I’m Here for You | God Says |God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

I’m Here for You | God Says |God message jesus | God Tells |

my beloved child today I want to reveal the secrets and miracles that will

unfold in your life this day I aim to lift any sadness

or emotion that drains your spirit and prevents you from seeing your future full of

blessings today is not just another day it’s special for you you asked for my

words and here I am to answer your prayer do not ignore or dismiss this

message through which I speak I have raised my servants sensitive to my call

who are willing to fight until the end to bring you this message no matter where you are you cannot hide from my presence no

one can you might feel tired and think you’ve lost your faith because of many

unresolved problems and disappointments that have hurt your heart but let me remind you again I am

here and I will not leave I have always been here

but sometimes you are so busy with so many things that you forget who I am you

have never been alone I have always walked beside you I have saved you from

dangers and protected you from tragedies and accidents countless times I have knocked on your heart asking you to let

me in but you ignored me today I knock on your door with all my strength

shaking your spirit to make you understand and feel my presence You Are Not Alone

remember who I am I’m not just a memory on your wall or a Dusty old book beside

your bed I am alive I am real I am your all powerful God your heavenly

father no one ignores me without consequence don’t get me wrong I am not

angry with you I do not send punishment when you don’t listen I speak to you with wisdom

directly to your heart about the things that will happen in your day

I give you many pieces of advice through my word but if you do not hear or read them all my words will be in vain do it

out of love for me remember I always speak to you with

affection do not come to me out of fear thinking I will punish you if you don’t

I am not like that I am not a flawed human I do not lie I gave my life for

you and did not do it to get angry with you at any moment I know how to love I know Fidelity and I

know how to treat you with tenderness so today trust believe hold

on to my promises be silent and read with respect listen think receive and

feel these words being written in your soul engraved with love on the walls of your

mind when Night Comes you will remember me you will return listen to me and find

peace sweetness tenderness love and hope I will fill your soul with faith and in

the morning you will rise without burdens or worries but with spiritual confidence courage and strength to

overcome all obstacles and Crush all your afflictions that is who I am the god of

power but also your loving father my heart overflows with holy and

pure love I care about your well-being I look at your future with joy because I

see how blessed you will be you will achieve all your beautiful dreams and be greatly

prosperous many of the obstacles you face are enormous blessings learn to

think as I think look forward with faith when your soul is troubled sit for

a moment call to me and I will answer I will show you who you really are I

created you in my image and likeness you are destined for victory you have an

inheritance in life that you will soon enjoy your destiny is not in sadness

much less in defeat I did not save you and give you another chance for you to spend your day sitting in a corner

lamenting your loneliness stand up decide to believe

these are not empty words they are written and inspired to lift your

soul cling to them hold on to me when you leave your house do so with a smile

on your face remembering that wherever you go I hold your hand and will always

walk with you what are you waiting for share these words acknowledge that my

voice speaks to you obey this light that guides your path feel your heart

strengthen as my promises enter your ears go out and fight Victory awaits you

WR Shout tell me with your own words I believe I will lift you up again and

continue to bless you I am healing and strengthening you so that you recover

completely from all you have suffered I am amazed at how much you have recovered you can see clearly how

listening to me has helped you those minutes you give me each day when you open your ears and bring me your prayer

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