!! SHOCKING NEWS !! THIS VIDEO TO GRANT YOUR WISH!! IT'S ONLY FOR YOU । God Message Today | - Free AI Voice Generator


I want you to know that I’m here my darling get in touch with me right away in your heartbeat leave the seemingly

insurmountable duties to me and I will attend to them in the same way that the

winds and storms obey my commands so will the storms of uncertainty around your heart’s discovery of calm rest

assured I am able to provide you with the serenity you seek when you come to me I will alleviate all of your mental

tension and anxieties May your days be filled with tranquility and your evenings with calm your blessings are

many but sometimes you lose sight of them in favor of worrying about things

that will never happen or worrying about people who have no real influence over

you your future is in my hands no matter how much pressure is piling on therefore

I encourage you to keep your cool and ignore rumors information and threats from others you should not be scared to

deal with the Fallout from your own faults no matter how chaotic things get I can protect you from danger because

you are my favorite baby I will never leave you even when everyone else around you gives up saw high and be unafraid

that says a lot about how much I care about you I’m reaching out to you right now trying to calm your racing mind and

dispel the uncertainties that have been plaguing you catch you later I am expressing my feelings for you right now

while I heal from from the wounds inflicted by others and the anguish you’ve undergone at their hands please

know that all you’ve been through up to this point has not been in vain listen to the people you care about and stand

up for them because you have the maturity knowledge and power to do so

you are now ready to be free at this point you are prepared to carry my love and spread my light to others who are in

the dark on the other hand your adversaries know how talented you are and are plotting to undermine your

confidence and Tranquility in the event that you give into their disruptions of your sleep or succumb to worry and

anxiety even though I may be focusing on you again know that my love for you is

Limitless my compassion is boundless and my holy spirit will not allow you to

suffer harm please don’t think for a second that I’ve lost interest in you I can

save you even if your faith wavers and your heart is full of negativity if you fall into the the Trap set by your foes

by protecting you and standing up for you I may purify your spirit with my words no amount of danger from swords or

knives to shortages disease disputes or the inherent dangers of everything you’re doing right now will entice me to

abandon you in my love in essence you have abandoned evil and given yourself

over to me publicly claiming my role as your rescuer and guardian your devotion

remains constant in contrast to some who when confronted with difficult circumstances foolishly Express their

displeasure by bitching and denying me even when they reject my affection I continue to like them and will not stop

loving them I implore you to separate yourselves from the evildoers and maintain your prayers for them keep your

cool in the face of their contempt for what I have said go on keep going and

don’t just sit where you are I bestow upon you mighty strength regardless of the obstacles or challenges you may face

you must go on enthusiastically you have matured you are among the bravest people

I’ve ever met an absolute Champion ignite your faith with my word first thing in the morning please fulfill your

religious and special wishes before I do recall that the impossible is Within Reach on my part I’m taking your stance

and I’m prepared to lend you a hand with whatever you need you are entering a mystical life so try to be calm and

enjoy my tranquility here I am beckoning you I am here in

your presence in the midst of your genuflecting prayer my Warriors will be summoned to help you these days I tell

you to be quiet the stress on your heart should end in the warm hug that

surrounds you you will find Comfort tell me you’re transitioning into a supernatural life here I am beckoning

you in my presence you will find your domain I will send my soldiers to help

you as you bow down and pray with trust respect and awe these days I tell you to

be quiet put an end to letting your heart worry feel the comforting arms of love surrounding you as you seek Refuge

I’ve decided to bless you so tell me where you got it I will respond to your life in a roundabout way since you’re

known to me trust me when I say that I giving you a new heart and the people

closest to you could be taken aback and offered a distance out of the blue may

you find joy in the abundance of blessings and opportunities that we want to bring your way simply put Embrace

these blessings and share them widely make sure you always have a wish I am easy to talk to simplify your prayer by

closing your eyes and humbly requesting the presence of the Lord rest assured my

presence will never leave you until you turn away from my grace or refuse the blessings I give you when you’re

confused avoid letting false teachings lead your heart astray protected from

hate and refrain from harming or slandering those who do not deserve it

you should question the validity of everything you read listen to or study

one must use judgment and resist falling into the devil’s traps if they speak ill of another I look for people who love

and respect me and who will obey my rules because they are genuine loyal and

trustworthy my goal goal in bringing you up is not only your own benefit but also

your families and the worlds so that you may share the Deep knowledge contained in those heavenly words and serve as an

example to others refrain from taking pleasure in the wrongdoings of others

whom you ought to dread my messages are clouding your information please for the

love of God pause for a moment and listen carefully to each and every one of my messages it is not my intention

for your emotions to to understand the muddled signals I provide your repeated requests for tranquility and silence

have gone unheard and I’m prepared to provide them to you I have contacted you

many times but remember my words in your heart and keep them close when the enemy

like a lion howling in the night tries to swallow you whole and shake your faith allow my voice to serve as your

steadfast Compass let it be a part of your soul my words will illuminate your

way and give you the fortitude to conquer any challenge in the face of evil no enemy can win if you keep watch

keeping my words in your mouth and thoughts at all times put an end to giving into anxiety there is a way I can

improve you you may keep your household safe from hardship scarcity and disease

by fervently shouting those sentences with unfaltering faith and all evil forces will flee my words will protect

your own family from harm so no one will be able to stand in your way imagine your Beating Heart with your mind awake

and your eyes wide open you’re on fire get ready to embrace some new Concepts

and a plethora of benefits now is the moment to conquer unexplored lands and

enjoy the fruits of your labor and struggle have faith all your struggles have not been in vain just being more

authentic at home with your family and with yourself will set the tone for for your whole life I have a plan for each

and every one of you and it will come to fruition via miraculous events no matter

their age fame or errors I implore you to reveal and acknowledge everything

without demeaning anybody hold off on passing judgment on those I forgiven

instead direct and cultivate the growth of the things you value most and I will shower you with even more gifts you will

be a living river flowing out of your heart to touch everyone you meet through

your smile they will see healings Miracles and the Hope they’ve been longing for those who have walked in my

footsteps and those who have not will know the true meaning of my life whoever

turns Away From Evil and comes to me in sincerity will get the same boundless kindness that I have shown to you in

this very moment I am pouring out my love for you lifting the gloomy clouds of Despair and wrapping you in the

reassuring Embrace of my grace outside your home look up at the vast Sky Lift

Your Arms and declare to the arena that I am your Shepherd and that you have complete faith in me until the end of

the voyage steadfastly adhere to my words take on the healing anointing right now feel the power I give you and

don’t fret or become tired keep spreading my message and keep thankfulness in your heart for the many

blessings I always provide you you are receiving the benefits with an abundance

of love I know what it’s like to have a racing mind and have trouble sleeping at

night you need not be afraid anymore I am here with you casting out the

darkness of your past releasing the weight of your transgressions and healing the scars the shackles that

bound you even if your vision is permanently impaired you continue to have trust in what lies ahead I will

never abandon you I will always be by your side because my love for you is so

deep I gave my life so that you could take the first step put your trust in my

promises I will use my amazing power to lift you up and give you everlasting

life I will show you the way and close the doors that lead to the wrong places

if you come to me with unshakable trust I will shower you with Grace you are neither alone nor confused only prayer

separates us have faith in the future and look forward to the advantages you’ve been hoping for but have yet to

acquire keep in mind that you’ll be embracing them in no time yes I can

stand by my statement and even agree with it you can express your deepest desires to me and I will strengthen your

soul making life storms less powerful you will stand firm Fearless of Deceit

be strong and fearless break free from the chains that others have placed around you and let go of the weight of

your forgiven sins these are the things I say in response to false news insults

or meaningless threats put an end to holding on to negative feelings free yourself from bitterness and forgive

more deeply those who have wronged you leave the dark corners of death behind you I will see to it that your chosen

cause succeeds and your future is safe with me your life will be filled with Miracles and my love will shine through

to your loved ones as well the strong blood That Forgives your crimes protects your private house

put your trust in me completely speak freely and I will meet your needs I will

provide you with sustenance like rock honey and the finest wheat to keep you going I’m always prepared to transmit

