I am sending this Divine message to you my beloved and treasured child from the

depths of my heart to convey the boundless love I have for you these are sentences that I have personally written

for you therefore I beg you to give them your undivided attention allow the

clamor of life to largely drown out my voice for a moment while you devote your full attention to me everything else in

your thoughts pales in comparison to the significance of what I desire to share

stay a bit longer with me let your coronary heart open its blossoms and I

will ease your burdens as I cast my words onto you I hope they scatter in my

arms you will discover unmatched tranquility and relief from the despair that clings to your thoughts put your

confidence in me with your coronary heart find solace in the love you’ve received my words carry profound

significance and my commitments remain unwavering you you can depend on me to brighten your day and put a smile on

your face first thing in the morning if you’re trying to find me know that my love for you is genuine and deep what I

really want for you isn’t only an intellectual understanding or concept rather it is the embodiment of this

Divine love that will enable you to regain Joy you may be certain that I will never leave your side or forget you

I provide a safe Sanctuary where you can trust in my protection I am here here to accept you completely and my arms will

always be open to you I hear every one of your cries and prayers wake up to the sun rising over the horizon take a few

deep breaths and know that I am with you every step of the way your faith filled

morning greetings encourage me to focus on fulfilling each generous request

especially the ones pertaining to your own family for whom my prayers have great significance when life’s challenges

appear overwhelming resist the pull of trivial issues here you are looking for

comfort in times of trouble I am the one who can help you find a way out because

I can no longer let you down your faith in me is well founded you take in my

words hold them dear to your heart value them in your spirit and will never forget the Miracles I’ve done for you

before by extending my hand and freeing you from danger I have saved you from

enemies who had seized you from the jaws of death when it seemed like there was no hope I would come with my miraculous

word and bring about miracles I am ready to share an endless supply of creative Delights with you

think about my skills and let me be your Defender and guide all day long do not

let sadness take hold any longer my love for you is deep I welcome tranquility

and long-term joy into my life as a regular intercessor for others I see the

tears that shine in your eyes and hear the heartfelt pleas that come from your bottom begging for the safety of the

people you care about your altruism seldom covers personal matters when

you’re in my presence your attitude of reverence and appreciation touches me deeply and Professor profoundly feels

the same way pay attention to the needs of other people but don’t forget to show

your appreciation for all the blessings you’ve received even when words fail to

convey what I want to give you your respectful demeanor makes me proud

because I am about to bestow upon you benefits that are Beyond Your Wildest imagination your faith compels you to

confront difficult challenges with unflinching resolve despite obstacles in your path I

will not reneg on any of my promises to you don’t lose hope I hold the power to

shape your destiny your dreams will come true and you will be able to let go of

the grip that wishes have on your heart your faith loyalty and censorship remain

crucial in our morning conversations and when your eyes open let me say thank you

and reward you no amount of pressure can take away your blessings Grace your

words do not let the darkness of Despair overshadow the light of hope that shines through your days seize the chances I

provide you and I will give you the ability to see beyond this world to realize the excellent plans I have for

you I know that the last few days have brought you suffering and that at times

you may feel confused but I promise you that nothing bad will happen to you and

that shame will no longer be a part of your life in spite of any impending danger you will triumph over your

surrounding enemies the moment has come for you to realize your value and accept

yourself as the Beloved infant of a tremendous God no one can defe defeat

you or even come close to blocking your path even under the most trying of circumstances you manage to succeed

Rejoice at your Victory and accept the shipment refrain from dwelling on failure I will move mountains and you

will climb them with unfaltering conviction you will discover answers with resolve and fortitude imprinted in

your heart and your prayers will Echo with conviction you have no place for melancholy and sorrow even though

talking about sensitive family issues might be painful I’ve learned to push through it and find ways to heal find

comfort for your spirit via quiet reflection prayer and contact with my Holy Spirit although you’re going

through it all it’s not unique to live in misery sadness mistakes or failure

even in the darkest of times my love for you will remain assist me and I will

raise you up amidst the Shadows enter the light and let let your remembrance be a source of pleasure so That Others

May joyfully Proclaim my name Jesus you are the embodiment of My Affection

darling I will continue to do miraculous Deeds for you highlighting your importance in my eyes as I have done so

much for you the moment to be discouraged and to withdraw has passed I

implore you to take on the Victorious path that lies ahead as I unearth the depths of your spiritual wisdom you are

like a pointed spearhead cutting through the storm clouds and Paving the way to the Bountiful land of blessings I am so

excited to shower upon you you will realize that you are more than just a human being you are a thread in the vast

fabric of Life do not worry do not waste the valuable gifts and blessings I

bestow upon you if today goes by without saying a word and you remain unfazed by

the challenges you may face no matter how painful they are every aspect of your life contributes to The Grand

Design have no fear I’ve got your lifestyle covered but your frame of mind is key

your beliefs and religion serve as the wings that carry you to a higher plane

someone will use my words at a dinner party you should go down on one knee when you feel the weight of Despair

weighing you down and if that doesn’t help look up at the sky because I’m blessing you both there and in your

heart you may see my advantages which are not real but which are visible and

within in your reach standing before you your deliverance is imminent and we will solve all your difficulties the tide has

turned against your foes do you believe in me and love me I ask this inquiry now

when I hear back from you I will perform a miraculous inner healing that will ease your spirit and cast out all

anxiety with these three simple steps you may let those words sink in and

bring a deep feeling of calm into your life put your fears and doubts aside and give me your whole heart first and

foremost in spite of your pain I have never intended to punish you or put you through trials my goal is to provide you

with everlasting life and Limitless Joy a life abundant with love and care

repete with wealth and success is what I have in store for you bring your weary Souls humbly before my Throne committing

your entire heart to obey my will feeding your spirit with my word and putting your whole confidence in me

there may be times of uncertainty and difficulties but my written word will be a rock for your faith giving its

strength to persevere if you don’t have a solid foundation storms may cause

upheaval in your lifestyle this isn’t necessarily what I want for you please

give me your wholehearted devotion and unfaltering Trust at this very moment

you may make the decision to give up your life for all time from this point on each passing day will not seem less

but rather more since you will be with me forever seeing the marvels of the universe unending blessings will be

bestowed upon you and events will transpire in a manner Beyond Your Wildest imagination you may be able to

get through tough times by working together as a family those who want to harm you will go away as my benefits

come to you a victory that will endure forever has already been won for those

who follow me with all their heart Your Role is to show me your devotion

faith and heart get going on this adventure right now I beg you D please

raise your hands in surrender or bring them close to your eyes to dedicate a minute of Deep Quiet to genuine sincere

appreciation make a thorough inventory of all the good things happening in your life both now and in the future whether

or not you believe you have enough blessings to list it is still beneficial to reflect on the past and give thanks

for the little things that have added up to a lot of strength and motivation particular Thanksgiving

really and wholeheartedly appreciate the capacity to express thankfulness knowing

that this Thanksgiving has the power to bring healing to the depths of your being as you remove the veil that may

have covered your view of the giant there are many benefits that have already come your way and the Horizon

will open up before you know it these advantages sustain your life giving you

the will to keep going and the strength to face challenges head on every day might linger gaining knowledge and

growing in your faith through each experience necessitates a closer inspection please take a moment to thank

me personally make sure your words and voice are genuine be grateful for everything in your life including the

gift of life itself the air you breathe the people in your own family and the circumstances that have shaped your

current path despite the fact that they beer away from your ideal course of action Express gratitude for your

capacity to Express gratitude promptly embrace the present moment with an

attitude of thankfulness I can show you the way with hidden maps and corrected routes to your final

destination Express thankfulness in times of pleasure and in the depths of Sorrow be appreciative even when your

soul weeps Express gratitude for the difficulties setbacks and bitter ordeals

that have shaped your path look at your reflection in the mirror for a second and tell yourself how grateful you are

develop an appreciation mentality and realize its power you are about to experience life-altering changes and

miracles as a result of this life-altering practice finally I implore you to

forward those remarks to others many people around you may seem happy on the outside yet they may be carrying around

the weight of pain and sadness inside IDE them they will struggle to discover a genuine reason to continue being and

reveal The Wonder of Love happening within your heart make a fair distribution of the joy I bring into

your life and the Deep kindness I am I can surround you with Tranquility while

you share affection peace wealth and benefits are not burdened by Strife or

debt though your antics May elicit Chuckles they may cause pain in the listener Souls

whatever it is that you have found they could need it it is crucial that they

understand the depth of your value and adoration for them transmit this heartfelt message of longing and

affection as Softly As a whisper in the wind it is commonly known that I the

almighty have heard the sincere prayer you uttered before drifting into shut ey last night and that you have carried

seeds of optimism to every corner of creation you sobbed into the pillow

pleading for with the fortitude Serenity and unfaltering promise to face the

difficult challenges that life presents here you are embracing the dawn

of a new day from the Shadows cast by your fears a new picture emerges one of

unwavering will and strength free from weakness and despair you are ready to face any formidable obstacle that may

lie in your path faith has taken root in the previously mysterious areas recover

the courage That Shook your legs the day before and Stand Tall now more than ever you stand

firm ready to conquer any obstacle that crosses your path get up and go forward

because I’ve instilled a fierce will to win in the depths of your soul in agreement with my omnipotent energy I

sent you here and more than just guidance I have given you the ability to face and overcome any challenge the

obstacles may seem insurmountable but keep in mind that my strength is greater than any of them I brought you

to this Crossroads and I will remain steadfastly by your side through every trial and tribulation you face thanks to

my love and strength you become more than just an overcomer you surpass the reputation of a Victor your unyielding

determination is capable of overwhelming any enemy that dares to show its face no

matter your Ambitions or the obstacles that stand in your way I have given you the will and strength to overcome them

you can succeed in all you do if you take the time to relax abounding blessings opportunities and the

untangling of burdensome issues are all within my power to bestow upon you my

heavenly influence will move your friends relatives judges and government

officials to prioritize you and look out for your best interests they will no

longer be afraid of other people’s actions because you trust me and remember remain true to yourself when

you and your loved ones are together no power can harm you remember that I will

be by your side every step of the way my words have a powerful regenerative energy that can change lives my words

have an aura of mystical power that will give you the strength to overcome any

obstacle your faith and modesty have piqued my curiosity even if you don’t

think I deserve a place in your life instead of trying to break into your lives I would rather write healing words

in your heart and free you from your struggles even the sky will be filled with your pains worries and concerns as

my kind touch eases them pick up my voice I write to you clearly because I

want to see you happy at peace within yourself and certain of a bright future

you provide the means for me to envelop you in my tangible love my deep affection and my steadfast protection

from any danger while you spend time with me a supernatural gift that will

enrich your life in ways you can’t even begin to Fathom is the Deep inheritance

that is about to be bestowed upon you take possession of this inheritance and wholeheartedly embrace me as truth I am

prepared to envelop you in my Limitless love and to be a channel for the restorative and transforming power of my

