welcome to the sacred prayers Channel we have prepared this miraculous prayer especially for you so concentrate take a

deep breath and join us on this incredible spiritual journey with our Mighty God don’t forget to subscribe to

the channel and type the name of the person you want to dedicate the blessings of this powerful prayer to in the comments right down

here St Benedict will deliver you from all evil cast upon your life today we

will make a prayer that invokes the Divine protection of St Benedict the saint known for Waring off all evil

prepare yourself for a journey of healing protection and Liberation as we make this prayer to St Benedict a

spiritual Shield that will help rid your life of negative influences and pay the way for the peace Harmony and abundance

You Deserve You are not alone in this battle together we will invoke the

protective presence of St Benedict and create an impregnable barrier against the evil that may be haunting your life

do not miss the opportunity to free yourself from the evil that has tormented you say this prayer to the end

and allow St Benedict to intercede for you do not forget to subscribe to the

channel if you are not yet subscribed leave your request to St Benedict in the comments and put all

your faith and heart into the power of this prayer prayer to EST Benedict to

deliver you from all evil cat upon your life dear St Benedict today I approach

you with a heart full of faith hope and devotion I feel a deep need to cry out

for your intercession and protection as life sometimes presents us with challenges and adversities that seem

insurmountable however I know that you are a powerful defender of those who seek your help and I fully trust that

through this prayer I will be freed from all the evil that has been cast in my life with with humility and confidence I

Turn to You St Benedict known for your courage and wisdom in fighting the forces of evil your words and actions

are an example of resistance against darkness and it is with the certainty that I can find shelter in your

protection that I start this prayer St Benedict I ask you to extend your

powerful hands over me and over all areas of my life that have been affected by evil free me from all malignant

influences negative energies and obscure plots that may be working against me I

know that evil can manifest in many ways and that is why I implore your help to break these evil bonds and recover my

peace and Harmony at this moment I wish to open my heart and soul to you St Benedict so

that you may enter and purify all areas of my life may your words of wisdom and

your prayers intercede in my favor strengthening me and freeing me from all the ties that prevent me from living

fully St Benedict Patron against evil I know that Darkness cannot resist the

light of faith and devotion therefore at this moment I make a commitment to deepen my faith in God

and to seek a more virtuous life I ask you to grant me the strength and determination to follow the path of good

to choose love instead of hate forgiveness instead of Revenge compassion instead of

indifference may I learn from your example St Benedict and may your positive influence guide my

actions may I be able to make wise and correct decisions in line with Divine

principles and your guidance may I live a life that honors God and that is a testimony to his grace

and love at this moment I also ask you St Benedict to intercede on behalf of

the people around me who may be suffering from the evil cast upon them May may your blessings and protection

extend to all those in need so that they may be freed from the chains of evil and find peace and joy in their

lives St Benedict teach me to recognize the signs of evil and to resist the

Temptations that can divert me from the path of righteousness give me the wisdom to

discern between good and evil to choose what is just and virtuous and to resist

all forms of wickedness that may approach me at this moment I also thank

you for all the times when under your protection I was freed from Evil and found peace and

security I am grateful for your blessings that have accompanied me throughout my journey and for your

miraculous interventions that rescued me in times of need St Benedict with your

guidance and protection I Know I Can Face any challenge that life puts in my way I feel inspired and motivated to

move forward with Faith and Hope trusting that through this prayer I will be be freed from all the evil that may

have infiltrated my life may your powerful intercession St Benedict guide

and protect me at all times may I live in peace safety and

Harmony Waring off all malignant influences that may try to harm me May

evil be defeated and the light of goodness and virtue Prevail in my life I

thank you St Benedict for hearing my prayers and for being a faithful guide on my spiritual journey with gratitude

and devotion I entrust my life into your hands and trust that through your intercession I will be freed from all

the evil cast upon my life you St Benedict are the Shepherd

that keeps the wolf at Bay the Sun that dispels darkness and the light that shines in My Darkest

