MARK THE DATE! - "A SPIRITUAL PORTAL IS OPENING UP "👆 Your Miracles Are Coming | Lord Helps Ep -1196 - Free AI Voice Generator

MARK THE DATE! – “A SPIRITUAL PORTAL IS OPENING UP “👆 Your Miracles Are Coming | Lord Helps Ep -1196

minutes you will experience God’s
presence around you opening up a
spiritual door for
you this is one of the risest
opportunities of life to grab
on don’t miss
it take out minutes of your busy
schedule and lend a listening ear to the
ahead as they will guide your steps
forward how to grab on this opportunity
at your
best all those who are taking this
message lightly and mocking the Holy
Spirit by leaving this message
unfinished will moan later in regret
by the loving and wonderful guidance of
the Holy
Spirit I was able to know what God wants
to convey to all of us at this
moment God
said my
child I am opening a spiritual door for
you a spiritual door that stands before
you a door that I’m opening for those
who have ears to hear and hearts to
receive there are moments when I extend
a Divine
opportunity a chance for you to draw
closer to
me to experience spiritual growth
and to align your path with my Divine
Purpose this spiritual tour is one such
opportunity and I implore you to grasp
it with both
hands these are not the only kind of
opportunities it will bring in your
life but many more opportunities are
ready to knock the very tour of your
although this St represents a path
toward deeper understanding greater
wisdom a heightened spiritual
connection and the key to unlock many
Miracles it is also an invitation to
step into a realm of profound faith and
but understand
this not everyone will pass through this
door many will continue to disregard my
existence leaving this message
unfinished blinded by the distractions
and worries of the
world I will not allow these Unholy
souls to enter this sacred
door but for those who choose to see to
listen and to believe the rewards are
immeasurable type I am faithful and
affirm your faithfulness in
me dear child of God we all encounter
situations where it appears as though
opportunities are Out Of Reach we put in
the effort but things don’t seem to be
going our
way the loan application is denied and
we haven’t met the right person
yet negative thoughts can creep in
Whispering that door will never
open your dreams are
unattainable you lack the ne necessary
skills you locked
out sometimes it feels like a door has
been firmly shut in our
faces someone walks away a friend
betrays her trust or we Face a sudden
illness that door seems permanently
locked however scripture reassures us
that God will open doors that no person
can ever
shut God is your ultimate
doorkeeper he has control over the doors
in your
life you may find yourself standing
before a seemingly locked
door you might think there’s no way to
recover from an illness start your own
business or break free from an
addiction that door appears Shield shut
with chains and dead
bols but when your time
arrives the most high God will break
chains he’s about to unlock doors that
have remained
sealed you are on the spring of
entering what you have been excluded
from promotion healing freedom and the
connections don’t buy into the false
narrative that these dos are permanently
closed the God who opened stores is
about to tell demonstrate his greatness
in your
remember passing through this door
requires Faith trust and an open
heart it is a commitment to see God with
all your being to dedicate time to
prayer and
meditation and to immerse yourself in
word it is a decision to prioritize the
Eternal over the
temporary to live by his
guidance and to walk in the path of love
compassion and
righteousness the word of God as stated
in Revelation vers it
declares I know your
Deeds see I have placed before you an
open door that no one can
shut I know that you have little
strength yet you have kept my word and
have not denied my
name when God opens a door for you no
fors whether human demonic or otherwise
can close
it once the Lord has initiated an Open
Door in your
life it remains
unshakable some of you who are listening
right now have been patiently
waiting you have been eagerly
anticipating the Lord to unlock
new opportunities in your
life waiting for the answer to your
prayers and hoping for fresh
opportunities to come your
way I want to encourage you to hold fast
to the promises found in Revelation
: meditate on this
scripture and make it your
God has graciously placed an open door
before you that no one can ever Shield
set therefore keep your heart filled
expectancy anticipate and believe for
great things to
occur because a lord Jesus Christ is
good and is UN waveringly faithful to
world look forward to Blessings
streaming into your life for God’s word
assures in Jeremiah chapter verse
that his plans for you are to prosper
and not to harm
you to give you a hope and a
future so I confidently declare that you
are genuinely blessed by
God you are gifted and anointed you are
favored because you are a join here with
Christ and you’re empowered by the Holy
Spirit begin to offer your gratitude to
God in
advance lift up your praises to him
right now
know that doors are swinging wide open
for you and blessings and goodness are
on their way to you in the name of
Jesus let’s claim and confess this word
over our lives by sharing this message
with people in your contact
LS when you do so come again and let’s
pray to together this quick sh
prayer almighty God I praise you for
your goodness for your love for your
mercy today I have come to you in faith
thanking you in advance for choosing us
for selecting us to pass through the
spiritual door that is opening wide
us we recognize you your hand at work in
our lives guiding us towards countless
blessings healing
restoration and
miracles Lord we acknowledge that your
ways are higher than our ways and your
thoughts are higher than our
thoughts you see the bigger picture you
know what is best for us we trust in
your divine plan knowing
that the path you have set before us is
one of goodness and
purpose thank you Father for the doors
you are
opening which no one can
shut thank you for the opportunities and
fever you are besing upon
us we believe that your promises are
true and that as we step through this
door we will experience an overflow of
your grace and
blessings we pray for healing both
physically and
spiritually may your Divine Touch bring
restoration to our bodies minds and
Souls let your love and light shine upon
us driving away any Darkness or
illness We Trust in your healing power
to make us
whole I trust you to continue guiding me
in every area of my
life may I be found always to be in the
right place at the right
time because Because of You Lord I
you because I am blessed and highly
favored by your love I pray for every
person under the sound of my
voice new doors of blessings new doors
of favor are opening in your
life we trust in your guidance and
Promises to walk in faith knowing that
you are with us every step of the way
in Jesus name we pray
amen now thank you for landing an ear
and string our happy Christian Community
by taking out a few minutes in the
presence of
God do subscribe to this channel if you
wish to stay connected with God forever
and ask others to do the same we need
your support God bless everyone

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