Holy Spirit your energy Reserve is neatly arranged and clearly awaiting

your release with my holy spirit’s strengthening presence cloaking you go

confidently forward no power can stand in your path as long as difficulties

persist you are not defined by your frailties but by the strength that comes from my eternal love and unfaltering

Trust never lose sight of the immutable fact that viable individuals are those

who agree with everything I promise you that you will succeed and my love for you will never waver the moment is just

right so put your faith in me I am arranging events in such a way that you

will be pleasantly surprised when I bestow benefits on you I will bestow upon you the qualities of patience and

serenity when the time comes you should be careful when hiring them not act on

impulse because of your emotions and not make big choices without asking me

first through this heavenly Revelation I do not want you to get confused or form

connections with untrustworthy people I guarantee the certainty of my assistance

you already have your fair share of debt so practice being patient and not taking on anymore I promise not to obstruct

your path to success my compassion and Grace will soon illuminate your life

breaking the bonds that have held you back and setting you free to live an unfettered life unaffected by the world

around you this is a secret between us but we’re going on an expedition

together together to find a new way for you to live your life for the time being preserve your goals and duties close to

your heart you have a lot of jealous and unscrupulous people in your area it would be unwise to tell them our plans

right away they will try to make fun of you and use imaginary catastrophes to

scare you away however that period has passed there has been a sea change in

your heart you will not only succeed but flourish in every Endeavor you undertake

as I have said said and blessings will pour down upon you now that you are completely dependent on me once closed

doors will fling open and the heavy taxing problems you’re carrying about will be painstakingly cleared I promise

to free you from the bonds that bind you and bring you a new period of calm success and abundance free from the

weight of worry and debt so long as your agreement with me is unshakable and your

actions are characterized by unimpaired honesty you must stand firm in defiance of the actions of others your loved ones

and you will be unstoppable keep in mind that from now until the end of time my

constant presence will be with you my spoken word may not be the most effective cure but it is lifegiving and

may free you from the chains of Despair you don’t have to keep walking around with the weight of previous pain or

accept that you deserve the terrible consequences your crimes have seemingly given you even if you live in a world

full full of pain because I am God’s beloved child I have already overcome this world with my help you may overcome

the challenges of this world and emerge Victorious put your faith in me and keep

me in mind at all times truly the arena may be rather challenging in your youth

you radiated wonder and a hunger for the good things in life your genuine smile

beamed with friendship toward those you considered friends however the harsh

truths of Deceit and treachery eventually crushed that innocence put a damper on your laughter broke your will

to live darkened your love and ultimately LED you to agree with believing in me but believe me I know

you and understand you now just as I know the sky and every Mega Star by

their own calls every pain you’ve ever had no matter how little is known to me

I am very sensitive to what will offer you comfort and we have a common language as we go on this path together

I ask that you enlarge your hand so that I might shine a light on a world where you are cherished where you wear regalia

and where your name is known and honored your spirit is fed like a tiny hen in this hallowed space where loving eyes

watch over you all the time you are made in the image and likeness of the creator of the universe and as such you really

exist as a beloved child of God right now keep keep in mind that even if you

fall in the most beautiful corner of the whole universe there is a spot of your own waiting for you and from this moment

on nothing can ever oust you from the safety of my heart because you are my

babies you have the right to have meaningful morning chats with me stay strong and do not let lies fool you even

if you feel worthless my blood has brought back your life let it wash away the dirt and grime of your past from

this Safe Haven I want you to know that nothing can ever separate us nothing can

move you and nothing can break the bond between our hearts my darling you have

not been vanquished you remain alive and strong in the midst of the battle and you will always be the same your

willingness to think about the promises I provide is the root of your perseverance by embracing this idea you

tap into an energy source that surpasses all challenges making you Unstoppable

keep these words close to your heart and resist the enemy’s Relentless attempts to make you give up on your dreams they

will fail my possession is you with my all powerful hand I will protect you you

will always find victory in my word because it is a dazzling sword look into the mirror of my strong

promises and rest easy knowing that you are highly revered and treasured beyond

measure in my sight stick with it because I am dealing with you today to

fill your soul with unfaltering faith Unstoppable bravery and Limitless

Vitality so continue on this journey despite the fact that your strength may be dwindling due to the prolonged strain

you must Master the art of endurance maintain Serenity reassure your inner self that there is no need to be afraid

by engaging in a sincere conversation with it make no mistake your loving

father holds the keys to your future your aspirations and your way of

life the stormy Winds of the Arena are trying to blow away the memories of when I first arrived for your resource but I

am now telling them to calm down you have my undying affection I will not

flinch and my timing is perfect I am standing here ready to come to your

rescue please from the bottom of your heart respond to me oh my dear child I

am Christ in you the life blood of your ways of living the Wellspring of your desires and the light that illuminates

everything around you I pray that the things I’m about to say Will Comfort your tired spirit and ease your aching

heart not from up high but from the holy depths of your soul where our Spirits

dance in Eternal connection pay heed to me now pay attention to this costly one

I am in no way alone with you in the depths of Despair and in the heights of Joy the same hand that formed the world

and held it in its womb extends a helping hand to you miles of companionship and the unbreakable vow

that I am with you inside you as a part of you in my presence make this Bond

more than a passing touch a brilliant light bathes you banishing the darkness

both inside and outside join me in sitting quietly as the Deep truth of my

existence flowing through you becomes more apparent would you be able to feel

it as our hearts beat in Perfect Harmony the joy of the Lord and the Unstoppable

power of Your Love are born you agree with me that hope is abundant inside you

therefore I the god of wishes bestow upon you an abundance of joy and

Tranquility through the power of the Holy Spirit you my beloved are the platform I chose to showcase the

elegance and depth of this heavenly suspense in the arena give the world a glimpse of the Christ inside you you

shine brightly a symbol of my love and power you are a Covenant of Grace a

sacred vessel for the Heavenly presence and you are experiencing this treasure inside you I speak to you from a place

of deep knowledge and love as I am a beacon of light for everyone around me

please I beg you keep your faith strong and your perseverance alive do not allow

anxieties about the unknown future or fleeting meaningless aspirations to

consume your thoughts leading to Mere dissatisfaction let go of whatever is

blocking our connection put those things aside so I may bless you abundantly stay

away from those who don’t share your faith and keep praying as you get closer to me accept my timing as accurate and

don’t give up hope I have great benefits in store for you the difficult circumstances you are experiencing right

now will soon fade from your mind remain steadfast be afraid no more and always

keep me in your thoughts and prayers please know that I am well aware of your wishes I implore you to let my promises

ease the strain on your heart the anxiety that comes with seeing your finances go under and the terror that

comes with the prospect of disease listen to my directions and lose yourself in my company when the time is

right I will Infuse your life with calm and Tranquility showering you with blessings for your trust in me keep in

mind that I am the deity of many electrical Marvels in addition to

healing and blessing you I will extend my grace to your parents siblings and

extended relatives I wholeheartedly support your timing and tenacity stay

away from Quick Cuts they will take you away from me and toward disaster keep on

digging into my sentence and never quit Wishing by doing so you may protect

yourself against the Allure of false ideologies and avoid falling prey to The Temptations of of material riches

