season who

elevates you to new heights who

establishes you in high places he is the

god who gives you the Keys of the

Kingdom who entrusts you with great

responsibility who rewards you with

great Authority he is the god who

anoints you with his Spirit who empowers

you with his word who equips you with

his gifts he is the god who calls you by

name who appoints you for a purpose who

commissions you for a mission the Bible

says in Ephesians to for we are his

workmanship created in Christ Jesus for

good works which God prepared beforehand

that we should walk in them this year

will not end until you recover all that

was taken away from you God is the god

of restoration who restores the years

that the Locust have eaten who restores

what the enemy has stolen who restores

what the world has taken he is the god

who makes all things new who makes all

things work together for your good who

makes all things beautiful in his time

he is the god who gives you double for

your trouble who gives you a crown of

beauty instead of Ashes who gives you

the oil of Joy instead of mourning the

Bible says in Joel to to I will

restore to you the years that the Locust

has eaten the cankerworm and the

caterpillar and the pomor my great Army

which i s among you and you shall eat

and plenty and be satisfy and praise the

name of the Lord your God that has dealt

wondrously with you and my people shall

never be ashamed God wants you to know

that he is breaking every negative

pattern that has held you back a new

season of Freedom prosperity and an

ending abundance awaits you are you

ready to embrace your greatest success

embrace yourself for I am about to

pleasantly surprise you with the

restoration Liberation and advancement

that you’ve been longing for the Bible

says in Isaiah

no weapon that is formed against

you shall prosper and every tongue that

shall arise against you in judgment you

shall condemn this is the heritage of

the Servants of the Lord and their

righteousness is of me says the Lord God

is breaking Every curse every chain

every stronghold that has kept you from

your destiny he is setting you free from

every addiction every fear every doubt

that has hindered you from your purpose

he is advancing you to a new level of

favor a new level of influence a new

level of authority that you have never

experienced before Prayer Changes Things

but favor rearranges things God is the

god of favor who surrounds you with

favor as with a shield who gives you

favor with people favor with

circumstances and favor with yourself he

is the god who grants you access to

places you never dreamed of

opportunities you never imagined and

resources you never expected he is the

god who opens doors that no man can shut

and shuts doors that no man can open he

is the god who makes a way where there

seems to be no way and does a new thing

in your life the Bible says in Psalm

for you oh Lord will bless the

righteous with favor will you Compass

him as with a shield type I am blessed

to airm believe that God will provide

you with enough resources to cover all

your debts and even bless you with

Surplus for your children when all seems

lost and you have nothing left but God

that’s when the most miraculous

interventions occur Transforming Our

lives forever despite the challenges you

may be facing at this moment continue to

affirm I am blessed successful and

favored by God your health your

relationships and your financial

situation are on the break of

restoration through the Divine hand of

God the Bible says in Philippians for

but my God shall supply all your need

according to his riches and Glory by

Christ Jesus God is not limited by your

circumstances he is not limited by your

resources he is not limited by your

abilities he is the god who owns the

cattle on a thousand hills who owns the

silver and the gold who owns the earth

and the fullness thereof he is the god

who is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above all that you ask or think

