God Says : My Chosen One They Picked The Wrong Battle - Free AI Voice Generator

God Says : My Chosen One They Picked The Wrong Battle

my beloved child if you believe this like this video And subscribe to the

channel if you believe in God type I really love you God and if you believe

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thanks from $ to $ God bless you my child type

amen my beloved child I see the struggles you face daily the world can

be a harsh Place filled with trials and tribulations that test your faith and resolve but know this You Are My Chosen

One and I have called you by name you are precious to me and no weapon formed

against you shall prosper in times of difficulty when the weight of the world seems too heavy to

Bear remember that I am with you always I will never leave you nor forsake you

when the storms of life rage and the Winds of adversity blow take refuge in

my presence for I am your rock your Fortress and your deliverer you may feel

overwhelmed by the challenges you face but do not be dismayed the battles you

are fighting are not yours alone they are mine I am the Lord of hosts and I go

before you in every conflict those who rise against you have picked the wrong battle for they contend not only with

you but with the almighty God who stands by your side the enemy seeks to steal

kill and destroy he uses deception fear and doubt to try to shake your faith but you are

more than a conqueror through him who loves you the power of the Holy Spirit resides within you giving you strength

to overcome every obstacle remember David a young Shepherd boy who faced the Giant

Goliath the odds were against him but he did not not cower in fear instead he declared you come to me with a sword

with a spear and with a javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of

hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied with faith and a single Stone

David brought down the giant for the battle was the Lords so too will you triumph over the Giants in your life

stand firm in your faith clad in the armor of God the belt of Truth truth the

breastplate of righteousness the gospel of peace The Shield of Faith the helmet

of salvation and the sword of the spirit with this armor you can withstand

all the fiery darts of the wicked one do not be afraid of those who oppose you

they may seem strong and powerful but their strength is but a shadow compared to the might of your

God I have already won the victory on your behalf through my death and

Resurrection the cross stands as a testament to the Triumph of light over Darkness life over death and hope over

despair you are called to be a light in this world to shine brightly in the midst of Darkness your faith and

perseverance Inspire others even when you are unaware your life is a testimony

of my love Grace and power continue to walk in my ways and let your light so

shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven the journey may be long and the

road may be rough but I am with you every step of the way when you stumble I

will lift you up when you are weary I will give you rest when you are broken I

will heal you my love for you is Everlasting and my plans for you are good trust in my timing for I know the

end from the beginning what may seem like a setback is

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