Defending Your Soul from pleasure is a prerequisite to entering my heavenly domain you should walk in humility

offering your hand with an honest preference to practical resources for those in need since I have provided you

with more talents and blessings if you can do this with a heart that is naturally coronary you will see many

miracles trust me I’ve given you my authority no harm will come to you even

if you go on top of battles and Conquer impossible obstacles once you’ve gained Victory you may

continue to March towards it via upward thrusting make progress with unshakable

trust and confidence protect yourself from saying things that make me sad let

go of unjustified anger and resentment replace those memories and regrets with

new hopes and Ambitions and let my healing forgiveness surround you completely so that I can turn your past

into a hopeful future I am lighting a fire in your heart so so that you may shine a light on everyone around you

especially the wealthy people in your life watch how their expressions change as they look at you the light shining in

your eyes is a manifestation of my holy spirit’s anointing which I have given you as a gift of Grace and

love however it is your responsibility to feed yourself my word so that you can

seek me in prayer as you delve deeper into the spiritual realm you may

discover that you prefer to seek me out more for goals please use this precious

gift with the utmost care I will monitor your obedience to my desire I am not

making my Declaration of Salvation very clear rather I am giving you a taste of

paradise I beg of you to walk humbly treat people with the dignity with which you would want to be treated and be

honest and empathetic no matter how kindly and gently you interact with someone I want to plant a new miraculous

seed in your spirit so it may grow and bear fruit in the form of energy healing

and miracles keep pursuing me in Harmony and you will witness how beautiful and harmonic it is in your family friends

and Community my Holy Spirit does not remain forever where rejection ongoing

struggle and division occur some people claim to love me yet it breaks my heart

to hear them openly criticize others they practice the negative feedback they hear about other people all the time

without really knowing what they’re saying but when it comes to speaking well about someone they stay mute keep

in mind that the world’s offerings are fleeting but the gifts I may bestow on your life are permanent and unending the

fullness will spread at the appropriate time so have trust in my assurances

always ready to shower you with Grace and love I am never late and I never

lose sight of the fact that I am a God who really cares about your Wishes the

words of Isaiah are ones I want to live by because they are just as relevant today as they were then the Lord has

righteously summoned you your hand is in good hands with me I am leading

protecting and using you as a light to the Nations feel my hold on your life a

promise of good things to come an oath to my undying love remember the words of

Nehemiah as you face the anguish that is pounding on your door you are no longer to mourn because the joy of the Lord is

your strength unlike other kinds of pleasure this one is unaffected by the difficulties of daily living from the

Everlasting Wellsprings of my spirit within you my pleasure flows and sustains you in all things therefore May

the god of your wish also fill you with all joy and Tranquility in believing that you can overflow with desire

through the power of the Holy Spirit I am yours and this isn’t just a desire it

is your legacy this hope and desire overflow as you travel through faith it

touches every part of your life and Spills over into the lives of others around you please hear me out as I

implore you dear one to keep your faith not in a cold distant God but in the

personal God who resides within you the love of whom is as near as your next

breath may this desire the assurance that I am with you be your shield from

Despair and your weapon against doubt your word words your acts and the quiet

witness of your faith all contain the power of Hope let your lives become a Living testament to that power you are

always there for me and you are always there for me so shine a light on the hope that is entirely inside me you have

earned the greatest and I don’t mean monetary wealth so much as the love that already surrounds you the love that is

pure and magnificent it envelops you supporting you Moment by moment

this miraculous love ignites the fire of resolve that burns in your heart that

beautiful feeling is growing inside of you and it will give you the strength to tackle any challenge headon with Clarity

and unshakable confidence you should look for my promise my word and my

intent encircled by Limitless benefits you sit alongside me in the Heavenly

geographical areas but you must completely perceive or anticipate them

in order to gain them however I am more real and certain than the oxygen you

breathe more luminous and unadulterated than the sunshine that illuminates your

days whenever you need me day or night I have been and always will be right here

with you I never get tired or close my eyes if you ever come pleading to my

Throne from the depths of your heart I will always hear you make use of my Mercy my love for you is an enduring

gift gift not because you deserve it or are flawless you don’t have to fight a

thousand Wars or endure endless hardships to get additional advantages in my country since you already have

them religion wins battles and thankfulness and humility win advantages the abilities I have given

you aren’t for showing off or seeking praise rather they are a substitute for

being really humble and good to others those who know me well demonstrate by their unselfish Deeds that they are not

seeking Prestige name recognition or other external validations of their worth keeping the foremost region in

mind is what I desire today is the day to commit yourself to my very existence

a strong and life-altering exchange occurs when I am in your heart and you will see it you’ve been aware for a

while that there’s a hole in your life that needs filling you will see a complete

transformation after hurting you many people may come back to you you apologizing and asking for your

forgiveness people who formerly turned you down will suddenly hold you in the highest regard and doors that were

before closed will open wide new and treasured friendships are within my power to bestow on you feel no more

Melancholy or isolation I can make it happen for you I want you to really

understand that everything I say is true my words have the power to control your circumstances according to your

preferences abrupt difficulties should no longer discourage or scare you away

if someone hurts you or speaks negatively about you don’t allow it to bring you down it is not worth it to

become upset about little things listen not to the naysayers and haters who are out to get you these are jealous people

who will stop at nothing to break your spirit I will protect you from their wicked assaults as I hold you in my

hands eager for your destruction get out of bed every morning by putting my words

into your mouth the one you love the omnipotent God and the almighty all cast

a shadow over you your heavenly father has hugged you and shielded you from

harm I delicately Circle the entrance to your heart while I stand on its Edge

please let me in so that I may adore you and embody you in anticipation of this

sweet assembly with you I have waited with baited breath with every confidence

please accept my love I have not come to point out your shortcomings or place blame on you for

your mistakes I have forgiven you because you begged for it once I forgiven you I’ve also forgotten that

your transgressions no longer weigh on my memory and that your mistakes have become invaluable lessons you won’t make

the same mistake again I have faith in you let the light I am shining inside you be your compass pay careful

attention while I murmur soft words into your ear leading you down the correct Road success and good fortune are on

their way to you you are reaping the rewards of your astute decisionmaking today with this as you welcome me into

your most intimate space I come to you with many gifts and favors that I desire

to give you I would rather remain by your side taking up Prime real estate on

your property on the other hand I want you to follow my orders I hope my words

find solace in your heart my greatest desire is to Grant you a life free from

heavy obligations and my rules are like medicine for your bones it will be

beneficial for you if you do what I ask if I command you to do anything it is to

provide you with eternal life I am seeking the location that is rightly mine and I would love to live in your

house I pray that you and your loved ones can always know who is keeping an eye on you and that you can always

remember the source of the many blessings that will be yours please don’t disregard or disregard me you

dwell under my protection so hold fast to your unfaltering faith seeking contentment Serenity or pleasure in

other places is pointless you have all the things you need even if you and your

loved ones are in danger I am holding you because I like you even if it may feel like there’s no way out and you’re

on board with the Sea of problems remember that I am by your side protecting you you will succeed your

confidence will sore keep in mind that I am here to Stand By Your Side and protect you whenever you

are feeling overwhelmed by doubt and discouragement and when you feel like giving up on your progress because of it

so that you may succeed even when suffering is real and tears become prayers I will remove obstacles and open

doors for you know that I am by your side wiping away every tear and turning

it into a gift no one knows you better than I do when it comes to your emotions

while other people may judge you based on your appearance social standing or obstacles I know exactly what you’re

thinking and what you want I look at the Beating Heart of yours your knowledge

and power will grow in proportion to how much you agree with me and accept my goal and strategy my darling you never

cease to amaze me your tenacity entrepreneurial wit and bravery reflect

my own if you put your mind to something nothing can stop you from achieving it

this fact is obvious you must never question the fact that you are my toddler but keep in mind that you’re

just human too you use your own power to calculate ceaselessly and you do a fantastic job at times of self-doubt and

despair you feel exhausted and discouraged through your aspect you have guided me I want to show you the right

way and make sure you don’t squander time on meaningless activities I would want you not to get

discouraged and IR irritated when you encounter the first obstacle if you give

me the chance to assist you and bring you up to a higher level you will get what you want out of life I can turn the

most insurmountable obstacles into breathtaking triumphs because I am the

most handy person your only concern is that I am always watching over you and

that anything you ask for in prayer I will provide you with as a gift you are

the one I chose and I really hope we may become close friends and travel companions we can do more if we work

together your job is to think and believe mine is to respond bless protect

care for enhance and Shop my darling you must know that I adore you and will never leave you my

soul yearns to have a meaningful conversation with you to wrap you in the Embrace of my love and to inspire in you

Limitless optimism and steadfast acceptance I am here ready to share my

thoughts in order to lead you on this holy path so open your heart trapped

with grief they strolled a great weight of unbelief settled on their hearts seeing their hopelessness broke my heart

the one they had hoped for was standing right there with them but they had no idea who I was how often do I walk by

your side dear one unnoticed in the middle of your hardships their Hope was

that a crucified Prophet might save Israel and they they spoke about this Prophet by saying that his body had been

removed from the grave their view has fluctuated despite their passionate

desire however as they listened to my words and internalized them their eyes

were opened and they ultimately concluded that their Concepts were developed from deep within their hearts

not only in their brains on that Dusty Highway listen my little one I’m about

to reveal a profound truth when you heed my words and put them into practice a

concept becomes more than just a mental settlement it ignites a Holy Fire Within

your heart following my words is the shest way to express and nurture the

faith that is already inside you when a person’s spirit is dry and trapped in negativity no amount of water can bring

out kindness permit me to work great miracles in your life but in return be

religious peaceful patient and humble you should always think about other people and you should try to utilize

your resources so that more people may benefit the greatness is already yours

so you are justifiably entitled to the Penalty this is the truth I have a deep

affection for you no one can understand this Holy Love until they are with you rest assured you have confidence as far

as I’m concerned I retain control over your life do not be afraid I am your

parent and guardian as you open your your eyes each morning I keep a constant eye on you lean on your side for support

in the first moments of your day as you open your eyes I want you to feel my presence refrain from letting your

thoughts go to other concerns listen closely to what I have to say hear the

voice of my soul speaking to you I’m telling you straight out that everything is a ruse and that you must have faith

in me I will be there to support you through every difficult scenario that may come your way so you no longer need

to be afraid of them you might find relief from your numerous worries sooner than you anticipate praying could lead

you to all the answers you’re looking for just like you I’m plotting your path

and crafting your narrative nothing evades my notice my determination or the

benefits you have requested of me I am about to open the door you have prayed so earnestly for I am fortifying your