according to the power that works in you

before you go make sure to give God and

this video alike

मिनट में

God is saying to you I know your life

has been hard lately and I have come to

comfort you and bless you are you

willing to spend the next couple minutes

to let me encourage you and bestow you

gifts if you answered yes I would be

happy open your heart now the blessings

that you are about to receive will be

far greater than you can imagine Divine

Healing is being sent from heaven to men

your body heart mind and family the Lord

is orchestrating a profound

transformation in your life bringing

forth positive changes in every aspect

you are not a victim of your

circumstances you are a Victor in Christ

you are not defined by your past you are

destined for your future you are not

broken you are whole declare boldly

today I am deserving of the overflowing

love of healing and abundance that is

coming my way Embrace this with

unwavering confidence God is Not only

able to heal you he is willing to heal

you he loves you so much that he sent

his son to die for you so that you can

have life and have it more abundantly

receive your healing today by faith and

walk in Divine health and wholeness type

I am healed to affirm

God will make you laugh harder than you

cried he will turn your mourning into

dancing your sorrow into joy and your

pain into praise he will restore to you

the years that the locusts have eaten

the cankerworm and the caterpillar and

the pommer worm he will give you Beauty

for Ashes the oil of Jo for mourning and

the Garment of Praise for the spirit of

heaviness he will do exceedingly

abundant abundantly above all that you

ask or think according to the power that

works in you he will make all things

work together for your good because you

love him and are called according to his

purpose he will fill your mouth with

laughter and your lips with shouts of

Joy he will make you glad with the joy

of his presence he will make you laugh

harder than you cry to Lov child as you

go through the next hours prepare

yourself for unexpected Financial

blessings that will completely transform

the trajectory of your family’s life God

has a plan for you and he is about to

surprise you with his favor and Grace if

you have faith in God I invite you to

watch this video and witness the Wonders

that await you you will see testimonies

of people who received miraculous

provision debt cancellation and

unexpected income you will learn how to

activate the Law of Attraction and

manifest abundance in your life you will

discover the secrets of living in God’s

economy where there is no lack No Limit

and no shortage don’t miss this

opportunity to receive your financial

breakthrough watch this video now and

get ready to be blessed Jesus declared

that an extraordinary week lies ahead

for you filled with amazing Miracles

significant breakthroughs and Abundant

Blessings your job income health and

relationships are about to take an

unexpected turn this weekend and through

it all place your trust in God for he

has the power to turn your challenges

into lessons your trials into triumphs

and your tasks into testimonies God Is

Lifting your burdens and guiding you

towards healing ease and abundance he is

opening doors that no man can shut and

shutting doors that no man can open he

is making a way where there seems to be

no way and doing a new thing in your

life he is giving you favor with people

favor with circumstances and favor with

yourself he is blessing you in the city

blessing you in the country blessing you

in the field and blessing you in the

storehouse he is blessing you coming in

and blessing you going out he is

blessing you in every area of your life

don’t be surprised when life starts to

get good God says you deserve it you are

his beloved child and he Delights in

blessing you he wants you to enjoy the

Abundant Life that he has prepared for

you he wants you to have peace that

surpasses all understanding joy that is

unspeakable and love that is

unconditional he wants you to have

wisdom that is from above power that is

from on high and Grace that is

sufficient he wants you to have

everything that pertains to life and

godliness through the knowledge of him

who called you by his own glory and

virtue he wants you to have all things

that are good acceptable and perfect

according to his will don’t be surprised

when life starts to get good God says

you deserve it the Lord promises health

and healing to his people ushering in an

abundance of peace and security he is

The God Who heals all your diseases who

forgives all your iniquities who redeems

your life from destruction who crowns

you with loving kindness and Tender

Mercies believe that with God’s mercy

all things are possible nothing is too

hard for him nothing is too big for him

nothing is too small for him your season

of restoration and Recovery is at hand