more and my promises float to you ceaselessly let these peaceful words

resonate inside you like the dawn shielding you from the attacks of evil I

pray that your loved ones take my promises to heart and may they experience the beauty of of Grace as it

surrounds them bringing them everyday Serenity your family has the ability to

provide you with extraordinary Delight that goes beyond the ordinary and I will bless them with health sustenance

freedom and wealth as well as with the ability to orchestrate miraculous Deeds

that are said to be impossible is it not now that I voluntarily put my lives on the line and

came out on top to save you from your sins who else can go into the depths of your mind understand your true desires

with extraordinary Clarity and wrap you in love that heals you like no other in

your days I was the Heavenly writer even in a world where many believe false stories that make them question my love

and fear my wrath I am the one who controls every aspect of your fate and future you my pricey kid are one of a

kind you listen carefully when I speak important and wonderful things are about

to happen happen for you and your loved ones and you can look forward to tremendous advantages as a result I

beseech you to accept this miraculous love that is slow to rage but always forgiving it is kind and compassionate

knowledgeable and impacted by people and their experiences realization brings it joy

and it clings to an eternal nature that believes hopes and bears everything the

Trinity of love has already conferred upon you you extraordinary benefits but this Everlasting Love is the diamond in

the crown there is no doubt that love is the greatest of all human emotions and

it is this deep love that I will provide for you forever and ever inscribe it

with your own hand and accept it with each New Dawn receive it gladly it makes

my heart happy when you rise with unfaltering faith and resolve you aren’t the kind to let discouragement get the

best of you so don’t let life difficulties affect you my darling you are so much like me you have an Ardent

desire to serve others to bring your family closer together and to welcome each day with the blessings of a new day

keep up with this class do not Stray From the Path of Faith your very existence is a kind of worship a song of

Praise that resonates with me as I lift my name in glory extra Souls would

rather see a steadfast believer who loves me as much as you do I have the

utmost respect for you you’ve managed to go through tough times in your life without becoming angry or bitter at the

people who hurt you or stole from you because they couldn’t instill fear in you religion resolve and the assurance

that comes from knowing you will always do my will no matter how difficult the circumstances are your most prized

Treasures your reputation is obvious my beloved kid the words I planted in you have flourished but there are still many

more benefits some blessings on the way there is a bright future ahead of us and you may have faith in my constant

support through it all come to me confidently and offer me your whole heart in whichever manner you see fit I

am reliable and will never abandon you even if I make a mistake or have second

thoughts I surround you with my everpresent presence wherever you go and

my Angelic Legions are ready to lend you a hand and ensure your triumph over whatever enemies the universe may send

your way my spirit gives you the strength to speak my truth without faltering in the face of your cure the

powers of evil will crumble everything that matters to you your loved ones your

health and your budget is contained inside your home freedom and Triumph

will be yours as my Illuminating presence fills your home miraculous events will occur before your own eyes

you will be embraced by families of good-hearted people who are touched by your sympathetic nature you must be true

to yourself my pricey darling keep from falling back into skepticism my dear I pray that you will

seek me with all your heart study and mature be filled with my Holy Spirit who

reveals my love to you daily and rest in the peace that I provide you will forever be loved by me on these days you

Express gratitude to me for the gift of another day of life so why be shy about

using your own words to con convey your appreciation I can anticipate your requirements before you even say them

believe me when I say you will find peace look I’m on the hunt for a

peaceful spot to think about all the things I have to be thankful for right now you your loved ones your health the

air you breathe the food on your desk and the roof over your head protected by my angels who fight for your protection

there is a constant guardian angel watching over your every want in the Fortress that is your house there are

very good reasons to count your blessings every day think about all the wonderful things that inspire you may

you be enlightened by my kindness as you go and may your faith in my omnipotence

grow a thankful coronary heart resides in my wide Chambers it pursues me with

unfaltering trust and desire knowledge and the substantial benefits that come

and it humbly understands its Reliance on my divine presence the minute particulars of people’s lives may put a

strain on your soul at times it’s a normal occurrence I found there are days

when clouds make their transient appearance and appreciation briefly falls through the cracks but deep down

you want nothing more than crystalclear prosperity for Grace Strong Fitness in your own family and an uninterrupted

circulation of Peace under the cover of Darkness the adversary sews together

tainted ideas turning concerns into Terror and spinning a web of Deceit that

turns concern into dread expressing thankfulness for your whole life the

current moment your family’s well-being your Fitness and the substantial Goods

that enrich your life are high liberating words that send the adversary running when times get tough you may

Lean On Your Righteous faith and appreciative heart for strength as you endure the trials of and tribulations I

will wait patiently at your bedside ready to greet you when you rise let the

gratitude that fills your heart and spirit overflow into your first words of the day as you express your appreciation

for the kind of life you lead no matter how exhausted you are you may always

find solace in my presence get rid of the stresses that have taken up residence in Your Heart by transforming

my grief into Joy my regret into peace and my built into hope I can transform

those feelings into something positive and with the help of the voices that speak to me from Beyond I can eradicate

that Darkness for all time in my name the Lord God Almighty I take you my

beloved child who is now following me without doubt believing what I say and

obeying my every command with the power of my blood I release you from all

mental anguish a holy and healing Aura will surround you as my my speech Echoes

through your whole being from your head to your toes from where you stand gather

your hopes and push yourself forward then follow me on this path that will bring you to the peak of Victory where

you will prevail the indwelling of my holy spirit is sealing the sentiments I

Stitch to your coronary heart as long as you hold true to your belief in me and

my Eternal Word and open your heart to your heavenly father who loves you infinitely the blessings I gave you

previously are real and valid and you may also get them put your mind at ease

neither you nor this heavenly link are fictitious for those who listen to my teachings with Simplicity and humility

admitting their own shortcomings great and unexpected Miracles are on the way

my love for you my beloved child is Limitless I will not let evil stand in

my way as I march on unwaveringly I want to mend you break every Bond and destroy

all the Spells and curses that have caught you destroy the false belief that anyone in this universe has greater

electrical power than me the very tone of my speech betrays a web of Deceit

both the heavens and the Earth quiver and the powers of Darkness crumble upon our planet you are never really alone

and neither religious forces nor enemies can do you harm at all times my holy

presence my fingers and the power of my blood will protect you say goodbye to to

misery suffering and tears of hopelessness take in the joy and serenity that I’m showering on you right

now make sure it’s getting to you take ownership of your consistent impression of me show your appreciation for the

blessings that are going to be bestowed by bending down on your knees I can alleviate every problem that burdens

your spirit and as a result your loved ones your health and your bank account

will reap the rewards you’ve been hoping for you’re entering a time of restoration here I can show you the

ropes and give you the orders you need to make sure nothing goes wrong and everything works out well the moment has

arrived now is the time to kneel before me and return to my promise make a final

decision to put your faith in me and your worries in me so that I may ease your Soul’s load I long to guide you on

a path of healing enabling you to reclaim what you’ve lost while the comforting tones of my voice resonate in

your heart brimming with love together we may walk the path of quiet and peace

where you will find the joy your soul craves and where problems that seemed insurmountable in the past will fade

into the past my deepest wish is to free you from the worries that have overcast

Your Existence and to eliminate the terror that still haunts your mind

refrain from grasping or hiding them no amount of peer pressure should ever cause you to make a bad decision

you have carried a tremendous load due to your blunders but that load is finally lifting as of today I absolve

you of any harm my spirit purifies you my darling you may soon find relief from

the burdens of Shame and doubt I want to bless your lives with all my heart your

intended well-being is the complicated tapestry of my goals and activities no

longer can every step be easy there will be difficult moments but I can calmly and confidently remain

by your side strengthening your spirit till the end as you confront them assert

your Viewpoint you need to let me into your heart and I totally get that you

are the key to my coronary heart God let me be the ruler of your existence a

monar and Lord you are to me when you come to me with a request be sure to

convey confidence be a witness for Christ my little one the most Exquisite present you can provide at this holy

time is your appreciation fear not because I will not reject you my precious blood washed away