faith my purpose in life is to help you reach your full potential by pointing

the way to Better Lives and a fresh start where everything is possible put

aside the opinions of others they no longer matter to you keep your chin up and follow your faith my perception of

you must hold significance despite the fact that individuals harboring resentment May constantly speak

negatively their words tainted by the darkness within their souls I really

feel that you possess a beautiful spirit and a kind heart my sentiments are

genuine and unadulterated keep my words in your heart and thoughts and when others

attack you find solace in my love throughout all of your conflicts I have

stood by your side I have seen your struggles your triumphs and your defeats

all nevertheless the time has come for you to rise above them all and Achieve

even greater success forget about the past conflicts and dive head first into

a new age of Triumph and rebirth now is the time for me to reshape your life and begin a new

chapter for you join me as I show you the way to success and knowledge may

your spirit and soul also discover the tranquility and love that I offer you peace embrace it wholeheartedly at its

most basic I can be your guide through tough times I am here to help you through this difficult time plain and

simple if you let me in into your heart I will show you miraculous things and help you solve your problem you have

done all that was required of you to arrive even though I know you need me most right now my wish is that you would

not prioritize finding me on this particular occasion but rather Place me

at the center of your heart and love me with all your being if you want to grow your religion

from the inside out there is no other way for this reason my Steward Paul

preach that hearing the word of Christ which you acknowledge as true with me is the source of Faith hearing and hearing

the precious word of Christ treasured as you put your confidence in me will lead to rivers of Living Water just as the

scriptures have said when you place your trust in me I will preach the word of Christ to you causing rivers of Living

Water to flow as the scriptures predict Living Water will pour out of your heart

like Rivers just as the Bible says it will trust trust that your religion is the source of an abundance of Grace

spiritual nutrition and Limitless love your faith will fulfill the deepest

desires of your heart and the hearts of people around you just as streams fulfill the Earth’s needs the tale of a

mustard seed is the one I want to tell you now a little seed The Mustard Seed

grows into a strong tree that provides a home for migratory Birds I noted this in

my discussion of Matthew’s gospel just as a mustard seed May blossom into a towering unshakable confidence in me

so too can your faith no matter how little at first my beloved tend to it

irrigate it with my words and see it grow the wealth of my teachings is yours to explore I implore you with a need for

truth and a dir of morality I sought my expression you may discover the key to

unlocking the door of your inner beliefs in them so be sure to open open your heart wide to get them when you’re going

through tough times in life your faith will be there to support you let me show

you the ropes my dear let me be the one who watches over you listen to my voice

follow my example and Let My Words sink into your soul I know that I’m always

here whispering in your ear encouraging your faith and pouring out my love and trust in you as you do the same you

might not only agree with me but you will also see the wonderful change in your life because of this heavenly

connection we share I have prepared a plethora of advantages for you my child and the key to opening them is your

unfaltering belief have confidence in me and I will show you the rivers of Living

Water and my grace will fill your heart to overflowing let me be considered

following my words will lead us to a path of Limitless trust and eternal hope march on fearlessly face adversity

headon and prepare yourself for the beautiful day ahead by pushing beyond your fears you may feel the

reverberation of those words in your spirit upon waking you will not be greeted with Despair and grief when you

awaken nor will you be ens snared by the bonds that were formerly sureties all of the curses that were

hanging over you will be lifted and there’s a chance your desire may be granted again as you enter a land

teeming with Supernatural advantages and astounding Marvels let your smile smile

light the way ahead remarkable things will unfold for the ones dear to your heart even in the face of your enemies I

have prepared a table of benefits and I will raise you before your loved ones rejoice in the hope of the new life that

is about to be a part of your story receive the beautiful presence with Grace keep your heart healthy remember

the one who blesses you at all times every day come to me so that you may meditate on my word strengthen your

faith and fill F your mind with assurances of victory for the majority of this month my protective eye will be

fixed on you keeping you safe from unseen threats and surprises no matter

who stands in your way you must walk the religious path with The Bravery of a champion and refuse to be manipulated by

the lies of your adversaries keep in mind that I am your father and I will

defend my own children at all costs in the midst of your suffering I may rally

all my energies to ensure your joy and prosperity I respond quickly protecting

you from harm and amplifying my support when you need it most you your loved

ones and future Generations are my Everlasting support I beg you to let go

of worries about the future by being religious honest obedient persevering

tenacious and persistent with me my words and my presence because I am your father and your God your duty is to

endure to obey and to put all your confidence in me I want you to take this

time and embrace it as real with me so you can let go of Whatever anxiety you may be feeling Joy will envelop your

whole being and health will be bestowed on you so that I may seek your face daily and make preparations for your

soul please I open the door wide to plenty get ready to be pleasantly

surprised step right into the magical world because you consistently take me

my word each morning I’m able to do everything you set your mind to your arrival is much anticipated your

conversational style is something I really value you know and trust that I can respond and I appreciate that your

statements are so sure I am cognizant of you and I will never leave you when I am tired I am here to support you laying

your head on my shoulder and talking to me might help you find Comfort your

secrets do not irritate me since I am your body presently I’m not passing

judgment on you my words are typically near my heart so I hope you’ll repeat them frequently they will help you stay

in the Here and Now face the future with courage be prepared for battle and

endure with unfaltering religion and perfect timing and you will taste the sweetness of Victory the future unfolds

with many options when you begin your journey with forgiveness the door to reconciliation will open and those who

formerly derided and insulted you will grow to appreciate you and even return the favor let it be known that I am on

your side and will remain so till the end of time as a leader in your network

you will soon be able to assist a great number of others organize yourself and Trust in this Vision it will come to

pass let go of your fears you may not be missing anything you have the right to

Abundant Blessings keenly guarded and let humility magnify the blessings

showered upon you when you bow down to pray the blessings you anticipate both

those that have come and those that are yet to come deserve your sincere

appreciation as your prayers bring about tremendous actions before my heavenly Throne pray with delight and firm

religion the words you use to express yourself cut through despair uncertainty

unhappiness depression ideas of failure and pessimism like swords pray with an

attitude of Thanksgiving and Triumph knowing that you are fighting a spiritual struggle the evil Vibes are

leaving your house now and they’re never coming back feel the reassuring peace that surrounds you feel free to open the

doors and windows without worry because your Sanctuary will be safe from danger

within your own family my guardian angels lurk incorporate this truth into

your being so that you are always prepared to defend against any attack that is not not secular I am not a

random event you are I picked you out and painstakingly pieced together the

story of your lives before the cosmos came into being with Limitless love

intentionally bestowing on you boundless vitality and fortitude I saw you even before you came into this world the

trials and tribulations of life and the scorn of those around you became my Divine desire shaping you into a

champion with your steadfast loyalty at your side I shall Elevate you to new

heights in times of need pray with Assurance see how I respond to beautiful

miraculous things by calling upon myself my words will bestow upon you an unseen

power and you will sore through the air like an eagle reaching the peak of my Majesty you can see the fresh advantages

that are coming your way from this Vantage Point rest easy knowing that I am truthful and that my love for you

will never waver you have been my Rock in times of need and now I am back to help you get back on your feet by

uplifting healing and recovering what is rightly yours may this January bring you

immense success joy and blessings empowering you to embrace the new year

with the unwavering Faith you’ve recently received as I sew this message into the

fabric of your being I ask that you make listening to it a daily practice divide

it up among your loved ones in January you will get a great blessing from your heavenly father so open your heart to

receive and enjoy this great pleasure I can soak you in the benefits of your life till tears of delight flow if you

believe refrain from giving in or becoming depressed I am listening to your prayers and will assist you within

your way of life I play the roles of healer deliverer rescuer and Giver get

serious about finding me and keep in mind the Wonders I have in store for you leave the world behind you and focus on

me listen to my grace and eat my word feel the power of my soul influencing

your daily lives we need to make some major changes now you may say goodbye to

negativity and hostility today because I’m about to immerse you in the river of my love through my kind words greetings

and thank you for visiting my writings pay attention when I gently summon you

be steadfast in my affection once I correct you I can deliver you from from the clutches of your adversary mend your

broken heart and protect you from harm my grace fulfills your faith fill daily

requests embrace the concept that you may manifest your Ambitions by navigating a supernatural Dimension

today is a noteworthy day that encourages you to manage your way towards your objectives now is the

perfect moment to tell you that I like you your winning season has begun raise

your hand I want to sh shower you with advantages and I want you to be happy I

may surround you with bravery and dignity putting you above those who degraded you before you and showering

you with blessings Heaven’s Gates and house windows will open showering you with abundant Fortune while you seek