Hours when I feel like a defenseless lamb in the face of danger I see in you

the strength that protects me and the peace that calms me in this moment of

prayer I ask you to deliver me from all evil that tries to infiltrate my life

may your blessings envelop me like a cloak of protection Waring off negative influences and obstacles that try to

divert me from my path I see evil as a spider’s web that tries to trap me a

snare that threatens my freedom and peace you St Benedict are the scissors

that cut the ties that try to imprison me the key that opens the doors that evil tried to close and the shield that

defends me against the enemy’s tricks on my journey I face challenges

that resemble a labyrinth where it’s easy to get lost and feel disoriented I see evil as an enigma that

tries to confuse me a winding path that threatens my clarity of thought you St

Benedict are the guide who leads me safely through the Labyrinth the lantern that lights the dark paths and the map

that reveals the root of of wisdom when I feel like a Lost Explorer I see in you

the compass that orients me and a lighthouse that shows me the way in this

moment of prayer I trust in your protection and intercession St

Benedict may your blessings guide me through difficult situations protect me

against hidden dangers and free me from all the evil that tries to infiltrate my

life may I like a safe boat in a protected Harbor find shelter in your

devotion may I like a lamb protected by its Shepherd trust in your care may I as

someone who navigates the Sea of Life proceed safely under your guidance St Benedict your presence is a

Beacon of Hope amid life storms in the Whirlwind of days when the waves of Despair try to swallow me it is

your strength that sustains me your faith is the foundation on which I lean

and and your wisdom the guide that lights my path in this moment of communion with you I reaffirm my trust

in Your Divine intercession you who are a Bastion of faith and an example of resistance in

the face of adversity teach me to be resilient in the face of the challenges I face with each uncertain step with

each doubt that plagues my spirit may I find in you the Serenity and determination to move forward may your

protection be like a shield defending me from the snares of evil and The Temptations that threaten my spiritual

Integrity St Benedict in you I find a model of Holiness and

devotion help me to cultivate the virtues you represented in life humility

patience charity and unwavering Faith may my journey be a reflection of your

legacy illuminated by your presence and guided by your example I also ask you St Benedict to

look after those I love extend your protective hand over my family my

friends and all who cross my path may they feel your consoling presence and be

strengthened in their moments of difficulty just as you intercede for me

intercede for them offering them the same protection and blessings that I seek in you teach me St Benedict to

perceive the subtleties of evil to be alert to the signs of spirit ual danger and to distance myself from negative

influences may your wisdom guide the choices I make and may your light dispel the shadows of doubt and

uncertainty may I reflect your goodness and love in every decision I make St

Benedict in moments of weakness be my strength when I feel alone be my

company in times of fear be my courage may your constant presence be

the bomb for my restlessness and The Refuge where I find peace finally St Benedict I thank you

for all the Graces already received for the Miracles witnessed in my life and for the prayers answered your

intercession has been the source of countless blessings and for this my heart overflows with

gratitude continue to guide me protect me and bless me every day of my life

just as you over came evil with your faith and perseverance may I also triumph over the challenges that

arise may my life be a living testimony of your power and goodness St Benedict illustrious Warrior

of Faith your life story is a testament to courage and devotion in times of uncertainty inspire

me to seek the inner strength that resides in all of us strengthened by your sacred

intercession teach me to face adversity with the same bravery and firmness you

showed in your Earthly mission may your presence be a constant reminder that I am not alone on this

journey in every challenge may I feel your guiding hand your Whispers of encouragement and your light

