My Child See This Today | God Message Today | God's Daily Message | - Free AI Voice Generator

My Child See This Today | God Message Today | God’s Daily Message |

the good news is that no matter where

you are today God has given you the

power to change your future you can

begin right now to plant seeds of

blessing strength victory and joy for

your future if you’ll be proactive and

consistently declare the word of God

even if it’s just minutes a day you

are setting yourself up for victory

freedom and blessing today choose life

for your future by choosing God’s word

put him first place because through him

you have the power to embrace the life

of blessing he has prepared for you when

you’re going through transition don’t

get bitter don’t get down and think it’s

the end don’t start thinking that you’re

a failure have the attitude God I let

this go knowing that it was only a

temporary provision and what you have in

my future will be greater than what I’m

letting go

of if you will accept the change and

stay in faith God will open new doors

he will bring new opportunities new

friendships and take you to another

level of his glory prayer for today

father thank you for loving me enough to

work in my life today I release the

things I don’t understand into your

hands I believe that you are working

behind the scenes on my behalf I believe

that you have good things in store for

my future I choose to wait on you and

trust you now and forever more thank you

for empowering me to live in Victory and

freedom today I choose Life by choosing

to declare your word help me by your

spirit to always plant seeds of life and

blessing into my future in Jesus’ name

amen like if you believe in


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