your sins and paid the price when you’re in my company you won’t have to feel

embarrassed anymore people say I sympathized with you even when you were far away and seemed forgotten so that

you would want to return to me I sent Legions of angels to free you from the wicked one’s grasp and remove every

obstacle in your path my darling will you be here tomorrow good news about

miracles would you bring it to me you’ve noticed that your life is undergoing some changes reaffirming Your Allegiance

is okay with me and I’ll enjoy listening to you but keep in mind that I brought you here to change your ways of living

your Liberation from enmity disdain let down and hopelessness is my deepest

desire pay close attention my darling will it be me or others who obstruct your path stressing about perfection

while tainted by sin and the wrong mindset no one in this world can claim to have been Flawless before me people

who try to shut doors in your face should not lead you to question your faith in this very moment you are loved

deeply and the only way out is via the open door that leads to Everlasting Joy

pleasure and contentment at my side you’ll always find adoration Fame and

genuine sacred devotion regardless of whether you are ill accept your failure

or feel the same vulnerability that led you to sin evil and Vice come confidently at any hour of the day or

night we welcome you with open arms no matter where you’re from or what you’re

going through your request for forgiveness has reached me and in exchange for your willingness to embrace

my forgiveness embark on a New Journey and let go of your broken heart I will

offer you another risk no reason are desired I am here to love you because I

know how much you need it greetings my beloved is everything okay with you right now please fill me in on every

detail everything we discuss orally will remain private release your Beating Heart as soon as you hear my powerful

statement release whatever burden has been plaguing you my Healing Touch will rest on your spirit easing your sorrow

and freeing you from your shackles the only way for those emotions that have stabbed you in the heart to disappear is

for me to use my power I want to come back to you in the spirit of your Tranquility I want to renew your faith

so that it may fly again with the same fervor you once had so that you can achieve all your dreams I rely on you to

have good intuition visiting me daily is essential by uniting we can erase the

negative aspects of our stories and begin a new think of oneself as a cherished Spirit by way of me cherish is

a powerful creature who finds a new reason to live each day your Beyond isn’t an obstacle it’s a pathway to

finding Joy again you are a wonderful gift that may ease the burden on your hands significantly lift yourself up and

pay attention before you settle down on a fruitful topic there are many seeds waiting for you to plant be there for

your family you have the admiration of many both great and little you have been

practically convinced of your own worthlessness as the adversary has persistently sought to stifle your

spirit and hold you captive in resentment you took my advice were

compassionate admitted your faults and sought forgiveness even if the wounds it

caused may have seemed little at the time but were really bleeding your heart

the Heavenly Realms rejoiced at your prayer of Contrition since it became a magnificent sacrifice I admire your self

assurance and openness to sharing your thoughts and experiences as you return home today galvanized by your blazing

Act of Faith fighting for your life you are once again experiencing the joy of

dwelling yet there are still unexplored depths in your soul that you need to discover your faith will become stronger

your energy will Surge and you will be acutely aware of the weights I am removing from your shoulders if you

speak with me every day Joy will envelop you and your spirit will s I’ve spoken

to you just have a conversation with me now please do not be shy about sharing the depths of your soul with me because

you are very precious to me I’m Overjoyed to see you here seeking compassion and nourishment for your soul

via my words without a doubt this is remarkable you have already felt a shift

inside yet there are still concerns this is the reason I’m present on good days

can annoy you by igniting your mind with distracting ideas that Rob you of Serenity however remember that you have

the power to find resolution in prayer every morning allowing you to face the day free of unnecessary burdens my

little one repeat after me and focus on the most important things things that will never happen should not be a source

of concern do not be afraid as long as I am your father your feature is one of my

favorites I love and care for you and I am always there to ensure you have everything you need

activate your faith and elevate your soul whatever your position kneeling

sitting or lying on your bed come to me picture this you close your eyes and

feel an overwhelming sense of appreciation for your loved ones your career and your good

health occasionally you don’t even have to ask yet I am pleased to hear your

request and I rely on your steadfast trust to extend an invitation my Angels

await your supplications with great anticipation and I am attentive to your voice I have commanded them to serve you

and that’s exactly what they’ve done you are my little one and I will shower you with mercy and Grace throughout your

life ask me for the finest wheat honey from The Rock the opening of Heaven’s

house windows and you will get an abundance of benefits living out your religion my might may lift the burdens

of sadness the bounds of evil and the shackles of sin wickedness and harmful

Behavior inquire about all that is perfect lovely kind and encouraging ask

me when it’s convenient for you and I will answer with infinite love even if

the job seems impossible as long as it helps you grow eternally and prosper on Earth insight into your struggles fears

and aspirations is something I possess I’m well aware of the fact that you have shed tears experiened times of Despair

and been lonely because of this I will hold on to your hand tightly I

understand that you need me again today you cried out to God when you were depressed and sorrowful before do you

still exist to show that I’m am listening to what you have to say I’m giving you this signal I’m aggressively

showing that I’m paying attention to you that day will come but I won’t say anything more concrete about it just yet

make their way into your daily prayers feel my constant support in being there for you as your caring father I hope you

will get to know me better you have my undying love believe me when I say these

things because they are true my love for you has no bounds and I hope that every

day you are well full of life and able to relax I fill you with Vitality

fortify your will and prepare you for this life-altering adventure because of this I am able to

encourage you every morning morning by planting encouraging thoughts and messages of love in your coronary heart

your day of Glory has finally come after a long wait my goal in life has never

been to wallow in failure or despair you were created to win some individuals in

your life have insulted and belittled you and I know that this has left you feeling inadequate like a failure and

like a loser they have also told you that success is beyond your reach but their feudal platitudes are weak

and won’t change your course you can achieve Victory I am the object of your desire right now let go of any horrible

thoughts my holy phrase says that negativity and feelings of inadequacy

will bring you healing energy inspiration and a reignited passion for

pleasure as well as new wants this is my mental image of you complete with that

radiant grin of yours right now and an abundance of joy in your heart there is

no end to your life rather it is a long and Winding Road filled with wonderful

surprises and kind people respond to my messages prove your health affirm your

faith in me and grasp my hand avoid Crossing at all costs I vow to love and

care for you no matter what I am showering you with unbreakable Holy Love Today I will come to your house and make

plans for your future your genuine and sincere prayers have pointed to me as the one who would save you the

electricity is mine and I I can’t wait to put it to use the key to unlocking Miracles is your unfaltering faith but I

also love you and no matter what I can always be there for you when you’re down you in need of my help a love that calms

and mends without passing judgment a kind presence that envelops you in silence without passing judgment you may

count on my undivided attention while I listen to you speak tell it like it is my darling I can feel your longing and

it’s true your own strength has been depleted realize what you want today I

remember that you and your family are on a difficult lonely road where loneliness kills hope and neglect satisfies a

Soul’s need for love it is a hot and arduous Voyage you feel pain from Stones

I can empathize with how you feel even though it’s hard to believe my hand is still holding you up I’ve come to

protect you from the enemies that attack and harm you just like gold is purified the most when it goes through fire

everything you go through today is a purifying process in the same vein will

you be the center of attention once you’ve rid yourself of the horrible things that have happened to you and are

free of wroth Pride fear uncertainty and a lack of faith then you may continue on

your future happiness will exceed everything you’ve experienced before may it help you see the big picture as well

as the little benefits in your lives and may you go forth into the world with a clear conscience carrying my qualities

with you in your heart your future is more valuable than your belongings your

family is invaluable and you are worth more than a million dollars your belief

in my strength and presence through your presence was unshakable I will now see to it that the

seeds you swed with your unfaltering trust produce a Bountiful Harvest in your lives and the lives of others close

to you because you have done it the things I’m about to bring to your house

are more than you can ever fathom and the rewards for your loyalty are on the way nothing less than the finest is due

to you your faith is a strength and you will reach New Heights thanks to your

modesty and honesty get ready for I am going to unveil hitherto unknown

possibilities and Frontiers Good Fortune will descend upon your little abod

my love for you my little one is Limitless how has today been going for you no undertaking will be too great for

you to handle if you remain steadfast in your faith and know that I am holding your destiny in my hands all the