Illuminating the paths I should follow may your wisdom teach me to discern

right from wrong and to always choose the path that leads to true happiness and

peace St Benedict you who were a bull workk against evil and a symbol of

spiritual resistance help me to fortify my faith may I remain unshakable in the

face of Temptations and steadfast in my convictions may my faith be a shield

against adversities and my prayer be the link that connects me with you and the

Divine I ask you St Benedict to intercede for me in times of illness and

Frailty may your protection be the remedy for body and soul bringing healing comfort and

renewal May in each moment of pain I find relief in the certainty of your presence and the power of your

intercession look upon those who are lost those who suffer and the Hopeless

St Benedict may they find in you a safe harbor a source of Hope and the

certainty that they are not abandoned may your light shine in their lives dispelling the darkness of

desolation and guiding them back to the the path of redemption and Grace may my

life influenced by your teachings and protection be an example to others

through my actions words and thoughts may I spread the kindness compassion and

love you represent may I be an instrument of your peace bringing Solace to troubled hearts

and hope to dispirited Souls St Benedict I thank you for your

constant vigilance and your tireless zeal may my gratitude be expressed in every

act of kindness and each gesture of generosity toward Others May I live in a way that reflects

your Holiness and propagates the message of divine love in the quiet of the night

and the bustle of the day May I always remember to seek your guidance and wisdom may your blessing be with me at

all times enlightening my being and strengthening my soul St Benedict with

humility and faith I Surrender myself to you lead me along the paths of life with

your firm hand and compassionate gaze May every step of my journey be

guided by your loving presence always bringing me closer to Divine love in the

presence of your Divine assistance St Benedict I now Proclaim words of self-affirmation so that those listening

May repeat with me and together we can strengthen our faith and resilience against the evils cast in our lives

let us repeat together I am a being of light and strength I have the capacity to overcome

any evil cast against me with this affirmation I recognize the strength

that resides within me the same strength that leads me to seek Solutions and to persist until every shadow is

dissipated I am learning and growing with each challenge each obstacle I face is a

lesson each overcoming a victory this journey is filled with opportunities to mature and

develop my actions reflect the wisdom and divine guidance in saying this I connect with

the source of all light and Truth seeking in you St Benedict the inspiration to act according to

principles of courage and integrity with each day I am closer to

achieving spiritual Freedom with this conviction I Advance confidently knowing that each step is

significant and every small progress brings me closer to my ultimate goal my

faith is the foundation of my spiritual stability amid turbulence it is my

unwavering faith that sustains and guides me I repeat with strength and

courage because I know that faith can move mountains and dispel the densest

Darkness gratitude for what I have opens the doors to more blessings by expressing my gratitude I

recognize the grace is present in my life which expands my capacity to receive even more I am enveloped by

divine grace and everything will resolve for my good with this affirmation I

accept the grace flowing to me believing that solutions to the evils that afflict me are manifesting in perfect time I am

committed to a healthy and prosperous spiritual future and in making this commitment I

know that my actions to today are building the tomorrow I desire oh St Benedict May these words of

self-affirmation be like seeds planted in fertile soil may they grow and

transform into sturdy trees of Hope strength and fulfillment may all who repeat these

affirmations feel your consoling and encouraging presence and together we may walk towards a life free from the evils

that restrict us dear St Benedict today I approach you with a heart full of of

faith hope and devotion I deeply feel the need to cry out for your intercession and protection

as life sometimes presents us with challenges and adversities that seem

insurmountable however I know that you are a powerful defender of those who seek your help and I fully trust that

through this prayer I will be freed from all the evil that has been cast in my life with humility and confidence I Turn

to You St Benedict known for your courage and wisdom in the fight against the forces of evil your words and

actions are an example of resistance against darkness and it is with certainty that I can find shelter in

your protection that I begin this prayer St Benedict I ask you to extend your

powerful hands over me and all the areas of my life that have been affected by evil deliver me from all evil influences

negative energies and obscure plots that may be acting against me

I know that evil can manifest in many forms and that is why I implore your help to break these evil bonds and

recover my peace and Harmony at this moment I wish to open my heart and soul to you St Benedict so

