I'M EXPOSING THE LIES - THE HOLY SPIRIT | God message jesus | God Tells | - Free AI Voice Generator

I’M EXPOSING THE LIES – THE HOLY SPIRIT | God message jesus | God Tells |

my precious child first simply

breathe inhale deeply exhale slowly

allow any anxiety distractions or fears

to dissipate as you open your heart to

receive my message with

joy let it take root and flourish within

you today I ask you have you remained

committed to the path I’ve set before

you have you kept your focus on the goal

I’ve placed in your heart that goal that

destination is the very assignment I’ve

entrusted to you in this season of your

life I have called you to rise up and

lead to be a Shining Light amidst the

darkness of this world I need you to be

the salt of the earth preserving what is

good and right be a beacon of kindness

and warmth to those you encounter each

day however I know that there are

distractions that threaten to pull you

away from your Divine

Purpose people and circumstances may be

causing you stress and heartache if you

find yourself in this situation I urge

you to step back and pray ask me to

reveal what you need to see and I will

Faithfully do so if you’ve been feeling

confused weak or tired it may be because

you have neglected to praise me I don’t

say this to condemn you but rather to

encourage you to move forward with

renewed strength like job who praised me

in the in the midst of his suffering

choose to honor me regardless of your

circumstances praise me because I am

good because I am faithful and because

you have faith in me remember if you

have faith even as small as a mustard

seed you can command mountains to be

moved and cast into the sea don’t doubt

in your heart but believe that what

you’ve asked of me will come to

pass I know that your current situation

may not resemble what I’ve promised you

the alignment of things may seem

off-kilter but hold fast to every word

I’ve spoken to you both in this season

and in Seasons past stay focused on your

destination and set healthy boundaries

to protect your path if I have called

you to something don’t let anyone cause

you to question that calling look within

yourself and examine your motives why

are you doing what you’re doing where

are you headed

encourage yourself in me speak aloud the

truths I’ve declared over you you can do

all things through my strength no weapon

formed against you will prosper and you

will refute every tongue that rises

against you in

judgment I am the Lord the God of all

the Earth and I hold everything that

concerns you in the palm of my hand cast

your cares upon me if you lack peace

about something don’t proceed my word

instructs you to be anxious ious for

nothing but to pray about everything

make your requests known to me and I

will guard your mind and heart with a

peace that surpasses all

understanding laughter and joy will

return to you as I ignite a fire within


soul when others see you they will

notice something different about you the

hope of glory that resides within you I

am your strength find joy in me in

conversing with me in loving me regard

regardless of your emotions that is

where true strength lies remember who I

say I am to you and who you are in me

you are my beloved child fearfully and

wonderfully made I know every detail

about you and your days are numbered

according to my perfect plan a plan to

prosper you not to harm you and to give

you a hope-filled

future consider the cost of what I’ve

called you to do reflect on what it will

re ire and who you need to accomplish it

meditate on these things and then move

forward confidently knowing that I have

commanded you to do

so stand tall and don’t allow

distractions hindrances or obstacles to

deter you praise your way through choose

joy and laughter

today I am sending you an ease to

lighten your heart I know you feel tired

and broken but I am using your

Brokenness to heal the wounded places

within you don’t allow anyone to place

false expectations on you or make you

anxious with their negativity refuse to

listen to lies or accept curses spoken

over you treat others as you would want

to be treated but don’t lose sight of

what I’ve called you to do the enemy

wants to thwart my plans and hinder your

progress but you’ve come too far to let

anyone slow you down now you are

accountable to me alone if your motives

are pure and you have peace proceed if

you lack peace about something step back

pray and wait for my

2 thoughts on “I’M EXPOSING THE LIES – THE HOLY SPIRIT | God message jesus | God Tells |”

  1. Thank you Lord, I’m honestly having a hard time How can I overcome this I dont know Lord guide me I need to win this fight For my dreams, not for myself, above all for my neighbors, I’m doing this for them, to help them, I’m asking you to give me at least one chance To prove to my countrymen that I have not abandoned them .Lord
    please have mercy on us..thank you lord Amen????????❤️

  2. GOD one request if you
    Can you please keep your ONE PRIORITY NOT ALL IAM REQUESTING. please take me home with you for ever JUST LIKE YOU SAID



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