provisions you want originate from me you may thank me for the good things happening in your life I remain where I

am find solace in the warmth of my loving hug when you’re feeling anxious

turn to me and maybe you’ll find Tranquility don’t let the adversary trick you into thinking your issues are

impossible to solve when we combine my magnetic energy with your steadfast

faith we create an unparalleled Force put your faith in me not in the

industry’s tactics your power comes directly from me and I am the one who can keep you going inspire you broaden

your outlook and make you happier than you ever imagined possible remember the

times you poured out to me in your anguish feeling abandoned even if your faith

wavered I came here to show you how much I love you and how much I want to see you succeed to lift you up I have

continued to express my love and support for you because of this there is no time to hesitate or let uncertainty obscure

your vision when you are about to realize several things when you behaved in the past without giving the matter

any consideration contemplation or prayer it usually led to difficult

problems I never tried to put some space between us but you tried to put some

space between us lay all your cares on my shoulders and may your spirit find

solace in these moments I fill your whole being with courage enabling you to

go forth on the road you want no matter who you have to speak to or how you have to stand up for what’s right I will be

by your side and your wishes will come true my dear I’ve always been by your side and I’m right here you shouldn’t be

be scared or give up on your dreams since bad things won’t happen to you yes

I have permitted Your Existence but that is only another check just like I

previously promised I am fully aware of what is going on I use your hardships as

a tool to mold and enhance you as it is believed that you have a significant

purpose in spite of difficulties I beg you to have faith in what I am arranging

and to have perseverance you will become more religious and more humble as a result of these trials so hold fast to

your trust in me I have full knowledge of your humility and Faith but I am working on other parts of your character

just trust me and see that whatever I let go of will work out best for you in the end like a valuable Diamond you are

my creation and unlike other human Endeavors I am always working to mold you strengthen your character and

increase your tenacity I work tirelessly to make you sure shine brightly even in

the darkest places on Earth your City Metropolis and the world around you are

enriched by your good energy and influence if you don’t face these difficulties I guarantee you won’t grow

into the person I want you to be your future is not stagnant maintain your composure and know that I am keeping

tabs on you additionally I may subject you to seemingly insurmountable hardships and I may also let trials

conclude for longer than you would desire take a risk the psalmist commands you not to give up because he is my God

and the source of my salvation my spirit has put its confidence in the Lord despite all that may come your way I

want you to be loyal let your adversaries see the strength inside you my darling is it possible for those

words of encouragement to likewise fortify your heart and may you find joy in knowing that I haven’t overlooked you

instead my Soother is nearer to you in time like these just as he is right now

talk to me from the depths of your heart I feel compelled to write this letter to express how much you mean to me and to

share my eternal dreams for your future with you like gentle rain from up high I

wish to shower you with extraordinary blessings stop acting like you’ve been unfortunate and give in to all the

processes I set you aside as a sacred newborn even before your birth I was

familiar with you and gave you a name before your notion ever existed I must

say you are quite lucky by introducing you and calling you I have shown

tremendous compassion especially considering how many people in our world still haven’t started to realize Jesus

you are very lucky keep in mind that religion is a gift from God not

something you can earn you showed great courage and gained wisdom and insight

throughout those trying days you have become become a more formidable Nimble and responsible soldier in my Navy as a

result of the hardships you have endured I would rather use you to guide lost souls to paradise and draw your family

closer to me shift your perspective and view setbacks as challenges that you

must overcome to achieve your ultimate goal rather than viewing them as unfortunate

occurrences keeping going for walks throughout your race is important even when the direction is challenging

stop or make another appearance you must not dwell in the Hereafter my darling be

ready for the future I’ve planned for you and your loved ones on this day I feel your pain your heart may be

struggling with inspiration and great ideas and I’ve also noticed that the air seems heavier than usual yes I do see

everything but I also know how strong you are because of the resilience I gave you you aren’t the kind to easily give

up when faced with tough challenges es your tenacity and resolve are what Drew my attention to you the challenges of

living a certain way could be tough you will not be fighting alone nevertheless

I have made it possible for you to experience this personally rather than via third parties the god of armies is

by your side and he is still very much alive because Christ Jesus by his own

death and Resurrection has made you more than a conqueror he will deliver Victory to your fingertip he now stands at my

right hand praying that you may be able to do what I have asked of you keep your

best self-respect intact no matter how bad things go even at the worst of times

it’s important to keep your cool and have an optimistic and self assured Outlook I can be the bright light that

illuminates your lives because I’m the one who gives you hope the one who controls the universe and the one who

will never leave you helpless if you ever fall if you will just hold firm to my hand

and keep your heart in harmony with my Commandments I will show you the best and most precise things please accept my

Expressions since I have committed them to your welfare if you put your faith in me and do what I say I can grant you

every desire for happiness when we say our goodbyes I will bring you back

together with the loved ones you’ve lost and introduce you to those who will enrich your lives I am aware that today

is not going to be easy for you and that you may be facing seemingly insurmountable challenges nevertheless I

will never put more pressure on you than you can handle you are more powerful than you realize and I am here to

encourage you and help you overcome your obstacles so don’t give up never let

sadness take hold of you instead remember to smile more often you’re not

just a conqueror you are my beloved child and I showed my infinite love for

you by revealing the presence of my humble son in motion via his sacrifice

in this very second you have the power to break free from all forms of tyranny

and find inner peace all of your worries should be directed toward me join me on

this voyage and you can trust that I will keep my word listen closely reduce

complexity and relax your mind I will solve all your problems the son of Joy

will repeatedly dispel the Shadows cast over you as the days pass and the gloomy clouds part I have not wasted any time

responding to your prayers I heard your screams in the morning and I felt your Weeping at night there are better days

coming for you when you can enjoy the benefits of your faith when you can get your hands on the things you need and

when you may Revel in my Marvels without fear in my abundant and satisfying Divine provision because of my call you

have been unwavering and persistent in your transgressions and I’ve come to confront you for this keep on testifying

about the God who saved you as your god holds you in his hands you will be a diadem representing my state and a crown

of Splendor for me I will never abandon you you will find joy in me and only in

me like the sand grains in the vast ocean your days may seem endless I want

you to look up and see the great things I am doing for you right now because I’m looking down on you with infinite love

love because I have chosen to share the Splendor of my state with you I promise

that you will experience Limitless pleasure in your heart and that my heavenly coronary heart will never allow

sadness to reside there through my words I will turn your sorrow into joy you

must be aware that I am going to reveal the most recent chapter of your life set amid the barren Wasteland of your

difficult circumstances in the midst of your solitary trials I will cut away for you

and r will cry out to me my kindness endures forever fulfilling my Divine

Purpose for your life you are the crowning Glory of my introduction and I will never leave you I have spoken of

the days of blessing and they will come to pass my word is the truth and no one

can ever trick my affection for you you have waited patiently for my heavenly intervention a testament to your

profound compassion you will sore through the air like an eagle after I increase your strength you are more

important to me than the stars in the sky my darling and my love for you goes beyond the bounds of space and time

right now I’m Reviving your strength this message is just for you I’m giving

you a stronger Faith than the one you had the day before since you’re perceptive celebrate today because God

has spoken to you and reignited your heart’s desire the storm will pass swiftly and the light of my kid will

shine brightly in the darkness when you you look back on the person you’ve become you’ll be grateful to me you are

really important to me I really do not want you to feel neglected or abandoned

never let adversity dampen your enthusiasm for the things that are really important to you the burden that

problems impose on one’s thinking is the real problem not the problems

themselves I get that thinking about how to improve your situation might be exhausting at times I’m here to give you

some Sound Advice that I really hope you’ll take to heart since it will bring you