God is restoring what the enemy has

stolen what the world has taken what the

time has eroded express your gratitude

to God for his blessings both B and

small and watch as your blessings

multiply the more you thank him the more

He blesses you the more you praise him

the more he favors you the more you

honor him the more he elevates you the

Lord assures you that something

extraordinary awaits you whether it be

your dream career a life partner or a

breakthrough beyond your imagination he

has plans to prosper you and not to harm

you plans to give you hope and a future

he has prepared things for you that eyes

have not seen ears have not heard and

Minds have not conceived instead of

worrying turn to prayer cast all your

cares upon Him for he cares for you be

anxious for nothing but in everything by

prayer and supplication with

Thanksgiving let your request be made

known to God be brave and courageous

knowing that the same God who created

the universe in six days and rested on

the seventh is with you strengthening

and guiding you he is the Alpha and the

Omega the beginning and the end the

first and the last he is the same

yesterday today and forever divine

intervention life-changing news and

remarkable breakthroughs are on the

horizon Proclaim with confidence the

Lord is watching over me providing all

that I need I shall dwell in his

goodness and love never departing from

his presence he is the Good Shepherd who

lead you beside the Still Waters who

restores your soul who guides you in the

paths of righteousness he is the loving

father who gives good gifts to his

children who knows what you need before

you ask who satisfies your mouth with

good things he is the faithful friend

who sticks closer and a brother who

loves at all times who Bears all things

believes all things hopes all things

endures all things embrace the

anticipation of the incredible plans God

has for your life whether it be a

financial windfall a blissful marriage

or a significant breakthrough every good

thing every blessing and every wound

heal shall be yours God is working to

enhance your health relationships and

finances relieving you of all burdens

you are transitioning from suffering

adversity and scarcity to Healing

Simplicity and abundance prepare

yourself for Extraordinary Miracles I am

shattering the chains of negative

patterns that have held you captive you

are not a prisoner of your past you are

a pioneer of your future you are not a

product of your environment you are a

child of the most high you are not a

victim of your circumstances you are a

Victor in Christ a new season of Freedom

prosperity and boundless abundance is on

the horizon waiting to embrace you are

you prepared for your greatest Triumph

get get ready for I am about to amaze

you beyond your wildest imagination your

path to recovery Liberation and

advancement has already been paved by

the Divine hand of God he is making

crooked places straight rough places

smooth and Dark Places light he is

removing every obstacle every hindrance

and every limitation from your way he is

leading you to your promised

land where milk and honey flow God is

about to open some important doors for

you he is the god who opens doors that

no man can shut and shuts doors that no

man can open he is the god who makes a

way where there seems to be no way and

does a new thing in your life he is the

god who gives you favor with people

favor with

circumstances and favor with with

yourself he is the god who grants you

access to places you never dreamed of

opportunities you never imagined and

resources you never expected he is the

god who goes before you behind you and

beside you he is the god who opens doors

for you typ I love you my lord if you

love him God and His Infinite love

promises to wipe away every tear of

Anguish and sorrow that you have shared

in secret he is The God Who heals the

Brokenhearted who binds up their wounds

who comforts them with his rod and his

staff he is the god who turns your

mourning into dancing your sorrow into

joy and your pain into praise he is The

God Who restores to you the years that

the Locust have eaten the cankerworm and

the caterpillar and the palmerworm he is

the god who give you Beauty for Ashes

the oil of joy for mourning and the

Garment of Praise for the spirit of

heaviness you are now entering a season

of unprecedented peace and prosperity to

leave with every fiber of your being

that God is orchestrating a Divine

turnaround in your life in this season

of restoration everything that has been

lost or taken from you will be returned

a h hundredfold your hopes your

connections your well-being your

finances and your joy will be

rejuvenated and revitalized by the

almighty himself God is blessing you

more than you asked for he is the god

who is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above all that you ask or think

