Jesus Need Your 1 Minute Only, Will You Give? | God's message today | Urgent Message | God Helps - Free AI Voice Generator

Jesus Need Your 1 Minute Only, Will You Give? | God’s message today | Urgent Message | God Helps

my child open your heart to the symphony
of life that plays around you listen to
The Whispers of your intuition for it is
the voice of your soul guiding you
towards alignment with your purpose your
heart knows the path you must take even
when your mind is clouded with doubt
trust in the wisdom that flows within
you and you will find the courage to
follow your heart’s true desires type
Amen in the comments if you believe
remember you are a vessel of love
just as I have poured my infinite love
into the creation of the universe so too
can you channel that love into your
actions words and interactions
let love be the driving force behind
your endeavors
for it is through love that you connect
with the hearts of others and leave an
indelible mark on their lives
as you navigate the ebb and flow of Life
know that you are never alone I am with
you in every breath every heartbeat and
every step you take when doubt Creeps in
when fear threatens to overpower you
simply close your eyes and feel the
warmth of My Embrace I am your constant
companion a source of unwavering support
and unconditional love embrace the
journey before you with a spirit of
curiosity and wonder each day holds the
promise of new discoveries opportunities
and lessons just as the dawn ushers in a
new day
so too does each moment offer a chance
for Renewal and transformation live
fully love deeply and remember that you
are a cherished creation forever
enveloped in the Embrace of my love type
Amen in the comments and get blessed

8 thoughts on “Jesus Need Your 1 Minute Only, Will You Give? | God’s message today | Urgent Message | God Helps”

    • Thank you dear God for everything you have blessed me with you are the almighty God for you hear all and see all and you deliver miracles on your time AMEN and thank you dear I am thankful and grateful for all that you do AMEN

  1. Thank you Jesus for all your blessing for me lovetta Clarke lord you always on my mind lovetta Clarke cannot live without you Jesus I love Amen

  2. Thank you god for all that you do for this nation we god who look for you lord are happy that when the day comes I’ll be there lord. Thank you god for loving me and my family enough so that we have the strength to deal with everyday life with your love lord every thing is possible. Love you lord


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