Tranquility people often choose to live according to societally mandated ethical Norms during this time which might cause

them grief despair bewilderment aches and suffering those who disobey my rules

fail to experience true Joy but you my beloved child are my chosen one and I

have discovered my eternal purpose for you my message is profound and you get it because I know you’re going through a

tough time I have guided you to this message even if you don’t always have it easy I really respect your bravery right

now I feel compelled to tell you that taking care of your family is just

fantastic I have faith in your abilities it is not going to be easy but I will be

here by your side every step of the way your concern for improving people’s Mobility is evident but keep in mind

that it’s my job and I believe I’ll fully address your concerns eliminate

any stress from your life it prevents you from enjoying the little things that life has to offer I understand that you

are dealing with difficult circumstances yet I still ask that you share your troubles with me I have solutions to

your problems just tell me what’s bothering you and I’ll take care of it every day come to my presence and tell

me about your dreams your plans and your aspirations tell me anything that

bothers you my hands can hold you no matter how much you let out in my presence let me be the Refuge you seek

from the dangers of being alone on a daily basis I would want to listen to

your voice hearing your prayers is the most astounding thing that has ever

happened to me do this and I will give you my Tranquility in return your dogged

determination to Shield those you care about from harm reminds me of a mother hen laying eggs under her wings the

security you desire will be mine to provide put them in my hands and I will

grant your requests remember that you are living in a fallen world where problems will

always emerge give an alternative the purpose of my sharing

those sentences with you is to provide you with peace the kind of Tranquility

that cannot be found in any drugstore on Earth despite any challenges you may

face you may put your trust in me since I have already won the arena Ena you put

a lot of effort into your work and I know that sometimes you wish you could do even better but overall you do an

excellent job you do more than most people to keep your painting skills sharp and I can help you get stronger as

you get older from above I may direct your family and friends to do what is right for you in accordance with my

perfect will because of your intelligence modesty and tenacity I

value you more than the most valuable gems in the world know that I am always

here to help you when you need it consider that you are a member of my own family I will never leave you or forget

you my baby if you ask my Holy Spirit he will show you the way and fill you with

light so that you may stand solid put your uncertainties aside and stay close

to him with a dirty mentality you cannot extinguish his presence allow him to act

with unabashed power I desire to bring about complete healing inside you enough

to mend the unhealed wounds of your past to me it seems like anything is doable

let go of negative ideas and uncertainties have complete trust in my promises because I will never

intentionally disappoint you everything I’ve promised you will come to fruition

in you in the comfort of my arms you may find Solace under my wing you will find

Solace put your faith in the world words I am about to speak they are true and

will awaken latent parts of you Reviving them from the depths of your essence set

off on your path with steadfast trust be it confirmed that you have already

obtained them and are the rightful owner of them as you pray to me I will fulfill

your religious requests so that you may know the depth of my love and the immense power I have given you as the

day comes to a close may you reflect on the wonderful and compassionate God you serve he is like a loving Shepherd who

never leaves his flock bringing them nourishment from the Abundant Springs of his Heavenly

Supply I beg you look for my likeness the sound of your voice when you declare

your love for me is something I want to hear I pray that you find the peace and

wisdom to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones in the days

ahead it will be a time of major decision- making for you and your family

I want to provide you with my heavenly counsel your mind is a gift of immeasurable value and I have unwavering

faith in your skills because I’m aware that you fear making decisions that could cause me distress I am constantly

able to get under your skin I get great joy from seeing how you live this lifestyle your ongoing development both

in the material and spiritual worlds is something I wish to see your ignorance

ignorance of the fabric World should not hold you back that is why you give in sadness sometimes I find it discouraging

to see you in this kind of Kingdom especially when I’ve given you everything you need to be happy and

confident in yourself I believe in you completely you take pleasure in my

undying support for me and I know that you can do everything you set your mind to The Impossible is not possible hello

there my darling my heavenly power will descend from Heaven to restore everything that you cherish since you

have accepted my sentence inside your heart and acted upon it my power can

mend your physical body fortify your mind and Revitalize your spirit right

now my heavenly presence will dispel the shadows in your house bless your children and spouse and fill your heart

with my deep calm because I have seen your unfaltering trust and perseverance

my blessing will be with you in everything that you do pray that you will tell everyone who

thinks about me about my Limitless Grace I am attentive to the cries of the

oppressed a Soother of broken hearts and a loving and committed God slow to wroth

and rich in kindness I have everything planned for those who choose to agree

with me tell them that if they seek me out I will listen to their requests at

every given moment I erase all of a person’s misdeeds and forgive those who repent

as I’ve done many times for you and will continue to do throughout your life I am Vigilant and my heavenly arm is always

ready to assist the downtrodden I will always be close by ready to Grant your

desires hear your prayers answer your questions comfort you in times of grief

and lift your spirits when you’re down unlike anybody else I am privy to my

children’s deepest anxieties and know their every need renew yourself with your energy my darling I See You Weary

seeming excessive and sporadic and unable to discover the answer you seek

some of the worst days of your life are ahead of you I have seen the tears of Despair and heard the supplications of

your spirit for Solace throughout these days I have been there for you seeing

your Despair and collecting each tear I am really pleading with you you may put

your faith in me in moments of uncertainty do not let anybody or anything obscure the vision I’ve given

you remain unwavering in your faith even if your advantages seem to be falling

behind schedule you should not give up hope of achieving the future you choose for yourself and your family stay strong

you should not mistrust my promises just because you feel like you can’t take them anymore at that same moment you

need to pursue me with all your might in times like these you need to find

comfort in prayer yet when you pray give your heart to the Lord even as a little

kid you may be sure that I will grant your wishes pray knowing that I am listening that I will provide your

requests and that I’m utilizing your strength you should not limit the scope of your aspirations I would like it if

your wishes were lofty since you serve a magnificent God who grants even the most

far-fetched dreams I will not shower you with my blessings if you are doubtful or disagree with me therefore pray

constantly knowing that the prize you are to receive is priceless but pray without fear doubt or negative thoughts

I always do my best to reflect the spirit of your beliefs in times of Doubt seek my assistance and I will gladly

provide it never forget that uncertainty is tempestuous like the waves of the

ocean ignoring the thoughts and feelings of others you should embrace it completely

keep in mind that I have not changed at all neither have my strength nor my affection faded with the passing of time

Jesus Christ is the one who gave sight to the blind washed away leprosy turned

water into wine and revived the dead inside you granting triumph over all

deceit is the same Heavenly energy that raised my son from the dead if you believe me you’re about to succeed you

are closer to success than you think the result of your hard work will be front

and center in your eyes in no time please tell everyone who has faith in me

that they too may share in my Limitless Grace I am attentive to the screams of

the downtrodden a Soother of broken hearts and I have everything ready for those who choose to think about me let

them know that if they seek me out I will answer their prayers I am a loving and loyal God slow to wroth and abundant

in kindness I am a loving and loyal God when people turn from their sins I

forgive them and erase all memory of their wrongdoing I’m watching and my heavenly arm is always ready to help the

downtrodden just as I have done innumerable times for you and will continue to do so forever for all

eternity I will be here listening to your prayers answering your questions

comforting you in times of grief and giving you words of encouragement when you feel like giving up you my little

one are well aware of the dangers that lie within your community the enemy prows like a roaring lion anticipating

the chance to strike but while you are in my presence and my holy spirit is living within you he cannot meet your

sight through your eyes I beg you do not ever let go of my hand for any reason in

this life your words are like a weapon in the hands of my loyal and I can discern their true nature just by

listening to them in the land you you have taken you and your loved ones will live in peace have unending Joy never go

hungry have an abundance of food from your fields and share the Bounty with those you care about I will fulfill my

promise that your descendants will see my glory and that I will keep my word so

you may enjoy the fruits of my windfall with love and understanding I implore

you to seek me out with all your might for testing times are ahead stand firm

in my love so that you can weather the storms that are coming if you follow my advice and stand firm in my word evil

will not be able to take root in your hearts even if a thousand may fall on your left side and , on your right

it will no longer approach you my disease may also reach the homes of many

do not settle for the transient luxuries of this life instead keep your eyes peeled for what will last forever never

settle for mediocrity and never consider yourself a complete Ed product I like to

see your growth in all areas of your life not just spiritually returning the

loot that the adversary has taken from you is your purpose for being here debt

suffering and poverty are no longer meant to entangle you you were made to break free you shouldn’t put your hope

in monetary gain as I have not guaranteed you wealth but I know your desires better than you do so I will

provide you everything you need for a fulfilling existence trust me and I will make sure you never have to struggle

that’s all you’ll need I want to caution people not to be so consumed by the desire for material Prosperity that they

forget that all these Earthly Treasures will eventually be destroyed by people’s hearts all bitterness stems from a

desire for money I would rather fan the Flames of your faith Kindle Your Love of Souls and teach you the ways that are

considered useful only to my selected friends and family I am here right now

and you are looking for me I desire to hear your voice so I can answer your questions and reveal the special gift

