god message for you today - Free AI Voice Generator

God Is Begging You For 2 Minutes Can You Give Him? | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God Is Begging You For 2 Minutes Can You Give Him? | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my child your life has profound meaning : and purpose in the grand tapestry of : creation you are not a mere accident or : coincidence you are divinely placed on : this Earth with a unique calling and : Mission embrace your importance and let : your light shine brightly for the world : … Read more

God Says: Don’t Show Your Hate By Skipping This Message | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God Says: Don’t Show Your Hate By Skipping This Message | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my child : I want you to experience my presence in : every facet of your life when you’re : bubbling over with joy know that I : celebrate with you your happiness brings : me joy as well for your well-being is : close to my heart in moments of Triumph : when you … Read more

Watch To Save Jesus From Satan | God Says | God Message For You Today | Jesus Affirmations

Watch To Save Jesus From Satan | God Says | God Message For You Today | Jesus Affirmations

God says your journey along the path of : Miracles is marked by Divine Assurance : unwavering love and forthcoming Miracles : even in moments of Doubt uncertainty and : adversity My Love Remains steadfast and : unchanging embrace the path of abundance : the path of grace and the path of : Triumph for … Read more

God Says: This is Your Final Call, Don’t Dare To Skip Jesus | Urgent Message | Jesus Affirmations

God Says: This is Your Final Call, Don’t Dare To Skip Jesus | Urgent Message | Jesus Affirmations

God says the grand Narrative of Love is : an invitation to know me deeply to : experience the profound nature of true : love and to become an active participant : in the transformative love story of God : it is not a narrative for a single : moment but a narrative for all … Read more

God Says: My Child Can You Give Me Your 2 Minutes Today? | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God Says: My Child Can You Give Me Your 2 Minutes Today? | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my child : I understand that life can present : challenges that seem insurmountable but : I want you to know that with me all : things are possible you are never given : more than you can handle and you are : never alone on this journey even when it : feels like the … Read more

God Says: Please My Child, Don’t Make Me Sad Today | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God Says: Please My Child, Don’t Make Me Sad Today | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

you to extend your heart to others : love those who are easy to love and : those who might test your patience : display kindness to those who yearn for : it the most for by doing so you become a : beacon of light in a world that often : wrestles with shadows … Read more

🛑 Warning ⚠️ | Skip This And You’ll Be Liable To Get Punished ‼️| God Says…

🛑 Warning ⚠️ | Skip This And You’ll Be Liable To Get Punished ‼️| God Says…

God is saying to you today oh my beloved : child you do not ought to worry about : how door will open for you in the proper : time I will open the door which leads : you toward the blessing that I have for : you you realize what occurred within the : … Read more

God Says: You Will Cry Later If You Skip Jesus | Urgent Message | God’s Message For You today

God Says: You Will Cry Later If You Skip Jesus | Urgent Message | God’s Message For You today

my child : I speak to you now with the voice of : unwavering love and boundless wisdom : your life is a symphony of experiences : and I am the composer guiding each note : each Harmony and each Crescendo in the : tapestry of existence you are a : masterpiece woven with intricate … Read more

God is Serious About You, It’s Urgent | Don’t Skip Anyway | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

God is Serious About You, It’s Urgent | Don’t Skip Anyway | Jesus Affirmations | God’s message today

my child in moments of Doubt or : confusion seek solace in the quiet : chamber of your heart it is there that : my voice Echoes offering guidance : comfort and a gentle nudge in the right : direction : allow your intuition to harmonize with : my Whispers and you will find Clarity … Read more

Jesus Need Your 1 Minute Only, Will You Give? | God’s message today | Urgent Message | God Helps

Jesus Need Your 1 Minute Only, Will You Give? | God’s message today | Urgent Message | God Helps

my child open your heart to the symphony : of life that plays around you listen to : The Whispers of your intuition for it is : the voice of your soul guiding you : towards alignment with your purpose your : heart knows the path you must take even : when your mind is … Read more