Refuge from the weight of your troubles and the exhaustion that comes with them take courage in these words that refresh

your spirit my holy spirit gives life to your heart and my strength lifts your

load forever you cannot find pure unselfish love anywhere else in our world I’m no longer envious of your

clothing pristine amenities do not influence my decision being attentive to your needs and making sure you’re secure

are genuine manifestations of my profound love for you get the hang of assisting others build up your strength

to protect the weak and share what you know and have with others who are less fortunate put your trust in a

supernatural religious world world where signs and wonders abound obviously laying hands on the

sick will help them get well for me the most important thing is to be able to

make a living without worrying about money refuse to submit to the control of creditors when you witness someone

enslaved confidently raise your hand and Proclaim I promise to break their shackles make a plea for their release

in prayer when you Aid the downtrodden your sincere assistance will multiply in

abundance without reservation assist everyone you can there is an unseen Rock

Solid Force inside you that gives you lasting strength I share these comments

in the hopes of bringing calm and inspiring action you should not emulate

those who deny my existence nor should you rely on them for happiness or guidance during the court proceedings

and turmoil if you are seeking constant encouragement from Friends remember that

the Triune God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are with you in my

presence at all times in order to see my promises fulfilled and improve your life

and your families you don’t need anything essential for Success closeness

you trust my word more than that of imperfect people who might let you down what a fortunate house you have my

guardian angels watch over every corner accept this as a fact worry is no longer

a burden that you must endure you will achieve all your good and uplifting Desires in response to my holy

invitation I am not referring to worldly Prosperity or material gain rather it is

written that you will perform even greater wonders as I have given you my blessing from on high we have duly

rewarded your hard work and unwavering faith and now is the time to celebrate

your victories if you want to take advantage of the advantages I am about to provide you you need to step

fearlessly in into my presence bravely assert your unfaltering faith in me for

I am your refuge in times of need do not be afraid I will be by your side find

comfort in my arms and let yourself be embraced by the Tranquility I provide I

am your generous issuer therefore even if the sector is unpredictable and

people are demanding I will ensure that you and your family are protected your current difficulties are part of a

bigger strategy for your welfare and I get get that I talk to you lovingly when times are tough I hope for you the best

and I am a resource for you because I am a refuge and a source of strength I am loyal and persistent and will never

leave you or forsake you I hope you can maintain an authentic level of acceptance keep in mind that you can

trust me we have an eternal relationship nevertheless do not be afraid I am a

gift that cannot abandon your impatience even when everything seems to be falling apart I assure you that I will always

keep my focus on what is genuinely important allowing you to release insignificant concerns while I guide you

to find innovative solutions to the challenging issues you face spread

misinformation and smear others you may free yourself from guilt by refusing to

let other people’s actions deprive you of Happiness think about your own life and family even if they seem to be

working against you join me because I have bestowed knowledge upon you enough

dismiss any feelings that attempt to ens snare you be patient for your happiness

and keep your mind on the task at hand spend time energy curiosity and even

prayer tending to the people you care about on this day I will provide you

with strength and bravery and I will surround you with blessings so that you may bless others you never know who you

could meet on your journey Ang angs in need of food and clothes trying to test your faith or perhaps increasing your

advantages you have entered a new domain where the Supernatural is at work we

have gathered here to see signs of Miracles and to fight the adversary with the power I give you pray without fail

if you are seeking wisdom take out your Bible study the books of Proverbs and Psalms jot down important passages let

the words sink in as I write them on your heart eat my word every day and always be learning something new examine

the signs of the end times and Marvel at the faith of my followers but avoid

arguing over my promises instead demonstrate your faith by placing your trust in me act compassionately and

lovingly toward those in need join me daily and give me your full attention

consider the fact that I have already released you and pardoned your sins there is no longer any Vice that has

bound you or cursed you Awakening to a state of Freedom Consciousness and

superhuman intellect may happen while you’re feeling overwhelmed and alone

know that I am by your side through thick and thin in my presence are

Freedom peace calm and blessings so that nothing bad can happen to you permit me

to renew and rejuvenate your life may your devotion and Faith deepen daily

rely on the love I have for you give up on your Beating Heart keep your gaze fixed on me as I approach and listen

carefully to everything I say rest assured I can come knocking on your heart’s door offering my hand to bring

calm to your spirit Whispering Words of Love Inside you on days when the desire

to pray wains some may remain in the back having abandoned their faith if

they misunderstand your tripure cut ties with them if you insist on staying with me you need not be concerned about the

path ahead of you since you will not be traveling it alone with my powerful arm

I can protect you from harm and guide you through difficult times in order to protect you from your enemies an army of

angels will advance ahead of you your way of life is about to undergo a radical shift and you’re going to love

the new choices you’ve made after my touch your coronary heart became responsive and it let me in your pain

will fade into Oblivion as our friendship endures and your days will be filled to the brim with happiness and

love I am able to shower you with my kindness and Grace and you may reap many

benefits the stage is prepared for trading my feelings for you are genuine

and I am precious to you these unexpected events shouldn’t worry you listen closely and my voice will go deep

into your own core if you’ve been living in the shadows my light will reveal it all you will always have my holy spirit

with you when I’m there you may relax completely a lot of change may occur in you and you

will emerge as a unique person in order to help you maintain a steady perspective I am removing the curtain

that has obscured your religious Vision my wisdom is bestowing upon you illuminating your words and helping you

to let go of the judgments that have weighed you down your transformation begins today and soon you may see it

personally when others around you see the difference in side I have brought you to this

Crossroads so that you may lead a triumphant life unaffected by the criticism of others or the heartache of

failure words said by others will not phase you and you are uncertain about

the need for acceptance this is why your energy will Surge and maybe your wishes

will come true everything else will take a backseat as we seek my country and

Justice those who are completely on board with me have come come to see that I am now providing both the seed and the

means to nurture it because of this promise as difficult life circumstances arise remember how you used to talk to

me when you were younger by closing your eyes and hoping for the best free from

the fear of Retribution guide me with a religion that is innocent risk-free pure

and uncomplicated I pray that you and your loved ones will be safe from danger so

that you might know and love me and spend eternity with me I’m about to reveal my love to you in a way that’s

both natural and magical and I want you to return just the way you are stop

trying to hide your imperfections I can handle them plainly now I wish you the

best of luck in all areas of life since I am the source of all the happiness you could ever want I wish I could show you

the way out of debt and creditors so that you might live a life of spiritual plenty remember that you are my sheep

and and I am your Shepherd even if your sources seem limited my goal is to watch

over you and provide for you try to be kind and hardworking stay out of the legal system you can’t ignore those

words anymore to illustrate the advantages I have arranged let me show you the way witness it with your own

eyes a beautiful display of affection that transcends everything you’ve seen before I can lighten your burden ease

your pain cleanse your emotions and enhance your your way of life success is

my goal here pronouncing amen demonstrates your dedication to paying

close attention to my words I understand your situation and the challenges you

face a lot of the time your emotions and the challenges you’re facing could be

hard to make sense of but if you ever feel weak just take my hand your ship

will rise to Safety in your time of Sorrow let me be by your side I will

provide Eternal Solace to your spirit it and free you from all suffering even if

most people don’t get you I do I am well versed in your past reports and the path

you are now following some people can see the floor but can’t sense the pain in their hearts to help you escape the

prison of misery and the heavy loads you’re carrying I’ve decided to be a resource that you can rely on I am

releasing you from the bonds that have held you back from the joy and contentment that I have planned for you

in the future raise your eyes and look forward your aspirations and Ambitions

are not wishful thinking they are the same seeds I am sewing in Your Heart Right Now although supplies are low and

your future seems cloudy you must push through your skepticism and uncertainty keep in mind that I have

been where you are even if you may face unfairness and difficult circumstances along the way trust in me I have

overcome the world I tell you that you will face trials in this world I have the power to fill your Fearless soul

with passion joy and Triumph I can assure you that you will not be able to handle the current issue on your own so

pay attention for the simple reason that you are my darling toddler I grant you

Triumph I’m taking care of your family your health and your artwork because I

want you to live the life you want in order to bring about change in your current situation I am opening huge

doors I am painstakingly resolving your troubles rise up and put an end to your

tears I’m about to bestow upon you my powerful benefits every day from now on

you are welcome to approach my altar to express your heartfelt gratitude for the Miracles occurring in your lives please

accept my heartfelt invitation to your private residence may your whole family rever and seek me by dispelling misery

and pain I am changing Hearts people who have experienced depression in the past

will find Joy again I’m cleaning your private residence of all impurities and

shortages I provide Limitless Peace and Love by shining my light into every dark

corner if you put your trust in me I will protect you and the people you care about from harm they could find a safe

haven from harm under my protection as I guide you down the roads of justice and love I will set you free from every

anxiety uncertainty and fear you and the people you care about are at the center

of of My Universe and I love you very much to receive the boundless love I provide you must let your heart open

wide I will restore your spirit and feed your soul if you spend more time in my

company in the calm of nature the power of my energy is actively shaping your

lives dispelling negativity opening doors and removing obstacles from your

experience every day may your strength grow stronger I have washed away your sins banished your fatigue and stoked

your passion with steadfast resolve and the keys I’m giving you you can open a

number of doors and maybe even walk through them negative news gossip or

false allegations will no longer sway you or intimidate you you’re just

amazing no one could stand a chance against you love loyalty devotion and

courage have been the Sparks that have ignited you I have the power to instill in you an unwaveringly modest and kind

heart these days your trust is unwavering as you receive this gift let

these words inscribe themselves into your spirit anxiety no longer enslaves you you can always count on me to be

there for you my little one even when times are tough I am the only one who

can who has and who is looking forward to boldly addressing your challenging conditions so please don’t tell me I

can’t that I haven’t or that I am not now with you I stand stand with you I

give and with you I complete Focus follow orders and March boldly toward

your goals that’s all I am holding your hand so keep looking at me you are safe

from danger I am your loyal companion the one who will never abandon you who

will never lie to you who will remain constant who will accept you just the way you are who will laugh at your

mistakes and celebrate your successes with you who will help you get back up when you fall

and who will be there to lend you a helping hand when you need it most worry now do not become weary and

do not give joy to those who ridicule You by seeing you lose I am Jesus your

lord not only should you do it for the sake of your loved ones and yourself but you should also pay close attention to

the fact that I love you very much I had to go through some tough terrain before

I could make a difficult change dedicated to you for love for forgiveness for your Liberation for your

healing and for your redemption in the midst of Your Darkest Hours I will be by

your side and we will persevere through pain together as you resolve to stop giving up I promise to stay by your side