I’ve planned for you for a long time a gift I’m eager to give you right now

with me the powerful God you will never be short of anything when I’m at my

lowest I’m right here because I love you I am here to comfort you and respond to

your prayers because you cried out to me your unwavering faith and genuine

prayers greatly appreciate me and I’m able to shower you with numerous blessings your prayers are like sweet

incense reaching for the stars and touching my heart I know what you want before you say a word yet I still like

listening to them may my love rooted in your unwavering Faith instill

Tranquility in your heart we have heard your prayers and we will answer them

your loved ones will no longer have to endure such trials your intuition will get sharper with the help of my

knowledge trust in God keep moving forward and look for the blessings I have prepared for you your heart will be

filled with the names of the people you need to contact even if you haven’t seen or talked to them in a while I’m sending

you to them nonetheless so that I may bless you via them and also answer their

prayers my little one this is how I operate to those who are sincere in

their pursuit of me and who agree with me my advice advantages make me more valued you should maintain humility to

safeguard future satisfaction when a magnificent Gateway opens in your life

get down to the Bible dwell in my holy word and watch your faith grow

experience a boost in your confidence make it a habit to join me in morning meditation pay attention hold on to what

I say and hold my promises close to your heart even when offered with wholehearted sincerity your prayers

retain tremendous power I want you to know that even if you feel grounded you are really

reaching the sky with your beautiful mindset so keep praying like that as I

gently touch your head May the skies ReSound with an overwhelming Amen in

response to your earnest prayers now my darling get a head start and bravely

face the day ahead there are angels in my wings and my love is all around you

my child right now the the holy spirit is around you giving you strength and

comfort innumerable ways my heart has been coordinating these preparations the

truthfulness with which you hold the teachings I have written into your Bible shines through its holy Pages you opened

your heart to me today reigniting the Covenant as you let go of the worry that

may lead you to believe your prayers are unheard in heaven we Rejoice with you in your gift of trust confidence and hope

as soon as you cried out an angel came tumbling down from my heavenly Throne

carrying the key that would set you free as a spirit fighting for your survival in the heavens you are unlike any other

even if the devil wants you to lose faith and Fall From Grace my Angelic Army is fighting him the challenges you

faced are not chance events instead they aim to challenge your resilience I

beseech you to use vigilance and wisdom in your word choice the adversary’s goal

is to eat you take advantage of your weaknesses and break your faith with false

accusations even if you have temporary difficulties they will not last forever since your future is filled with

miraculous events things will get easier for you and those who have wronged you

may even try to make amends but put your confidence and trust in me alone never

let go of the conviction that only I can save you from harm and bless you no matter how many others try to convince

you otherwise I am the one who never lies or fails to tell the truth your

blessings will whiz away like the wind and some will never come back if you put your faith in false promises made by

hypocritical people never let go of the conviction that only I can save you from

harm and bless you no matter how many others try to convince you otherwise I am the one who never lies or fails to

tell the truth your blessings will whiz away like the wind and some will never come back if you put your faith in false

promises made by hypocritical people never let go of the conviction that only I can save

you from harm and bless you no matter how many others try to convince you otherwise I am the one who never lies or

fails to tell the truth your blessings will whiz away like the wind and some will never come back if you put your

faith in false promises made by hypocritical people never let go of the

conviction that only I can save you from harm and bless you no matter how many

others try to convince you otherwise I am the one who never lies or fails to

tell the truth your blessings will whiz away like the wind and some will never

come back if you put your faith in false promises made by hypocritical

people never let go of the conviction that only I can save you from harm and

bless you no matter how many others try to convince you otherwise I am the one

who never lies or fails to tell the truth your blessings will whiz away like the wind and some will never come back

if you put your faith in false promises made by hypocritical people never let go

of the conviction that only I can save you from harm and bless you no matter

how many others try to convince you otherwise I am the one who never lies or

fails to tell the truth your blessings will whiz away like the wind and some

will never come back if you put your faith in false promises made by hypocritical people never let go of the

conviction that only I can save you from harm and bless you no matter how many

others try to convince you otherwise I am the one who never lies or fails to

tell the truth if you place your trust in deceptive promises from dishonest

individuals your Prosperity will fluctuate and a portion of it will never

return now is the time to firmly plant your trust in my mighty and everlasting

word which will remain unchanged forever choose my love and adoration with all

your heart when the hour of choice draws near and really vow to communicate with me every morning absorbing the

enlightening word that leads you and gives purpose I want to hear your voice

no matter how you’re feeling so don’t be afraid to come to me my ears are alert

and my doors are wide open bring your aspirations and feel my loving Embrace before the sun rises it is the right

time a fragrant gift would be to listen honestly to your words repeat your ideas

and set aside a spot in your heart for me express your aspirations requirements

Grievances and uncertainties because I am an authentic friend who truly understands you feel

free to confide in me about anything you may have been unsettled by The Tempest of hardship causing you to have sudden

panic attacks you may be lying there gasping for air battered by the whipping of scorn and brutal it I have

acknowledged your promise and will uphold it peace Seeker I will fill your heart with unfaltering strength so that

when you are weak you may draw upon me for strength when you fail Terror will

not devour you when the weight of your problems becomes heavy accept my promises please accept my Embrace I will

be with you always and I will shower you with blessings if you will just accept them come to me all you who are weary

and burdened Jesus said once and I will give you rest the abundance of my gifts

is evidence of the depth of my love for you there is tremendous weight to the decision I have taken today I seal these

vows with the essence of my blood ensuring a triumphant day that will

linger in your memory forever in my presence you will find joy and everlasting life free from sorrow and

suffering you can’t miss this sign your present difficult difficulties will eventually disappear and the assistance

you want is already on the way my love for you is immense and evident today my

darling make your feelings known and confirm your faith in me I get what

you’re saying patience is a virtue because you know that life isn’t always going according to plan and that

irritation May Cloud your judgment I will lead you with diligence in everything that concerns you according

to what Jesus said I am the one who leads to life and the truth through me

no one can approach the father my mighty power will manifest in your life transforming chaos into order and

significance you are very precious to me and I will never let anything that may endanger your life in tangle you listen

to the signals I send your way and don’t go off the road I haven’t already set out for you hidden hazards are what I

sense I sense intricacies that are difficult to understand as well as hidden motives that people Harbor

some people aren’t sincere when they say they’re friends don’t let imposter friends discourage you as they quickly

give into anger when confronted with minor issues before disappearing when things don’t line up

perfectly in your life it’s because you prayed for protection from evil spirits and difficult

circumstances rest assured I am attentive and will come to your rescue on these occasions I bring comfort and

Tranquility into your heart so you may take a deep breath bre I will explain everything in plain English rest assured

