SAY THIS PRAYER For Only 1 Minute ..... Conny Mendez - Law of Attraction - Free AI Voice Generator

SAY THIS PRAYER For Only 1 Minute ….. Conny Mendez – Law of Attraction

once you do this money will no longer

feel like a far away wish it will become

something real and within your reach

so are you ready to unlock the hidden

power within you and bring abundance

into your life like never before

today Connie mandis will share some

life-changing wisdom on the importance

of blessing every aspect of Our Lives

including businesses jobs and yes even


but wait there’s more

Mrs mandis has an incredible exercise to

help you manifest money especially when

you’re in urgent need

now here’s the exciting part we won’t

just watch passively

oh no my friend we’re going to do this

exercise together

you and I hand in hand unleashing the

power of abundance

so to begin find a calm and peaceful

spot where you can absorb Every Word of

Wisdom that’s about to be shared

it’s crucial to be in a distraction-free


if needed pause the video find that

Serene spot and make it your personal


remember this is your moment your

opportunity to make a breakthrough

so let go of any distractions and fully

immerse yourself in this transformative


let’s talk about the power of blessings

I bestow a blessing upon your hands

because they have the power to act

blessing means speaking positively and

embracing the good it’s as simple as


when you speak well of something it

flourishes and everything around it

becomes grateful

even a telephone can be restored through

the power of a blessing

everything responds to a blessing

consider this

you water two plants but you bestow a

blessing upon only one of them daily

watching it grow beautiful while the

other Withers

eventually you’ll begin to bless the

other plant too

let people bless their businesses and

extend blessings to others Ventures as


if someone has a similar hardware store

or Pharmacy lest there’s two because

abundance exists for everyone

when you bless another person’s business

it will come back to bless you

that’s the beauty of love

bless your own business bless your

wallet and it will never be empty when

you possess money never in times of


bless your money bless the funds in your

bank account and keep bestowing


recognize that there is plenty to go

around but clearly State what exactly

you want abundance in

bless the abundance of money

and now let go of your worries

if a business deal falls through a sale

doesn’t happen or an employee doesn’t

work out it simply means that something

better awaits you don’t worry don’t

brush God doesn’t hurry

he effortlessly manages things in the

spiritual Realm

everything unfolds smoothly and gently

and don’t forget the magic formula

according to God’s will in harmony for

everyone and under grace in a perfect


thank you Father for already hearing my


there’s a powerful way to fulfill an

immediate need

it not only helps us create Abundant

Blessings but also fills the present


here’s what you need to do use your

imagination to create a vivid mental


imagine yourself receiving a substantial

amount of money in both bills and coins

to the point where it overwhelms you see

yourself stuffing your wallet depositing

money in the bank sharing it and

experiencing the joy of giving and

bringing happiness to others

but don’t forget to engage your senses

too feel the texture of the paper

between your fingertips hear the sound

of the bills and sense the weight of the


repeat this exercise frequently to

deeply impress your subconscious mind

and bring it to life

don’t worry about where or how the money

will come from let go of those doubts

this realization is a valuable residue

that remains even after you’ve spent the

money you anticipated

remember that the channels of God are

Limitless and unpredictable

keep affirming that this money will come

to you gracefully and in perfect ways

now let’s proceed with the exercise as


find a comfortable position and relax go

to a quiet place where there will be no


let’s begin by taking three deep breaths

to Center ourselves inhale

exhale once more

relax a bit more

now imagine yourself in the comfort of

your own room in the safe haven of your


sit down on your bed

feel the comfort of being right there

feeling secure

now look beside you

yes right next to you

there’s a pile of bills

freshly received a significant amount of


absolutely wonderful

it will cover all your needs

for months and there will still be some

left over

you already have a plan for this money

you know exactly what you’ll do with it

you even know who you’ll help with a

portion of it

look at your hand filled with this money

feel the excitement of having it there

feel the excitement of it being in your


hold it tightly in your hand

touch it

notice the stack of bills

equivalent to the highest denomination

in your country

it’s the biggest bill

you have a stack of the most valuable

bills in your country

let’s count them

one bill two bills three bills four

bills five bills six bills seven bills

eight bills nine bills ten bills

feel them in your hand

feel the paper as the joy of knowing

it’s here it’s already here

fill your body with the money you need

let’s keep counting

eleven bills bills thirteen bills

bills bills

bills bills bills bills


what a relief

what Joy

feel them they’re right there with you

life has provided what you needed

now you can find peace let’s continue


bills bills bills bills

bills bills bills bills

bills bills

what excitement

what relief

now I’m going to give you some space

to count the amount you desire as much

as you think you’ll need and even more

then simply open your eyes slowly and

embrace your beautiful life

remember it’s already perfect just as it


so let’s count even more bills

enjoy it

congratulations you’ve reached the end

of this transformative Journey with Mrs

Connie mandis and me

I hope you’re feeling inspired empowered

and ready to manifest abundance in your


remember the power of blessings is now

within your grasp

I’d encourage you to continue practicing

the exercise Mrs mandis shared with us

make it a part of your daily routine and

watch as the universe conspires to bring

you the money you need precisely when

you need it

if you found value in this video don’t

forget to like share and subscribe to

our Channel

thank you for watching

until next time stay motivated stay

focused and continue on your path of


you’ve got this

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