The War in Israel and the Rise of the AntiChrist | Bible Mystery Resolved - Free AI Voice Generator

The War in Israel and the Rise of the AntiChrist | Bible Mystery Resolved

the war in Israel and the rise of the
Antichrist are we at the end times what
is the Bible prophecy about the
war we have all seen the shocking news
Israel is at War the last time Israel
was at a fullscale war was almost
years ago when it was attacked by Arab
countries opposed to its Creation in
what is now known as the Yum kimer War
the war which lasted between October
and October was led by Syria and
Egypt they were supported by such Arab
countries as Iraq Jordan Saudi Arabia
Libya Algeria Tunisia and
Morocco Israel on its part was supported
by the United States and some other
Western countries including the
Netherlands West Germany United Kingdom
Norway and the
Philippines a cursory glance at the
Bible will reveal that Israel has been
at war with only occasional periods of
peace since it was gifted the promised
in land in
Canaan check out this short video for a
very brief and simplified history and
the Genesis of Israel at War for its
survival the story of Israel is the
story of
War but this war feels
different it echoes the prophecy and
preview of The Rise of the Antichrist
that John foretold in the Book of
Revelation and I saw a beast rising out
of the sea with horns of seven heads
with diadems on its horns and
blasphemous names on its heads and the
Beast that I saw was like a leopard its
feet were like a bear’s and its mouth
was like a lion’s mouth and to it the
dragon gave his power and his throne and
great Authority one of its heads seemed
to have a mortal wound but its mortal
wound was healed and the whole earth
marveled as they followed the Beast to
Revelation :
– in verse it says the Beast was
allowed to make war on the Saints and to
conquer them and Authority was given to
it over every tribe and people and
language and Nation where would the
Antichrist come from some believe he
will come out of the European political
Coalition the Bible says that early in
his career he will first take control of
three nations and then with those three
nations he will gain power over a larger
Coalition and then ultimately he will
take control of the entire world given
the current political climate and the
bickering between world powers you may
think this impossible but we believe
what the Bible says in the Book of
Daniel it says As for the horns out
of this Kingdom Kings shall arise and
another shall arise after them he shall
be different from the former ones and
shall put down three kings but how will
he manage this feat the answer is in
Revelation : which reads this calls
for wisdom let the person who has
Insight calculate the number of the
Beast for it is the number of a man that
number is
according to Apostle John those who are
wise can get an insight into the
antichrist’s identity by knowing the
number of his name in Revelations :
to it reads it also forced all people
Great and Small rich and poor free and
slave to receive a mark on their right
hands or on their foreheads so that they
could not buy or sell unless they had
the mark which is the name of the Beast
or the number of its
name this number of the Beast
essentially represent a license to
participate in any human activity all
those who refuse the Mark will be forced
out of organized Society the Antichrist
will control the World by issuing the
special license represented by the mark
of the beast that number is
this is the period of tribulation it
is not hard to imagine that many will
die from hunger and starvation than from
the hands of the Antichrist what could
all these have to do with the war in
Israel here are some key references and
timeline from the Bible one the Jewish
Nation will be reestablished as the land
of Israel Deuteronomy Isaiah
the Antichrist will make a -year
Covenant of peace with Israel Isaiah
Daniel : the temple will be
rebuilt in Jerusalem Daniel : Matthew
: Revelation two the Antichrist
will break his Covenant with Israel and
worldwide persecution of Israel will
result Zechariah : Matthew :
Israel will be invaded Ezekiel
– three Israel will finally
recognize Jesus as their Messiah
Zechariah : Israel will be
regenerated restored and regathered
Jeremiah : Ezekiel : Romans
: Israel is surrounded by his enemy
enemies some passive others very active
at the start of his career the
Antichrist will make a covenant with the
state of Israel he will promise to
protect Israel from all their enemies
feeling a sense of security Israel will
relax and move further away from the
Covenant it has with Jehovah God and the
Bible says while they’re at peace the
Antichrist will break the Covenant he
will destroy the temple and everything
dear to the nation of Israel it is
interesting to note that just as God has
a trinity Satan also has a trinity an
Unholy Trinity Satan responds to God the
Father the Antichrist responds to God
the Son and the false prophet responds
to God the holy spirit all for the
purpose of perpetuating evil let’s take
a bit more look at the false prophet he
will be the economic champion of the
world under the direction of the
Antichrist he will control all monetary
instruments credit cards debit cards
bank loans on and offline Commerce
Logistics Supply and distribution of
goods and services he will use his
economic power to force everybody to bow
down to the
Antichrist all those who refuse will be
persecuted under the Great
Tribulation the end of the period of
tribulation will end with the coming of
Christ to intervene when Jesus arrives
the Antichrist will lead the armies of
the world against the Son of God
eventually however the Antichrist will
be destroyed along with all his demonic
and human supporters this is the
apocalypse after the apocalypse Jesus
Christ will set up his kingdom on this
Earth with King David as his vice region
this will last for one Millennium that
is , years in this new Earth
everything taken away from the Garden of
Eden will be returned in greater and
better form what happens to those who
refuse to believe they will face the
Judgment of the great white throne in
Revelation : it says anyone whose
name was not found written in the Book
of Life was thrown into the pool of fire
at the end of the tribulation after the
battle of armagedon the false prophet
and the Beast will be cast into
heres Satan will be bound but he will
not be cast in the Lake of Fire yet this
will only happen at the end of the
Millennium of Christ’s Reign heaven on
Earth represents the Millennium of
Christ’s Reign extended for eternity
there will be no more death there will
be no more
sorrow why we do not know how the
current war in Israel will unfold it is
reminder of the evil plans of Satan is
this the beginning of the end of time we
cannot speculate but what we must do is
let our Focus rest solely on the promise
of God thank you for watching God bless

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