I am right there with you getting you ready for great things realize that everything requires time when the time

comes for you to advance it is my responsibility to alter the terrain clear the way and demolish any traps

that may be in your way nothing bad will happen can you believe I’ve held your hand the whole time your presence in my

life has always been constant my word has been maintained your turn now is to

perform have confidence in myself trust in God stand tall and be proud put

tomorrow’s worries in the past I’m here to comfort you and assist in the healing process know that no matter how bad

things become you have people who care about you put out of your mind the idea

that I am keeping my affection from you that is absolutely not the case even if

you’re going through a lot remember that my love for you is unending and I’ll be

here to help you through everything as you frantically searched for an exit I could hear your screams feel your

endurance and understand your hopelessness maybe you haven’t been paying enough attention since the door

has been there in front of you the whole time in the face of adversity I am the

way the hope the truth and the future for you if you are willing to trust and

seek my help I will bring you out of this storm at the exact moment and in the way that I side you may trust that I

will show you the exit I will bestow upon you extra strength and patience if you are tired of waiting and your

patience has run dry my Tranquility I shall give you you are so close to

realizing your admirable goals there is no time to give up now you must have complete faith relying on me for all the

help you can provide get my opinion before you make any moves there can be serious repercussions if you jeopardize

your gains keep in mind that you are not competing and that you are not required to demonstrate your Worth to

anyone I have previously shown that you can trust me now all you have to do is

travel steadily and intelligently and you will eventually arrive at the location of the blessings and wealth you

have sought keep these words beside you as you enter the country of promise you

and your loved ones are in for a very blessed season you have remained steadfast in your faith and now you are

prepared to Triumph give yourself the reality that you are my cherished child

and let go of the self-imposed constraints past hardships have shaped you teaching you the pain of constant

anxiety and the futility of trying to solve problems that don’t exist your

mind tormented you with erroneous beliefs and your spirit carried the burden of unfounded

anxieties you learned a lot from the adventure even if it hurt you are wise

enough to choose genuine companion iions and make good decisions today in accordance with my will you are making

the correct decision on the verge of greatness you stand a new age of

miraculous wonders is about to Dawn on you you will be filled with excitement and vigor as you anticipate the gifts

that are coming your way without hesitation take them in I will shower you with Benefits until you cry out in

Delight never give into hopelessness rest assured I am here to listen shield

and back you up I am the one who rescues you from harm who saves you and who

brings Prosperity from the depths of your being you seek me out the Wonders I

have planned for you are too great to forget you want times of complete focus when my spirit communes with your soul

heralding a turning point in your existence let go of resentment and destructive forces today and drown

yourself in the love River I have for you even if the Winds of this planet are

conspiring to wipe out the memories of the times I rescued you I am commanding them to stop at this second we are

inseparable I promise I will not disappoint you again come to me and I will rescue you with an outstretched

hand if there is somebody who loves you more than I do please tell me have faith

in it stay strong keep going because you can win this I am empowering you with

faith and bravery destroying your adversaries and mending your broken heart so that you may face fear head on

in every way I will show you the way to Triumph and I will open the gates of heaven and doors of opportunity for you

this is not a recommendation it is an order to eradicate whatever reservations

you may have about your value and the incredible things you are capable of doing with my assistance and power so

stop underestimating yourself listen up I’ve told you this adium but you’re not

alone I have given you the tools you need to succeed have confidence in me and trust me in my presence you will

find the knowledge courage and insight to face and conquer any difficulty no

matter how great or small you will not succumb even when your enemies band together in an effort to humiliate you

what you need I can provide you will not travel this path alone if you accept

this fact let go of your anxieties and confront these obstacles directly in the

face of obstacles my strong hand will lead the way and Vanquish the Giants you

are my dearly loved child and I have given you the ability to overcome every obstacle that comes your way these

adversaries will scatter in the presence of the light I have given you which drives out darkness and leads you to

tremendous triumphs and rewards even in the darkest of times an army of angels

keeps vigil over you to make sure you don’t fall take the crown that is resting on your shoulders and stand up

as your Mighty God I will shield you from harm fortify you from inside and cheer you on

to Triumph at every turn as you accomplish your goals my love know this

I am executing my Divine will through you behold I am planning something very

special for you you have been through hell and back and the adversary has used every trick in the book to try to

destroy you they sent scoffers to mock you poke fun at your religion and cast

doubt on your determination but have no fear I I am your protector your healer

and your rock when I put my powerful hand on your life I will heal all your wounds and ease all your sorrowful

memories through it all you maintained your unwavering resolve the adversary

sought to seow conflict in your home workplace and family but you clung to

your resolve and refused to surrender I know how difficult it is to overcome these hardships they cut deep

alter your emotions Cloud your judgment and sap your will to keep going and that

is why I have come to this very day to repair the damage that has been done to you standing tall and proud requires you

to keep walking your perseverance in the face of repeated attacks from the

adversary is a testimony to the power of my grace my beloved child you have

company I am here to bring renewal to put back together what has been broken

and to restore what has been lost knowing that I am your God you must have faith persevere and walk bravely I order

the winds and storms of this Earth to keep silent even if they may attempt to obliterate the times when I came to your

help you have my undying love neither have I ever let you down and I will do

the same for you in the midst of all the difficulties you may face I am here to lend a helping hand rest assured this is

not the last chapter for you I assure you that you will not lose this

struggle rise up today it is a day you will never forget even if it seems like

everyone is looking the other way I am here with my strong arm and an army of angels supporting me pay great attention

for I am addressing you personally in an effort to forge a bond that will envelop

you in love and wisdom as you go on this path to realizing your aspirations realize that you are

navigating a world beyond the mundane the moment has arrived and You Must Believe without hesitation that it is

yours to grab please understand how much I care for you now is your chance to

make the most of this moment even in the depths of Despair my love for you will shine like a light exactly where you are

right now I want you to feel it when you experience that profound feeling of pleasure all of your troubles fade away

and you feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders you are filled with fresh strength and a likeness that allows you

to stand tall you are on the verge of success therefore quitting is not an option sure winds may whip you waves May

Smash ceaselessly and storms may rage ferociously but while you’re Beneath My

Wings you’re secure I feel your suffering I understand what it’s like to

have those you trusted become your enemies driving a wedge between you and your spirit with their animosity and

brutality when you really love someone and are prepared to give them your heart

even when they treat you with contempt I understand I understand exactly how you

feel my beloved you must know this in the midst of a spring of tears and a

burdened spirit you are significant you must realize that when danger comes no

one can really assist you except me I will not condemn you for your frailties

put your fears of failure and death to rest night has passed and you may face the day with unshakable faith I have

restored your happiness fortified your belief and impressed trust in your very

being on the foundation of my word I have given you new insight and A Renewed

will there are individuals who would rather see you fail than succeed so don’t spend your time trying to change

their minds they may be resistant to your beliefs and Viewpoint and they may ridicule you again and again but you

don’t need their blessing to continue down this road you will win and they will lose their fate has already been

decided always keep in mind that you have me to lean on in times of need when you’re feeling overwhelmed by

loneliness just have faith and wait and I will bring the perfect individuals

into your life I do not consider you to be unimportant you piak my curiosity you

mean the world to me and I love you with all my heart you will be able to claim Triumph in a matter of days days I

seldom arrive late I got there on time I arrive precisely when you need me the

most the agony of waiting and the crushing weight of future anxiety that gws at your spirit are things I well

grasp that is why I beg you to let go of the burden that you are carrying this is not the life I want for

you to live in continual Terror of what the future holds keep your head held

high and your fears at Bay to open doors for you I have sworn to do Miracles no

matter what you can count on me to be by your side I control the passage of time

when I can’t fall asleep I think about you anxieties and worries that I already

handle will not overpower you if you speak out loud and say that you are not afraid because you have faith in your

best friend God the Lord behold as your anxieties go away never to return as

your spirit soaks up the uplifting glow of my my Tranquility discover joy in every moment

and live life to the fullest while you fight I will speak softly to you

assuring you that my hand is on your shoulder and that I will give you the strength to stay strong no matter what

please assure me that I have your support I have promised what I said I would give it one more go you’ve gone

too far go ahead and continue now as I taught you to wait for me I speak to you

now to fill you with trust bravery and unfaltering strength no matter how tired

you are you must remain composed and reassure your heart that it is safe your

loving father is the one who has the power to decide your fate your goals in life and the realization of your

aspirations do not ignore my soft beckons or turn away from my forceful Corrections the same goes for when I

speak softly now is the moment to hold on to my Everlasting affection I will

save you from danger protect your contrite spirit and answer your daily prayers I am grateful for the

conviction and honesty in your statements and eagerly anticipate your response there is no need to worry I

will respond I will listen and I will never leave you whenever you feel overwhelmed by fatigue keep in mind that