according to the power that works in you

he is The God Who Delights in the

prosperity of his servants who gives

them the desire of their heart who

supplies all their needs according to

his riches and Glory he is The God Who

multiplies your seed sewn who increases

your Harvest of righteousness who

enriches you in every way he is The God

Who blesses you in the city blesses you

in the country blesses you in the field

and blesses you in the storehouse he is

The God Who blesses you coming in and

blesses you going out he is The God Who

blesses you in every area of your life

type thank you God and show your

appreciation God’s love for you run so

deep that he dispatches his angels to

tend to your debts settle your bills and

ensure the safety of your loved ones he

is the god who cancels your debts who

pays your bills who provides for your

household he is The God Who commands his

angels concerning you to guard you in

all your ways to lift you up in their

hands to protect you from harm he is The

God Who Watches Over You Who Never

Slumbers nor sleeps who keeps you from

all evil he is the god who loves you

with an everlasting love who draws you

with loving kindness who covers you with

his wings let us join in prayer seeking

God’s boundless blessings as we enter

this season of abundance Heavenly Father

we humbly beseech Your Divine protection

and guidance we thank you for your love

your grace and your mercy we praise you

for your goodness your faithfulness and

your sovereignty we ask you to bless us

to keep us and to shine your face Upon

Us in jesus’ name amen prepare yourself

for you are about to witness how God

answered your prayers the forthcoming

years of your life will be the most

glorious you have ever experienced even

in the face of illness

unemployment or disappointment God has

extraordinary blessings in store for you

this week including a breakthrough that

will leave you astounded the Bible says

in Jeremiah

– for I know the plans I have for you

declares the Lord plans to prosper you

and not to harm you plans to give you

hope and a future God has not forgotten

you he has not forsaken you he has not

given up on you he is working behind the

scenes ranging things in your favor

preparing a table before you in the

presence of your enemies he is about to

do something that you have never seen

before something that will exceed your

expectation ations something that will

make you say wow God you are amazing you

are going to need a bigger heart to

handle what God is about to bless you he

is the god who is able to do exceedingly

abundantly above all that you ask or

think according to the power that works

in you he is the god who loves you with

an everlasting love who draws you with

loving kindness who covers you with his

wings he is The God Who Delights in the

prosperity of his servants who gives

them the desires of their heart who

supplies all their needs according to

his riches and Glory he is The God Who

multiplies your seed sown who increases

your Harvest of righteousness who

enriches you in every way he is The God

Who blesses you in the city blesses you

in the country blesses you in the field

and blesses you in the storehouse house

he is The God Who blesses you coming in

and blesses you going out he is The God

Who blesses you in every area of your

life the Bible says in Psalm

– delight yourself in the Lord and He

will give you the desires of your heart

I Proclaim that this coming week will be

filled with unexpected blessings

uncontainable Joy Limitless abundance

and the Fulfillment of all your prayers

May every Endeavor you undertake be met

with resounding success God is opening

doors that no man can shut and shutting

doors that no man can open he is making

a way where there seems to be no way and

doing a new thing in your life he is

giving you favor with people favor with

circumstances and favor with yourself he

is granting you access to places you you

never dreamed of opportunities you never

imagined and resources you never

expected he is going before you behind

you and beside you he is the Alpha and

the Omega the beginning and the end the

first and the last he is the same

yesterday today and forever the Bible

says in Isaiah

– behold I am doing a new thing now

it Springs forth do you not perceive it

I will make a way in the wilderness and

rivers in the desert prepare yourself to

receive a NeverEnding overflow of wealth

that will flood into your life until the

week comes to a close each day your

financial resources will multiply

exponentially accompanied by an

outpouring of happiness love and vibrant

Health Envision a moment where blessings

Cascade upon you and your loved ones

alleviating every ounce of suffering you

may have endured picture yourself

marveling at the substantial balance in

your bank account while a brand new car

awaits you outside your doorstep get

ready to embark on a new chapter of your

life where abundance becomes your

constant companion love deepens Faith

Soares and health flourishes the Bible

says in malache bring the whole

tithe into the storehouse that there may

be food in my house test me in this says

the Lord Almighty and see if I will not

throw open the flood gates of heaven and

pour out so much blessing that there

will not be room enough to store it type

I trust too firm God says prepare

yourself I’m about to take you to

another level in life he is The God Who

lifts up the hum humble who exalts the

lowly who honors the faithful he is the

god who promotes you in due season who

elevates you to new heights who

establishes you in high places he is the

god who gives you the Keys of the

Kingdom who entrusts you with great

responsibility who rewards you with

great Authority he is the god who

anoints you with his Spirit who empowers

you with his word who equips you with

his gifts he is the god who calls you by

name who appoints you for a purpose who

commissions you for a mission the Bible

says in Ephesians to for we are his

workmanship created in Christ Jesus for

good works which God prepared beforehand

that we should walk in them this year

will not end until you recover all that

was taken away from you God is the god

of restoration who restores the years

that the Locust have eaten who restores

what the enemy has stolen who restores

what the world has taken he is the god

who makes all things new who makes all

things work together for your good who

makes all things beautiful in his time

he is the god who gives you double for

your trouble who gives you a crown of

beauty instead of Ashes who gives you

the oil of Joy instead of mourning the

Bible says in Joel to to I will

restore to you the years that the Locust

has eaten the cankerworm and the

caterpillar and the pomor my great Army

which i s among you and you shall eat

and plenty and be satisfy and praise the

name of the Lord your God that has dealt

wondrously with you and my people shall

never be ashamed God wants you to know

that he is breaking every negative

pattern that has held you back a new

season of Freedom prosperity and an

ending abundance awaits you are you

ready to embrace your greatest success

embrace yourself for I am about to

pleasantly surprise you with the

restoration Liberation and advancement

that you’ve been longing for the Bible

says in Isaiah

no weapon that is formed against

you shall prosper and every tongue that

shall arise against you in judgment you

shall condemn this is the heritage of

the Servants of the Lord and their

righteousness is of me says the Lord God

is breaking Every curse every chain

every stronghold that has kept you from

your destiny he is setting you free from

every addiction every fear every doubt

that has hindered you from your purpose

he is advancing you to a new level of

favor a new level of influence a new

level of authority that you have never

experienced before Prayer Changes Things

but favor rearranges things God is the

god of favor who surrounds you with

favor as with a shield who gives you

favor with people favor with

circumstances and favor with yourself he

is the god who grants you access to

places you never dreamed of

opportunities you never imagined and

resources you never expected he is the

god who opens doors that no man can shut

and shuts doors that no man can open he

is the god who makes a way where there

seems to be no way and does a new thing

in your life the Bible says in Psalm

for you oh Lord will bless the

righteous with favor will you Compass

him as with a shield type I am blessed

to airm believe that God will provide

you with enough resources to cover all

your debts and even bless you with

Surplus for your children when all seems

lost and you have nothing left but God

that’s when the most miraculous

interventions occur Transforming Our

lives forever despite the challenges you

may be facing at this moment continue to

affirm I am blessed successful and

favored by God your health your

relationships and your financial

situation are on the break of

restoration through the Divine hand of

God the Bible says in Philippians for

but my God shall supply all your need

according to his riches and Glory by

Christ Jesus God is not limited by your

circumstances he is not limited by your

resources he is not limited by your

abilities he is the god who owns the

cattle on a thousand hills who owns the

silver and the gold who owns the earth

and the fullness thereof he is the god

who is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above all that you ask or think

according to the power that works in you

before you go make sure to give God and

this video alike

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