giving you strength and support Harmony sincere acceptance Comfort knowledge and

happiness as my guardian angels work around the clock to bring you blessings strengthen your faith and sing you may

rest certain that everything will fall into place according to your plan you are much loved by me therefore reward my

name with fervor be certain that I will always be by your side even if your emotions temporarily lead you to feel

lonely when you are confronted with Dread despair uncertainties doubts

Melancholy and exhaustion as the need to cry hits you remember that you are not the only one

let your tears be joyful tears because my love envelops you my compassion envelops you and my spirit publishes you

you may rest easy knowing that I have commanded the skies to send many angels to help you as you pray and ask for my

help sending joy to fill your heart and wiping away any hint of disappointment I

am here I can provide you with Clarity and solutions to your problems because of my knowledge in times of need my

strong hand will comfort you and fill you with love that has no bounds Heaven

responds to your prayers as you pray and it learns their value power and

frequency when it comes to meeting your every demand I can make all the necessary arrangements on your behalf

seeing my children suffer through problems grief or Melancholy is not something I want if you want to live the

life I planned for you which is full of Plenty in every aspect then you must give me your heart so that I may care

for you like never before my grace will save you my compassion

will cleanse you and my love will make you Victorious be happy and grin

recognize that it is possible to start again in every area of your life right now my heart longs for a deep

relationship with you and I speak these words to you from a place of love I hear

your prayers and I want you to know that no matter how difficult things become I am here by your side I see the

challenges you face you have shown exceptional courage at some point in your life and your unfaltering efforts

and profound despair are no longer more prominent than they once were you have overcome seemingly insurmountable

obstacles since the day you made the decision to let me direct your lives let your heart find rest and trust that I

understand the challenge of finding comfort and keeping faith especially when it seems like everything is falling

apart and conflicts are trying to swallow you whole my beloved Tunes without the negative influences stays

strong in the face of adversity and keeps going because she has faith in my promises I have always held you in the

highest regard and I had planned something wonderful for your life before you were born never in my life would I

abandon a helpless child I have been watching over every aspect of your life every passing second with an

extraordinary degree of care I will always be here let disillusionment take

up too much room in your mind May May Joy fill your heart and may trust guide you on your path because I am confident

in our Triumph and the plans I have made for you are Beyond Your Wildest imagination you have my undying

admiration no matter how bad things become my beloved child you must remember that your history is not always

indicative of your future even when it seems like everything is falling apart around you I want you to know that I’m

Resolute with your support in seeking Comfort since since you’ve shown me unfaltering trust in the comforting arms

of my love you have found refuge and in my all-encompassing presence a sanctuary

of peace is always close by amidst the vast Cosmic tapestry may you find Solus

and joy as you bask in the almighty Grace of your loving God you exist in

this world the complexities of your afterlife tell a unique and meaningful tale your journey weaves a rich tapestry

of moments of pleasure grief successes and difficulties creating a narrative that spans

kilometers as you go through life’s intricate web it’s critical to understand that the events of the past

do not dictate your future inflexibly your records which include The Echoes of

every Triumph and tragedy are not an immovable blueprint but rather a series of chapters that have brought you to

this moment of Grace in The Epic story of your lives your present self is a

product of every turn of events every decision you’ve made and every result

you’ve experienced on the other hand know that a caring writer is holding the pen that

will write the future chapters it is of utmost importance to remain consistent

in your faith in the divine presence when the weight of previous choices seems to be threatening to eclipse the

possibilities of the future that have yet to be written having faith is more more than

just making a transaction with God it’s a Holy Covenant that goes beyond space

and time binding your spirit to the Everlasting in the middle of this world

and the next feeling overwhelmed is a common occurrence despite the fact that

you’ve tied yourself to steady unfaltering pressure you may find solace in the knowledge that you will survive

the storms of life an anchor that keeps you company even when the Winds of

Misfortune scream with unrelenting profundity transcends the chaotic character of worldly challenges in the

vastness of space Among the Stars and galaxies I want you to know with absolute certainty that I am by your

side the halls of Heaven hear your hopes worries and prayers your bond with the

writer goes beyond the physical constraints of this world it’s more like an intimate friendship your please for

guidance comfort comfort and knowledge have received a gentle murmur from the

Heavenly response you have found solace in the benevolent embodiment of God and

in this hallowed Sanctuary you will always be safe capture the essence of this Haven built not with stone and

mortar but with the tapestry of Limitless compassion and love forgiveness is abundant and as you stand

on the edge of your destiny The Tender Touch of divine compassion May heal any wounds that may remain from the battles

of the past we must acknowledge the power of redemption to transform lives

even in your darkest hours the mistakes that have lingered in your memory and the ones that have lingered in the halls

of your Consciousness have the potential to become catalysts for a more radiant and illuminated day the following day as

they undergo a metamorphosis through the magic of divine grace you are sheltered

under the shelter of your powerful God therefore may his peace and pleasure fill your heart heart reimagine this

sanctuary as a personal Sanctuary inside yourself rather than a fortress throughout its vast expanse people may

experience both the holy and the profane the human and the Heavenly within the depths of your being a luminous light

illuminates every crevice banishing all vestiges of uncertainty or despair there

is a peacefulness that abides in your heart like a gentle River a Tranquility that is greater than knowledge and it

stays constant even when life throws you its turbulent storms let this

Tranquility act as a compass leading you safely through the challenging times ahead you must The Bravery to let go of

the weight of the past and enter the unknown realm of your future while you are a manifestation of heavenly

Tranquility you are born with pleasure a luminous light that transcends all

conditions it is not dependent on anything outside of yourself but is an inherent component of your religious

nature and it will remain so even when you confront adversity a source of pure

joy might emerge from inside you like a spring drink deeply from its Waters

because pleasure is a power source and a testament to the human spirit’s tenacity

you are not on this journey through life alone remember that along the Journey of Life the divine presence is always there

never leaving your side the complicated and intricate tale of your history is

only a chapter in the big Narrative of your souls unfolding Let The Melody of grace and the harmonies of redemption

ReSound with every breath step and preference in the Symphony of your life

embodying the Divine orchestration that weaves the scattered threads of your Tales into a harmonic hole your future

illuminated by Divine love resembles a blank canvas waiting for you to fill it

with your choices hopes and ambitions looking ahead with hope and excitement

you stand on the edge of the next day the author of your destiny and the creator of the universe Etch A Narrative

of magnificence and purpose on the parchment of time your Beyond does not

limit you instead it inspires you to discover the boundless potential within

you will the Divine Winds of Grace also carry you forward and will your coronary

heart serve as your compass on this holy Journey in the safe haven of your Mighty God you

are free to rise above the limitations of the past and embrace the boundless opportunities that lie ahead in the

cosmic Web of Life in this universe where the stars are but shards of my eternal design I The Creator and

sustainer of everything will raise my Divine voice to speak to you from the depths of your being listen to me as the

infinite depths of my love reverberate with Heavenly Melodies of Truth and

the profound Secrets I will monitor exist inside the holy chambers of your coronary heart so open them but have

faith in the power of my blood a red river that pours down the corridors of time weaving salvation into your very

being as the Sailor holds on to the Anchor amid stormy seas keep your heart

in touch with this fact you may find that Joy still Wells up in your heart

even while you’re going through tough times allow its abundant Joy to nourish you as it serves as a powerful source of

strength and a testament to the indomitable human Spirit be aware that

the divine presence is with you every step of the way as you weave your lives together it is an everpresent travel

companion your past with all its nuances and complexity is but a chapter in The

Epic story of your spirit a tale that is ever evolving as your life Symphony

unfolds with each breath stride and wish let the Symphony of Grace and salvation

reverberate inside you and welcome the Heavenly orchestration that unites the

fragmented pieces of your education in the radiant light of divine love your future waits like a blank

canvas eagerly awaiting the stroke of a painting in order to stand on the brink

of the next day look forward with optimism and expectation and stroke your choices wants and Ambitions the creator

of of the universe the author of your future inscribes A Narrative of beauty and cause on the parchment of time the

things you’ve been through don’t hold you back rather they drive you toward the Limitless potential that is inside

you amidst this hallowed Journey May the Divine Winds of Grace carry you forward

and may your heart’s compass point the way the boundless potential that awaits

you in the cosmic tapestry of life where the stars are but but shards of my eternal design is a testament to the

Everlasting promise that within the sanctuary of your Mighty God you are free to LEAP past the limitations of the

present moment may the holy voice of the Creator and maintainer of all things

reach the depths of your being listen to The Heavenly Melodies of Truth and beauty that reverberate throughout the

infinite depths of My Love Open The Holy depths of your heart to receive the unfathomed able truths I will reveal

imagine a purple river coursing through the Halles of time entwined with the energy of my blood weaving salvation

into the fabric of your existence there at its holy Frontier is the Alchemy of

forgiveness a magic Elixir that turns the deepest Darkness into the brightest lights of Grace and removes the stains

of wrongdoing keep this in mind as tenaciously as a seaf farer holds on to

the Anchor in stormy seas your every fall and blunder is held in the palms of

my forgiveness inside the fabric of your path the harmonies of redemption drown

The Echoes of past mistakes and the river of Grace washes The Ledger of sin

smooth have faith in this transforming Grace it is the foundation of your nonsecular regeneration and you will

need it to weather the storms of doubt you can build your faith upon my pardon

it is a gift of unconditional love not based on your Merit but offered to you

without condition the vast expanse of Divine Mercy provides space for the

contrite heart welcomed with outstretched fingers to grasp The Liberation that comes with

forgiveness launching it breaks the chains of regret and lifts the burdens

of the Hereafter as you walk in the light of my forgiveness dressed in the righteousness

that has been forgiven you are a witness to my love’s Limitless capacity to red redeem and restore faith in the power of

forgiveness to heal and bless not just you but everyone around you when you

forgive you join in the Divine dance of Grace becoming a tool for Restoration in

Humanity’s fractured Symphony permit compassion to lead the way and forgiveness to serve as the currency of

your encounters remember that forgiving someone isn’t something you do once it’s

an ongoing process your connections are like a river when you drink from them

may the Wellspring of forgiveness pour into the lives of others around you you are the embodiment of my love for the

sector and a conduit of heavenly blessing on this hallowed Day plant the seed of forgiveness in the sanctuary of

your heart and watch it grow water a forgiven heart with tears of sorrow and

nurture it with the sunshine of compassion the lawn of heavenly qualities is a verdant tapestry of

interwoven compassion passion perseverance and empathy may this concept serve as a compass as you

embrace it as truth grounded in the power of my blood to cleanse and forgive

as an integral part and a resounding echo of my love you must tread the path of forgiveness so that you may leave