I am by your side put your trust in me and let me be your shoulder to cry on as

a trusted friend and Confidant I refrain from passing judgment I’m not irritated

by your secrets remember what I have said and let it linger in your thoughts

you may be certain that my assurances will help you focus on the Here and Now rather than dwelling on the past there

will be Limitless chances in the future but only those who are brave persistent

and faithful will be able to take advantage of them if you are ready to confirm your journey with forgiveness

the door to reconciliation is opening your tormentors will eventually get even with you with my support they will treat

you with dignity maintain your resolve and never waver as a leader you’ll soon

be making a difference in the lives of many people through your influence on the whole communicative Community have

faith in it and be ready for it to happen have no concern you will not be short on anything success will come your

way in Spades wisely handle it spread it out modestly and remember to be thankful

for all the benefits that are ahead of you as you bow down to pray thank me now

with faith and gladness even if some are still on their way when you speak to my heavenly father in prayer your words cut

through the darkness of discouragement uncertainty grief and despair destroying

every vestage of defeatism and pessimism on Thanksgiving speak out you should

keep praising your home will be filled with profound Tranquility as you raise your arms in adoration in this spiritual

battle all negative emotions will depart today and never return open your doors

and windows fearlessly no harm will come to your Abode my angels will encamp

around your family ever Vigilant to defend them from spiritual assaults Embrace this truth you are not a product

of chance before the cosmos came into existence I handpicked you and wrote

your life script I loved you endlessly before you were born and I gave you the strength to overcome

any obstacle and the will to succeed you know full well that the hardships you’ve

endured in the past have made you stronger than before live your life in accordance with that may these words

resonate throughout you deepening the sense that a great purpose is guiding your life and that my will is about to

manifest let those who rejected my advice deal with the complaints and

misunderstandings it was me who went up to them and started a conversation they

say they love me but they don’t take my word seriously do not try to be like them or seek their praise it is not wise

put your trust in God the Father Son and Holy Spirit rather than in them you

already have everything you need to make my promises come true for you and your loved ones put your faith in this

powerful do not depend on other people to inspire and uplift you the power and

assistance you need come from God not from human beings may they all eventually let you down God has heard

each and every one of your prayers the next several days will be the most transformative of your life even though

I see Miracles every day many still question me and I know it may be hard

you my darling are not one of those who still doubt my love power and existence

you may find healing through my word alone the kiss of my lips May raise you and give you life I want to enter not

just your house but also your heart right now even if you may believe I have no business being there I will write the

words of healing there there with a wave of my hand I shall release you from your

bonds I will alleviate your suffering by removing your concerns fears and pains

upon hearing my speech even the skies will bow down my heart’s desire is for

you to feel content at peace and confident in the future that lies ahead

therefore I’m trying to keep my remarks simple spending time with you allows me

to cradle you in my arms letting you know that I am here Loving You fiercely

and shielding you from danger this is the request I want to make to you throughout your lifetime my holy spirit

is at your disposal and I beg you to have unfaltering confidence in me so

that you might have the strength you need to embrace his healing and transformational anointing you are free

to go on without dwelling on the past and you should never again believe that you are deserving of the misery that has

befallen you it is a defeated World fraught with sorrow I say you have this

faith in me because you are a child of a powerful God have faith in me no matter

what and I will help you overcome every obstacle in your path it breaks my heart

to watch You Weep for hours on end and I want wonder why you cry when I try to explain that your pain is from a desire

to be near me from a spiritual need for my presence you are well aware that you are helpless without me if you haven’t

discovered the contentment and joy you’ve been seeking life may seem to be passing you by no matter how far away

your loved ones seem to be getting take heart I stand here at the foot of a fountain from which blessings will pour

washing away your troubles and cleansing your spirit anoint your head with this water drink it and let go of your sorrow

there will be no more desire for you I am telling you this because I have healed you today and your faith has paid

off you welcomed me into your home as soon as you opened the door while I am

here I will bless your family and keep a watchful eye on them the Wonders I do

for you will go beyond your wildest dreams and I will reward you abundantly you may be certain that I will keep my

word and bring you Joy again as my calming voice reaches deep into your being I invite you to listen pray

for me pour out your hearts and I will listen in return I will answer your

prayers and help you overcome every obstacle you face I would prefer not to

see your spirit engulfed in Terror pray on your knees with confidence and your plea will Ascend to heaven like a flock

of doves your prayers will go unanswered I will abandon you and no one will pay

attention if you heed those Whispers of Doubt after promising to be by your side forever how could I possibly leave you

it Bears repeating if everyone else abandons you I will remain by your side

providing for your every need even while your loved ones abandon you and your friends turn their backs on you as if

all the people that matter to you have completely abandoned you just as before

I will not change your requirements are my first priority May Tranquility in

velop you as you peruse these lines when you feel love and loneliness envelop you

my love will surround you and gently caress your soul you have unfathomable value as you navigate life’s paths I am

there to protect you from any hidden traps we have taken note of your steadfast faith and your persistent

efforts you are an inspiration to me because you work hard every day carry

heavy loads and prioritize the needs of others before your own even when other

others don’t return the favor at this holy hour my darling come to me and lay

your tired head on my shoulder I will give you rest take a long breath in

letting the Reviving air fill your whole being know that my Everlasting Love

tranquility and strength will be there for you in the middle of your Darkest Hours even if others fail or leave you

deeply anchored in the depths of heavenly care this deep devotion is more than just a passing sensation

as you approach close I promise to strengthen you so that I may be an anchor in life storms and a Haven when

things get rough I want you to know that my love for you is immutable and

unfathomable in the Sacred Space of our bond there is a place where your worries

can be let go and your tired Spirit can rest let my love surround you healing

your broken heart and Reviving your spirit in this sacred meeting

you will find a source of strength that can endure all the world throws at you in the face of adversity my love will

always be there for you shining a light even when the sky seems blackest and

giving you the strength to persevere so at this sacred invitation draw near and

let the life-changing force of my love tranquility and power permeate your

whole being May our communion serve as a Haven for your spirit a place to

recharge and relax I promise to be a constant presence in your life a rock of

stability when times are tough and an integral part of your pledge not only for today but for the whole of your

story I am well aware of your requirements in my company you let your passions and ideas hang loose I your

flame have many accomplishments still to come please don’t be insensitive or turn a blind eye when you speak I answer

whether you’re awake or dreaming I want to be the one to lead you out of poverty cure your ailments and Surround you with

my love and encouragement the pristine Waters will cleanse your spirit as you allow my words to seep into your soul

according to what the Bible says those who put their faith in me will experience an outpouring of holy water

with the break of each new day my Splendor surrounds you rousing you from your sleep clothing you and preparing

you for the struggles that lie ahead it envelops you in a comforting Embrace

filling you with confidence and trust and planting sacred words in your heart to strengthen your desire for a

miraculous encounter everything is possible for someone who believes my champion and I

am prepared to fulfill your wish today declare your belief and let a powerful

grin Grace your face as your eyes fill with faith radiating an aura of strength

and bravery there’s a final answer to your your problems waiting for you return my love it has always been is and

will be unending you might be grappling with deep seated feelings of loss and confusion as you attempt to reestablish

your faith following a betrayal by a trusted individual Whoever has faith and

confidence in the Lord is the most fortunate if you ever felt abandoned

because you thought I ignored your cry know that I’m always here for you my

presence unfold Ing and unending stay strong up to the end of time I have

watched intently providing many explanations and solutions even though you may have gone undetected your all

powerful God spoke to you with lovely words in the midst of your doubts they challenge you to accept them you deserve

to be free from the Journey of uncertainty if you are seeking safety and peace look no further here is the

place for you tonight let your dreams take you to a Heavenly Place picture

yourself standing by a Crystal River in your dreams and I’ll reach out my hand

and invite you to walk on wondrous Waters that wash away your sorrow rage

and aggravation when the Sun rises you will feel a tremendous sense of relief

from your troubles an infusion of energy and an overall Improvement in your

health seek not the oratory of others because I am here providing words of

lifegiving giving kindness rather seek the recompense that comes to those who

Find Faith admit they were wrong and return to believing you will be taught

all things and reminded of all I have spoken to you by the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name The

Advocate my presence is a boon to you I am the answer your soul has been seeking

speak it think it and write it with unshakable conviction just make your belief known amen


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