New Moon In Scorpio 2023 Manifestation Techniques - Free AI Voice Generator

New Moon In Scorpio 2023 Manifestation Techniques

hi everyone this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics and if you’re wondering what you

should be doing during the New Moon in Scorpio you landed on the right video today we’re going

to speak briefly about what you should be doing during this time and how it can benefit

you with your manifestations but before we get started if you’re new to this channel this is

the metaphysical Law of Attraction channel that gives you manifesting techniques in all different

ways the only thing I’m asking for you to do at this moment to support this channel is to

like subscribe tap the Bell but most of all keep watching the videos so now if you want to know

what to do during the New Moon in Scorpio for keep watching I’m back everyone now what is it

that I have to tell you you about the New Moon in Scorpio of and what you should be doing now

listen this is powerful you guys and it’s not what you actually expect because we are in the new moon

we usually think about planting seeds getting out there to do your manifestations yes that’s

part of it but because we are in the new moon in Scorpio I’m going to tell you some additional

things now listen the new moon in Scorpio is more about transformation everyone it’s about emotions

it’s about getting in tune with who you are it’s about becoming the new you now you’re probably

saying well Eyvette wow we’re having a new moon and it’s time to plant seeds and yes it is time to

plant seeds but at the same time you’re going to take a little bit of time at this moment because

we’re in a new moon in Scorpio to reflect to ref reflect on what you have in your life what you’re

doing in your life what needs to go do you need to control your emotions what is it really that

I want to do in life the new moon in Scorpio is very emotional and it’s a time for reflection and

it is a time for a metamorphosis everyone yes when I said a metamorphosis I mean leaving behind the

old you to allow the true you to awaken now listen this is powerful especially for those people that

are not seeing what they want in life they’re not seeing um their dreams come true when we’re

dealing with the new moon in Scorpio we’re talking about becoming the true you becoming the you that

is meant to be and at the same time taking action in that direction so when we go back to saying the

new moon is about about planting seeds it is it’s about knowing who you are knowing what you came

here for knowing what you desire in life and then taking action so when you find out what it is you

really want in life you are basically planting that seed because you’re finding out who am I

what am I supposed to do how do I feel about this how do I feel about my current occupation how do

I feel about my current relationship how do I feel about me in general and listening to your

intuition and then moving forward so again it is a metamorphosis now when it comes down to planting

seeds once you do the leg work on what is it you want in life what is it you want to do now it’s

time to plant that seed now it’s time to take some action and get out there and start moving

making moves that you know you should have made a long time ago so yes the new moon in Scorpio

is about letting go of procrastination letting go of postponing things that you know you’re

supposed to do but you kept making excuses or you kept saying I don’t have the time or I don’t have

the knowledge this is not the time the new moon in Scorpio is very emotional everyone and it wants

only for the truth to come out for you to be the true you the essence of your soul now listen I

love this because at the same time it allows us to be who we are it takes away the mask that so

many of us are wearing and allow us for once to be who we are I want you during the new moon in

Scorpio to take some time to reflect on what what it is you like what it is you don’t like reflect

on what is it that you wanted to do in life what is it I’m supposed to be doing and then figure out

how can you start to plant those seeds and take action listen once you do the leg work once you

get out and do what it is you want to do at that point you sayet wow you were right and it was

worth it now you’re probably saying Eyvette why are you near the water why are you by the beach listen

I am actually across the street from my house I decided to do this particular video near the water

because the new moon in Scorpio is about emotions okay it’s about release it’s about reflection it’s

about a metamorphosis a transformation so where else would I want to do this video but by the

water remember you guys the water in your dreams the water in life represents your emotions and

that is the reason why I am here today near the water so you’re probably saying evet what kind of

rituals should I be doing at this time now listen we just left out of the waning moon and that is

also a moon cycle of release of letting go during this cycle you’re going to continue doing rituals

that’s going to help you release that’s going to help you become the true you and that could be

mirror work that could be the um hono hopono technique that could be scripting writing a

letter to God that could be meditation that could be taking a walk like what I’m doing right now

by the water whatever it is that you can commune with your higher self with the angels that guide

and and protect you that is what I need you to do at this point and then when you get guidance when

you get that intuition that this is what you’re supposed to be doing at that moment I want you to

start planting that seed getting ready to take action to do whatever it is you want to do now

during the new moon a lot of people like to plant seeds and planting seeds can be um affirmations it

could be visualization it could be scripting doing the it could be writing yourself a

letter writing a letter to the Universe it could be whatever it is it could be prayer work whatever

it is you normally do to plant the seed about what it is that you want want and then I need you to go

right into taking action right into taking action and that’s going to take you into the waxing moon

so what I want to say Enjoy the new moon in Scorpio whether you’re coming up with a lot of

emotions crying not understanding what’s going on it’s all part of the healing process everyone the

main thing to take from this is this is a time of transformation this is a time of letting the old

you go so that the new you can rise so listen this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics

and we just spoke about the new moon in Scorpio and what you should actually be doing so again

everyone if you like this video the only thing I’m asking for you to do is to like subscribe

tap the Bell but most of all keep watching the videos if you want to join membership of

my world of metaphysics don’t forget to click the join button join so many people that have already

become a member of this channel if you want to know anything about My World of Metaphysics

everything is in the description if you want readings or coaching or if you want to buy

crystals candles Sage whatever it is everything is here for your manifestation purposes all in one


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