my beloved Child come closer and let us Converse do you sense the importance of

this moment be attentive for I wish to reveal Mysteries concerning your purpose

and relationships you have been questioning when promised blessings regarding Partnerships will come to

fruition I see your fatigue when prayers appear fruitless instead of Awakening long-held

dreams you perceive delays where I am simply making preparations and POS

positioning for precisely the right timing have faith in my Flawless

Providence I am pleased by your patience thus far but know that cultivating

greater endurance will reap even greater rewards than you can

Envision the Shadows fading signal the dawning of warmth and light those walking Faithfully before me

will experience compounding Revelation yet alongside joyful breakthrough ever lurks the adversary

prowling with Beed fangs determined to ravage and demolish the pristine future

rapidly coming into view eyes blazing with envious Fury behold long awaited

prophecy being fulfilled after years of empty Echoes he dispatches his villainous

followers to prowl through the darkness On Assignment to terrorize newly

unlocked dreams though Brazen are their deceits and vicious their exploits I Comm

command that these Confederates Retreat to the abyss I declare Divine reversal over all

curses summoned against your Bounty the Gates of Hell cannot Prevail

where Heaven’s angels are triumphant March forward behind Heavenly hosts

blazing Trails for my arrival come closer beloved do you sense Adventure Dawning

on the horizon of your story the hour has come to launch ships long anchored safely in Harbor out into

seas that Exhilarate the soul first consider what this Odyssey

will require as it unfolds unscripted navigating unpredictable Tides will test character and courage

yet fear no Peril in my company have we not walked hand inand through storms

before trekking Skyward Into Thin Air can leave you breathless when the ascent seems too far too Swift but vigor flows

from my heart to yours when yours grows faint we travel as partners never you

alone and in those moments when your feet stumble consider too that Adventures launch not from timid Shores

but Wild Waves that leave Hearts pounding Divine Destiny pulls you past

former fears yet Prudence also wins races so temper Zeal with wisdom

impatience courts danger hurtling yourself unmowed onto temp tempestuous Seas my sovereign hand charts the course

ahead shielding you from shipwreck on deceptive shs allow relationships to Blossom

gradually intentionally as increasing light illuminates the New Path ahead step together in sync with my

Tempo weight proceed in harmony with my queue be still at times to nurture quiet

fruition or to avoid passing storms not all te wisdom discern which

waves offer valuable lessons and which gently caress your safety rests not

solely in your skill but ultimately in me you will learn to rely on my guidance

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