that you may enter and purify all areas of my life may your words of wisdom and

your prayers intercede in my favor strengthening me and freeing me from all the ties that prevent me from living

fully St Benedict Patron against EV evil I know that Darkness cannot resist the

light of faith and devotion therefore at this moment I make a commitment to deepen my faith in God

and to seek a more virtuous life I ask you to grant me the strength and determination to follow the path of good

to choose love instead of hate forgiveness instead of Revenge compassion instead of

indifference may I learn from your example St Benedict and may your positive influence guide my

actions may I be capable of making wise and correct decisions in accordance with

Divine principles and your guidance may I live a life that honors

God and be a testimony to his grace and love at this moment I also ask you St

Benedict to intercede on behalf of the people around me who may be suffering from the evil cast upon them may your

blessings and protection extend to all those in need so they may be freed from the chains of evil and find peace and

joy in their lives St Benedict teach me to recognize the signs of evil and to resist the

Temptations that can divert me from the path of righteousness grant me the wisdom to

discern between good and evil to choose what is just and virtuous and to resist

all forms of wickedness that may approach me at this moment I also thank

you for all the times when under your protection I was freed from Evil and found peace and

security I am grateful for your blessings that have accompanied me throughout my journey and for your

miraculous interventions that rescued me in times of need repeat with me with

conviction and hope I am a resilient and conscious being in affirming this I

recognize my capacity to face adversities with intelligence and foresight honoring the Divine Light that

resides within me my actions are Guided by values of responsibility and

generosity with this declaration I commit myself to act not only for my own

benefit but also considering the collective well-being sharing when possible helping to Foster the

circulation of positive energy I am open to new opportunities for growth and

evolution by opening my heart and mind I become receptive to the infinite possibilities that the Universe has to

offer confident that New Paths unfold before me me every challenge is an

opportunity to strengthen my faith and determination I believe there are no

insurmountable obstacles and that with persistence and dedication I will transform each challenge into a step

towards success I am surrounded by light and trust that all my needs will be met this

certainty fills me with peace for I know Divine Providence does not forsake me

and that my most genuine needs will be fulfilled my life is aligned with the Divine

Purpose for me with this awareness I understand that my journey serves a

greater plan that each experience is a reflection of my spiritual path I choose

gratitude as my response to all situations whether in light or Shadow I

opt for a grateful heart which allows me to see each situation with eyes of faith and

optimism I am worthy of a life free from all evil in affirming my dignity I reject any

belief of vulnerability and limitation and embrace the protection that is my Divine Right St Benedict May each of

these affirmations be a link in the chain that binds me to trust and hope

may I and all who join me in this prayer walk together towards a life free from the evils that restrict us may the

repetition of these words create a reality of Freedom where protection is an expression of divine div love in our

lives and as we experience the relief of each shadow that dissolves may we reaffirm our faith and our capacity to

co-create an existence of Harmony and gratitude St Benedict with your guidance

and protection I Know I Can Face any challenge that life puts in my path I

feel inspired and motivated to move forward with Faith and Hope trusting that through this prayer I will be freed

from all the evil that may have infiltrated my life may your powerful intercession St

Benedict guide and protect me at all times may I live in peace security and

Harmony warding off all malignant influences that may try to harm me May

evil be defeated and the light of goodness and virtue Prevail in my life I

thank you St Benedict for listening to my prayers and for being a faithful guide on my spiritual journey with

gratitude and devot otion I entrust my life into your hands and trust that through your intercession I will be

freed from all the evil cast upon my life you St Benedict are the Shepherd

that keeps the wolf at Bay the Sun that dispels darkness and the light that shines in My Darkest