Grace Impressions on the grains of time let the compass of forgiveness guide you for a while as you negotiate the

complexity of Our Lives anchor yourself inside the har of forgiveness when the

tempests of hatred and bitterness rage around you as a testament to the power

that comes from Divine love it isn’t always a sign of weakness forgiveness is

the only medicine that can mend broken relationships within its comforting

warmth allows for the healing of broken relationships and The Mending of wounds caused by Strife with its Gentle Touch

forgiveness can soften the hearts of the abnormal and revive the harmony of Harmony

forgiveness is no longer an abstract concept it is a living breathing reality

that you must hold firmly in your heart embrace the grace filled rhythm of each pulse and breathe in the mercy cented

air with each breath may you internalize the fundamental principle of forgiveness

and let it reflect my love for you as you grow into your own person give some thought to the story

altering power of forgiveness as you learn to forgive more fully both for yourself and others around you the ink

of Grace May rewrite the narrative on the parchment that is your life story behold the progression of a story

brimming with empathy strength and salvation Faithfully cling to the

reality of my forgiveness it is an anchor in the EB and a boy in the face

of Life storms as you navigate the dark Waters of uncertainty May the knowledge

of my forgiveness serve as a beacon to guide you through the tempests of doubt

my forgiveness is like a steadfast North Star it never goes out and always gives

people hope May the Golden Threads of forgiveness be woven into the fabric of your life as you confess your love and

agree with me Illuminating the path of your journey let the Brilliance of Grace

be the distinguishing color within the interplay of light and Shadow the brushstroke of forgiveness Paints the

canvas of existence inside the holy Stillness of your soul with depth and Beauty listen for my love’s Echoes an

enchanting tune that cracks up the barriers of language and confusion you have faith in the power of my blood to

forgive and cleanse so let this idea fill your heart like a symphony amidst

The Garden of your soul there may be a symphony that harmonizes with the Heavenly Realms a source of pleasure

amid the barren Wasteland of Despair and the truth of my forgiveness in the gentle Embrace of

heavenly love May Grace’s Greenery likewise Blossom its blossoms unfurling

in the sacred dance of introduction where Time and Eternity interwine May the compass of forgiveness also lead you

to the beaches of everlasting peace as you navigate The Maze of Life think

about the cleansing and forgiving power of my blood which I the Alpha and the Omega announce to you as a legendary

fact you have complete faith in this reality I am going to perform a powerful

and uplifting miracle in your life so widen in your eyes my Vitality is something you think about and you say

you adore me take it as a sign that my forgiveness is sincere hold on to this

truth with all your heart and keep your eyes wide open because I about to execute in accordance with form a

powerful and a inspiring Miracle at the depths of the Abyss from which you will

never again be able to escape it breaks my heart to see you obsess about things

that have no place in this world my blood has cleansed you you feel a revitalization of the spirit and a

refocusing of the Mind immerse yourself in my sacred word and let your words

brim with life and inspiration stay away from the Dark Side of Despair by reflecting on my promises and commands

daily no longer are you lost nor is your fate uncertain I hold you under the

shelter of my wings no matter how Fierce the Arena’s Onslaught becomes I will shield you from harm for you I have a

future free of sadness and despair full of joy and happiness Grace wealth and

Independence will be yours if you submit to my will prioritize my presence in your life and Faithfully follow the word

I give you pay close attention to my requests these words must remain in your

heart hold me close while I keep a watchful eye on you when the weight

becomes too much to bear I’ll be by your side remember these saying when you’re

feeling down avoid thinking about how lonely you are and instead focus on me

it’s me and you I can tell you the truth no more crying instead answer my call

and hold me close to your heart your tears will only serve to irrigate the wounds of your grief stay strong and

resilient in the face of adversity don’t give in to negative ideas or false

beliefs that want to ruin you and take away your serenity you are my rock in these trying times

stay focused on your path to blessings and as you grow nothing or no one will

be able to thwart you I will pour my knowledge into removing obstacles and

opening a Floodgate for you you will reclaim several valuable possessions

that you believed had gone missing to get the rewards you seek Freedom wealth

and peace the most essential thing is to trust what I am saying with all your heart

there is no need to be disheartened or concerned about problems or those who would strive to undermine you my desire

to bless an aid you has been loud and clear now that you know my thoughts it is my expectation that you will follow

my instructions trust what I say and come to me go ahead lift yourself up and

walk to Triumph without a doubt you are my darling I am able to keep my word and

I will bless you at some point during this trial believe me and and hold my hand let in difficulties and dangers

rather than Scourge them and take back your calm and self assurance I’ve never

left you and I refuse to do so now even in the midst of this storm even when

things seem tough my ideas are superior to yours and my intellect is eternal I

can guide you to a peaceful and prosperous holiday place I pray that you will look at them with trust and find

that they are not impossible some some time throughout the day you’re attempting to locate me and before you

turn in for the night you should kneel before me we hear your prayers and even

if you can’t see them now it’s okay as you open your lips in gratitude the

skies Quake pay attention to my response while you pray for protection for your

family from harm averting pandemics and other calamities it Bears repeating even

if everyone else turns their backs on you I will never leave your side no matter how many people say they love you

but end up betraying you your love for me surpasses theirs and I will never let

you down your loved ones your future and your well-being are all in my hands your

benefits will increase in number and I may provide you with even more things of Eternal value this is my promise to you

my little one with all my love see you have something for me even before you

were born I chose you I bestowed on you a resilient coronary

heart that has endured an abundance of contempt you will show courage another time you are going to be completely fine

after this my Tranquility is mine to find from now on you won’t fumble for

the most part this is how things have always been you’ve gone from being a loser to a winner someone who doesn’t

run away or be afraid anymore the wonderful world that awaits you is yours to conquer and I will provide you with

the energy and resources you need a First Rate opportunity is in front of your eyes and you have often asked that

I bless and prosper you if you are unable to grasp even a fraction of this Incredible Gift right now don’t give up

get your mind straight work on your heart and return to my word as I have spoken before therein is the Bedrock and

Wellspring of all the knowledge you need at this very moment stay strong take a

solid stride without fear you should not be concerned about challenges or adversaries who want to undermine You by

cunning and deceit you understand my thoughts I hope you know how much I want to help and bless you following my

orders is now entirely up to you you will win without a doubt you are a

newborn to me someone can bless you my word is my bond and I will keep it

believe with me and at some point lend me a hand as we go through this trial give up on letting worries and dangers

undermine your self-confidence and Tranquility typically I’ve been by your side I have no intention of leaving you

I can stay by your side my objectives have been loftier than yours throughout this storm my guidance will take you to

a place of tranquility and plenty and my thoughts will stay forever looking at challenges with Faith

and Hope will make them seem less daunting even when they seem insurmountable at first are you hoping

to locate me first thing in the morning and before you turn in for the night go

down on your knees and pray to me I take pleasure in hearing your prayers even if

you can’t see them now as you pray and ask me to watch over your family

shielding them from danger and diseases like pandemics the skies Quake with your

praise pay attention to how I respond yes the whole world may turn its back on

you but I will never leave you I Will Never Let You Down no matter how many

people say they love you I love you more than they do whenever I see your pain I

feel a deep sense of empathy for you your genuine compassion has touched my heart I am able to bestow my blessing on

you because I am pleased to tell you that you are eligible to accept it and

hold it in your heart with all the love that I have for you remember that even

when you’re down I have you close at hand I encircle you with my sacred cloak

my darling I love you with all my heart now that you know you may accept my

blessing and hold it dear if you ever feel down know that I have you safe in

the palm of my hand I encircle you with my sacred cloak my darling I love you

very much your love for me is immense you hadn’t even begun when I picked you

your strong heart which I bestowed on you has endured much malice you could be

courageous again you’ll be able to get out of this situation I offer you my

serenity from now on you won’t fumble it has always been that way and it always

will be that way without a doubt you are now one of the winners not a loser and

someone who does not run away or withdraw I will provide you with all the strength and resources you need to

conquer the Magnificent terrain that awaits you an incredible opportunity is unfolding right before your eyes and

you’ve begged me to bless and prosper you so often if you are unable to grasp the full magnitude of This Magnificent

gift just yet do not let your heart break purify your thoughts and purify

your emotions and return to my phrase I tell you again and again you can find

all the knowledge you require at this moment in that place stay strong refrain

from wavering walk confidently and have no fear of challenges or adversaries who

want to undermine you via cunning and deceit You are not alone at all and I want you to know that the genuiness of