Hours when I feel like a defenseless lamb before danger I see in you the strength that protects me and the peace

that calms me in this moment of prayer I ask you to free me from all the evil

that tries to infiltrate my life may your blessings envelop me like a cloak

of protection Waring off negative influences and obstacles that try to divert me from my path I see evil as a

spider’s web that tries to ENT trap me a trap that threatens my freedom and

peace you St Benedict are the scissors that cut the ties that try to imprison

me the key that opens the doors that evil tried to close and the shield that defends me against against the enemy’s

tricks in my journey I face challenges that resemble a labyrinth where it’s

easy to get lost and feel disoriented I see evil as an enigma

trying to confuse me a winding path that threatens my clarity of thought you St

Benedict are the guide who leads me safely through the Labyrinth the lantern that illuminates the dark paths and the

map that reveals the root of wisdom when I feel like a lost Explorer I see in you

the compass that orients me and the lighthouse that shows me the way in this

moment of prayer I trust in your protection and intercession St

Benedict may your blessings guide me through difficult situations protect me

against hidden dangers and free me from all evil that tries to infiltrate my life may I like a safe boat in a

protected Harbor find shelter in your devotion may I like a lamb protected by

its Shepherd trust in your care may I as one who navigates the Sea of Life

proceed safely under your guidance St Benedict your presence is a

Beacon of Hope amidst life storms in the Whirlwind of days when the

waves of Despair try to engulf me it is your strength that sustains me your

faith is the foundation I rely on and your wisdom the guide that lights my path

in this moment of communion with you I reaffirm my trust in Your Divine

intercession you who are a Bastion of faith and an Exemplar of resistance in the face of adversity teach me to be

resilient in the face of the challenges I encounter with each uncertain step with

every doubt that afflicts my spirit may I find in you the Serenity and determination to move

forward may your protection be like a shield defending me from the snares of evil and The Temptations that threaten

my spiritual Integrity St Benedict in you I find a model of Holiness and

devotion help me to cultivate the virtues you represented in life humility

patience charity and unwavering Faith may my journey be a reflection of your

legacy illuminated by your presence and guided by your example I also ask you St Benedict to

watch over those I love extend your protective hand over my family my friends and all who cross my

path may they feel your consoling presence and be strengthened in their moments of

difficulty just as you intercede for me intercede for them offering them the same protection and blessings that I

seek in you in the serenity of this sacred encounter with our faith we

continue to weave the mantle of our conviction with threads of strong and true words

St Benedict under your benevolent vigilance we solidify the foundation of our spiritual resilience with

affirmations that elevate and guide us now United in spirit and purpose let us

repeat together each time with more strength and faith I am a child of

Providence deserving of blessings and miracles with this affirmation I remind

myself that my Essence is divine and that protection is a manifestation of the Creator’s love for his

children I am fully capable of transforming the evils cast against me into stories of

overcoming each difficulty I encounter is a blank page where I write the Triumph of my story with the ink of

Courage and the words of hope my confidence is unshakable and my vision

is clear I see a future filled with light and protection as I visualize this future it

begins to materialize Brad into real Reality by the power of faith and the certainty that I am on the right path I

am grateful for what I have and for what is to come for gratitude is the key that opens all

doors each expression of gratitude is an invitation for more blessings to flow

into my life widening my recognition of the gifts already received and those yet to come I am committed to my spiritual

growth and continuous development in all areas of my life the pursuit of

knowledge and a practical application of wisdom are the foundations for building a solid and sustainable spiritual

reality every step I take is a step towards my spiritual Freedom with every responsible action I

move away from shadows and closer to the light step by step day by day my mind is

fertile ground for ideas that generate light and protection in affirming this I become a

magnetizer of Creative Solutions and opportunities for Spiritual strengthening for I know that creativity

is an inexhaustible source of divine potential I am surrounded by a

supportive community and wise counselors who guide and encourage me no person is

an island and by recognizing the value of communion and mutual support I strengthen the bonds that connect me to

a network of support and spiritual guidance with each Dawn I renew my

commitment to live a life of spiritual integrity and abundance with each new day I am given

the chance to rewrite my story to correct the course to choose again the path of righteousness and light






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