your heart is palpable and I’m attentive to your prayers pray constantly without

ceasing and let your tears fall where they may they show how much you value your faith and your children the people

whose lives you value most must see your commitment to them they should keep in mind that mother religion bows down

before me every day pouring forth her soul keep telling them how much I care

how genuine I am and how I have a perfect plan for their lives always make it clear how much you adore your kids

it’s okay if they act uncaring sometimes just don’t conceal your emotions from them make them understand how much their

actions hurt you everything is an element of the journey have faith in me

and remember that your children all have their own distinct paths in life your prayers will protect them from the

deceit and accusations of the adversary even if they make mistakes prove your

undying devotion by lovingly correcting them when they’re wrong but keep your

arms open and your mind open the whole time they need to know that you’re there

for them no matter what that your love never changes and that your prayers always bring answers make it seem like

your mom’s prayers had an impact you will feel an overwhelming sense of delight when you see the fruition

of all your hard work and dedication have faith in me because I’m with you and your children this is why I

like you you your mistakes don’t spell the end they don’t determine your future

your potential your goals or your skills they don’t indicate that my intentions

for you have failed when you have tripped this is what you need to do ask

for forgiveness when you mess up find the enemy’s false charges and accusations stand up up straight brush

off the dirt spread your wings and bounce boldly I cleanse you with my mighty blood while I understand that

failure is inevitable I want my children to remember it as a valuable lesson and

a path they must not take again my promises will live in your heart if you send me and my instructions will

strengthen your faith may you be strong and courageous have no dread remain

optimistic my miraculous hand will take care of you you even when you’re feeling weak be aware of your energy as you get

through it you’re still falling no longer will I Stand By and Watch as you collapse to defeat please let me know

how much you depend on me stay strong and rise to the challenge of things of Eternal consequence I want you to

benefits that you lose will eventually find their way back into your life peace and safety will prevail and you may find

that you no longer need to be ashamed of Who You Are I know I’ve told you before how much I

love you but I’ll say it again just to be sure it hits home we are inseparable

I have already issued a decree and accreditation for your restoration I am shaping your destiny I have been

merciful to you forgiven are your transgressions you have the right to be free from accusations discrimination

hatred and being trampled upon you have received my love and grace I now feel comfortable giving you the benefits I’ve

been promising stop being so hard on yourself and don’t throw away the Good Fortune I’ve given you show no signs of

contempt or rejection when you appear in the replica my heart breaks for you

because you seem to Value human opinion and deceit more than my love and

devotion I would rather see you succeed because your heavenly father hears and believes these words I created you for

this very purpose I picked you out I hoisted you up and I found you right here right now misleading News global

events or pessimism in your immediate environment will not determine your success you cannot stop the benefits

declared and sent from above an unwavering choice is what you need to do

even when other people are pessimistic would you still agree with me do you intend to examine my word and take it at

face value alternatively would you give more Credence to the enemy’s Whispers

that are trying to trick you they want to throw you into a loop limit your joy and make you seem helpless it’s

something I said before their aim is to Lavish you with Benefits you shouldn’t give them a chance to ruin your life

because you don’t have the money I want for you an atmosphere of affection safety and support religion love and

peace must permeate your life immerse yourself in religion right now keep

believing in yourself and your ability to bring good fortune and victory into your life at all times you support me me

you care about me and you follow my lead for your own words assure me now that

you will Faithfully maintain your faith no matter what happens I hold you close

enveloping you in my arms those who attempt to undermine you should not worry you I have witnessed them remain

by my side in all circumstances would you mind if I also in circled you the

people that surround you are out to bring you down and I can show you who they are sure I can step in and help out

you may rely on me to provide you with resources your adversaries will be unable to defeat all evil forces anymore

when you turn around in only a few days you no longer battle alone you have

become brave and you are no longer anxious so you could fight and win put

your worries and concerns aside sharpen your blade and dominate the battlefield

get ready to experience the miracle that unfolds every prophecy will end with you conquering the country ahead of you I

can show you how to fix it and how to escape this Jam many hearts will be healed and lifted by yours the people in

your family tree might be lucky in your own house Harmony and Tranquility will

reign some feel a shift all the entities that have troubled you will depart and

never return to your private house while I am there find Solace for your weary spirit in me because I am the one you

have been seeking because I am God The Rock upon which you may stand the source

of your strength and salvation you must place your trust in my word and my promises for them to be real you will

not fall if you hold my hand I am the one who will watch over you lead you and

cure you state your belief in me now with all your might and hold on to your

faith with all your soul we are inseparable I have been there and will

continue to be by your side every step of the way when life gets rough stand

firm until it gets better when you feel like negative forces are taking over

your life trust in my love and surrender your Affairs to me I will guide you with

my gentle voice a radiant beacon in the middle of the storm my light will shine

through the darkness getting brighter until you understand and accept your situation for what it is the holy spirit

will fill your soul calming your anxieties and releasing you from even the worst of times allow me to be in

your heart regardless of what you see hear or experience keep me in mind my

love and my promises are like a dangling carrot I’m speaking to you now to set you up for the extraordinary future I’ve

planned for you let go of your uncertainties put your faith in me and

experience life to the fullest if I ask you for anything it’s because I need it

for myself just is when I give you a directive your unfaltering opinion of me

and faith in me are all I want I am the god who stands firm and true for you you

have my undying affection genuine and unforced my love is here I adore you

more than anybody else no one is watching over you around the clock there is no one who loves you more than I do

neither have I ever left you nor rejected You by my word I have already

forgiven you I do not want you to continue to to feel unworthy to believe that you are to blame and to punish

yourself daily for your transgressions listen I will tell you to throw your transgressions into the water

they are irrelevant to me you have no choice but to agree with me there’s no use in plunging farther into the dark

Seas of criticism in search of sentiments and memories that I’ve already erased and will inevitably bring

back to you your focus should not be on the opinions of others but on what I

your God think of you I have showered you with kindness and forgiveness and I

am here to defend you yet those who detest you will accuse and assault you

arguing that you are Unworthy of my favor choices and Grace for in the boundless realm of Eternity where stars

sing anthems of introduction and galaxies dance Cosmic ballet I am able to save you from those who would harm

you so March forth with determination it is my Divine Purpose to amplify my

discourse to you my beloved creation as the ruler of all Nations let the

precious words I transfer into your heart as well so that it may be a Haven

where the Ethereal meets the material and the human touches the Heavenly and nonetheless May the rivers of knowledge

flow with reverence and respect for the holy Revelation that flows from The Well of my all knowing here in the communion

of spirit and reality I unroll the Scrolls of the future before you reveal the Exquisite pattern of my Everlasting

plan walking through the valleys of your knowledge and cultivating the seeds of Enlightenment that lay dormant within

your soul behold my words with an awe that passes all understanding for they

are more than words on a page they are the living breathing truth that reverberates through the halls of

History guiding the Wayfarer across the vast panoramas of existence divinity

Dawn the cloak of mortality and the Symphony of Love culminate in the

Eternal surrender to the temporal in My Sacrifice a cosmic drama let the Scarlet

River of my blood wash away the stains of your sins and shine a light on the way to Salvation as it flows through the

pathways of your Consciousness the river is more like an ocean of compassion an endless source of

Grace that the contrite May drink from in the grass of forgiveness lie the

seeds of rebirth so there’s no need for spirits to linger in the darkness of

past transgressions the regenerative force of my love is something that bloom

wholeheartedly Embraces since a phoenix is born every second in the immense

tapestry of time when opportunity stretches out before you like a horizon of Sorrow extending its wings towards

the Limitless heavens of heavenly desire fix your sight on Destiny stay away from

the the transient Allure of meaningless Pursuits the enticing pleasures of this world are only momentary softly murmured

inside the Timeless Symphony I invite you to join me in the Everlasting Walts of arrival where each stride harmonizes

with the cosmic Rhythm listen to what I have to say and let me into your heart

take my word seriously never dwell on past transgressions instead fix your

eyes on your ultimate fate and let go of worldly concerns because I have sacrificed everything

there are many good and wonderful things in store for you your unwavering devotion is what I value most they are

always looking for me and doing what I say I get that you may I can sense your

love for me plans that are both good and miraculous are held in my possession as

the Weaver of Destiny these plans wave across the cosmos like Flags symbolizing

success and righteousness give give into the truth and let go of your anxieties I

am the one who will Shepherd you on your journey and conduct your Symphony ascending to the sky like a

lovely perfume your commitment is a fragrant offering in the incense filled Temple of lives in the safe haven of

individual Choice my desire for it has transformed from that of a desperate

seeking obedience to that of a romantic seeking return on investment allow your soul to reverse

verberate to the symphony of devotion a tune that harmonizes with the heavens do

you no longer see my quest as a mere obligation but rather as an investigation of the holy nation states

where humanity and Divinity intertwine and submit to my authority in all things

this submission is not that of a slave to his master but rather that of a co-author who harmonizes with the cosmic

Tempo give your Ascent permission to be the paintbrush that adorns the life canvas with vibrant hues

I get that you may you are familiar to me your love is a precious Jewel in my

heart’s Treasure Chest it lights up the vast Universe like a beacon and it’s proof that Free Will is beautiful a

decision made in the fires of life’s Crucible inside the great tapestry of Creation with your choices as threads

the story of your journey will unfold the sacred seal that enshrines this

Cosmic Covenant will allow this heavenly message to ReSound within you resonating

in the still places where Spirit meets matter as the Heavenly Symphony reaches its climax may your soul also dance

Carefree like a child in the Embrace of Limitless love responding to the Divine song of love and

light I speak to you if you put your faith in Jesus

[Music] amen

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